CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #42

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Many threads ago someone mentioned perhaps MR owed someone a giant favor. That sounds far fetched, but you never know. Supposing he helped some ' criminal type' 10 yrs ago . You never know. The other thing I was thinking is how many times on the ID shows someone 'kills for hire' because they were promised a big amount of money but there never was a big amount of money. They say ' when i get the insurance i'll give you 100k ' but there is no such insurance coming. So I agree it's absolutely outside the probable here. But I also think something really bizarre has happened to Dylan, so what's the harm at looking at bizarre theories .

Not directed at you personally Kamille, just in response to your response to the other response ! :)

Not taken personally SCHMAE :)

I believe MR indicated it was ER that hung around with criminals and not him ;)
Raises hand.
ETA In fact my family has quit asking me ' what 'd you do today' because they don't want to hear anymore ! Beat that?

My husband knows the minute I open my mouth, it's about this case. Driving in the car, working in the garage, cleaning house, every time I open my mouth he says, "Are you talking about Mark and Dylan again?"
Not taken personally SCHMAE :)

I believe MR indicated it was ER that hung around with criminals and not him ;)

Then he turns around and says he doesn't know her friends. :doh: I know they're criminal types, but don't know them. :waitasec:

Well… I don’t know the people that she knows very closely.
Dr Phil 1
This is something we share, Seajay! May I offer you a hug? :hug:

I dream of Dylan. Sometimes good dreams, sometimes nightmares. Several times I've awakened at odd hours with some thought or another about the case.

And my poor DH must listen to me talk about all the details. He has even been forced to watch various interviews and give me his impressions. :blushing:

Thanks Tennlyn, I'll take that hug, and here's one back. :hug: I wake up during the night thinking about this case, asking "Where is Dylan?", I dream about it. I made DH watch Dr. Phil and discuss with me to get his opinion. I read him the interviews and posts here. Think he's about ready to toss me out. LOL
How many of you are losing sleep over this case?

How many of you think about this case all the time, even when nowhere near a computer?

Just trying to figure out how "normal" I am.

I've been on lots of other cases and none have gripped me like this one has or consumed me to the extent it has.

I think about it a lot during the day and on my drive home-I can't wait to get home to log on in hopes that there might be good news.
I made DH watch Dr. Phil and discuss with me to get his opinion. I read him the interviews and posts here. Think he's about ready to toss me out. LOL

Well, if you go missing, we'll know why! :floorlaugh:
I am ALWAYS thinking about Dyl, even when I am sitting here feeding my daughter and looking after her all I can think about is Dylan and how I wish he was home where he belongs.
This case has really consumed me also - I have always got the thread open on my iPhone, iPad and laptop.

Aw FT, it's hard when you look at your precious daughter to think that someone doesn't know where their child is, huh??

Is there any hope for us??? I hope we at least get some kind of resolution, good or bad.
Being that the lie detector failing/inconclusive result and the not wanting to take another one has been a major sticking point, I wonder if anyone has thought of the Breann Rodriguez case. Here is the link to a MSM article that states a suspect was arrested. It also goes on to say:

I don't know, honestly, honestly. When my wife went in there first to do the polygraph and she failed it, I mean, of course as a father when someone tells you they failed a polygraph, it automatically raises doubt,' he told Nancy Grace on HLN.

'I don't know. To be completely honest with you, I don't believe we really did fail it. It may be some kind of tool they use to squeeze every bit of information out of us...I don't really know. But they said we did fail it.'

Read more:

This is my issue with polygraphs. What would have happened if that was the only piece of information that was used.

It's a good thing they are no longer admissible in court. Imagine the poor people who went to prison base on a polygraph?? Too many ways to fail and for it to not mean anything. Then to be lied to about the results sure would leave a bad taste in a person's mouth. IMO.
I have my employees at work discussing this case. Sometimes I think they listen to get out of Oh and watching the JA
Yes, the reporter paraphrased what the investigators said. We also have direct quotes in this case, ie "The Sheriff's Office is not calling Mark Redwine a suspect,"link According to Mark, "we're all suspects" (Blasius), so he seems to consider himself one, IMO. We'll have to agree to disagree about whether Mark is not a suspect all together or whether there just are no named suspects.


Just found another Mark quote to add to this:

The bottom line is we’re all suspects regardless of what the law enforcement says
Dr Phil 1
I think about it a lot during the day and on my drive home-I can't wait to get home to log on in hopes that there might be good news.

I do that every day Duchess. I boot up my computer and the first thing I do is come to this site to see if "Found Alive" will be up there next to Dylan's name. Every day since this case started. I have to tell you I expected to see it at any time early on in this case. Now, not so much. :anguish:
<---- my son can tell you about Dylan.
Because I'm not obsessed.
I have my employees at work discussing this case. Sometimes I think they listen to get out of Oh and watching the JA

Yesterday I got on a crying jag and cried off and on all day long, worried, wondering, not getting any answers. I kept thinking, if I feel this way, imagine for a minute how his mother feels. My heart just goes out to that poor woman, it's got to be hell not knowing where your child is or what happened to him.
Of course, Mark's given everyone so much more to work with than just a failed poly, IMO.

And if they don't matter, why freak out, put it off, get drunk, stay up most of the night, then decline to take one, in spite of saying 3x you would take another? They're a tool, that add to the info investigators gather, and can give them avenues to pursue, IMO.

Kinda OT but does anyone know anything about Janine Driver? If we are not allowed to discuss let me know and I'll delete it. :)
Yesterday I got on a crying jag and cried off and on all day long, worried, wondering, not getting any answers. I kept thinking, if I feel this way, imagine for a minute how his mother feels. My heart just goes out to that poor woman, it's got to be hell not knowing where your child is or what happened to him.

And, as if that is not enough, her mother's illness, added to that. My heart just aches for her.
But why does someone choose to say something in that long rambling way?
Why not just say " I believe he is alive?"
LE tends to say "We have no reason not to believe he/she is alive" (or no reason to believe he's not alive) all the time. I think the other phrase, "I've never been not willing to cooperate" (I think) is because of people saying he's not willing to cooperate. MOO

Speech analysts would have a field day with peeps from my neck of the woods....

I think my family might drive them nuts! My sister's ex said that he hated when she, my mother and I would start talking because nobody could figure out what we were talking about. We knew each other so well, that we almost never said a complete sentence (one of my aunts was the same way with us.) I believe many people I know, and most of my relatives, would probably say things like, "Where in the world can that kid be?", "I can't figure out what might have happened to that boy/kid", "I'd better not find out that anybody hurt that kid!" etc. Then again, many of my relatives "warsh" clothes, which my 3rd grade teacher told me was a sign of being lower class. :what:
LE tends to say "We have no reason not to believe he/she is alive" (or no reason to believe he's not alive) all the time. I think the other phrase, "I've never been not willing to cooperate" (I think) is because of people saying he's not willing to cooperate. MOO

I think my family might drive them nuts! My sister's ex said that he hated when she, my mother and I would start talking because nobody could figure out what we were talking about. We knew each other so well, that we almost never said a complete sentence (one of my aunts was the same way with us.) I believe many people I know, and most of my relatives, would probably say things like, "Where in the world can that kid be?", "I can't figure out what might have happened to that boy/kid", "I'd better not find out that anybody hurt that kid!" etc. Then again, many of my relatives "warsh" clothes, which my 3rd grade teacher told me was a sign of being lower class. :what:

A couple of weeks ago when my son was out here for a visit, we were out and about town, doing different things. I put things on my FB page like:

I gave my kid a headache,
I showed my kid the hospital he was born at,
Taking my kid out for dinner,
Making my kid work for his dinner by putting up the TV.

All these were real things I actually said on FB that day. I kept calling him "my kid", not my son or by his first name, just "my kid." Should I be arrested????:what: I mean, doesn't that mean I'm guilty of something????
Then again, many of my relatives "warsh" clothes, which my 3rd grade teacher told me was a sign of being lower class. :what:


I say "warsh" and "crick" (creek). I also say "rid up the table", "that buffaloed me" and the ever popular "Uff da!" :floorlaugh:
Kinda OT but does anyone know anything about Janine Driver? If we are not allowed to discuss let me know and I'll delete it. :)

I don't know anything about her, but she's been discussed on WS before. :)
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