CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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And an attorney would most likely advise you not to take it.

Honestly, I if were under suspicion about anything other than my child being missing and I took at LDT and failed KNOWING I WAS INNOCENT I would probably not take another one. But if my child were missing I would say give me 10 polygraphs if you need to. I don't care about me I ONLY CARE ABOUT FINDING MY CHILD!!! Honestly I would be so frantic to do whatever necessary to find my child that I really wouldn't care what people's or LE's suspicions were. I think most parents would give their life for their child. So giving two poly's to find my child I would do. I would tell them to do whatever they need to do to rule me out so they could move on and find my child.

But that's just the point, PS. How is taking polygraphs going to find your missing child? One could take 110 of them, and still be no closer to finding their child. Just the polygraph by itself does not rule somebody out. Don't you think that LE also checked out Elaine's and Cory's and Mike's whereabouts on that day? Of course they did! They would be remiss if they didn't.

As for not searching, in most cases LE requests that families do NOT participate in these searches, especially when so much time has passed, because a parent can contaminate evidence and/or a crime scene. No parent should ever have to come across their child's dead body, especially if it's been laying out there for months!

Mark did participate in one search, we know that. And he said he had been passing out fliers whenever he travels. I'm sure he has also talked to people as well. The truth is, we don't know what he's been doing, unless we are there. I can't take the word of someone on FB who is NOT there and is not shadowing him 24/7. Sorry, no disrespect intended.
From what we know today...

In my opinion - Explainable Events
• Dylan did not visit friends Sunday because MR thought it was too late.
• Dylan liked McDonalds or didn't want to sit down with MR after being told no friends tonight.
• Dylan was too tired to wake up early Monday.
• Nickelodeon Channel.

In my opinion - Unexplainable Events
• Electronic communication stopped at 9:37pm Sunday.
• If Dylan left the house on his own accord, he contacted no one.

I badly wish DP, MB or anyone that interviewed Mark would have asked him more specific questions about Sunday night. More about what MR witnessed regarding Dylan's cellphone or iPod activity that night. Was Dylan sleeping when MR went to bed at 10:30 and did Dylan have his phone or iPod in his hands. Straight up ask MR if he did anything to Dylan's phone.

DP may have asked him but it was cut. DP is a very smart man and I think if MR said something that DP thought would help the case then I can see him cutting it out until LE had a chance to look at it. JMO
If MR took away Dylan's phone or tossed it out, and has not told LE this, then he is showing a great disinterest in actually helping to find Dylan, vs. worrying about himself. LE has indicated interest in Sunday night, presumably in part due to the halting of communication by Dylan, which would be a great waste of time and also tampering with evidence on the part of MR, if in fact he is holding back info on the phone.
Good afternoon everyone. I have been out enjoying this lovely weather cleaning my flowers gardens out. I love it when the temps are 78 outside.

I see we have no news.. Could someone direct me to the maps of where the scents where located during the first search and this last one.. I would like to study the maps in depth a little more. Thanks in advance. I am going to hang out for awhile. I am to tired to do anything else
If my child was missing I would take all the poly's LE would need to clear me, that LE would be able to go after the real culprit full force.
Have I failed a poly I would ask LE to talk with me trough the sensitive areas. It could only be something like : are you responsible for the disappearance of your child? Maybe I could fail that question because I could feel some way responsible like: Maybe I made a mistake and didn't lock all the locks on the door for example. Or that I brought my child 10 minutes early somewhere because I had a meeting which I could not schedule for another time and now I feel guilty about it and that way I feel responsible.
In that case I would share my feelings with LE and would request to do another test formulating the question in another way, a way which would exclude my feelings above. I would do everything to make LE possible to clear me and to make them focus to all the other/real possibilities. I will pester them to question me!

Most guys I know don't do "feelings" about anything. IMO
But that's just the point, PS. How is taking polygraphs going to find your missing child? One could take 110 of them, and still be no closer to finding their child. Just the polygraph by itself does not rule somebody out. Don't you think that LE also checked out Elaine's and Cory's and Mike's whereabouts on that day? Of course they did! They would be remiss if they didn't.

As for not searching, in most cases LE requests that families do NOT participate in these searches, especially when so much time has passed, because a parent can contaminate evidence and/or a crime scene. No parent should ever have to come across their child's dead body, especially if it's been laying out there for months!

Mark did participate in one search, we know that. And he said he had been passing out fliers whenever he travels. I'm sure he has also talked to people as well. The truth is, we don't know what he's been doing, unless we are there. I can't take the word of someone on FB who is NOT there and is not shadowing him 24/7. Sorry, no disrespect intended.

I am just saying that I would do whatever LE asked me to do in this situation. When it comes to my child being missing I would not be thinking about myself in the least. If they felt they needed to put me in jail, I would tell them to put me jail but do not stop looking for my child! In other words...there would be no concern for ME at that time whatsoever. None. All my focus would be on finding my child. I would do whatever was asked of me by LE and more!
Honestly, that would be my visceral inclination too.

But I would still call an attorney. I would have done that as soon as LE told me I "failed" or that the results were "inconclusive". But then I've worked as a paralegal for twenty years so maybe that's just me :)

Do we know for sure LE asked for another poly? I remember that being up for question when discussing him taking a second poly. It depends on what facts we have to support LE asking for a second poly.
Good afternoon everyone. I have been out enjoying this lovely weather cleaning my flowers gardens out. I love it when the temps are 78 outside.

I see we have no news.. Could someone direct me to the maps of where the scents where located during the first search and this last one.. I would like to study the maps in depth a little more. Thanks in advance. I am going to hang out for awhile. I am to tired to do anything else

Are there maps? I've been asking this question for ages! I know we went back and forth on a few area's but I don't think we ever decided where on the lake for sure did we?
Is it Mother's day in the U,S as it is in the U,K today so if so that is going to be painful for Elaine ?
Something I keep wondering about is this issue of the last occurrence of communication from Dylan's mobile on Sunday night around 9:30-something.

Has MR ever addressed this in a concrete, definitive way? Because if there were a logical explanation, like the phone died completely, wouldn't that have been known by MR that night, before he and Dylan went to sleep? I can't imagine Dylan having his lifeline to his friends fail him and not immediately making a big deal about it. And I can't imagine MR not bringing it into his account of the morning. Along the lines of "Dylan's phone died Sunday night so I told him we would go into Durango on Monday and get him a new one."


Not that I've seen. He's discussed it in general but nothing specific. I don't think in any of his interviews, he's been directly asked that question.
If MR took away Dylan's phone or tossed it out, and has not told LE this, then he is showing a great disinterest in actually helping to find Dylan, vs. worrying about himself. LE has indicated interest in Sunday night, presumably in part due to the halting of communication by Dylan, which would be a great waste of time and also tampering with evidence on the part of MR, if in fact he is holding back info on the phone.

This is why i do not believe that happened IMO. Because parents get angry and your son getting kidnapped would be 100% worse than taking your sons phone so you would admit this .
The language Elaine used on the Dr Phil show really stood out to me "never been confirmed." I've posted about this before but that's a huge hole that seems like it should so easily be proven false. There shouldn't be anything basic like an eyewitness statement hanging out there as "unconfirmed" still, IMO.

I hope this isn't a case of LE not making good decisions. But then, this IS Colorado, home of poor little JonBenet who will never see justice because of LE incompetence. IMO.

Just a little insight into LE in southwest CO. I live in a county adjacent to La Plata County. My daughter went missing when she was 15. She left our house after she and I had a massive blowout over doing dishes. I really figured she'd be back after she cooled off. She left her cell phone at our house, which was very unusual for her.

We called dispatch less than 24 hours after she left. Our local police and county sheriff's department were scarily unconcerned. No one was ever sent to our house to take statements. We repeatedly offered to give them pictures of her. They finally agreed to look at one THREE DAYS after she left.

Long long long story short, my husband and I went through her phone and called every single number there. We drove around and talked to her friends and parents of her friends for hours and hours. We finally narrowed it down to two guys that she had been seen with before we couldn't track her any longer.

We gave those two names to LE. They searched the apartment of one of them. The guy actually called the police and asked them to search his apartment because he wanted us to know he wasn't involved. She wasn't there, of course.

The other guy? The police told us he was a great kid. There was no way he'd be involved. My husband and I sat in his driveway for an hour before he'd even talk to us. When he finally did, he gave several conflicting accounts of what he did with her. We called the police with that information, and they just didn't care. Couldn't be bothered. One even told us that they'd get more involved if she was still gone in A WEEK!

Turns out that second kid transported her to another state. Our local LE didn't give two *advertiser censored* because they figured she was a runaway. It probably would have taken them half an hour to question that second kid and figure out where she was. We weren't smart about it, but we were tenacious. WE got her back while they basically refused to help.

ETA: I'm being too harsh. Out here in rural CO, police and deputies are stretched super thin. They don't necessarily have the training or time to specialize in one sort of crime. They have to deal with everything from vehicle accidents to animal rustling to kidnappings and homicides. It's totally NECESSARY to be as personally pro-active as possible. I appreciate the police and deputies here. They risk it all, every day, for crappy pay and hours.
Except we never established whether MR even has multiple Nickelodeon channels. I would love to know of a cable company that offers multiple Nickelodeon channels in their most basic (cheapest) cable package. I would say, probably all of them make you buy an extension (pay more $$) for the other Nick channels, besides the regular one.

Dora the Explorer was on the regular Nickelodeon channel.

We have DirecTv and we have about 5 Nick channels, and 8 Disney channels. I think we are one notch above basic. I don't know very many people who only get the basic package, though, since going a step up only adds a few more dollars to your bill. Most men want more choices than what the basic package offers, especially for sports channels. We have the Starz package as well, which has about 8 or 10 channels, can't remember exactly, but we only pay $10 extra a month for that.
Do we know for sure LE asked for another poly? I remember that being up for question when discussing him taking a second poly. It depends on what facts we have to support LE asking for a second poly.

I don't think we do know whether LE asked MR to take a second poly.

But I was answering the hypothetical question about what I would do, not what MR would/could/did/didn't do.
Is it Mother's day in the U,S as it is in the U,K today so if so that is going to be painful for Elaine ?

Not yet, no. It's celebrated in May in the states.

On a side note I was in Ballyvaughan, Ireland two years ago on Mothering Day, which happened to be three days after a missing local village woman had been found dead on a beach ten miles from home. Another local man attempted suicide the day after she was found, and was later arrested (after her funeral) and charged with her murder. It was a very surreal Mothering Day for this small village and the parish priest spoke very compassionately about both of the affected mothers in his sermon that Sunday.

Poor Elaine :(
Are there maps? I've been asking this question for ages! I know we went back and forth on a few area's but I don't think we ever decided where on the lake for sure did we?

IIRC - PS is correct. We mapped the distance from MR's to T's, but we could not map the search locations because the wording provided by the LE search and K9 Forensics could not be properly deciphered (so to speak).
Is it Mother's day in the U,S as it is in the U,K today so if so that is going to be painful for Elaine ?

No, not til May here in the US. But your post just made me tear up. I so hope Dylan is home by then. :cry: He's missed too many holidays already. Even if he can't be brought home alive and well, I hope he's found by then so the family can have some answers.
Carrying over a couple of things from the last thread (hopefully this works right on the quotes):

Txlady2 said:
By the way... I keep seeing references that Jack T. started the poly, but stopped it. Where is this coming from? All I saw was him getting the machine set up, then the door shut on the camera, but I don't see Mark even hooked up to the machine. I'm just curious, because if he went that far, then stopped and refused to finish, that's worse.

I think this has been addressed but I didn't see if the specifics from the show/transcripts were quoted. I don't think they got very far into the poly, I think they were just on the introductory/pre-qualifying type questions. After the door shut the graphic on screen said it was 20 minutes later when the poly was stopped. MR said that they were asking him questions and that one of the questions was about if he felt well enough to take it. From the transcript, with a couple of things BBM:

"MR: A question was asked if I gave an honest answer to it. The question was, do you feel well enough to take this test, and my response to that question was, No. It became clear that by answering no to that question that... there was no point in proceeding any farther.

JT: Mark decided that he didn’t feel well enough to take the polygraph test. He told me he had about 3 hours of sleep last night and he had a ½ bottle of Jim Beam on top of things, so.... Uh... he doesn’t feel well enough to take the test.


JT: Well, he was agitated because he said that this was kind of thrust upon him. He didn’t expect to be doing this, and um... he needed time to think it all out. He didn’t want to take it. He didn’t trust the process. I was, quite frankly, getting fatigued. I would ask question and he would give me the answer to something else. Until finally I just had to say, are we doing this or not?"

The answer there was that they were not, because of MR's answer. Then there was some further discussion on it:

"Dr. Phil: So he said he didn’t believe in the test and doesn’t trust anybody. He showed up at 8:00 this morning. You set up to do the test, and what took place then?

JT: I had questions about the man that I met this morning physically and in appearance versus the man I met yesterday. Uh…
Mark was… disheveled, and when I later asked him, have you had any alcohol or drugs in the last 24 hours, he said, yeah I had a ½ bottle of Jim Beam last night. Well, he started to give me excuses why he wasn’t going to take the test, and one of the questions that I needed to ask him in that pre-test portion of the exam is, do you feel well enough to take this exam, and he said, no.


JT: You didn’t look so spiffy this morning. You know I should have asked you, are you suffering the effects of the Jim Beam, or just not feeling good?

MR: Well... I didn’t have a lot of Jim Beam. I mean, I wanna make that... When I say 1/2 bottle I’m not talking about a big bottle, I’m talking about a small bottle, like a pint size…

JT: So what was it that affected you to the point where we couldn’t go forward?

MR: Well... and I guess when you were asking me these questions and you asked that question and I responded to it and I gave you my answer, I guess I was… I was expecting another question to follow that one, and... and... and at that point when it stopped.

JT: Well, actually, it wasn’t a question though, Mark. It was a statement by me and I said, well that’s a disqualifier. If you don’t feel well enough to take this test, then we’re not gonna’ do it.

MR: Right... but the question was, do I feel well enough to take it? My response was, No, and.... and… instead of having another question followed behind that, when you reacted to that, and... and... said what you said, I was a bit taken by that.

Dr. Phil: Do you wanna’ take it?

MR: Well I don’t know that... that.... That… At the point we are right now with that question I don’t think that my answer is any different now that it was two hours ago.

Dr. Phil: So you don’t want to take it.

MR: Pause... Not if... if it means that my answer to that question is, no, then it’s no now. You know, maybe now isn’t the time to be taking the polygraph test, and I believe that that’s where we’re at with that."

Hope that helps.
I am just saying that I would do whatever LE asked me to do in this situation. When it comes to my child being missing I would not be thinking about myself in the least. If they felt they needed to put me in jail, I would tell them to put me jail but do not stop looking for my child! In other words...there would be no concern for ME at that time whatsoever. None. All my focus would be on finding my child. I would do whatever was asked of me by LE and more!

Ok, I understand what you're saying.

For myself, I could sit here and say that I would do anything they asked, too. I could say that I would sit in a jail cell, or take 100 polygraphs if necessary, but that would be because I'm not actually going through it. In reality, it can be a lot different than what we think. I don't think it's necessarily a selfish reaction, it's just human nature to be defensive, for me at least. For as long as I can remember, I have never wanted to take the blame for something I did not do, so I doubt that my reaction would go against a lifelong habit just because my child is missing. Sitting in a jail cell would not accomplish anything, IMO, because that would only slow down their investigation, if not stop it altogether.
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