CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

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I think you misunderstand what I've been saying. I have no idea if MR was involved/responsible for his disappearance or not. I have no opinion on it yet because there's been no evidence (in my mind) that either proves or disproves what he's said. Where I have the problem is that whenever anyone suggests any other possibility, they are belittled, the boards are spammed with anti MR posts, and nothing other than him and OT subjects ever get discussed. Maybe I really am confused, but I came here to actually try to determine what happened, not to just pick a suspect and look for supporting evidence.

Well color me confused because I just don't see the problem in posting what it is that you refer to in the above post(ie. Theories other than Mark Redwine)..In fact I know that several of us have repeatedly said in response to the repeated posts of "we'd like to discuss other theories besides Mark" post the theories, discuss the possibilities, and give your opinions ...NO ONE HERE IS IN ANY WAY HINDERING ANYONE FROM DISCUSSING ANYTHING WITHIN TOS.. AGAIN, quite the opposite in that we've encouraged any who want to broach such discussion, go for it!.. In all honesty the "spamming" of this particular issue is just as often as "spamming" of Mark Redwine did it..

No ones stopping or in any way discouraging anyone from posting their theories .. What has been said is several notes of reminders that there have in fact been hundreds and hundreds of posts discussing all these other possibilities and that many of us have moved away from believing those other possibilities are near as likely to be accurate as we once thought they could be.. But just because some peoples opinions have moved forward does not at all mean everyone's opinions must change each their own..

So, at this point I must say I'm very confused at what the issue is???

There are posts voicing their dislike and/or disagreeing with some peoples opinion regarding Mark Redwine and that they would like to not focus on dad, but rather focus on other people or several of us have been saying for quite some time now, please go right ahead and discuss those opinions, theories, other's been repeatedly encouraged to do so..

Just as with all theories there will be those that may agree with those theories and possibilities and those that may not agree with those possibilities or theories..and that is the way it works across the board regardless of what side or position of the proverbial fence you may be ..people will voice their thoughts on the various points and where and why they agree or don't agree with those points..just as is seen with many of the theories or possibilities discussed involving Mark..many reply with their opinion of why they believe just the opposite..or why they don't see that a particular scenario involving him may not fit well in their opinion..

Those of us who are leaning toward the likelihood of his involvement are met with rebuttals of why another feels the exact opposite.. The same goes for discussion of theories that Mark Redwine is in no way involved.. They too will be met with rebuttals of why a particular theory may not fit well for other members..

it's the ebb and flow of how it goes.. And it's why I'm just really confused as to why it's being repeated that some want to discuss other possibilities.. When those possibilities could have been being discussed all along instead of the "spamming" about just wanting to discuss those other possibilities..


People are not "belittling" people for their opinions , they may be disagreeing and explaining why it is they disagree, but they're not "belittling" someone for having a different view or opinion... And if there is a post where someone believes it is inappropriate towards another member(ie.belittling) by all means don't hesitate to click on the little red, triangle alert button and the mods will handle it in a nanosecond[they're always around lurking even when most of us don't realize it;)]..

All theories and opinions that fall within TOS have not only been welcomed here in Dylan's case..they have been outright encouraged by several of us, several times.. So, I just do not at all get where the problem is??

Jmo, tho.
If we had the answer to one question only that might give us the MOST insight into what went on ,,,what would it be? I don't mean a question that we think LE knows but is not telling us. I was thinking earlier today. If we knew the answer to this >>>>>>>

Did Dylan go to MR's house on Sunday and sleep there ? <<<then we would know a lot.

Thats the Million Dollar question isnt it?
from above article:
"His priority was pretty much with his friends, so I wasn't alarmed," Redwine said, adding Dylan may have been impatient waiting for transportation home and set off on his own.


If Mark didn't give Dylan a ride Monday morning, then how did Dylan get to his friends' house?
So now he is saying he thinks Dylan was hitchhiking home - to his house - from his friends' house in Bayfield?
Am I reading this right? I haven't heard him say that Dylan was hitchhiking home? :waitasec:

I think it's wrong on their end, in context it appears like it should read "may have been impatient waiting for transportation AT home and set off on his own."
Actually, this is what bothers me most about everything we know. 13 year olds with cell phones text non-stop. NON-STOP. And they can text with lightening speed. Blows my mind.

I just cannot fathom Dylan not texting anyone at all after he texted his mom. I cannot imagine it. At the very least, the friends he was supposed to meet for fishing early the next morning to confirm plans. I can think of about 50 others as well if he compares to most 13 yr. old boys. Makes no sense to me at all.

One of the articles said after Dylan texted his mom he immediately contacted his friends.

Btw, the 'meet for fishing' hasn't been confirmed. If LE talked to his friends about this during their interview with them, then this info was not shared with the public.
It was Mark Redwine who put the buzz out there that Dylan may have gone off fishing at the lake about 5 miles from his house (because Dylan's fishing pole was missing and likely with Dylan); no word that he did that with his friends - especially after Dylan was expecting Mark to drive him to Bayfield the next morning.
I'd also like to know if Dylan has hitchhiked before. I suspect he has judging from comments from friends and family but it would very helpful to know, and if he was reckless when choosing who to hitchhike with.
If we had the answer to one question only that might give us the MOST insight into what went on ,,,what would it be? I don't mean a question that we think LE knows but is not telling us. I was thinking earlier today. If we knew the answer to this >>>>>>>

Did Dylan go to MR's house on Sunday and sleep there ? <<<then we would know a lot.

That's the one I keep going back to.
Waiting AT home.

Nice catch if that's another inconsistency and not just a typo

I think you're right in which case I find that news source's ( tagline to be ironic: "Over 100 Years of Journalistic Excellence"

Don't these professionals proof-read and see if their work makes sense anymore?!
Waiting AT home.

Nice catch if that's another inconsistency and not just a typo

Thanks! UGH! Stupid media! Its stuff like this that causes more confusion than clarification. Or like you said, another inconsistency with Mark. Is it any wonder we can't figure out what's going on? :banghead:
I'd also like to know if Dylan has hitchhiked before. I suspect he has judging from comments from friends and family but it would very helpful to know, and if he was reckless when choosing who to hitchhike with.

According to his friends he has, and his mom had a talk with him about hitch hiking.
There were no dogs on today's search, right?

We are nearing the end of thread 14 and we're no closer to answers or finding Dylan.


I have a feeling they are looking for pieces of broken phone or broken fishing pole.
I have a feeling they are looking for pieces of broken phone or broken fishing pole.

I have a feeling they're searching for Dylan. What good is the phone gonna do in the grand scheme of things?
You didn't have a child out there, supposedly missing! Who does that? IMO someone that knows his son won't be calling!

Oh wait, I remember Scott Peterson doing it during a televised interview.

I disagree. He could have been interviewing with police or in the middle of taking a polygraph. Any number of things could be reasons for his phone being off.

Who turns their phone off? Someone that is getting constant calls from the media, or who has reached the point that they can't deal with it right then. Nothing wrong with that, and not a sure sign of guilt, IMO. Everybody has a limit of what they can handle at any given moment.

Maybe there was a slight chance that Dylan might call, but perhaps he reasoned that the person Dylan would be most likely to call would be his mother. IF the theory is that Dylan didn't want to be with his dad to start with, think he's going to call Dad to tell him he's ok? I doubt it. And if police need to contact him that his son has been found, they probably would have gone to his house to tell him, not called him on the phone.
I am afraid the primary items being searched for today are in a lake or other body of water.
I have a feeling they're searching for Dylan. What good is the phone gonna do in the grand scheme of things?

It would prove something happend to him THERE. before he arrived to the house.

I dont think Dylan is in that area. And I think they would have dogs with them.
Jumping off, not direct reply.

Not to be a party pooper, but he was most likely being interrogated or questioned. In the hours after my daughter went missing, I was not really entitled to mess with my phone. They wanted my full attention.

But... maybe you returned important family calls when you got a chance?
I was wondering if Dylan was supposed to go to the lawyers office with dad that morning?
Why would he have to go in person to the lawyers office? Im thinking this all has to do with the visitation. But Im sure this lawyer knows Dylan is there why the apt?
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