CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #33

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I fear they have little more.

Well they certainly know more than they released.
When did the cell phone stopped pinging?
Was the message send by cell phone?
What was in the message? Who was the recipient of the message?
Can you elaborate a little further on where your going with your thoughts, depending on which device he may have sent his last text from? I'm lost. lol
Can you elaborate a little further on where your going with your thoughts, depending on which device he may have sent his last text from? I'm lost. lol

Dylan's mother was saying the cell phone was last used around 8:00 pm.
Now we find out that there was a message at 9:37 pm.
So we are trying to figure out why the discrepancy.
Also, at 9:37 pm Dylan should have already arrived at MR's home.
So that message presumably verifies Dylan actually arrived at MR's home.
Can you elaborate a little further on where your going with your thoughts, depending on which device he may have sent his last text from? I'm lost. lol

I think it is due to Mom saying that his phone activity stopped at or about 8pm. And why she would not have seen this last text on the bill.
Well they certainly know more than they released.
When did the cell phone stopped pinging?
Was the message send by cell phone?
What was in the message? Who was the recipient of the message?

I have to assume it came from the house and placed Dylan there, since LE said that maybe something happened to him there.

As far as who it was sent to, we probably would not even know about R, if R had not shown his texts. I guess the content of his messages do not include anything that LE feels the public can help with?

I just get the impression that Dylan may as well have disappeared yesterday, for all LE knows about the case.

she didn't seem to disagree.

well that's interesting


But I'm wondering if MB just verified that the last text was sent at 9:37pm and ER "didn't seem to disagree". (MB not thinking to ask specifically what kind of "electronic device" the text was sent from, just assuming cell phone. KWIM?)
Can you elaborate a little further on where your going with your thoughts, depending on which device he may have sent his last text from? I'm lost. lol

Dylan's mother was saying the cell phone was last used around 8:00 pm.
Now we find out that there was a message at 9:37 pm.
So we are trying to figure out why the discrepancy.
Also, at 9:37 pm Dylan should have already arrived at MR's home.
So that message presumably verifies Dylan actually arrived at MR's home.

Yes jjenny is correct. Also I wonder why if ER stated last text on cell was around 8:00 pm from her phone records, why did he stop using phone and then switch to IPOD? Also Dylan and phone are missing and an IPOD was recovered by LE from MR's house. (Per 9news video report)
Trying to catch up but so many new pages just since yesterday! Did anyone have the link for the last interview. I can't find it on Google. tia

Hi phx:)
This is Mark's uncut interview...I believe this is what you were looking for? HTH
Yes jjenny is correct. Also I wonder why if ER stated last text on cell was around 8:00 pm from her phone records, why did he stop using phone and then switch to IPOD? Also Dylan and phone are missing and an IPOD was recovered by LE from MR's house. (Per 9news video report)

what if Dylan didn't swap to the ipod, someone else used it because they didn't want the text traced to themselves?

IMO LE have released the info about there being a text from Dylans 'electronic device' to put the wind up the sender and the receiver of that text hoping that they would then fess up what happened to Dylan.

I'm still not convinced that Dylan was at the house sunday night.
IMO LE have released the info about there being a text from Dylans 'electronic device' to put the wind up the sender and the receiver of that text hoping that they would then fess up what happened to Dylan.

I'm still not convinced that Dylan was at the house sunday night.

Or the text could have been from Dylan and received by someone we're not yet allowed to sleuth.
General question, how many iPods have texting capabilities? Is it all of them? Granted I've only looked at the "old school" iPods but I haven't seen one that had texting, or at least if so it wasn't obvious you could do anything other than listen to music (other than the really new iPods that have video and such). I know the recent iPods have texting, video, etc. but if Dylan was still waiting/hoping for an updated cell phone, was his iPod one of the more recent versions? I don't know if it even matters, just thinking, hoping something will spark an important idea for someone.
General question, how many iPods have texting capabilities? Is it all of them? Granted I've only looked at the "old school" iPods but I haven't seen one that had texting, or at least if so it wasn't obvious you could do anything other than listen to music (other than the really new iPods that have video and such). I know the recent iPods have texting, video, etc. but if Dylan was still waiting/hoping for an updated cell phone, was his iPod one of the more recent versions? I don't know if it even matters, just thinking, hoping something will spark an important idea for someone.

Just the touch can text ( iPod touch)
General question, how many iPods have texting capabilities? Is it all of them? Granted I've only looked at the "old school" iPods but I haven't seen one that had texting, or at least if so it wasn't obvious you could do anything other than listen to music (other than the really new iPods that have video and such). I know the recent iPods have texting, video, etc. but if Dylan was still waiting/hoping for an updated cell phone, was his iPod one of the more recent versions? I don't know if it even matters, just thinking, hoping something will spark an important idea for someone.

ipod touch is the only one that has the ability to use imessaging if there is wifi access available
Watching the videos from last night on Dylan's birthday , it is heartbreaking to think they may never find out what happened to Dylan .
Boy, I feel bad for Melissa B, this is like going through the Spanish Inquisition. She keeps answering the question, yet it keeps getting asked over and over again, and then no one believes her anyway.

Since she mentioned the 9:37 pm text to Elaine and Elaine didn't disagree with it, maybe Elaine has gotten more recent information than she had when she said 8 pm all this time.

Either that or Melissa B. isn't telling the truth, Law Enforcement isn't telling the truth, they are all making the 9:37 pm text up. And even though LE has stated it came from Dylan's electronic communication device, people are still reading that it was Mark who made that text, not Dylan. Everyone is suspect, no one is being honest or telling the truth in this case. Only one. Just one. JMO
posted by SuperMom1995 in the previous thread:

I majored in sociology/psych, and have spent the past several years studying speech patterns, body language, etc. My next step is completing Mark McClish's Statement Analysis course - amazing stuff - and it's from reading Mr. McClish's work (I asked him to help out on the Keddie murders case, and his work was of immense help) that I've begun to scrutinise exactly what you're saying - the 'senstive' areas in people's statements, their pronoun use, etc. Not an expert (yet) but still, studying McClish's methods has opened my eyes a lot to the way people speak, and what they are -not- saying.

It will probably take me weeks to comb over the transcripts. But right away, I notice MR's use of pronouns when he's asked to make statements regarding what he's say to Dylan when Dylan comes home, and what he'd like to say to Dylan's abductors.

Primarily, MR uses "I" a great deal in relation to his son - and there's also a LOT of both simmering and blatant hostility toward his ex wife throughout the interview.

Yet when asked the above questions, MR switches to primarily using "we". So.. who is "we", kimosabe? Him and.... who? The ex wife who hates his guts and thinks he took their son? There's no unity in this relationship, and none in the matter of Dylan's disappearance - yet, he speaks in terms of "we", not "I".

To me, this seems like "we" is a bit of shield, where "I" might be an uncomfortable pronoun. It's enough to make me think this is, as you say, a "sensitive" area.

This is probably the big sticker-outer for me, right now (BBM and respectfully snipped from the transcript) :

Melissa Blasius:
*snip* Did you have anything whatsoever to do with Dylan’s disappearance?

Mark Redwine:
Absolutely not. I would never do anything to harm that boy. I know they’re looking at me as being involved in some kind of kidnapping scheme, which is one of the reasons why I want them to look closely at me, because the more that they look at me, the more they’re going to realize that I have nothing to do with this. There’s no possible way I would do anything to cause harm or misery to my son.

Melissa Blasius:
Do you have any idea what did happen to him then?

Mark Redwine:
I can only speculate, and…. It’s hard for me to voice my opinion as far as that goes, because I’ll be honest with you, the only thing that matters and the only thing in my mind that should matter to anybody is finding Dylan.
I’m not interested in pointing fingers. I’m not interested in blaming anybody. My only interest is finding Dylan, and I think that once we find Dylan and bring him home, it will bring all the answers to the questions that we don’t have. I could speculate all day long.

I bolded the phrases of interest I intend to come back to at some point ("I would never do anything to harm that boy"- compare this to statements like "I have never had sexual relations with that woman"..) but I think it's enough to say for now that nowhere does MR make the simple statement, "I didn't hurt my son", or "I am not involved in Dylan's disappearance." Instead, there's a lot of deflection and passive aggressive comebacking to Elaine ("I'm not interested in pointing fingers" - this makes no sense at all in the case of possible stranger abduction, it only makes sense in context of MR deflecting from a direct answer by passive aggressively blaming Elaine, or making a comeback to other people's 'finger pointing').

But the loudest sub-text I am seeing in this interview is anger - at Elaine, and very possibly at some dichotomy between the highly idealised relationship with Dylan MR is describing, and a reality in which that intense bond has been degraded -- or maybe doesn't actually exist as MR would like it to, or would like us to believe.

I can't say if this makes him guilty. But I'm eyeballing him, based on the facts I listed in a former post, and now these initial perceptions of his statements.
WOW. THANK YOU FOR THAT INCREDIBLE ANALYSIS!!! And I believe he was the most evasive and deflective in addressing (he certainly didnt answer it) that last question. In other words I have not heard him give a reliable denial of involvement in Dylan's disappearance.
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