CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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But i think in the circumstances that it was understandable and a more rational person would not dwell on it and would look at the bigger picture ( there son) .

Elaine did not say it to hurt his feelings. It was a gut reaction and she is entitled to that IMO.

Like Elaine should have looked at the bigger picture and not take shots at her ex on national TV? I'm sorry but she's allowed to have a gut reaction to Dylan missing but he's not allowed to have a gut reaction to being accused of doing something horrible to his son on national television??

I've never been accused of murdering my child, but I can imagine how devastating that would be if my child was missing and my ex did that to me. That came off as vindictive to me, not worried or concerned, or anything else. She had a chance to throw him under a bus and she did. She doesn't get a pass from me for being upset her son was missing and says things like this but he doesn't. She slung the first public mud. That's a fact.
I would be very open to listening to MR. If he is bothered by what E stated publicly. Why not come out and clear some things up? Why not put Dylan first. If i was MR and thought people were pointing fingers at me why not clear the air so to speak so folks are and continuing to look for Dylan.

I think he tried to do that, to clear things up when people were pointing fingers at him. It got translated into being more worried about public opinion of him then his missing child. Dude can't win for losing. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. (This isn't directed at you personally, honest. You brought up a point that I wanted to address. :) )
Now I'm going to contradict myself and actually post a long post. Please note that this is entirely my own opinion.

This is my biggest problem with a lot of the well ER said something mean about MR talk. First, as has been pointed out innumerable times, this was not right after the fact, it was something like a week later. Also, quite frankly, although MR has been a bit less direct in his approach, he's certainly managed to get in more than a few digs at ER, as have many people.

Secondly, for Lord's sake, this is your child we're talking about; your baby. I have thought about this a lot, and I don't care if your ex said you were Beelzebub himself (and she did not) -- very few people are divorced because they love each other. Put that aside, stop worrying about what people think about you, or whether they're talking about you -- of course they are -- you saw your child last, unfortunately you have a record that is easily accessible via the internet -- one which is ultimately no one's responsibility but yours, and you've made some verifiable mistakes in your personal life. I do not care, I really truly don't - none of that taken alone would convince me of anything.

From day one, take the Mark Klaas route -- deliver yourself to the police, take their tests, provide a full description of your activities, eliminate yourself from the equation -- it may be unpleasant, and it may hurt, but do it. This is your baby.

Then get yourself in the media -- even if you are shy, even if some of their questions about the past are hard. Participate in searches, stand on the shore of the lake when they search for your son. Yes, people are going to be looking at you, yes, some are going to think you are guilty, but if you know in your heart you are innocent, let that truth protect you.

Parenting is hard. Being a parent of a disappeared child is unfathomably so. But this is your child, you helped bring him to this world -- he needs his father to help find him and bring him home, whatever the situation may be.

Again, IMO only.

Love this post. You kinda beat me to the point. I completely agree with everything you pointed out. Thanks for this and well-said!
hm. good point. they showed us texts from a minor (RN) but not texts from dylan's own father.

The texts were obtained from minor by a reporter. The station the reporter works for released those texts.
Like Elaine should have looked at the bigger picture and not take shots at her ex on national TV? I'm sorry but she's allowed to have a gut reaction to Dylan missing but he's not allowed to have a gut reaction to being accused of doing something horrible to his son on national television??

I've never been accused of murdering my child, but I can imagine how devastating that would be if my child was missing and my ex did that to me. That came off as vindictive to me, not worried or concerned, or anything else. She had a chance to throw him under a bus and she did. She doesn't get a pass from me for being upset her son was missing and says things like this but he doesn't. She slung the first public mud. That's a fact.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

I do not blame her in the slightest here im afraid.

When you look at the picture that MR has painted then something does not ring true and she knows MR and what he was like when she married to him and if she thinks he is capable of hurting Dylan then i listen to her.

Not only does she think this his first ex wife has come on here and said the same . When she heard the news " the hairs on the back of her neck stood up" .

If these people who was married to him think he could of harmed Dylan then there is something in that IMO.

If he is completely innocent i will hold my hands up and say i was totally wrong but until then i will have my suspicions.

MOO,IMHO and all that stuff .
E is Dylans Mother. The one who raised and knows him. His habits. E was once married to MR. She knows him. His habits. Mothers intuitively know things and know when they are off kilter. Ever since E made the statement implying Dad may be involved I cant help but wonder what kinds of things were said and done over the years. Things we just dont know. Mom just may have very good reason to have come to that horrific conclusion. IMO
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The "big picture" is that Dylan is missing - potentially hurt, harmed, or worse.
This happened within 12-14 hours of Dylan arriving at his father's house (at the most, if you believe MR).
Dylan was on a court-ordered visit.
The timeline and details of MR's story are sketchy and questionable, at best.
ER knows MR and his history, behavior, and interaction with their son and others.
ER is concerned for her son's life.
She can't get her ex to respond to or communicate with her.
Her child has been missing for a week.

The big picture is her missing son's whereabouts, welfare, and who harmed him-why-and she wants answers. She's not getting them. MR isn't talking. She's out of her mind. Her only focus is DYLAN.

All I can say is thank goodness for parents like ER who take action for their missing children from the first second; if not for THESE parents, I don't think their children's stories get the attention they so deserve. It was her voice, her insistence, her posting pictures and videos, her talking to the media, her making sure we know that Dylan is a real boy with real friends and real family, her making us care about him, ... if not for that momma's love for her boy we'd be stuck with MR's silence just letting LE 'do their thing'.

Dylan needs to be brought home to his mom and his loving family and they need their beautiful boy home NOW.
Like Elaine should have looked at the bigger picture and not take shots at her ex on national TV? I'm sorry but she's allowed to have a gut reaction to Dylan missing but he's not allowed to have a gut reaction to being accused of doing something horrible to his son on national television??

I've never been accused of murdering my child, but I can imagine how devastating that would be if my child was missing and my ex did that to me. That came off as vindictive to me, not worried or concerned, or anything else. She had a chance to throw him under a bus and she did. She doesn't get a pass from me for being upset her son was missing and says things like this but he doesn't. She slung the first public mud. That's a fact.

I'm sorry but I don't call a desperate mother telling who she believes to be responsible for no longer having her son, "taking shots" or "slinging mud"..IMO its called her worst nightmare and the woman KNOWS in her heart why her son is gone(moo due to years and decades of patterned actions and behaviors of MR)..

IMO in the end the sad, cold truth will be that UNFORTUNATELY it was not some petty mud slinging put down, but rather THE TRUTH FROM THE GET-GO.

MOO and I am more than fine to agree to disagree.. in the end the sad and unfortunate truth will be revealed(as far as who is responsible)..
ER - 'not looking at big picture', 'taking shots at ex', 'vindictive-not worried or concerned', 'throwing MR under the bus', 'mud slinging'.

This has to be one of those agree to disagree moments.

I'm taking the surfboard and hitting the beach, maybe the waves and salty air will give me some answers.
I think the second piece of info that just broke my heart over and above Dylan missing was MR not returning Mom or C's texts. In the moment I thought it horrifically cruel. I cant imagine the drive up there. That level of cruelty is frightening in it's self. IMO
ER - 'not looking at big picture', 'taking shots at ex', 'vindictive-not worried or concerned', 'throwing MR under the bus', 'mud slinging'.

This has to be one of those agree to disagree moments.

I'm taking the surfboard and hitting the beach, maybe the waves and salty air will give me some answers.

Lucky you. I would be reduced to snowboarding here. Have fun.
I think the second piece of info that just broke my heart over and above Dylan missing was MR not returning Mom or C's texts. In the moment I thought it horrifically cruel. I cant imagine the drive up there. That level of cruelty is frightening in it's self. IMO

Exactly and even if you make allowances for him not wanting to speak to Elaine then no such excuse should be made for also ignoring Cory.

IMO that is why Cory would of rung as Elaine would of thought " ok he wont pick up my call but he will with his son Cory" MOO
ER - 'not looking at big picture', 'taking shots at ex', 'vindictive-not worried or concerned', 'throwing MR under the bus', 'mud slinging'.

This has to be one of those agree to disagree moments.

I'm taking the surfboard and hitting the beach, maybe the waves and salty air will give me some answers.

I don't know where you are, but I'm packing up and will be on my way shortly!!! :great:
I have not been able to follow this case completely. Our house is crazy hectic from Oct through Jan 1st with birthdays and holidays all back to back. I know how I can be. Get sucked into a missing person and forget about others things so I have to limit myself here.

I read when I can. I try to keep an open mind thinking maybe DR just left the house and something happened after that but then I start thinking about the why questions. Those same why questions that keep repeating themselves here. And they all lead me back to one person. Just seems that way to many things fell into place for all this to happen if it was a stranger abduction since DR was only there visiting and he hadn't been there that long.

Obviously I hope Im wrong. Would rather eat my words later then hearing about them find DR deceased and it be at the hands of his father.
Like Elaine should have looked at the bigger picture and not take shots at her ex on national TV? I'm sorry but she's allowed to have a gut reaction to Dylan missing but he's not allowed to have a gut reaction to being accused of doing something horrible to his son on national television??

I've never been accused of murdering my child, but I can imagine how devastating that would be if my child was missing and my ex did that to me. That came off as vindictive to me, not worried or concerned, or anything else. She had a chance to throw him under a bus and she did. She doesn't get a pass from me for being upset her son was missing and says things like this but he doesn't. She slung the first public mud. That's a fact.

There is a BIG difference between giving voice to your worst fears and taking shots at someone. To say that ER was taking shots at MR is to imply that she voiced her concerns for the sole purpose of hurting him. We have absolutely no reason to believe that is true. You (general) can believe that MR is innocent without maligning ER in your (again general) defense of him.
Exactly and even if you make allowances for him not wanting to speak to Elaine then no such excuse should be made for also ignoring Cory.

IMO that is why Cory would of rung as Elaine would of thought " ok he wont pick up my call but he will with his son Cory" MOO

There is an argument to be made that he may have been tied up talking to LE. But isn't it a 5 or 6 hour trip by car? Regardless, if he told LE it is Dylan's mom calling, I am sure they would say "TAKE IT" wouldn't they? After all he could have been found or she talked to one of his friends that had some new info. Would he even be with LE all that time? Extremely odd IMO.
There is an argument to be made that he may have been tied up talking to LE. But isn't it a 5 or 6 hour trip by car? Regardless, if he told LE it is Dylan's mom calling, I am sure they would say "TAKE IT" wouldn't they? After all he could have been found or she talked to one of his friends that had some new info. Would he even be with LE all that time? Extremely odd IMO.

Yeah , i highly doubt that they took MR's phone off him ( i saw this mentioned in another thread) due to the fact Dylan could of rung him as he is filling LE in on Dylan being missing. So it was important that MR had his phone as it kept a open communication open incase Dylan called him.
ER - 'not looking at big picture', 'taking shots at ex', 'vindictive-not worried or concerned', 'throwing MR under the bus', 'mud slinging'.

This has to be one of those agree to disagree moments.

I'm taking the surfboard and hitting the beach, maybe the waves and salty air will give me some answers.


O/T - I'm jealous....sitting here looking out at snow.....

BUT I will be at the beach next week at this time (hopefully....LOL)

Oh, and I agree with you. MR had time to speak out and demand answers about where his son was....he didn't....because I think he knows where he is and why....

MR refused to answer calls/texts from ER and CR....he showed up late at the vigil....He should have been begging on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 for his son to come home. He was the last known person to see Dylan (his words).

There is an argument to be made that he may have been tied up talking to LE. But isn't it a 5 or 6 hour trip by car? Regardless, if he told LE it is Dylan's mom calling, I am sure they would say "TAKE IT" wouldn't they? After all he could have been found or she talked to one of his friends that had some new info. Would he even be with LE all that time? Extremely odd IMO.

If there is a perfectly innocent explanation for the perceived ignoring of ER & CR (and your explanation is a very viable one), why wouldn't you clear that up instead of furthering the situation by lashing out that your ex is the problem and whining that everyone just wants to talk to her? I know some are gonna say "why should he care what the public thinks of him?" but the truth is, when you are begging (or in the case of MR should be begging) the public for help then yes, what they think of you matters. It may not be fair but it is the facts of life.
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