CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5

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My mother lives in a remote area and cell phone service and 3G service is sketchy at best. Sometimes there is service, sometimes there is not. I bought a hotspot specifically for when I'm in her area and it didn't work. I could not get a satellite signal. So it's possible there was no cell service in the area he was in, neither for phone or data. JMO and experience.

Regarding cell service at dad's house and area...

Since Dylan had been there before, I imagine he would have already scoped out the places he could, and could not, get service...

for instance... DH,pup and I go camping as much as we can.... In one place we camp in the Mammoth area, we didn't think there was any service at our campground...

then one day we saw our camp host parked off the side of a near by road...

when we talked to him... He shared with us that that one little place was where he could pick up service to call his wife who lives many miles away...

so now we use this road "pull out" when we want to contact our daughter and other family members, etc.....

Hope this makes sense...

I hear you. Me too. I don't live there or have a "cabin" but I have fly fished there more times than I can count. I've never had service and I was there this past August. My DH (left brained kind of guy) went to buy a new horse nearby. I went fly fishing since I would fall in love with any horse and needed to stay away. lol. I got yelled at ... by the left brained DH because I didn't call him. Well ... duh!! I had no service with ATT ... they lied about the service, IMO. I was forgiven. He bought the horse and I fished some more.
BTW... I live outside of Santa Fe, NM, about 200 miles away. I'm closer to where MR lives than where ER moved too in C Springs with DR and older brother CR and live-in/new husband, MH.

So, if mom and dylan lived in that area wouldn't she know there is no cell service? Dylan I am assuming had been there before so I would think that would be common knowledge to her. jmo
I thought there was to be no sleuthing of dad?
This really is getting out of hand...I feel sorry for MR

I don't think anyone has really mentioned anything about him that hasn't been released in MSM.

I know I haven't.
Regarding cell service at dad's house and area...

Since Dylan had been there before, I imagine he would have already scoped out the places he could, and could not, get service...

for instance... DH,pup and I go camping as much as we can.... In one place we camp in the Mammoth area, we didn't think there was any service at our campground...

then one day we saw our camp host parked off the side of a near by road...

when we talked to him... He shared with us that that one little place was where he could pick up service to call his wife who lives many miles away...

so now we use this road "pull out" when we want to contact our daughter and other family members, etc.....

Hope this makes sense...


lol, I think you are in my head. I think mom would know that. jmo
So if you came home and your 13 yr old was gone, you would just assume he had gotten a ride from someone, and left it at that. Even though the plans were that you were supposed to come and pick him up?

I guess it makes sense but not to me. I would have wanted to know who picked him up and where they were going. And WHY he didn't call me or leave a note.

And because dad let it slide, now he looks like the suspicious one. Because he never called and checked in with his kid who was home alone, and then never checked in when his kid was gone , and changed plans without notifying him, so NOW he is missing and Dad looks like the guilty party. JMO

And it's not wrong to talk, but it gets weird when the stories don't stay consistent.

Yes that is exactly what I'm saying, considering where I live and all. I would have assumed the other parent had come and picked him up. It actually happened a few times.

I also have had to call the other parent to find out if he was coming home or spending the night with them because the other parent assumed he'd told me. (this was just before cell phones became attached at the hip and he did not have one and it didn't matter cause you couldn't get reception at our house anyway.)

and I'm not even going to tell you about my hitch hiker daughter.
I thought there was to be no sleuthing of dad?
This really is getting out of hand...I feel sorry for MR

Who is sleuthing him? The MSM is and we are allowed to discuss that.
Speaking from my own personal experience, I only played the "if only" game when I was alone. I stayed on auto pilot through much of the police interviews. Honestly, I was on auto pilot for a few months. I had to hold it together. It wasn't till things calmed waaaay down that I totally broke down. Thankfully the district attorney told me on day one to keep a diary and document everything. When something so traumatic happens you'd be surprised at the huge gaps in memory even a year later,

( my child was not abducted or missing, he was the victim of a violent crime)

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That D.A. gave you excellent advice and if you took it and kept records, even better.
I am sorry for whatever your child went through.
I went through a traumatic situation that dragged over a few years, documentation began in a criminal court and looking back now, I think that the D.A. told me the same thing! To write everything down. In my case, I was in a near-frozen state of fear for a very long time, so I only documented as "big events" happened. Had I documented everything better, the outcome would have better and healing would be easier, I think.
Whatever your situation entailed, I hope your child is okay now. And please, forgive me if that is not the case. I don't know what happened.
I just wanted to note that the D.A's advice was very good and very important.
When we go through a traumatic experience, we are not thinking as we usually would. We are not in our usual state of being, so keeping a journal is a great idea.

If anyone out there reading this is going through something traumatic, I hope they take note. Write everything down and put it somewhere safe!
*Hugs Linda*
FWIW, My sis lives in CO, the San Luis valley - text is Much easier than phone (3 phone calls for every conversation). Also, dd (now grown (?)) got a ride to her friends house (across the river) and never left a note :what: When my brother came home, he let me know where she was.


I know that its been said that the divorce and split has been years ago and that any negativity from that should have long since died down..but what needs to be remembered is that there is a significant change that has recently occurred with the issue of custody..and while I know some people are of the opinion that the custody issue goes no further than just being a technical necessity thru the courts due to the mother moving with their one minor child 5 hours away.. Imo I have had a bit of a different opinion of this matter and Now that we have MSM validating that there is a domestic violence issue involved as well.. Well I'm just going to put out there in theory what I personally believe is at the heart of this entire matter and sadly why I believe Dylan is no longer here.. Its jmo, tho..

The mother went before the court a couple of months back seeking to have their joint and shared custody of their one minor son, changed to the mother having sole custody..primary custody.. IMO the way this court decision came about set off a rage within this father.. The father had to go back to court after the mom's having the change of custody JUST TO HAVE A VISITATION SCHEDULE SET UP..this battle is what set in motion where we are today..whether for valid reasons or not IMO mom's having changed the custody to her having full custody of Dylan with no visitation schedule for the father ..this ENRAGED this father.. I believe that what is at the heart of this matter is an angry vengence between two ex spouses.. I believe that when the father went back to court to readjust the newly court ordered full custody to as of Sept his being awarded a visitation schedule BEGINNING WITH THE FIRST VISIT TO HAVE BEGUN ON NOV 18TH FOR A WEEK VISIT ..that was done out of pure anger(again whether or not there was a valid reason for that anger IMO IS IRRELEVANT)..IMO the fact is this IMO set off vengeful anger of this man towards his ex-wife..

IMO Dylan's being gone is an absolute direct result of that bitter, vengeful anger that this ex-husband has for his ex-wife.. I will not go any further or make accusations of what possibly he did or didn't do to Dylan.. But I will add that per the admin of the FindDylan Facebook its a known fact that this father prior to the move/court ordered change of custody from joint to full custody of Dylan to his mother, prior to that when they did live in the same town, and did share custody that the father did not keep up a relationship with Dylan.. IMO this only further lending credence to the possibility that the entire motive for the dad going in and having this visitation court ordered was out of enraged anger toward the mother/ex-wife..rather than for a dedicated relationship of a father to his son..jmo, tho..

IMO the war that's been waged and raged between this ex-husband and ex-wife is the sole reason for why Dylan is no longer here.. Jmo. And I wish I was wrong and maybe I am wrong only time will tell but IMO this is what IMO is at the very heart of the matter and exactly when this whole nightmare was originally set in motion months ago..not days or weeks ago..months ago..

All jmo and nada damn thing more...

Yep, I agree that this is another long battle between the spouses that has gone on for years (as it did with Josh Powell's parents) and years. Am also sure that Dylan was quite aware of what was going on; this kind of anger isn't easy to hide.

We also have to ask though what changed that caused ER to change this custody agreement recently? 5 years is a long time for joint custody and to then have that changed?? So something happened. I have ideas also, but will zip it. Am looking forward to see how much is made public in the coming week to see if my thoughts/ideas are valid or not.

As for ER expressing her concerns publicly that MR may have removed Dylan from the situation - I don't think she was wrong for doing so. When it comes to the welfare and safety of your child, and there is concern your spouse may harm your child, you need to be their advocate with a passion. Susan Powell tried to leave Josh. Look what happened to her. Then when the Cox's had custody of her boys given to them, well, we all know how Josh reacted to that court ruling. And God Bless them, boy did the Cox's fight for those boys!
So, if mom and dylan lived in that area wouldn't she know there is no cell service? Dylan I am assuming had been there before so I would think that would be common knowledge to her. jmo

Mom lived in Bayfield before and since the divorce in 2007. She just moved, this summer, 2012. I don't know IF she would know about the cell service in and around Vallecito.
Mom said:
&#8220;We lived off CR 223 for about eight years,&#8221;
[ame=",+Colorado&hl=en&ll=37.236615,-107.694426&spn=0.020671,0.041928&sll=29.578973,-98.365771&sspn=0.01129,0.020964&t=h&hnear=County+Road+223,+Bayfield,+La+Plata,+Colorado+81122&z=15"]CR 223 Bayfield, Colorado - Google Maps[/ame]

Don't know where on that CR223, but she said they lived there for 8 years.
I think when LE uses the phrase "official interview", it's LE-speak for "audio/video-taped interrogation" in an interview room @ the local police department.

I get the feeling that during the course of the investigation, LE developed a few questions they needed answers to, and they wanted to get MR's answers on tape, thus, the "official interview".
The area around Vallecito is practically empty by this time of the year. There are very few restaurants and stores and they close up when the season ends. Don't think there are any hot spots or places likely to have them. This place is cold at night even during the summer. The sun goes down you have to grab a jacket. Except for a few weeks in early July. He probably did not want to get out of bed monday morning as it was very cold.
I was thinking he could be holed up in one of the many houses vacate, at this point that game would have got old. He could have wandered off to explore the area, big fire last summer. Fallen or lost and not been able to make his way back home. There are miles and miles of thick woods all around, rocks, boulders. Two summers ago a mtn lion drug a full grown deer through the woods near my cabin. A mtn lion could have taken him.
There is not a lot of crime in the area, I don't recall a missing child at all. Laplata Sheriff's department don't have lot of experience in that area. They do for people being lost in the forest.
My child isn't dead, I apologize if I mislead anyone. He's fully recovered:) it was 10 years ago!

Memory is an amazing complex thing and the brain / psyche whatever ya call it is truly wonderious in the way it will protect you by suppressing things till you can process them later.

I would be more suspicious if someone's story was told exactly the same, every time it's told.

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Oh, I am so glad to hear that! :) I've been reading most of the day and it appears is all blurring together. :| So agree with what you say above. Yay for your son! While it sucks he had to go through that, yay that he's among the few who make it through!
The area around Vallecito is practically empty by this time of the year. There are very few restaurants and stores and they close up when the season ends. Don't think there are any hot spots or places likely to have them. This place is cold at night even during the summer. The sun goes down you have to grab a jacket. Except for a few weeks in early July. He probably did not want to get out of bed monday morning as it was very cold.
I was thinking he could be holed up in one of the many houses vacate, at this point that game would have got old. He could have wandered off to explore the area, big fire last summer. Fallen or lost and not been able to make his way back home. There are miles and miles of thick woods all around, rocks, boulders. Two summers ago a mtn lion drug a full grown deer through the woods near my cabin. A mtn lion could have taken him.
There is not a lot of crime in the area, I don't recall a missing child at all. Laplata Sheriff's department don't have lot of experience in that area. They do for people being lost in the forest.

Maybe that explains why they made a huge stand in the forest the first 2 days. They had full on searches in the woods and the dam and the reservoir the first 48 hours. They were quick and efficient. But I don't think the poor kid got lost in the wllderness.
Thanks for your local observations.

On Monday morning, if Dylan was walking towards town to try and hitch a ride, would there be a lot of cars who might see him there? Or are cars few and far between during midmorning on Mondays.
The reason it is a one-sided version is that Dad was the one in charge when Dylan disappeared. So it makes sense she is going to blast him. He would have done the same if it were reversed.

But besides that, IF it is true what was reported on local Channel 9News tonight, and there were DV charges and orders of protection given, during their divorce, then she might well have good reason to think MR was capable of physical violence. If she has been a victim of violence at his hands, then I see nothing wrong with her accusations, when her son went missing. As she said, MR has a bad temper and he was angry. And Dylan was not happy about going on the trip, so it was a bad combo to say the least.

I think people do have the right to make accusations of they are grounded in reality. Her son was missing and in great danger. I cut her lots of slack for speaking her mind.

Bad combo, indeed. :( Really really feeling for Dylan right now.
there are many of us who came into this NOT AT ALL of the opinion that the father was involved.. There are several of us who while looking at this from a completely objective point of view CONTINUED TO SEEK OUT AND LOOK AT THOROUGHLY ALL OTHER POSSIBILITIES ..even tho, the fact was that it still kept leading back to the father..

So, there is no gang mentality witch hunt going on here.. Many of us in thoroughly sleuthing this case remained looking at possibilities other than dad just for the sake of being extremely thorough and NOT OF A MENTALITY THAT JUST JUMPS ON A BANDWAGON FOR THE HELL OF IT..

Its BS that majority of us have been on a DADS GUILTY BANDWAGON from the onset..that's not even remotely accurate..the fact is many of us looked at possibilities other than dad long past the point of reason and came to the present opinion after thoroughly sleuthing and discussing ALL POSSIBILITIES..

To each their own regardless of what that opinion each their own.
Ok. I'm a couple of glasses of wine down.
But dad has some explaining to do!
Mom would not have said anything about him being her suspect had she not believed it!
If my child were missing, I hated his dad, believed his dad was a loving father, I would never cause peoPle to look another way. The very fact that a mother of her missing child would point the finger at the dad rather than anything else is so sad and suspicious and telling!
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