CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #42

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This happens to me following certain cases. When you have the moment where your gut, heart & brain are all in sync & you just know. DP show did it for me to & I had to walk away for a day or so, because even if you is always emotional when you come to the point that you have 'your' answers. It also makes sense that you don't feel the need to add or research, because you are satisfied with your opinion until something new comes in that may cause you to rethink, at least that's what happens to me. ITA it is hard! After the first case I followed, I said "never again", next case the same, and so on and so on. :banghead:

I'm not an emotional person...rarely do I cry. When I watched part one I was fighting back tears for Elaine. I could feel her pain so much. But when I watched part 2 I bawled. Not for Elaine but for Dylan. That's when it really sank in.
I wonder if LE could question MR about things he said on the show? Like bring him in and go through the show with him stopping at important points and asking him to explain. Like when he said 'behind the scenes'?
The problem with questioning him is you can't ever get a straight answer! They must be so frustrated!!

I've wondered if this is why the fail/inconclusive on poly happened...... MR"s ramblings. Polys are yes or no and if they ask him ' do you know where dylan is, yes or no' and he answered ' well you know i do know where he wishes he was and that's at a ball game you know, he loves the ball games, you know, so if i had to bet i'd bet he's watching a ball game right now' . ...........and the LDT machine smoked and whirred and spat out oil and they look at the results and scratch their heads and say ' did he pass' ........... :banghead:
I wonder if LE could question MR about things he said on the show? Like bring him in and go through the show with him stopping at important points and asking him to explain. Like when he said 'behind the scenes'?
The problem with questioning him is you can't ever get a straight answer! They must be so frustrated!!

Actually, I think that is exactly what will happen. Any discrepancies they will comb over of course. I'm not so sure MR even recognizes some of them really, I think he expects everyone to take his word for it. I think they will bring in the best of the best to do this interview & use whatever from the uncut to...I am lacking the word I want to use, not intimidate, but...IDK let him know he is not fooling them perhaps, if he is giving them the poor me crap? Like I mentioned earlier we may see him get a lawyer after this, but no doubt they are going to call him in. All the above was speculation.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one shortly...
I've wondered if this is why the fail/inconclusive on poly happened...... MR"s ramblings. Polys are yes or no and if they ask him ' do you know where dylan is, yes or no' and he answered ' well you know i do know where he wishes he was and that's at a ball game you know, he loves the ball games, you know, so if i had to bet i'd bet he's watching a ball game right now' . ...........and the LDT machine smoked and whirred and spat out oil and they look at the results and scratch their heads and say ' did he pass' ........... :banghead:

I really do think it was premeditated. I think that's why he's holding on so tight to his story. If it was purely an act of rage, I think he'd break down easier. The circumstances make me think premeditated as does his demeanor since, but I really think he decided to do this and felt completely justified, entitled, to do this. Therefore, he still does. If it were an accident, he wouldn't hold that position so strongly. he'd waver more easily. He did this to serve a purpose, and he feels justified in that purpose. it is serving its purpose and so he believes he did what he had to do for himself. I also think the actual murder was an act of rage, with alcohol. How else could you do something so horrific? But it was planned. I feel sure that he followed his plan to the Tee from the moment DR arrived. I've always thought that he did it the first night as to avoid feeling a bond with DR over a couple of days of hanging out together. He could depersonalize DR easier the faster and sooner he did it.
and I think the "praying" to DR is b/c MR believes DR had to be a sacrifice for his own agenda. he's probably sorry that he had to be a sacrifice, and he's probably says he's sorry in these prayers to DR, and asks for forgiveness, but not b/c he's remorseful. He just wants DR to understand why he had to be a sacrifice for MR's agenda, which MR still holds as the most important thing.

Ive always felt it was premeditated also. In my theory MR planned it and justified it by telling himself that ER was trying to alienate Dylan from him.Asoon as he lost custody he convinced himself ER was to blame and he was determined to get any cost. MMO.
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