CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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SO MODS , since we have Dr Phil, a license stripped for ethical reasons way back when , but school nonetheless in forensic psychology, DOCTOR saying that something is ' wrong with MR on national tv( gotta qualify as some sort of msm) , can we sleuth his brain ???? I'm not sure if that's a term , but I think you get the drift !

I want to know about his childhood. He reverted back to a young child - age five to eight - fiddling with his tie, looking down - when Phil and Jack, two people out of his comfort zone, talked to him. The only real tears I've seen from Mark is when he was upset Elaine and Cory were "picking on him."
IMO, the turned up nothing irt the K9 Forensics hits is a sloppy way of reporters saying it wasn't new news, since they hit in the same spots as a different set of cadaver dogs did in Nov. IMO, it is important there have been two sets of hits in the same location.

ETA: MB now works for the station we watch every night, which I'm not pleased with. Not very thorough, IMO. Of course, MSM is a mess these days in general, IMO.
I want to know about his childhood. He reverted back to a young child - age five to eight - fiddling with his tie, looking down - when Phil and Jack, two people out of his comfort zone, talked to him. The only real tears I've seen from Mark is when he was upset Elaine and Cory were "picking on him."

Emotional immaturity is one of the signs of antisocial personality disorder.

I am really curious as to what his childhood was like.
IMO, the turned up nothing irt the K9 Forensics hits is a sloppy way of reporters saying it wasn't new news, since they hit in the same spots as a different set of cadaver dogs did in Nov. IMO, it is important there have been two sets of hits in the same location.

Thanks. I thought the haters were with the Sallle case but when I went to the K-9 FB page the comments aren't there. There is a statement on the page.

They are coming back in a couple of weeks.
Antisocial Personality Disorder is also known as psychopathy or sociopathy. Individuals with this disorder have little regard for the feeling and welfare of others. As a clinical diagnosis it is usually limited to those over age 18. It can be diagnosed in younger people if the they commit isolated antisocial acts and do not show signs of
another mental disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is chronic, beginning in adolescence and continuing throughout adulthood. There are ten generalsymptoms:

not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt

People with this disorder may exhibit criminal behavior. They may not work. If they do work, they are frequently absent or may quit suddenly. They do not consider other people's wishes, welfare or rights. They can be manipulative and may lie to gain personal pleasure or profit. They may default on loans, fail to provide child support, or fail to care for their dependents adequately. High risk sexual behavior and substance abuse are common. Impulsiveness, failure to plan ahead, aggressiveness, irritability, irresponsibility,
and a reckless disregard for their own safety and the safety of others are traits of the antisocial personality.

Socioeconomic status, gender, and genetic factors play a role.
Males are more likely to be antisocial than females. Those fromlower socioeconomic groups are more susceptible. A family history of the disorder puts one at higher risk.

There are many theories about the cause of Antisocial Personality Disorder including experiencing neglectful parenting as a child, low levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, and belief that antisocial behavior is justified because of difficult circumstances.
Psychotherapy, group therapy, and family therapy are common treatments. The effects of medical treatment are inconclusive.
Unfortunately, most people with Antisocial Personality Disorder reject treatment. Therefore, recovery rates are low.
I wonder what the likelihood is of MR having done something but that he totally blocked it out? Not like a drinking blackout, but more like he accidentally did something to Dylan and then blocked it out because he couldn't face what he did.

Of course if that were the case, I guess he would eagerly take the polygraph because he would think that he hadn't done anything wrong, having blocked it from his memory.

Just thinking out loud.

Good point and this was always my first thought - a psychotic break due to rapid stress, escalating triggers of losing control of Elaine, not having 50/50 custody due to the move, and losing control of a teen who was no longer a little boy. But after watching all of the interviews, it just seems Mark blames everything on others and seeks calculated, conniving revenge for things which get out of his control. IMHO.
Antisocial Personality Disorder is also known as psychopathy or sociopathy. Individuals with this disorder have little regard for the feeling and welfare of others. As a clinical diagnosis it is usually limited to those over age 18. It can be diagnosed in younger people if the they commit isolated antisocial acts and do not show signs of
another mental disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is chronic, beginning in adolescence and continuing throughout adulthood. There are ten generalsymptoms:

not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt

People with this disorder may exhibit criminal behavior. They may not work. If they do work, they are frequently absent or may quit suddenly. They do not consider other people's wishes, welfare or rights. They can be manipulative and may lie to gain personal pleasure or profit. They may default on loans, fail to provide child support, or fail to care for their dependents adequately. High risk sexual behavior and substance abuse are common. Impulsiveness, failure to plan ahead, aggressiveness, irritability, irresponsibility,
and a reckless disregard for their own safety and the safety of others are traits of the antisocial personality.

Socioeconomic status, gender, and genetic factors play a role.
Males are more likely to be antisocial than females. Those fromlower socioeconomic groups are more susceptible. A family history of the disorder puts one at higher risk.

There are many theories about the cause of Antisocial Personality Disorder including experiencing neglectful parenting as a child, low levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, and belief that antisocial behavior is justified because of difficult circumstances.
Psychotherapy, group therapy, and family therapy are common treatments. The effects of medical treatment are inconclusive.
Unfortunately, most people with Antisocial Personality Disorder reject treatment. Therefore, recovery rates are low.


That's because everything is somebody else's fault.
Just wanted to mention that many of my friends on FB have started sharing Dylan's photo. And I wasn't the one who first did it! I went and shared it as well and now more of my friends are sharing it.

DP has really gotten the word out!!!
I really do wish that some of the reporters would use the good common sense that they were given and proof their work. I know that there are errors but geez, how can we quote them if we know they are wrong???
So, are we suppose to start saying that ER & MR are married? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
BBM: I have a friend like this when she is on anti-depressants. The difference between how she acts and how Mark acts is that she is always "just there" while on meds. She doesn't get angry because someone called her on inconsistencies, or tell anyone they are being disrespectful, because she just doesn't notice or care. So while I agree that some medications can flatten out a personality, I'm not aware of the ones that flatten out the part of the personality that cares about your child, but doesn't flatten out the part of the personality that cares about how the individual looks to others. I concede that there could well be some, I just don't know of them.
BBM. Good point, I don't know any either.

Seeing how mark shows emotion about some things and not others (ie. Dylan), it would seem to deflate the possibility of it being caused by an antidepressant.
Looks like their saying that it's possible that Dylan ran away. I thought that LE had discounted that possibility a long time ago.

Authorities said they still don't know if there was a crime, an accident, or if the boy ran away.

Ironic! This quote comes from a poorly written AP article, IMO. I actually wrote to AP yesterday morning suggesting they correct it.

Posted: 02.27.2013 at 9:18 AM, (Copyright ©2013 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Please note time on 9News story is:
8:54 PM, Feb 27, 2013

Same quote
Authorities said they still don't know if there was a crime, an accident, or if the boy ran away.

Here's what LE has said. (Forwarded these to AP yesterday.)

Investigative Focus Links Summary
Did anyone find out if there were insurance policies on Dylan?

Some people always say follow the money. It seems as though no other leads have panned out for us.
Did anyone find out if there were insurance policies on Dylan?

Some people always say follow the money. It seems as though no other leads have panned out for us.

That's personal information, so not sure how it's possible to know.

So do you think that the beneficiary could be responsible? I'm sure LE checked that out.

Must not be Elaine because Mark didn't include that in his statement of accusing Elaine.....JMO
I have been reading the postings about anti-social behavior and many others. I had a thought...........
I know someone on a very maternal level (not one of my biological children) that was diagnosed with RAD, reactive attachment disorder.
Part of this disorder is the inability to actually feel emotions for themself or others. I'm going from memory and most certainly can be wrong. If my memory serves me correctly, it is generally in children that had that failure to thrive type of childhood. They just can't show any empathy for anyone, not even themselves.

I'm not saying MR had or has that. I'm just questioning that with so many disorders in the world, I think that without proper evaluation we, as sleuthers, can't say one way or another if someone has any or all of them. Am I making sense? Point is that there are bits & pieces of any disorder that we can make fit, so how do we decide if there even is one? And do we even need to decide?

I appreciate all the knowledge because I really am confused on all of the different terminology, they all seem to fit and still none of them seem to fit.

Thanks to anyone that can clear my head on this :)
Did anyone find out if there were insurance policies on Dylan?

Some people always say follow the money. It seems as though no other leads have panned out for us.

I've often wondered about insurance but have heard nothing. I suppose if his remains are ever found :( then someone might try to cash in a policy if they had one.
But she did not say it was from his cell phone.

I'd have to look it up again and re-watch it and may not have time to do that til tomorrow, but in my show notes I wrote down About 9:30 Dylan texted friends; after that another text was never sent "from his phone." I remember putting the "from his phone" in quotes because I thought it might answer this one lingering question we've all had.

I was trying to type super fast, listen, and process what was going on all at the same time so it's entirely possible I heard it wrong. If someone else wants to look for it tonight, thsi comment was on the first day, in the interview portion between Dr. Phil and Elaine with no one else on stage. It was pretty early in the interview I believe. I've written myself a note to look it up later tonight or early tomorrow if no one beats me to it.
I really do wish that some of the reporters would use the good common sense that they were given and proof their work. I know that there are errors but geez, how can we quote them if we know they are wrong???
So, are we suppose to start saying that ER & MR are married? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Better be careful, soon they'll be call YOU Mrs. Redwine!

I'm so confused over what's going on with the dogs hitting at the lake. Can anyone explain why it says they turned up nothing but yet they got hits at the lake? I see that k9 Forensics just posted on FB that they are now back home and some comments about the 'haters'. What is going on? What happened? Anyone know?

Yes, I am so confused too. I thought it was just me, because I'd gotten so far behind I was just skimming posts.
I do not see insurance money being a motive, since he has not been found. You would think the perp would make sure he was found relatively quickly.
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