CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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I don't understand why LE would focus on Dylan being a runaway when there is no evidence to support that at all. Even if he did run away, the search dogs may have been able to track him.

I still think that they should have gotten the scent items as soon as possible and used scent discriminating dogs at the earliest possible moment. MOO.

I agree with you re: the search dogs. Absolutely. No telling why LE was assuming runaway. Didn't someone post earlier today that in 25 years they have only had 2 missing kids who have not been accounted for? I think they were thinking he might have had an accident in the terrain, been having an adventure in an unoccupied cabin, etc. Much more "normal" for that LE to focus on that a genuine missing child. Reading from the start forward is really stomach churning four months later.
Yes, I know the story. LE knows exactly what happened and Dylan is in the lake but they decided to wait until spring to recover his body.

I guess that it's possible but I'm not buying into that story at this point. MOO.

Did I say that in my post or did it seem it was implied?

Because I said NOTHING about the lake (I may personally think that BUT I did not say that).....
Note: Based upon a scenario I posted, and another possible aspect mentioned by another poster I have been looking for information during which MR stated how he tried to wake DR up on Monday morning. I remember it being much more detailed, and coming directly from MR, vs. what his ex-GF Karen, described on the DP show.

Was this perhaps in the MB interview where he described trying to wake him up? Or, was it somewhere else? I'll keep looking, but wanted to ask in case someone else remembers clearly when/where that was mentioned.

IIRC Mark did get a lawyer right after ER said she thought he was involved. It was in this article:

"Reality starting to set in"
And he is trying to deal with the added weight of knowing that some people think he had something to do with his son's disappearance because he was the last one to see him. He has contacted a criminal-defense attorney to help him with that. And he said he is helping in the search in any way he can.

BBM: It said he contacted one. To me it's been obvious for a long time he's been going along without one. No lawyer in his right mind would support him going on Dr. Phil. That right there tells me all I needed to know about whether or not he has a lawyer on payroll. If he did, he needs to fire that dude, because that's the worst advice a lawyer ever dispensed to a client. IMO, JMO, MOO.
Note: Based upon a scenario I posted, and another possible aspect mentioned by another poster I have been looking for information during which MR stated how he tried to wake DR up on Monday morning. I remember it being much more detailed, and coming directly from MR, vs. what his ex-GF Karen, described on the DP show.

Was this perhaps in the MB interview where he described trying to wake him up? Or, was it somewhere else? I'll keep looking, but wanted to ask in case someone else remembers clearly when/where that was mentioned.


Search youtube for MR uncut interview. One of the ones with koat (I believe) in Dec mentions how Dylan acknowledged he understand when MR was leaving. It proves a nice contrast to the uncut MB interview. Maybe you can search the transcripts posted instead?
Did I say that in my post or did it seem it was implied?

Because I said NOTHING about the lake (I may personally think that BUT I did not say that).....

No, you didn't say that. I was taking a guess and that's the only thing that fit with your post. Looks like I guessed right.
I thought there was originally a seperate thread for discussions of the Dr. Phil Show in which the Redwine family participated. It would be nice if that thread could be continued, because, now, on this thread, the Dr. Phil Show keeps popping up and preventing more constructive discussions.

All of us have our own opinions about the show, and I know that I do not wish to hurt anyone's feelings, and I'm sure others do not want to do so either.

Preventing more constructive discussions about what? What happened on the DP show is very relevant to what happened to Dylan IMO and I see no reason why it shouldn't be discussed here. MOO
Search youtube for MR uncut interview. One of the ones with koat (I believe) in Dec mentions how Dylan acknowledged he understand when MR was leaving. It proves a nice contrast to the uncut MB interview. Maybe you can search the transcripts posted instead?

Thanks, I'll check those out! I will probably do so later tonight though as I've still got a few things to do around the house here, and I'm back and forth between the computer and chores! lol
Perhaps the Mods should just create two Dylan threads. One for those who think MR is involved and one for those who don't think he's involved. It sure seems like things would be much more harmonious that way. That way those who don't think he's involved can talk and brainstorm on other theories and those who do think he's involved can brainstorm in that direction. Just a thought...
No, you didn't say that. I was taking a guess and that's the only thing that fit with your post. Looks like I guessed right.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she was referring to the first few days of the search, I believe.

When I read her post, I thought she meant that it appeared as if LE in the first couple days had 'decided' what they thought happened. I took it to mean that LE thought he did indeed run away and a real search as they would do for a child they suspected was abducted, or was harmed wouldn't be necessary... Their thinking in the first few days is well-documented in regard to them saying they believed he was a run-away.

I didn't take her comment to mean that LE immediately suspected MR, or that there was anything involving the lake whatsoever - especially not that in the first days of the search that he was indeed in the lake and just decided to wait until Spring...

As I recall the immediate searches were to look for clues along the roadway, and that would actually indicate that at that time they believed MR's hypothesis that he left the house of his own accord. Even when parents insist their child has not run away, sometimes LE still treats it that way - especially with teens.

All of the theories, and suspicions about the Lake itself has come way after the fact that police announced they no longer believed it was a case of DR running away, and that they had declared it officially a criminal investigation.

I'm just jumping in here because I actually think you are both on the same page, and don't even realize it perhaps...
Note: Based upon a scenario I posted, and another possible aspect mentioned by another poster I have been looking for information during which MR stated how he tried to wake DR up on Monday morning. I remember it being much more detailed, and coming directly from MR, vs. what his ex-GF Karen, described on the DP show.

Was this perhaps in the MB interview where he described trying to wake him up? Or, was it somewhere else? I'll keep looking, but wanted to ask in case someone else remembers clearly when/where that was mentioned.


If this helps, I think it was in the original "uncut" interview that was filmed in a video rental store. I know I've seen various versions of the story but I think that's the one that was from MR directly.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she was referring to the first few days of the search, I believe.

When I read her post, I thought she meant that it appeared as if LE in the first couple days had 'decided' what they thought happened. I took it to mean that LE thought he did indeed run away and a real search as they would do for a child they suspected was abducted, or was harmed... Their thinking in the first few days is well-documented in regard to them saying they believed he was a run-away.

I didn't take her comment to mean that LE immediately suspected MR, or that there was anything involving the lake whatsoever - especially not that in the first days of the search that he was indeed in the lake and just decided to wait until Spring...

As I recall the immediate searches were to look for clues along the roadway, and that would actually indicate that at that time they believed MR's hypothesis that he left the house of his own accord. Even when parents insist their child has not run away, sometimes LE still treats it that way - especially with teens.

All of the theories, and suspicions about the Lake itself has come way after the fact that police announced they no longer believed it was a case of DR running away, and that they had declared it officially a criminal investigation.

I'm just jumping in here because I actually think you are both on the same page, and don't even realize it perhaps...

I thought that I was on the same page also.
Perhaps the Mods should just create two Dylan threads. One for those who think MR is involved and one for those who don't think he's involved. It sure seems like things would be much more harmonious that way. That way those who don't think he's involved can talk and brainstorm on other theories and those who do think he's involved can brainstorm in that direction. Just a thought...

What about those of us who just don't know but aren't willing to place blame just yet? I don't find myself in either camp and quite frankly don't like being lumped. MOO
I brought this up a few days ago, but didn't see any response to it.

I wonder if LE noticed any defensive wounds on Mark that first evening when they interviewed him. A person who is being choked will fight back, there would be scratches on the arms or hands, or bruises where the victim has kicked out, struggling to get loose so they can breathe. I have heard of some people leaving bite marks.
Not to mention that it takes a couple minutes... not sure how long, but it's not instantaneous.
But this would be the first thing I looked for if I was LE if the person seemed at all suspicious or the story wasn't adding up.
Perhaps the Mods should just create two Dylan threads. One for those who think MR is involved and one for those who don't think he's involved. It sure seems like things would be much more harmonious that way. That way those who don't think he's involved can talk and brainstorm on other theories and those who do think he's involved can brainstorm in that direction. Just a thought...

But what about ....:fence:
What about those of us who just don't know but aren't willing to place blame just yet? I don't find myself in either camp and quite frankly don't like being lumped. MOO

You could jump back and forth :)

I don't just seems we are a camp divided for the most part which always leads to bickering and angry feelings.
Perhaps the Mods should just create two Dylan threads. One for those who think MR is involved and one for those who don't think he's involved. It sure seems like things would be much more harmonious that way. That way those who don't think he's involved can talk and brainstorm on other theories and those who do think he's involved can brainstorm in that direction. Just a thought...

I don't have any problem reading or considering theories that involve runaway, hitching/hiking with stranger abduction or accident, abduction from the home, etc. I don't THINK any of those happened, but until we know what actually happened, I can't be certain about anything. ER and CR are known to have been hundreds of miles away, and I find it very unlikely that anyone acted on their behalf. Just my own personal reaction, but I feel subtle (and not so subtle) attacks on their character really don't have a place in the discussion. I may have violated TOS with this post despite my efforts to avoid. If so, mods please delete. All MOO
I brought this up a few days ago, but didn't see any response to it.

I wonder if LE noticed any defensive wounds on Mark that first evening when they interviewed him. A person who is being choked will fight back, there would be scratches on the arms or hands, or bruises where the victim has kicked out, struggling to get loose so they can breathe. I have heard of some people leaving bite marks.
Not to mention that it takes a couple minutes... not sure how long, but it's not instantaneous.
But this would be the first thing I looked for if I was LE if the person seemed at all suspicious or the story wasn't adding up.

I haven't heard anything about this but I do think at that point they thought it was likely that Dylan ran away....thus their cursory search of MR's house. I would think when they did their extensive search 10 days later any marks that could have been there would have probably been gone....depending how severe of course.
But good question! I wonder if they checked him over 10 days later?
I don't have any problem reading or considering theories that involve runaway, hitching/hiking with stranger abduction or accident, abduction from the home, etc. I don't THINK any of those happened, but until we know what actually happened, I can't be certain about anything. ER and CR are known to have been hundreds of miles away, and I find it very unlikely that anyone acted on their behalf. Just my own personal reaction, but I feel subtle (and not so subtle) attacks on their character really don't have a place in the discussion. I may have violated TOS with this post despite my efforts to avoid. If so, mods please delete. All MOO

I don't mind the alternate theories either. I'm talking about those who see guilt in everything MR does vs those who see innocence in everything he does. We seem to be very divided in that respect.

And I like you, am highly offended by any attacks on ER and CR.
Note: Based upon a scenario I posted, and another possible aspect mentioned by another poster I have been looking for information during which MR stated how he tried to wake DR up on Monday morning. I remember it being much more detailed, and coming directly from MR, vs. what his ex-GF Karen, described on the DP show.

Was this perhaps in the MB interview where he described trying to wake him up? Or, was it somewhere else? I'll keep looking, but wanted to ask in case someone else remembers clearly when/where that was mentioned.


Mark said he tried to wake his son the next morning around 7:30 before leaving to run errands, but Dylan was fast asleep

And, you know, I get up to go run my errands ‘cos I had a payroll issue that needed to be dealt with first thing Monday morning because that’s when payroll goes in, and so it was important for me to get down there as early as possible. Well, I wanted to leave at 6:30 so I would be there at 7:30 when they open the doors.

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.
Melissa Blasius Interview

DENISE HESS: And that he had gotten up in the morning, stirred around the house, made some noise trying to get Dylan up, and Dylan didn’t want to get up and go into town at that time.

Mark Redwine said he was going to give Dylan a ride to his friends’ house and tried to wake him up when he left Monday morning but said Dylan was “out like a light.”

The next morning, Dad says at about 7:30 AM, Dylan was still asleep there on the couch. He`d had a bed made up for him there. He said Dylan apparently wanted to sleep in, so dad left, went to go run some errands.

“He was sleeping on the couch, and I told him I had to go about my errands,” Mark Redwine said in a Sunday telephone interview. “He said, “OK, I understand.” The focus for him was to go to his friend’s, but I live far back in the canyon.

"Before I left I nudged him on the shoulder and he acknowledged that he understood that I needed to leave, and if he needed anything, he would just call me."
VIDEO (need link)

"The next morning, Dylan was sleeping on the couch where Mark Redwine now sits and where Dylan's blankets still lie jumbled. Mark said he waited until 7:30 a.m. but still couldn't rouse his son, so he told him he would return about 11.
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