CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #14

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I agree! And more serious problems that may have even preceeded the alcohol issues, maybe provoked the alcohol issues.

Having sex in your yard with ANYONE in the presence and view of your wife and children is more than just drunk. And violence against the children witnessing this event is ....unspeakable.

I'm not ready to write this off as merely erratic behavior.

I agree with this, the behavior really bothers me. To go to your ex wife's home and have sex with another woman outside the window (WHAT??) knowing full well that your sons could see it shows a complete disregard for the impact on the kids, and quite frankly a person who is willing to go the extra mile for spite and can't control his actions when beyond a certain point. Does this necessarily mean he's capable of murder? No - but it paints a troubling picture that there is a lack of ability to control his temper.
Wow! And the kids keep coming.....

I've seen another one mentioned as well, but I can't find anything that is MSM and not RUMOR.

I have no clue how to sleuth anything...just fumbling around with google.
With the search efforts intensifying, Nick said the most difficult part is the scrutiny involving his estranged father, with whom he had a fragmented childhood.

“I’m trying to find out who my father is as I try to deal with the loss of a brother,” he said.

One of the reasons I find this very strange, is that Dad has described Dylan as being
'his whole world' and that seems odd, if you are estranged and distant from your other sons. jmo
Nothing new all day from MSM or LE..... what wheels are turning right now to find Dylan??

When I seen this article posted last week sometime, I could have sworn I read that incident was investigated and ER was "banned" from driving the kids anywhere for two years? Am I correct or just making that up???
If I am correct, then I can't see how taking the kids out of school at the time is a nasty thing for MR to do, especially IF it was then investigated and dealt with as such.

Somebody please correct me ASAP if I have this wrong! TIA

No, I think you're right, it was part of the back-and-forth restraining orders the parents alternately filed against each other during their divorce, IIRC. It's in Jan's timeline. IMO "banning" is not the best term to use, though. Although I'm not familiar with Colorado family law, if it's anything like the rest of the country, temporary injunctions are commonplace during divorce proceedings. They're often granted by judges with little evidence to back them up. Sometimes the parties agree to them just to get along, so it's entirely possible that the driving incident did not occur, but the judge said, "well, just in case, here's an additional injunction." ER probably wouldn't argue with the judge if she didn't intend to drink and drive with the kids anyway (and who would admit to that?).
Where is he going to hide? He doesn't even have a coat. What would he be eating? And not contacting any of his friends all this time. I find this theory completely implausible.

Is it possible that if he did take off after his dad left to go to the divorce attorney, could he have taken one of his dad's jackets/sweatshirts/coats/hoodie, etc. - lifted something he wouldn't likely notice???

He could have the help of a friend, or friend's OLDER sibling - maybe even an older friend he knew from when he was in Bayfield? I know it's unlikely, but is it possible? Perhaps....
Is it possible that if he did take off after his dad left to go to the divorce attorney, could he have taken one of his dad's jackets/sweatshirts/coats/hoodie, etc. - lifted something he wouldn't likely notice???

He could have the help of a friend, or friend's OLDER sibling - maybe even an older friend he knew from when he was in Bayfield? I know it's unlikely, but is it possible? Perhaps....

I am sure they checked his phone records by now.
So, how would he arrange anything like that? I don't envision this happening.
I read the same thing. jmo

Do you, or someone, have a link for that?

I thought there was a court order based on a complaint made by MR. I did not see anything about an investigation, but maybe I missed it? Kinda curious why ER would not have a record if she was investigated and found to be driving drunk with the kids.
It is possible that the majority of months, the attorney was contacted because child support was not paid. Under those circumstances, ER should not have been contacting MR directly if it always ended in confrontations anyway.

He seems to have not kept her informed of his work status or place of employment, so it's also possible that many of the attorney contacts were MR seeking to reduce child support payments. Or he could have requested reductions each time ER received promotions or pay increases.

It is not certain that all the attorney involvements were over custody issues.

I also wonder if MR was filing complaints about ER's new relationship. Was her fiance living in her home? Because he may have been complaining about that living situation, if so.
LE has ruled out running away. I'm sure they have their reasons. This pretty much disregards things like having help from his friends, friend's older siblings, other kids/young adults who would go along with this type of thing, (which I have serious doubts considering how much time and effort has gone into searching for him)...because it all involves running away type situations. JMO
No, I think you're right, it was part of the back-and-forth restraining orders the parents alternately filed against each other during their divorce, IIRC. It's in Jan's timeline. IMO "banning" is not the best term to use, though. Although I'm not familiar with Colorado family law, if it's anything like the rest of the country, temporary injunctions are commonplace during divorce proceedings. They're often granted by judges with little evidence to back them up. Sometimes the parties agree to them just to get along, so it's entirely possible that the driving incident did not occur, but the judge said, "well, just in case, here's an additional injunction." ER probably wouldn't argue with the judge if she didn't intend to drink and drive with the kids anyway (and who would admit to that?).

I agree I shouldn't have used the word "banned", I was just typing too quickly for my brain to even catch up. Sorry...
BBM. I'm sorry what? Who had what where?

the report said - written by Mark - 7/4/08

While at his ______ house I was attacked and beaten then left for hours until I woke up and Corey admitted he was the one who beat me. A woman in the house several months ago Corey became violent with his ____ and tried to throw down a flight of stairs. ___ had numerous bruises and has admitted to me she can't control him and is afraid of him.

**I do not know what women/girl they are talking about - Mark did NOT say it was Elaine

the report written by Elaine on 7/4/08

Mark was having sex with a friend of ours in our yard under my window. Corey saw everything. Corey confronted mark. Mark got extremely beligerant as he was very drunk and grabbed me and took a swing at his son,
"D" reacted and hit Mark. He becomes extremely mean when drinking. Lets our 9 year old drive an ATV w/out him. The sheriff's office has spoken to him about this.

in 2005 mark wrote

2 years ago when living in Denver area she was bad about drinking and driving with kids. I removed the children from school because I was afraid she would pick them up drunk or after drinking.

reporter says - judge issued temp order for her to not be around kids while drinking or driving them ****I think for the next 2 years

This is what I transcribed...I may not be totally right but you get the picture and sorry if this has already been posted.

***transcribed from 9 new video of 12/6
You have my vote!!! Whatever works best - would be great to also have it linked with the media/timelines at beginning of each thread. Really helps to quickly track down key words - related links (at least it does for me).

As soon as I get my boys fed I will get this done.

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If Dylan had wanted to run away...why not go to Bayfield first and leave from there?

Anyway, even if he had a fight with his Dad on Sunday night and decided to take off, to get someone to "hide" him, either that night or the next morning, I do not believe he wouldn't have called or texted someone. He would not have been thinking about phone records, in my opinion. He would have wanted a ride, wanted to make sure someone would take him in, just isn't feasible, to me.

I fear the only options, really, are that he is in captivity with a predator, or he is not alive. But how can he be found?
Is it possible that if he did take off after his dad left to go to the divorce attorney, could he have taken one of his dad's jackets/sweatshirts/coats/hoodie, etc. - lifted something he wouldn't likely notice???

He could have the help of a friend, or friend's OLDER sibling - maybe even an older friend he knew from when he was in Bayfield? I know it's unlikely, but is it possible? Perhaps....

I just don't see a very social, popular 13 yr old, having the desire to 'hide out' from his friends. Friends and girlfriends are the most important things to most 13 yr olds. I can't see him wanting to hide out in an abandoned cabin, with no friends or fun or social connections.

And if it is true that his grandmother has cancer, I highly doubt he would leave right now. JMO
I also wonder if MR was filing complaints about ER's new relationship. Was her fiance living in her home? Because he may have been complaining about that living situation, if so.

I have a few theories about ER relationship. Thinking it may have been the catalyst for many of the recent complaints and custody issues. From what has been revealed, MR didn't have much contact with Dylan even when he shared joint custody. Wonder when ER "new" relationship began and if that may have been a tipping point. She is obviously moving man, new job, new home, new life. Wonder how this went over with MR?
Do you, or someone, have a link for that?

I thought there was a court order based on a complaint made by MR. I did not see anything about an investigation, but maybe I missed it? Kinda curious why ER would not have a record if she was investigated and found to be driving drunk with the kids.

A temporary order in a divorce is a civil order, not criminal, so ER would not have any kind of criminal complaint against her as a result of the divorce unless somehow MR or Child Protective Services involved the police after the fact, or, obviously, if she was arrested while she actually had the kids in the car while drunk. It appears that there was no police involvement, but that MR made the accusations in family (civil) court during divorce proceedings. I haven't researched her criminal record so there may be a ticket out there for DWI.
LE has ruled out running away. I'm sure they have their reasons. This pretty much disregards things like having help from his friends, friend's older siblings, other kids/young adults who would go along with this type of thing, (which I have serious doubts considering how much time and effort has gone into searching for him)...because it all involves running away type situations. JMO

I agree with you.

However, while we're on the subject, and since I'm "contrary" by nature -- I wonder how many times LE has ruled out something initially only to find out they were wrong? Or is LE always right in their initial theories? JUST CURIOUS
But there were msm statements from his friends and family stating that they never heard from him[ after 8 pm Sunday. ] So to me, that means he did not use the landline that morning. jmo

me too- unless he spoke to someone who was not technically a friend nor family....???
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