CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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You're right that a passed polygraph would not be taken as something to alone clear someone who may be a suspect. It may however open up the investigation and point away from a suspect.

LE cannot tell someone that they cleared as a suspect because they passed a polygraph and then later come back to them and say, "oops, we lied, really you failed, and you're under arrest now". A defense attorney would have a heyday with actions of that nature.

I'm looking up the statutes as they relate to admissibility of polygraphs in the State of Colorado. In some states a polygraph can be introduced into evidence by the defense, and a judge can rule it admissible in a trial itself.

I will come back with links in regard to polygraph statutes in CO and post them in a separate comment.

Again I am behind - we are living in my parents old house that hasn't seen any paint in 30 years and my one and only child is graduating HS this May so I am painting every room myself to get ready for a big graduation party for her, so I am checking in as much as I can (I work at least 50 hours during the week) and I apologize if questions have already been answered prior to me posting one.
This is in response to statements made about the polygraph being inadmissable in a court of law so why look at it at all?

A polygraph is admissable in a case:

To impeach a witness ( showing they said one thing in poly but another on the stand;

As character witness bc what was said on poly bolsters the defendants character;

To show how a witness story developed;

In a sentancing hearing;

If both parties stipulate the poly can be admitted;

In a bench trial;

And more... Here is the link:
I am interested in the statement that JT has never had both the mother and father in a missing person case refuse to take a polygraph.

Something that makes me go hmmmm KWIM?

This one is easy! AZ, did anyone at any time during the show ask ER to take a lie detector test? Was there ANY implication that she had been asked to take one and turned it down?
No disrespect to anyone at all, but LE is the source of my opinion on this topic.

LE is never going to come out and share that info with us. ER has said so publicly. I choose to take her word for it. Dylan is her son and I see no reason for her to be dishonest about something this important. JMO
Can anyone furnish me with a link from LE stating that MR was requested to take a 2nd polygraph?

I have not seen one to date.

LE is never going to come out and say that. Luckily for us, ER was willing to do so on Tricia's show.
I am interested in the statement that JT has never had both the mother and father in a missing person case refuse to take a polygraph.

Something that makes me go hmmmm KWIM?

Well, we know that in this case the mother DID take a poly and she passed. So what is it that is making you go hmmm?
I understand where you are coming from. The only reason I'm thinking that R wasn't the recipient is because he showed the text messages to the MSM, iirc. In fact, I think I recall him actually showing a reporter his phone with the messages on it - unless I'm mixing it up with something else.

I also don't think the text was to his Mom as she said the last thing she received was - like you said - the confirmation that MR had picked him up from the airport. (It breaks my heart that the last thing he texted his mom was a frowning emoticon...)

I do know that LE definitely has not said whom the 9:37 text was to, or what it contained. IIRC the first time they admitted there was a text at 9:37 specifically was after it was shown on the DP show as stated by ER.

As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:

I don't Remember if they have ever come out and said Ryan definitely was not the recipient but even more glaring to me is all the times they have not given any details about Dylan's last communication.
Are the exact statements handy?

I don't have them on hand. I would think if ER had passed a polygraph already, she would have less concern than MR of repeating one.

Would one not think?

She was not offered a poly by Dr Phil. She did not have to take one because Dylan did not go missing from her home. She has told consistent stories and she passed her original poly.

It was Mark who has told inconsistent and conflicting stories, failed his first poly and then went out and got drunk to avoid retaking it.
Yet the one under heavy suspicion, the last I saw, had not been named a POI or a suspect is this not correct?


I should state under suspicion by some individuals but not everyone just to clarify :)

You don't have to be 'named' a POI publicly, to actually be a Person of Interest in an ongoing case. In fact, LE usually does not name their suspects publicly anymore.

So he did state a mother and father correct?

As well thank you for bringing this forward. Greatly appreciated!!

Don't forget this part:

Dr. P: This man's done 3500 polygraghs (referring to Jack Trimarco). Do you know how many fathers with missing sons have ever-ever refused to take a polygraph in all his years of doing polygraph work? You know how many have done what you've done? Zero. You, Mark, you're it."
I'll give my two cents on the comparison between the DC logo and Dylan's shirt. If I had to guess I would say no. But since the airport and Walmart photos are of so poor quality I can't rule out that the t-shirt worn by Dylan has the DC logo on it. Dylan's shirt may even be one that they no longer sell and it's different than the one I found. Hard to say for sure.

I think it might be a 'vintage' DC logo. Dylan has an older brother so it might have been his. My DS used to wear these shirts years ago, and they were almost always black with that type of logo, ow white with a black logo.
Yes. It's very interesting to me how Dr Phil misstated what Trimarco had actually said. That Dr Phil is slick.:twocents:

So are you thinking that ER was asked to take a poly on the DP Show, but refused?
I'm thinking that taking and passing a tv show polygraph would not clear MR or anyone else for that matter. Not in the eyes of LE (I would hope) and in this case I seriously doubt it would influence many members of the public, <modsnip>.

If Mark had agreed to that polygraph and passed it with flying colors, imo, it would have influenced many people's beliefs about him. I would be much less suspicious of him and would be looking more at random abduction scenarios.

I have always wondered about Eileen Lake, off to the west of MR's home, up a trail about 1100 feet. Hiking sites say it closes in October, and is only accessible by foot and sometimes horseback. People try to fish there but the lake is covered in lillypads and no fish to be found really. It's only about a 2-4 mile hike round trip depending on the starting point.

It is closed to ATV's, but that doesn't mean a person couldn't break the rules. Months ago I asked if MR has a trail bike or ATV of some sort, and don't remember hearing an answer.

Has Eileen Lake been brought up on this forum, or by LE?
I think the Lake Eileen area sounds like good possibility. Not necessary in the water, but buried somewhere closeby.
Just for the record, its hard to have a serious conversation here with Ransom's chicken dancing. :floorlaugh:
I think the Lake Eileen area sounds like good possibility. Not necessary in the water, but buried somewhere closeby.

I agree. If it was done as a vengeance type of a thing then Lake Eileen would be the perfect place. :mad:
It doesn't matter to you, and you gave your reason. Thanks. The rest of us can decide for ourselves if it matters to us.

It matters to me, and it has nothing to do with Elaine. It matters to me because later in the show, Dr Phil misstated what Trimarco said, and it seemed to me to be solely to mislead MR and more importantly to me, the viewers of his show. I just simply don't believe what Dr Phil later said to MR, misstating what Trimarco said, and saying instead that Trimarco has never had a father of a missing child refuse a poly. That's just not believable to me, and it's not what Trimarco said.

Just my opinion. :twocents:

I thought the debate was about Trimarco saying he had never had a mother AND a father refuse to take one. Not just one or the other. My point was that BOTH were not asked by Trimarco or by Dr. Phil to take one. Only Mark was asked and refused. Elaine was not asked to take one for the show. That's all I meant. I think you may have misunderstood what I said, just trying to explain.
This one is easy! AZ, did anyone at any time during the show ask ER to take a lie detector test? Was there ANY implication that she had been asked to take one and turned it down?

In the entire time that I was there, NO ONE ever asked ER to take a LDT. No one ever implied that ER should take one, no one ever implied that she should not. It was NOT even known (it was hoped but not known) if DP would ask MR to take one.
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