CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #10

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If it was a short flight time (which i think it was), MR could have already been on his way to the airport (i think we figured the airport was like an hour away from MR's house)when the flight was supposed to take off on the 17th. and when he got to the airport found out that it had been canceled. JMO

Or someone didn't call/text him to tell him .. on purpose or by accident ... we just don't know.
I see pinkish-red, green and orange coloring extending from his head out to the side of the picture, and the left sleeve of his shirt looks like a lighter color than the rest of the shirt to me. To me, it looks like a "defect" (for lack of a better word) in the picture. It almost seems to me like there is a semicircular area that has discolorations and brighter lighting, and it extends over his face and the left side of his body. Since it's from a security camera, it's grainy as well. JMO, I don't claim to be a photography expert. ;)
Because of the economic recession, Mark Redwine has been working out of the area and comes home to Vallecito when he can.

“Fathers and mothers do what we got to do” to support their families, even if that means long-distance jobs, Redwine said.

He specifically came back Nov. 17 to pick up Dylan at the airport. But Redwine said there had been some mechanical problem with the plane, so Dylan's mother rescheduled for Dylan to fly in Sunday evening.

From link above: I think some may be misreading this. Dad said we works out of town and came back into town to pick Dylan up.

For all we know (and this is purely speculation) they have a receipt from Walmart showing Dad did purchase a fishing pole for Dylan. So they believe Dylan may have got up the next morning and decided to go fishing before Dad got home. Perhaps they have a possible POI and their cell phone pinged at the lake. Trust me, they know more then they are telling us.

It's hard to believe he would leave to go try out a new fishing pole all by himself if he intended to play baseball with his friends on Monday.

Someone on NG said Dylan planned to play baseball with his friends on Monday and his dad was supposed to drop him off so he didn't notify his friends that he changed his mind and decided to go fishing. Even though his cell phone was off, he could have contacted his friends on his dad's phone before he left but apparently no one heard from him on Monday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His intent to get up and his dad drive him into baseball to meet his friends at 6:30 in the morning.’’
No. I would want to make sure I take even EXTRA PRECAUTION to protect my daughter.

But what if your daughter being taken was the one that caused everyone else to be extra-cautious? I think that's what haunts me in many of these cases. Someone, someone's child, someone's loved one, has to be the "first."
I'm not blaming anyone or saying anyone's irresponsible. It hurts me deeply all the way around, and I can't even imagine the pain these families go through.
OK, so great, it was true what he said about Walmart. Does this really matter? I don't think it gives any more credibility, and honestly I was hoping to see these more on the lines of looking at time frames and perhaps dad or Dylan was holding a phone or something.

It matters to me because I was somewhat of the opinion he might have never even made it to walmart. I was thinking soemthing might have happened immediately after the airport.
Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? I guess
we won't know that until we know where Dylan has been
all this time :(
I also see green on his arm. What could that mean?

ETA: I think the green means as much as the red, nothing. JMO MOO

Ha Ha you beat me to it. Going to mention the same thing, but couldn't think of a nice way to say it. Good job. jmo

R****, 13, a friend of Dylan’s said in an interview Saturday with The Durango Herald that Dylan originally was going to Bayfield to visit his friends Sunday night but then changed that to meet them early Monday morning.

That "plan" for the Sunday night meetup was changed once he got to Durango, IMO. The friends knew of the change, IMO
In all fairness, didn't his plane get delayed?
So I guess my question now is when did he tell his friends Sunday wasn't going to work out?
It's hard to believe he would leave to go try out a new fishing pole all by himself if he intended to play baseball with his friends on Monday.

Someone on NG said Dylan planned to play baseball with his friends on Monday and his dad was supposed to drop him off so he didn't notify his friends that he changed his mind and decided to go fishing. Even though his cell phone was off, he could have contacted his friends on his dad's phone before he left but apparently no one heard from him on Monday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His intent to get up and his dad drive him into baseball to meet his friends at 6:30 in the morning.’’
I don't think we know this was a new fishing pole iirc it is only speculation

as for the plans... they could well have had more planned. Only Dylan and his friends would know that.
bold and red by me... ITA

And on his left arm........ unless he has a burn or something.

Oops, ya'll been talking about it a lot. That is not a mark or an injury.
It's unnaturally red for one thing and the color and grain of the whole
photo is screwy. Those cams are for one thing and it's not GLAMOUR
SHOTS quality.
It's hard to believe he would leave to go try out a new fishing pole all by himself if he intended to play baseball with his friends on Monday.

Someone on NG said Dylan planned to play baseball with his friends on Monday and his dad was supposed to drop him off so he didn't notify his friends that he changed his mind and decided to go fishing. Even though his cell phone was off, he could have contacted his friends on his dad's phone before he left but apparently no one heard from him on Monday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His intent to get up and his dad drive him into baseball to meet his friends at 6:30 in the morning.’’
I think that's likely just a bad transcription.

It surely should read "Bayfield", instead of baseball. I watched that NG intently, and read the posts here while it was shown, and neither I or anyone else noticed any mention of baseball.
Just jumping off your post.

Ya'll think about this for a minute. Nobody was surprised that MR was telling the truth about Walmart "because everybody knows there are cameras" ..

But this same man who, after causing big red marks on his childs face and arm, knowing that there are cameras in Walmart, is going to let his son march in there with these tell tell signs of abuse? Where DR can walk up to anyone and say "Call 911" .. or run up to a security guard .. or whatever.

Something happened to DR. We don't know what or where, but I'm really uncomfortable with this demonizing MR <modsnip>

Security cameras are poor quality, in focus and color saturation. All this picture says to me is that, whatever time it was taken (because we don't even know this) DR was in that store. Period.

IMO IMO and :moo:

Glad this said just jumping off my post, as my post doesn't say or imply that dad hurt Dylan before this pic! Portions of the pic look red, other portions don't, IMO. That's all that was said. As I said, LE has better tools/info, and I'm sure they'd address it if there's anything to address. I didn't see anyone say Mark caused any marks. In fact, many suggested maybe Dylan cried. He could've also been rubbing his eyes if tired, had allergies and been sneezing and rubbing his nose, scraped his arm, etc. IMO, it's unfair to assume that people noticing what appear to be red portions means we're demonizing anyone.

There is a reason they are focused on that lake. And yes there is a dam there and the area where the cadaver dogs hit was at the dam if I'm not mistaken. There has been much debate about whether or not scent dogs (not cadaver dogs) were used and from what I read yesterday, yes tracking bloodhounds were brought in. They keep going back to that lake for a reason. Remember they are probably not releasing every bit of info they have to us-Joe public.

Can't 'thank' this enough. :goodpost:
Glad this said just jumping off my post, as my post doesn't say or imply that dad hurt Dylan before this pic! Portions of the pic look red, other portions don't, IMO. That's all that was said. As I said, LE has better tools/info, and I'm sure they'd address it if there's anything to address. I didn't see anyone say Mark caused any marks. In fact, many suggested maybe Dylan cried. He could've also been rubbing his eyes if tired, had allergies and been sneezing and rubbing his nose, scraped his arm, etc. IMO, it's unfair to assume that people noticing what appear to be red portions means we're demonizing anyone.


I think we all know what they are implying ... imo
We know more than a little, we know he made it to Walmart. That's about it. LE says they don't know what they bought. Really??? I know that Dylan isn't where he is supposed to be. HOME.
Not sure what to make of the redness on Dylan's face and arm. Maybe nothing. I wish we had additional pictures to compare but by itself, I'm not sure that picture shows enough.
So ER or Dylan didn't bother to let MR know Dylan's flight was delayed and rescheduled for the next day so MR drove to the airport Saturday evening for nothing?

I didn't read it that way. Just because he came back into town the day Dylan was to arrive doesn't mean he didn't get notification that the flight was canceled due to mechanical problems at the last minute. iirc the flight was just over an hour and it's just over an hour for Mark to drive to the airport. So I don't know how much of a heads up Elaine could have given Mark on the canceled flight. jmo

o/t my sister was on a flight in florida to return home and while sitting on the tarmac in line to take off, the pilot then announced that they would be returning to the airport because the plane was leaking oil. By the time she was able to contact us to the delay it was too late.The distance from the airport to pick her up was farther then the flight took to bring her back.
Not sure what to make of the redness on Dylan's face and arm. Maybe nothing. I wish we had additional pictures to compare but by itself, I'm not sure that picture shows enough.

I would think there would be other pictures taken at Walmart. For one. Them leaving
I would think there would be other pictures taken at Walmart. For one. Them leaving

Maybe there are, but this one showed Dylan best, and alone, which may have been LE's choice as one to release.
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