CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #18

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I don't have anything new to add, but I just wanted to say that I too check Dylan's thread several times a day, hoping for some kind of news. Being relatively new to here, this is the first case I've followed that has not been solved *fairly* quickly, I actually don't think I've ever followed a case that has gone this long without being solved... or without SOME kind of information being released by LE.

Even though I find it incredibly frustrating that LE have not made any kind of statement to the public, I'm hoping this is for a good reason that we may come to know in time. Until then, I will continue to check in every day. For Dylan.

I've pretty much avoided this thread since Friday when the rules changed again. It's taken me 4 days to accept that.

But this case means a lot to me. Dylan does. I have my theories about what happened but they aren't popular and they are pretty much against TOS so I have to sit on my fingers about them.

As far as cases I've followed....I've followed several that have no been solved. The LISK case, the McStay case, the Bob Harrod case. All are years old now with no new leads and no releases from LE. It's hard. We keep going over what we do know over and over again, hoping something new comes up that will break the case wide open. It's frustrating. JMO
I don't have a problem believing that Dylan MIGHT hitch a ride to town if he needed to get somewhere.

But I do have a problem believing that happened on Monday morning. There are a couple of reasons I don't believe it.

He never tried to contact his friend, to say he missed his ride and to try and get one first. He never contacted him to see if he was still waiting there for him.
[ which he wasn't---because he texted D at 10 am to tell him where to go meet up.]

And if by some coinkydink, the cell was not working, he still had a landline, a computer with wifi and an i-pod that texted. So I believe he would have made some attempt to contact his friends before he tried to hitch a ride 20 miles away.

And he knew his dad was coming back at 11, and it was probably close to 10 by the time he woke up ate and watched Spongebob. Why hitchhike in the cold, with a heavy backpack and a fishing pole, if your ride is coming soon?

And if he did try to hike and hitch hike into town, why didn't anyone report seeing him? Is the only person who saw him that morning a serial killer?

ETA: also, we just saw D's texts, where he told his friend he was going to call and text him all day the next day, if need be...

Piggybacking onto this explanation, I can think of another major reason why Dylan would not have tried to hitch a ride to B-town that morning.

If we assume that he did not have a working cell phone that morning, then why would he try to hitch a ride to find his friend, knowing he was visiting his grandma. I doubt that they planned to spend the day at grandma's house. I bet D knew that R would be out and about. If d didnt have a phone and he hitchhiked, he would be stranded in town with no way of knowing where his friends were at.

But if he just waited an hour or so for a ride, he could get a ride from dad, who would have a cell and who would drive him to a few places to meet up with his friends. So why would he grab all of his belongings and lug them around on the highway, hoping for a ride, and not even knowing exactly where his friends were at the time?
LE was so quick to rule out running away and/or Dylan having an accident while walking. Is this due to knowledge that we are unaware of, or really just due to the lack of phone use and his not being found as yet? Plenty of people have gone missing while walking, hiking, driving, etc. and not been found for months or longer. I was never comfortable with Le ruling out scenarios so quickly.

But then again, the texts made me feel he would never have NOT contacted R if there was any way he could have done.

I agree with him contacting his friend. He seemed so eager to meet him.
If he overslept, I would think the first thing he would do is to check his messages and then respond to his friend. Rather than eat serial and watch TV.
LE was so quick to rule out running away and/or Dylan having an accident while walking. Is this due to knowledge that we are unaware of, or really just due to the lack of phone use and his not being found as yet? Plenty of people have gone missing while walking, hiking, driving, etc. and not been found for months or longer. I was never comfortable with Le ruling out scenarios so quickly.

But then again, the texts made me feel he would never have NOT contacted R if there was any way he could have done.

I have to admit that the phone inactivity and lack of texts plus the ones he sent make me questions some things, but at the same time, kids are unpredictable and don't always do what we expect them to do. And things are not always what they seem. It could mean EVERYTHING, it could mean NOTHING. We just don't really know for sure. We can guess and speculate, but until something is announced, we won't really know for sure. JMO
sorry still haven't caught up with the end of last thread and the new info regarding the texts, but I did see we now have proof that the whole Dylan's phone permanently ceased to exist was NOT AT 8:00PM OF SUNDAY EVENING 11/18...

And where the cadaver dogs hit on two days in a row using two different dogs?

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yes that is the dam to the part about recreational video, that would be hwy 160 to CR 501 which takes you around lake(and over the damn which isn't really high or anything, but seriously rocky)
sorry still haven't caught up with the end of last thread and the new info regarding the texts, but I did see we now have proof that the whole Dylan's phone permanently ceased to exist was NOT AT 8:00PM OF SUNDAY EVENING 11/18...


Your post is confusing to me? It wasn't?
Piggybacking onto this explanation, I can think of another major reason why Dylan would not have tried to hitch a ride to B-town that morning.

If we assume that he did not have a working cell phone that morning, then why would he try to hitch a ride to find his friend, knowing he was visiting his grandma. I doubt that they planned to spend the day at grandma's house. I bet D knew that R would be out and about. If d didnt have a phone and he hitchhiked, he would be stranded in town with no way of knowing where his friends were at.

But if he just waited an hour or so for a ride, he could get a ride from dad, who would have a cell and who would drive him to a few places to meet up with his friends. So why would he grab all of his belongings and lug them around on the highway, hoping for a ride, and not even knowing exactly where his friends were at the time?

IMO the answer is plain and simple..he would not have.. seeing his text messages made my heart sink deep..IMO at this point there are just way too many(TBH WAY TOO MANY isnt near a strong enough descriptor) issues that have to use suspension of reality and disbelief to EXPLAIN AWAY the issues surrounding dads involvement..

but that is strictly jmo and nada damn thing more, at this point..
sorry still haven't caught up with the end of last thread and the new info regarding the texts, but I did see we now have proof that the whole Dylan's phone permanently ceased to exist was NOT AT 8:00PM OF SUNDAY EVENING 11/18...


I must have missed that proof, could you give me the link please.

what I saw was that the last message Dylan sent to his friend was approx 8pm sunday night. His friend tried texting him later than that and got no reply, and on monday starting at 6.45am approx he tried to contact Dylan again and throughout the day and evening without reply.

LE said there was no activity at all from Dylans phone after approx 8pm sunday night.
Your post is confusing to me? It wasn't?

nope, not when there are 5 or more texts documented as having been sent from Dylan's phone AFTER 8:00PM.. that obviously means the phone was still in working order, powered on, with reception.. that's simply what I meant, sorry for any confusion..
I haven't posted much, just followed because I generally feel I have nothing of value to add - can't keep up with all you guys! :)

I was just thinking to myself about all the area up above and around Vallecito. My Dad and I spent a lot of time up there, driving above the lake, etc.
I started thinking, I don't know since I haven't been home in a few years...but we used to drive up CR 2274 - Middle Mtn Road - and just drive up to look for deer, or pull off and have a picnic, etc. I remember there not being much up there and it goes back for a ways. Hypothetically, it being in the opposite direction of the lake and town and such, seems like you could go up that road pretty easily, pull off and dispose of something or bury if needed. *shrug* I don't know, just wondering. I mean, in my mind....IF something happened to Dylan at MR's hands and he's going to go to all the trouble of trying to make people not suspect him (whether he can pull it off or not) etc...I know there's got to be a LOT of places right around up there that he could have possibly hidden him, especially where he may not be found without a major slip up or confession.
I also had an odd thought wondering if MR had a 4 wheeler he could use because up above the area he lives, is a small lily pond that no one fishes at due to the fact there's no fish in it - at least used not to be any - Called Lake Eileen. It's aways up - 4 miles up and back, if it's still fairly unvisited, that would be an area of water to leave something maybe. Long shot, but *shrug*

I still sort of have wondered this whole time if Dylan is in Vallecito. I just can't get that out of my head. That or him in Lake Nighthorse, just because my Dad worked on that and the dam when it was being built and I remember him telling me how deep it was going to be at the dam, etc...and it is right over the hill from where MR job is....Just wondering if something happened, if it might have been easy to weigh a body down and let it sink at the dam late late night/early early morning and then he's already in town to be seen at the places he needs to be seen at, etc.
Again. Just thoughts and hypothesis. All of which I'm sure amount to a hill of beans! haha

BBM Lake Eileen???? Hmmmmmmm
Just sayin'
Gives me pause, thinking about the possible irony especially considering the close location.

Great post! Really glad to have you aboard, Aspen Song :great:
So it looks like his trucks were returned, even if it wasn't LE verified?? And it seems like it was awhile back. Boy, LE sure isn't talking to the press, are they?

To be honest I don't think the press is asking LE to talk
well I see I've obviously not been clear with my post regarding the text messages and my getting caught up on.. here's the link that IMO provides the proof the phone was still being text from after 8pm..with I believe actually 5 or more text sent from Dylan's phone after 8pm...that's what I am refetting to and didn't mean to cause confusion..

here's link...

I think your mistaken Smooth. The last text from Dylan was at 8:01 pm. All the later texts are from his buddy R.
They were texts to his phone after 8pm...not from his phone.
Sometimes thinking outside the box is what solves cases. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. In a case like this, nothing should be discounted.

And you are so right about kids going behind their parents backs, doing what they've been told not to do. All kids do it. ALL kids. No kid is 100% perfect all the time. You can talk to them and warn them of the evils in the world but sometimes it goes in one ear and out the other.

All kids do not do it. I certainly didn't in the country or the city. my sisters didn't and neither has my daughter.

there are kids who are so under the parents rule that they know the slightest infraction will earn them big trouble.

it's like saying everyone has tried illegal drugs when a lot never have and never will.
I disagree. I've known hundreds if kids that regularly had the crap beat out if them, and have no knowledge of a single isolated blow causing the death of an abused child. Children are pretty sturdy all things considered. IMO

IMO if he's involved, it was no accident.

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OK but there is always that chance that it could happen...palm to the nose with an upward blow can kill you, so think about a fight in the same manner.
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