CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

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I dout it will be anytime soon when we know the full story of the video, PI, and all that..
But I can tell you this much...
If either D. Casey, or this Hoover guy or anyone in Baez's office asks for immunity, I hope that the State Attorney digs a hole under the jail, and they find their denial letters in the bottom of it..JMHO:furious:

Totally agree.:clap::clap:
I did not take the time to go look but when did Todd B. the spokesman for Jose B’s office made the blunder on camera about Caylee not being alive. I would be interested to see if this fits in with the timeline of this November 15 claim of John H as being told by Dominic C that they had found a dead Caylee and they were going to go get her but then did not find anything.

Respectfully snipped. Great post!

The Todd Black comment was in mid-Oct.,2933,439243,00.html
His name is somewhere in the rumor thread. Joy, herself, said that her husband worked for/with DC. As far as the same last name goes-maybe they're not legally married, maybe she kept her last name (some women do), maybe she or he use AKA's!
The list of players is very long, and getting longer all the time. I never heard of JH before this! There are no black and whites in this case-alot of grey areas-at least for now!!
Has JB been actively trying to make KC's story make sense by trying to take the facts and evidence and make them fit her story? He said when we heard the whole story we would understand. I believe JB has players in the A camp! He needs to build this story for KC that a jury will buy and not have the bottom drop out of it in court. Too late-it's falling apart before it even gets to court. Too many crooks spoil the story!!:rolleyes:
And I always thought because DC was working for the As that somehow connected Joy's husband to MN...I hadn't realized that he had worked for Baez. This is all too close to my liking.
First post by a former lurker.

That seems to suggest that the bag had not moved in a long time. If the hurricane and flooding moved the bag around - a long term indentation could not begin to form until the bag stopped moving. The same would be true for movement by animals or humans.

If one wants to speculate that the bag was placed there in (say) June or July and the indentation supports that - then they cannot also say that the bag was being moved around by whatever means. FWIW.
But the remains could still be.

ETA: WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!
And I always thought because DC was working for the As that somehow connected Joy's husband to MN...I hadn't realized that he had worked for Baez. This is all too close to my liking.

OK-this is like the game the "six degrees of kevin Bacon." We could start a new thread called "The Six Degrees of KC Anthony." Here goes one-MN is connected to the drunk cowboy(as a PI I believe and was sent to BP to cause a distraction), the drunk cowboy is connected to joy who shows up at BP and says she's with him and is with TES, she also shows up at the crime scene and says there was no standing water when Tim Miller says there was, her husband works for DC according to her, DC works for the A's as a PI, but previously worked for JB as a PI, JB is KC's lawyer!!
By the way, late story in Orlando Sentinal-DC says JH just showed up on A's doorstep one day and offered to help with protesters and A's said OK. DC says when looking at woods JH just showed up and started filming. DC says JH won't return his calls!!
Lee has moved apparently-there are pictures of stuff left behind outside the house. Possibly living with Mallory-whose mother is the accountant or trustee of the Find Caylee org. that donations were sent to.
Whew-need a break now!!
OK-this is like the game the "six degrees of kevin Bacon." We could start a new thread called "The Six Degrees of KC Anthony." Here goes one-MN is connected to the drunk cowboy(as a PI I believe and was sent to BP to cause a distraction), the drunk cowboy is connected to joy who shows up at BP and says she's with him and is with TES, she also shows up at the crime scene and says there was no standing water when Tim Miller says there was, her husband works for DC according to her, DC works for the A's as a PI, but previously worked for JB as a PI, JB is KC's lawyer!!
By the way, late story in Orlando Sentinal-DC says JH just showed up on A's doorstep one day and offered to help with protesters and A's said OK. DC says when looking at woods JH just showed up and started filming. DC says JH won't return his calls!!
Lee has moved apparently-there are pictures of stuff left behind outside the house. Possibly living with Mallory-whose mother is the accountant or trustee of the Find Caylee org. that donations were sent to.
Whew-need a break now!!

They are quite the incestuous bunch aren't they :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Sorry mods, couldn't help myself.
Not to be snarly, but most folks have a new theory every day :waitasec: depending on what is released to the media or not released.

LP is not stupid. He is not about to risk his lively hood and employment as well as PI license to get another 15 minutes of fame. He doesn't care about TV exposure. He is after KC, as he should be for personal reasons as well as making sure the correct person is convicted of murder.

LP has been on the mark most of the time with the info he has had at that given time. I too remember the former FBI agent that publicly vouched for LP and I have to believe that LP does know more than he has said. Too many people want to believe only what they see in this equation that KC has created.

There are far too numerous factors in this case that the older ones get lost and replaced by theories that people run with.

If and that is a huge IF, JB was informed that KC did in fact confess, he can only defend the evidence not KC's innocence. Which is the theory I believe has occurred. JB is doing everything a defense attorney should be doing; attempting to poke holes in the prosecutions evidence.

Don't think it will work, but he is gonna give it his novice try.

I disagree,

LP is a self proclaimed.."Media *advertiser censored*" & he also recently told Dateline that he "Loves all the Media attention" .

I also disagree with your statement that LP has been "on the mark most of the time."

In fact, I think he's been off the mark most of the time.

He has also come up with so many theories that it's impossible for as least a few of them NOT to be true.

In my opinion LP has a vendetta against the Anthony's because they used him & his ignorance to bail Casey out of Jail. It's still beyond me how he could have possibly thought that Caylee was with the "Nanny" or "friends" & that once he bailed Casey out of Jail she would tell him everything. I guess he's not that smart after all.

--Respectfully bolded and underlined by me:
Which could possibly explain why Mr.B wanted permission to bring in his laptop to the jail for meetings with his client.

Wow great point!! Never thought of that but makes great sense. Bravo.:clap:
What I don't understand is why LE has not interviewed these 2 PI's right away. Now they have had days to come up with some reason for doing what they did and also had days to work with Baez. I feel Baez is totally dishonest and don't think he has the right to do what he has been doing. Hiding evidence and the fact a body existed etc. I don't think a defense attorney is allowed to lie and hide evidence. I hope LE is investigating him too (and the BAR).

I'm still catching up and I apologize if this was already responded to. But Jim Hoover had his phone and other things confiscated by LE. Unless he has lawyered up, I would assume that he would have been interviewed as well. Dominic C. evaded LE's request for an interview, has lawyered up and the rumor is he will talk...if he is granted immunity.
LP really thought he could get KC to answer his questions. I think he knew from the get-go that she was guilty. Thing is, he was privy to a lot of conversations in the family. After getting to know them, he would have had some idea where Caylee was.

MN bolted, pure and simple. The PI was supposed to move the body, but when he got there, the body was scattered and there was no way that it coould be done. They decided to film "the area" and went on to call the meter reader and tip him off. They would have had his information, given the number of times he had already called. MN tried to get KC to do a plea bargain, but she, focused on her, her, her, refused. :mad:

LP was NOT privy to a lot of conversation in the family. He was only in the house for one evening and his original story was that Casey never said a word to him about Caylee.
I disagree,

LP is a self proclaimed.."Media *advertiser censored*" & he also recently told Dateline that he "Loves all the Media attention" .

I also disagree with your statement that LP has been "on the mark most of the time."

In fact, I think he's been off the mark most of the time.

He has also come up with so many theories that it's impossible for as least a few of them NOT to be true.

In my opinion LP has a vendetta against the Anthony's because they used him & his ignorance to bail Casey out of Jail. It still is beyond me how the could have possibly thought Caylee was with the "Nanny" or "friends" & that once he bailed Casey out of Jail she would tell him everything. I guess he's not that smart after all.

:clap::clap::clap: I agree 1 million %.
OK-this is like the game the "six degrees of kevin Bacon." We could start a new thread called "The Six Degrees of KC Anthony." Here goes one-MN is connected to the drunk cowboy(as a PI I believe and was sent to BP to cause a distraction), the drunk cowboy is connected to joy who shows up at BP and says she's with him and is with TES, she also shows up at the crime scene and says there was no standing water when Tim Miller says there was, her husband works for DC according to her, DC works for the A's as a PI, but previously worked for JB as a PI, JB is KC's lawyer!!
By the way, late story in Orlando Sentinal-DC says JH just showed up on A's doorstep one day and offered to help with protesters and A's said OK. DC says when looking at woods JH just showed up and started filming. DC says JH won't return his calls!!
Lee has moved apparently-there are pictures of stuff left behind outside the house. Possibly living with Mallory-whose mother is the accountant or trustee of the Find Caylee org. that donations were sent to.
Whew-need a break now!!

Wow that was excellent! Oddly enough, you could go on with this forever. Go take that well deserved break. Bravo!
Figures that Joy W ends up being in the middle of this. I don't like her. If she was on the phone to DC when the video was being taped, is she the one who sent him there? She's very close to the A's, did she get her info from them? Interesting that her husband works for Baez.

In the Rumor thread someone posted an article about Joy W's husband being a child abuser. If this was truly Joy's husband, the guy needs to be outed. I don't like what they are doing and I hate child abusers.
I asked this earlier and think it got lost in the duplicate postings, but what are all these measurements based on???? There was no body to find, she was spread across the acre of land they cleared post discovery. The MM found the skull inside a bag. There wouldn't be anything to film or take pictures of. If they were looking for the bag to remove it than I guess I get the measurements of how far off people were. There is still more to this story.

That's a good question. Didn't LP say on NG that the PI's were off by 600 yards? Now it's 100?
Thank you for mentioning LP's intelligence. His IQ is extremely high, he's no fool and he really deserves much more respect than he's been given.
Besides all of that he has a heart the size of California!

In my opinion Respect is something that is earned & LP has failed to do just that....."Earn my respect"

As for LP's intelligence, I believe that is open to speculation.
This is getting ridiculous. No one knew where Caylee was except KC. She's the only one that turned red, dropped to her knees and needed a sedative before the remains were identified.

The PIs are PIs for Pete's sake. They got hired to search for Caylee and they thought they had found her on November 15th. They didn't give up searching for Caylee just because DC no longer worked for Baez and they were looking for Caylee, alive or dead.

Maybe they just figured it out on their own about the spot?

It seems LP wants us to believe that LA told the PIs some information. I don't see it.

The MR saw something that bothered him and he reported it. He finally went to look and voila!
Why would anyone go around touting their IQ?! As an educator I can tell you it really doesn't necessarily mean that he's "smart" the way we think of smart. Too funny!

And why would anyone assume he's telling the truth? He's not exactly known for his honestly.

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