CO CO - Dammion Heard, 20, Gunnison, 30 March 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Dammion's headstone:

Dammion Heard Headstone.jpg

From what I gather from the family's FBs, the private investigation is ongoing, they have just been asked not to share any details, which is why things have been quiet lately. I am still hoping for Justice for Dammion!

Also, the family and friends of Dammion are having a Memorial Wrestling Tournament on the 24th in his honor:
Article about tournament for Dammion:

From the article: "Dammion's father said it took almost six weeks, but Dammion's cell phone has finally been unlocked by investigators. They are hoping its contents will shed new light on the investigation in the days ahead."
The family's private investigation has been getting somewhere- at least they have a good idea who is responsible for Dammion's death! His father has provided a bit of an update on his FB (which can be found via Dammion's FB) and will provide a more complete update soon. Seems though they are getting stonewalled by the college and Gunnison PD. Appears there are some eyewitnesses that have been told not to cooperate.

Dammion's FB:

:please: Justice for Dammion!!

wow I can't believe it; I remember waiting when he went missing, it's hard to believe that any one would fill up and then drive to a tree to hang themselves...I'd need to find his dna all over that rope to be certain. I want dna done on all of the rope, and lets hope they still have it. This is crucial to determine if someone else hung him..3 altercations and then a hanging. He sure doesn't sound suicidal unless he was totally out of it after three attempts to stop other guys from harassing a girl...left him to feel that he will never make a difference. I have a really hard time accepting this is a suicide at this point. Knowing all we know now....just horrendous. It might help if the PI interviews his Phisio Therapist as in PT patients talk and their demeanor etc is documented usually. So there is some work to do...esp dna testing on that rope or whatever he was hung with. Maybe they met up at that tree to fight it out and he was ganged up on. That is a scenario that keeps playing over in my mind as I type this out...
Sadness for his family and friends. What a waste!
How sad, glad to hear the father hasn't stopped looking for answers and it sounds like he'll get some soon
We have a new update from Dammion's Dad!! See post from today at his Dad's FB or at the Memorial page:

I'll paraphrase:

An eyewitness out walking their dog reported seeing someone with Dammion's body, where it was found hanging. This person was probably driving a truck, late model, white in color with a white camper shell. The license plates were themed, breast care awareness with pink on them. Police apparently didn't do anything with this information, but told the family they reported it to the media (which obviously did not happen!)

Also, independent extensive Toxicology report has come back negative. More to come...

Justice for Dammion!!


Very interesting comment under this story. I have been trying to confirm this myself. Conveniently, the college has removed the faculty & staff listings for the Criminal Justice department from their website.
"Police release cause of death in mysterious Dammion Heard case" (July 28)
According to the Gunnison Police Department, an autopsy shows that Dammion committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree. In a statement, Gunnison police detective Chris Danos said the toxicology report showed the presence of LSD and marijuana in Dammion's system.
Gary says his forensic pathologist did extensive toxicology testing and did not find any presence of drugs in Dammion's system. "It showed the toxicology of an athlete, of someone who cares about his body and his life." Nevertheless, Gary wasn't surprised by the news out of Gunnison. "I've known for months that they were going to say he was on drugs and he killed himself. I think it is completely bogus." "Call it what you will — doctored results or falsified reports — it's not the truth. I know that," Gary says.
Although there is an official cause of death, the case is far from closed. Gunnison PD has submitted several items for forensic testing at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, and the department is still seeking witnesses who may have been in the area at the time of Dammion's death.

Two similar updates:
"Gunnison wrestler's hanging death was suicide, police say" (July 28)
"Witnesses sought in death of former Ridge wrestler" (July 29)
Update regarding private investigation by family from Dammion's father, Gary Heard:

Some facts of the case.
Please share and feel free to comment.

Dammion was found hanging (but not completely suspended) 3 1/2 days after he went missing. His body and car was found approximately 7 miles out of town, just off the only major highway in Gunnison. His car was completely visible from the highway. His cell phone was found (in his car) with the battery removed. His car was locked and the keys were found in his pants pocket.

Dammion disappeared after at least two physical altercations took place at a house party. One taking place outside the house (early evening) and the others took place inside the house (late that night to early AM). The interviews we conducted and text records indicate Dammion and the first man he fought agreed to fight. The man showed up with some teammates and the fight began. The fight was soon stopped with the mans teammates pulling Dammion off him. Later that night Dammion was confronted by another man inside the house (this man was upset with D over the first fight) and another physical altercation pursued. Witnesses at the party said Dammion was "taken" into another room to be "calmed down" and "put to sleep". No one witnessed him leave the house or the room. Others reported leaving the party on account of the fighting and heated arguing. Dammion had plans to meet with a girl at his dorm but he never showed. Those involved in the physical altercations have either lied multiple times or refused to talk.

An eye witness was walking their dog and reported to police and our investigators that they "seen someone hiding beside Dammion's body" where he was found. That sounds like a "suspect" to me. Does an innocent person find a dead body, hide by it and then not report it? They also reported that this person was watching them through binoculars. They gave a description of a truck that was parked at the trail head beside Dammion's car. A truck that matches the description is registered to the parents of one of the men involved in the physical altercation that took place inside the house party. The truck was seen outside the residence for a long period of time. The police claim they checked into anyone involved having a truck matching that description and said "no one did". We found this truck by a tip generated from a local news paper ad WE took out. Sound like a coincidence to you?

We obtained pictures of Dammion the night he went missing. In those photos he is wearing a Texas Rangers ball cap, his earrings, and a tank top. When he was found he was wearing a hooded camo sweatshirt, (not belonging to him) his earrings were missing along with his ball cap. Dammion removed 100.00 cash from his bank account hours before he went missing and no cash was found on Dammion. Some evidence/items photographed at the scene were not collected for forensics/testing. The clothing Dammion was wearing when he was found was not taken for testing. Autopsy photos from Colorado clearly show long hair (not belonging to Dammion) on the hoodie he was wearing and on his bare skin once the hoodie was removed. I can only believe the police did not collect this hair for evidence because they knew nothing of it when they were asked.

The police had Dammion's cell phone for over 6 weeks and "could not open it" due to a 4 digit code. After getting them to send the phone to a forensic tech in Grand Junction CO, I assisted them in opening it. Very little info was shared with us for our efforts. A reported 6000 pages of text was collected by police and nothing indicating he was going to harm himself was found. In fact quite the opposite was found.

After being told by police for months they had a "latent" fingerprint on Dammion's phone, we are now told that not only could they not identify that print but they found no identifiable prints on anything, including his car. Really? So was everything wiped down? Do you wipe all your prints off before you kill yourself?

Some witnesses that our investigators spoke with have yet to be interviewed by Gunnison Police. The police released a statement to the media a few weeks ago saying one of the toxicology tests gave a result of a 0.26 ng/ml reading of LSD and a trace of cannabis in Dammion's system. The extensive toxicology we had performed shows negative on everything. The release also said the medical examiner in Colorado ruled Dammion's death a suicide. No surprise there considering the police called it a suicide from the scene when Dammion was found. The Gunnison County Corner Frank Vader sent me an amended death certificate on August 4th. He marked Manner of death as suicide. The original death certificate is marked pending investigation. So with the "investigation" still "on going", why is Frank Vader ruling a suicide?

DNA testing on some of the items collected from the scene is not complete. Obviously this "death investigation" was not handled properly from the start. The police say "its still an ongoing investigation but no suspects are being pursued". It's just not clear, at least to me exactly what they are investigating. Dammion's body also had many injuries not mentioned in their autopsy.

During the missing persons investigation the college (Western State) repeatedly told me and police Dammion was in classes and had swiped his meal card. Just a couple hours before I was notified by police they found Dammion dead by suicide the school said "they had made a mistake". The school then said "Dammion was not in classes and had not swiped his meal card". So did someone attempt to make it look like Dammion was alive? Did the school figure this out once they were notified of Dammion and change their story? Dammion's meal card was found on him and it was not sent out for any testing.

This is where we are at and what we are dealing with. Its completely insane for anyone to know of these facts and think Dammion killed himself. I have more I could say that gives weight to foul play but I can't tip my hat to much here. I'm done giving those that haven't and won't do their job a heads up so they know how to cover their asses. We will continue to stay vigilant in our pursuit of justice for Dammion. A higher ranking authority needs to get involved. The handling of this "death investigation" should be under investigation.

Thank you all again for your support. You are all so very much appreciated and we couldn't do this without the continued moral and financial support from so many. I will continue to update as I can. Keep Dammion in your prayers, God Bless! BeHeard

You're doing a great job with all of this reporting, Rhino-Esq. I'm just curious if you know why the local LE is trying to cover this up as a suicide? Is it a reputation of the town thing? Are any of the individuals from the party connected with "important" officials? Any theories?
You're doing a great job with all of this reporting, Rhino-Esq. I'm just curious if you know why the local LE is trying to cover this up as a suicide? Is it a reputation of the town thing? Are any of the individuals from the party connected with "important" officials? Any theories?

Thank you, Justice! This story has haunted me. While I do not think there was any conspiracy from the start to cover up any murder, I do believe the police department rushed to the conclusion that it was a suicide (and I can perhaps understand why given what it first appeared to be), told family and the public so, and then tried to dispute and cover up every fact to the contrary. In addition, it is a small town and there are likely tight connections between the PD and the college.

One such tie I cannot confirm, but alluded to in this post (read all the comments under this link):

Very interesting comment under this story. I have been trying to confirm this myself. Conveniently, the college has removed the faculty & staff listings for the Criminal Justice department from their website.

The college has since put back up the faculty listing, without the lead investigator listed as a staff member.

The whole case doesn't make sense. Even with the new information given from the independent investigation, if Dammion were killed or knocked out or "put to sleep" at the party, what about the surveillance video of him filling up on gas? Perhaps it was someone else?

I clearly do not believe he killed himself. I think Gunnison PD jumped to the conclusion that it was suicide, and upon realizing they were wrong and that this involved star athletes (or perhaps just students) from their college, they tried to cover it all up. How are there NO finger prints on or in his vehicle? Why did it get wiped down?? Where did his earrings go? Whose hoodie is he wearing? Whose long hairs are all over him? Inconsistent toxicology reports? How does a truck registered to parents of the person fighting with Dammion end up at the trailhead where Dammion's body is later found? And why is that witness being watched by someone with the body with binoculars? It obviously doesn't add up to suicide, but since they were so quick to call it (they told Dammion's dad over the phone when they were at the scene), and now may be protecting certain persons, they are trying to keep it covered up as a suicide.

All my opinion...
Update from Dammion's Dad:

I was told last week that Dammion's case will be closed this week and the ruling will be suicide. Witnesses still not talked to, evidence ignored and destroyed, some witnesses have said their statements were suppressed and down played. The person seen by a witness hiding by Dammion's dead body still not accounted for. The police supposedly made two arrests on drug distribution charges. The police claim Dammion's phone was used to set up a drug deal. Remember our toxicology report shows negative on everything and no one claims Dammion was anything but normal acting the night he went missing. The police in Gunnison are complete jokes and extremely crooked. I will expose everything and everyone's name that is involved with this in the event they close it this week. I have expressed my concerns with the particulars of this case to the DA's Office and the Sheriffs Office so we will see if it has fallen on deaf ears. My guess is it has but we will see. This whole thing and all involved with this cover up makes me sick. Remember what I said "no one will be held above reproach" the pieces of **** involved will suffer me as my son suffered/suffers them. I will update as soon as I have more. Many are emailing the sheriffs office, police dept and DA's office, please feel free to let them know this is ******** and Dammion deserves a proper investigation with law enforcement that's actually going to look for the truth.
Thank you all for staying in the fight and supporting Dammion.

Okay, so someone mentioned earlier the possibility of the photo catch at the gas station and if it would be possible whether or not it was actually Dammion? If Dammion was found with clothing on that was NOT his, could it be possible that someone else wore his clothing to gas up?

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