CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan
#DrewPeterson jury NOW being instructed on the law... Deliberations just moments away...
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson judge tells jury that hitman testimony can only be used to determine if DP had the intent to kill Savio

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson judge tells jury that DP did not have to prove his innocence, they can't hold it against him that he didn't testify. Standard.

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson judge reading instructions. Boilerplate stuff about the fact that they alone judge witness credibility, evidence reliability

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury entering courtroom. No longer coordinating clothing.

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson atty Brodsky asking judge to re-read curative instructive about prosecutor giving barred evidence. Denied.

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson judge on bench. Lawyers taking care of housekeeping matters.
In Session ‏@InSession
Judge Burmila: “...faithful performance by you of your duties as jurors is vital to the administration of justice.”
Already nervous, nervous.

Are we to stay here on this thread, or will there be a Verdict Watch thread?
Who is updating today ? :) I can if you want me to.

Never mind, I see my friend N/T is here :)
Already nervous, nervous.

Are we to stay here on this thread, or will there be a Verdict Watch thread?

there will be a verdict watch thread... please alert on this thread when they are sent out and a mod will open it up
In Session

Judge Burmila has just taken the bench. “The matter comes on for charging the jury.” There is a brief judge/attorney exchange (about the use of the word “charge” vs. “charges” in the jury instructions). There are two counts of First Degree Murder with which the defendant is charged, however there is only one verdict form. The judge decides to read the instructions in the singular.

In Session The jurors enter the courtroom. Judge Burmila: “I will now instruct you in the law . . . you must not single out certain instructions and disregard others . . . it is your duty to determine the facts, and determine them only from the evidence in this case.”

In Session “The evidence which you should consider consists only of the testimony of the witnesses and the exhibits which the court has received . . . faithful performance by you of your duties as jurors is vital to the administration of justice.”

In Session “Neither the opening statements or the closing arguments are evidence. And any statement by an attorney that is not based on the evidence should be disregarded . . . the defendant is charged with the offense of first degree murder, and he has pled not guilty.”

In Session “The defendant is presumed to be innocent of the charges against him . . . that is not overcome, unless you are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.”

In Session “You should not concern yourselves with who made objections, or whether they were sustained or overruled.”

In Session “Evidence in the form of the testimony of Jeff Pachter has been received . . . it has been received on the issue of the defendant’s intent, and is to be considered by you only for that limited purpose . . . evidence in the form of testimony from Mary Parks and Teresa Kernc has been received on the issues of the defendant’s intent and motive . . . again, it is for you to determine what weight should be given to this evidence.”

In Session The judge now goes over the elements of first degree murder. “If you find from your consideration of all the evidence that each one of these propositions has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt, you should find the defendant guilty. If you find that any one of these propositions has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt, you should find the defendant not guilty.”
just a little linky for the deliberation thread:

[ame=""]We the Jury! (Websleuths Jury Deliberations) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

for those who tend to get lost around here like I do :)
In Session The judge goes over the verdict form. He then has the bailiff sworn in who will be in charge of the jury. “Jurors, go with the bailiff, please.” With that, the jury leaves the room to begin deliberations.
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury instructions over. Alternates being separated. Deliberations begin at 9:35

In Session
41 seconds ago
Judge: Jurors, go with the bailiff, please.

The jury has begun deliberations in the Drew Peterson murder trial.

In Session The four alternate jurors have retrieved their personal items from the jury room, and have now returned to the courtroom. They are advised by the judge that they will be kept in a separate jury room, and will return to the courtroom should there be any question. They are then escorted from the courtroom by a sheriff’s deputy. “We’ll keep you posted.”
Oh God. Here we go.....I think i will break into my provisions. I'll start with a Gravol :please::jail:
Thank you nursebeeme, got the verdict thread open and will remain there while I'm away so that when I come home I can read from post one. It's like reading a great novel and you want to hurry to the end to see the verdict but dare not to spoil yourself from the other meat. *giggles*
The waiting begins...........:grouphug:
I just hope whatever the verdict is, it's the right one and based on the law.... not because they like a lawyer or don't or because the state had a ton of errors during their case.

I really like the defense lawyer on IS right now; he thought Lopez was great or good yesterday. I guess it must have played far better than it sounded.
prepare to shift on over peeps:rocker:
[ame=""]We the Jury! (Websleuths Jury Deliberations) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

open for bidness... move on over friends.
everyone hold your thoughts for the other thread... this one is going to close shortly.
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