CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #48

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Diversity is good. Passion too. One not need to find blame to want Dylan found and to ultimately want justice for this crime against him.

I'm sorry but I disagree. Dylan is missing and IMO not due to an accident or of his own doing so therefore somebody is responsible and somebody is to blame and IMO this somebody needs to pay for what they did to this young boy, whomever this somebody is.
I see no word salad in any of these examples. Every single word of every single sentence answers the question what did you do today?

For the sake of example, salad fixin's could be added to the above, but I have trouble speaking in hypotheticals.

Taking one of MR's actual statements:

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty.
because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.

The bolded part does not answer the question or expand the answer, IMO, it is totally unrelated.
my opinion

So what was the question? Who asked it and in what context?


IMO, that's exactly why MR gives these long rambling 'word salad' that by the time he's done, no one remembers the question at all. Divert, Distract, Deflect...etc.
I respect the fact that you are not ready to convict or find him guilty without more facts.

What I have a problem with honestly (and it's not you in particular) is what appears to be those making excuses for what IMO is very questionable and suspicious behavior on MR's part. Some of this makes no logical sense to me. I can see you or others saying i'm not ready to convict (I get that) but I don't understand those who don't see the odd behavior and inconsistencies. Honestly it's a little scary to me that some people see this as 'normal'. Just MOO and not directed at anyone in particular.

I understand what you are saying, and I think others may view those who see things the way you do as scary too as well as not open to possibilities. I think agreeing to disagree might be for the best.
I can't find it now but perhaps TX Jan or someone else can sometime...but there was a particular response from MR when he was asked something about the plans for Thanksgiving Day, I think it was, that just blew me away. It was a jumble of words about sixteen different subjects and not a turkey to be had.

Is this what you are referring to?:

Melissa Blasius:
Umm… what were your plans for Thanksgiving?

Mark Redwine:
Well, we had talked about a couple things … he was here for such a short time, we didn’t have anything nailed down, you know, I anticipated and was correct in assuming he wanted to spend time with his friends, so that Monday, Tuesday… Wednesday was kind of up in the air because that was the day we could either travel to Colorado ….err not Colorado Springs but Castle Rock where my brother lives, ‘cos he had made mention about wanting to go over there, …or he could hang out with his friends and come up here, you know… just the two of us would spend Thanksgiving and then he could focus on spending the rest of the time he was here with his friends.. you know... I mean… I just wanted him to be happy. So, when he wants to spend time with his friends I get that – I understand that. I have no problem with that.

All I need to know is that he’s safe and where he’s at, and how to get a hold of him, and it’s likely I’ll pop in on him -- Check to make sure he’s at where he says he’s at. Those things were important to me. You know… when he’s with me – it’s me and him, with the exception of his friends. You know… I know those are important to him, but … you know… I monitor what he does, where he’s at. You know… it’s just me and him. There’s not people coming and going in my life ‘cos everything I focus on is him and us being together spending that time.
I see no word salad in any of these examples. Every single word of every single sentence answers the question what did you do today?

For the sake of example, salad fixin's could be added to the above, but I have trouble speaking in hypotheticals.

Taking one of MR's actual statements:

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty.
because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.

The bolded part does not answer the question or expand the answer, IMO, it is totally unrelated.
my opinion

Perfect example!
I'm sorry but I disagree. Dylan is missing and IMO not due to an accident or of his own doing so therefore somebody is responsible and somebody is to blame and IMO this somebody needs to pay for what they did to this young boy, whomever this somebody is.

I would like to know what happened first. Then I'll get on the justice train.
So what was the question? Who asked it and in what context?

Melissa Blasius asked the question. I will go get the actual question. If memory serves (which it very well might not) she asked him to tell her about that morning. I will come back with the actual question. Unless someone beats me to it.
Diversity is good. Passion too. One not need to find blame to want Dylan found and to ultimately want justice for this crime against him.

There absolutely is someone to blame. Dylan Redwine is missing...likely deceased. It isn't up to us (not you specifically) but us as a society to determine who is responsible for Dylan being missing. It is up to society as a whole to convict the person who is responsible for Dylan's disappearance.

It is my opinion that the person who is most likely responsible for Dylan's disappearance is MR. We are here to discuss the possibilities, events, situations, mannerisms, language, behaviors and odd behavior MR displayed at the time leading up to, and immediately following, Dylan's disappearance. That is what we, (again, not you specifically) but we, as in Websleuthers, do. We analyze, dissect, discuss and dig for information. There are too many things to list, that lead many people to suspect MR. It isn't just about what is known, it is also about what isn't known, and what isn't known doesn't lead me away from keeping my sights directly on Mark Redwine.
From the last news release it appears LE is still investigating MR so until there is new information pointing in another direction MR is #1 on my radar.
Is this what you are referring to?:

Melissa Blasius:
Umm… what were your plans for Thanksgiving?

Mark Redwine:
Well, we had talked about a couple things … he was here for such a short time, we didn’t have anything nailed down, you know, I anticipated and was correct in assuming he wanted to spend time with his friends, so that Monday, Tuesday… Wednesday was kind of up in the air because that was the day we could either travel to Colorado ….err not Colorado Springs but Castle Rock where my brother lives, ‘cos he had made mention about wanting to go over there, …or he could hang out with his friends and come up here, you know… just the two of us would spend Thanksgiving and then he could focus on spending the rest of the time he was here with his friends.. you know... I mean… I just wanted him to be happy. So, when he wants to spend time with his friends I get that – I understand that. I have no problem with that.

All I need to know is that he’s safe and where he’s at, and how to get a hold of him, and it’s likely I’ll pop in on him -- Check to make sure he’s at where he says he’s at. Those things were important to me. You know… when he’s with me – it’s me and him, with the exception of his friends. You know… I know those are important to him, but … you know… I monitor what he does, where he’s at. You know… it’s just me and him. There’s not people coming and going in my life ‘cos everything I focus on is him and us being together spending that time.

I think that it's possible that when Mark talked to an officer about Dylan he mention that he was with him on a court ordered visit. The officer could have asked Mark if he had contacted Dylan's mother to see if she had come and got him or if she knew where he was before reporting Dylan missing.

Mark then contacted Elaine and said that he couldn't find Dylan. She said that she was immediately calling the sheriffs office to report Dylan missing. This fits with Mark's story as far as I know. MOO.

So this is your opinion of what COULD of happened in regards to MR going to the Marshal's office, not your determination of what he actually did based on his statements? Because he's made several statements in regards to this and that is my point exactly. One cannot make a solid determination as to what he actually did based on his statements.
Melissa Blasius asked the question. I will go get the actual question. If memory serves (which it very well might not) she asked him to tell her about that morning. I will come back with the actual question. Unless someone beats me to it.

I find his pattern evasive in open ended questions but no MSM reporters have asked him the tough ones. Dr Phil certainly did and got a bit of runaround. Elaine got accusations tossed back at her when she asked him a direct question. I'd like to hear his reponse to "Who won the 2009 world series?" (for example) because I would like to know if he responds to a direct question with a factual, known answer in a direct or rambling way.
Is this what you are referring to?:

Melissa Blasius:
Umm… what were your plans for Thanksgiving?

Mark Redwine:
Well, we had talked about a couple things … he was here for such a short time, we didn’t have anything nailed down, you know, I anticipated and was correct in assuming he wanted to spend time with his friends, so that Monday, Tuesday… Wednesday was kind of up in the air because that was the day we could either travel to Colorado ….err not Colorado Springs but Castle Rock where my brother lives, ‘cos he had made mention about wanting to go over there, …or he could hang out with his friends and come up here, you know… just the two of us would spend Thanksgiving and then he could focus on spending the rest of the time he was here with his friends.. you know... I mean… I just wanted him to be happy. So, when he wants to spend time with his friends I get that – I understand that. I have no problem with that.

All I need to know is that he’s safe and where he’s at, and how to get a hold of him, and it’s likely I’ll pop in on him -- Check to make sure he’s at where he says he’s at. Those things were important to me. You know… when he’s with me – it’s me and him, with the exception of his friends. You know… I know those are important to him, but … you know… I monitor what he does, where he’s at. You know… it’s just me and him. There’s not people coming and going in my life ‘cos everything I focus on is him and us being together spending that time.


Very strange answer for what were your plans for Thanksgiving.
Is this what you are referring to?:

Melissa Blasius:
Umm… what were your plans for Thanksgiving?

Mark Redwine:
Well, we had talked about a couple things … he was here for such a short time, we didn’t have anything nailed down, you know, I anticipated and was correct in assuming he wanted to spend time with his friends, so that Monday, Tuesday… Wednesday was kind of up in the air because that was the day we could either travel to Colorado ….err not Colorado Springs but Castle Rock where my brother lives, ‘cos he had made mention about wanting to go over there, …or he could hang out with his friends and come up here, you know… just the two of us would spend Thanksgiving and then he could focus on spending the rest of the time he was here with his friends.. you know... I mean… I just wanted him to be happy. So, when he wants to spend time with his friends I get that – I understand that. I have no problem with that.

All I need to know is that he’s safe and where he’s at, and how to get a hold of him, and it’s likely I’ll pop in on him -- Check to make sure he’s at where he says he’s at. Those things were important to me. You know… when he’s with me – it’s me and him, with the exception of his friends. You know… I know those are important to him, but … you know… I monitor what he does, where he’s at. You know… it’s just me and him. There’s not people coming and going in my life ‘cos everything I focus on is him and us being together spending that time.

Thank you. Now, MR is being interviewed by a reporter. A reporter who seems sympathetic and open to letting MR speak. This was not an interrogation nor was it testimony. I simply do not see it the way some of you do. It's not "word salad", it was a man talking about his plans, his son. Also by the time of this interview, MR was well aware of fingers being pointed at him. I just do not see it as positively indicative of much of anything.
I see no word salad in any of these examples. Every single word of every single sentence answers the question what did you do today?

For the sake of example, salad fixin's could be added to the above, but I have trouble speaking in hypotheticals.

Taking one of MR's actual statements:

You know, I spent 45 minutes… an hour… trying to get Dylan to wake up and, you know, and helping him… saying, you know, “Dylan, I’m going down,” ‘cos he had talked to me about going to see his friend, Ryan …that morning, but he wasn’t having no part of it… which is not uncommon for him. I mean, you can’t get him to bed and you can’t get him up. Pretty much how it is when he’s not at school to deal with, which is most of the time when he’s up here, although he had a school bus stop right down the street, so he could ride the bus from the school up here if I was home, or he could ride it to his mom’s house, which was a thing of beauty.
because her and I didn’t have to deal with transporting him.

The bolded part does not answer the question or expand the answer, IMO, it is totally unrelated.
my opinion

I guess here again, we have an example what some what to hear/vs what others hear. Each to their own sort of thing ... "truth" again!!

To me:
MR is saying when HE had DR at his house, DR was hard to wake up since it wasn't a school day and most of the time when MR had DR it wasn't a school day.
DR could ride the school bus to MR house when he "could" and neither parent had to see/get involved with the other = good thing since they don't get along.

I guess I understand what the guy was saying and other's don't. K.
I would like to know what happened first. Then I'll get on the justice train.

Hopefully the investigators have been gathering all the evidence they need along the way so that as soon as Dylan is located, they can make an arrest and proceed with justice. If someone has murdered this precious young man, that monster needs to be arrested before they can strike again.
So what was the question? Who asked it and in what context?

Thanks for your patience. Had to go back and listen.

The question (found on YouTube, Uncut interview with MR at 14:17 was:

"So you guys watched the movie and then what happened?"
Does anyone feel this case CAN be prosecuted without finding Dylan? Apparently there is no crime scene, no physical evidence of an injury, etc. Barring a confession, which is most unlikely, how does anyone see this case moving forward without finding Dylan?

From what we have seen in many other missing child cases, people with knowledge of a crime against children just do not want to admit to it. I always thought we would finally get an answer in Haleigh Cummings' case, but now it seems that will not happen. And there are other cases where I feel more than one person knows, such as Ayla Reynolds and Hailey Dunn. So even if two people know, this is the kind of secret, IMO, that will be kept, despite the old saying.
So this is your opinion of what COULD of happened in regards to MR going to the Marshal's office, not your determination of what he actually did based on his statements? Because he's made several statements in regards to this and that is my point exactly. One cannot make a solid determination as to what he actually did based on his statements.

I'm not sure what you mean by differentiating "could have happened" and "your determination"? Is there something that Mark has said that makes my theory impossible?
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