CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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I just don't think LE knows. This last comment - about wanting to look at places where Dylan could have walked to, well, that was a big flag to me. IMO they would not be looking for places he could have walked to if they were positive MR was guilty. IMO they have not cleared MR, but they have to keep looking at other options because they just don't know. I don't think they have any idea where the crime scene is or even what the crime was. IMO if they do suspect MR it's based on character and behavior not evidence.
I just don't think LE knows. This last comment - about wanting to look at places where Dylan could have walked to, well, that was a big flag to me. IMO they would not be looking for places he could have walked to if they were positive MR was guilty. IMO they have not cleared MR, but they have to keep looking at other options because they just don't know. I don't think they have any idea where the crime scene is or even what the crime was. IMO if they do suspect MR it's based on character and behavior not evidence.

BBM - I believe that LE is looking at every angle and every possibility. MOO is that if they narrowed the entire investigation down to - MR is responsible and DIDN'T look at anything else, then they have done a serious disservice. It's by eliminating other possibilities that gives the probablilities. When they can say 1) all RSO's & SO's have been accounted for.
2) all relatives have been accounted for.
3) all reported sightings of strangers have been investigated & cleared
4) all reported sightings of Dylan have been investigated & cleared
5) we searched a x mile radius of where Dylan could have walked and there is no trace
etc, etc, etc. and the only thing they are left with is that they can't clear MR, they have successfully ruled out any reasonable doubt.
Just MOO
I just don't think LE knows. This last comment - about wanting to look at places where Dylan could have walked to, well, that was a big flag to me. IMO they would not be looking for places he could have walked to if they were positive MR was guilty. IMO they have not cleared MR, but they have to keep looking at other options because they just don't know. I don't think they have any idea where the crime scene is or even what the crime was. IMO if they do suspect MR it's based on character and behavior not evidence.

BBM - I don't see how the two correlate - that if Dylan could have walked then they know MR is not guilty. One of my ongoing theories has been that Dylan walked (or ran) away from the house that evening either out of anger or fear, MR went after him and wherever he found Dylan is where the crime scene occurred.
I just don't think LE knows. This last comment - about wanting to look at places where Dylan could have walked to, well, that was a big flag to me. IMO they would not be looking for places he could have walked to if they were positive MR was guilty. IMO they have not cleared MR, but they have to keep looking at other options because they just don't know. I don't think they have any idea where the crime scene is or even what the crime was. IMO if they do suspect MR it's based on character and behavior not evidence.

One other thing that I noticed is how you mention that maybe MR's character and behavior might be suspect but there might not be evidence to support their suspicions. They must have forensic evidence that was collected at MR's home, as this article was posted pretty much right after the warranted search. We don't know if the evidence supports any suspicion against MR but then again it very well might!

Authorities executed an extensive search warrant Nov. 29 at the father’s home.

Several forensic test results have been returned, and the Sheriff’s Office is working jointly with the FBI to review the results, Bender said. Additional interviews are being conducted both locally and outside the region, he said.
One other thing that I noticed is how you mention that maybe MR's character and behavior might be suspect but there might not be evidence to support their suspicions. They must have forensic evidence that was collected at MR's home, as this article was posted pretty much right after the warranted search. We don't know if the evidence supports any suspicion against MR but then again it very well might!

Authorities executed an extensive search warrant Nov. 29 at the father’s home.

Several forensic test results have been returned, and the Sheriff’s Office is working jointly with the FBI to review the results, Bender said. Additional interviews are being conducted both locally and outside the region, he said.

One thing that could have raised LE's suspicions could have been the failed Polygraph!
BBM - I don't see how the two correlate - that if Dylan could have walked then they know MR is not guilty. One of my ongoing theories has been that Dylan walked (or ran) away from the house that evening either out of anger or fear, MR went after him and wherever he found Dylan is where the crime scene occurred.

Haven't seen that theory before and hadn't thought of it myself. Very interesting and I will think about it. Thank you for putting that out there.
BBM - I don't see how the two correlate - that if Dylan could have walked then they know MR is not guilty. One of my ongoing theories has been that Dylan walked (or ran) away from the house that evening either out of anger or fear, MR went after him and wherever he found Dylan is where the crime scene occurred.

Quoting myself, :scared:
For all we know, maybe that's what the final text from Dylan said, like "I'm outta here!"

"Authorities also have confirmed that Elaine Redwine, her son Cory Redwine, and fiancé Mike Hall remained in the Colorado Springs area after Dylan flew to Durango by himself Nov. 18 for a court-ordered visit with his father for Thanksgiving. Elaine and Cory Redwine, along with Hall, traveled to Durango shortly after receiving Mark Redwine’s inquiry."

This quote says to me that LE has accounted for the whereabouts of Elaine, Cory and Mike. It says they remained in Colorado Springs and traveled to Durango after receiving MR's inquiry.
Like my post say's, in order to not tip off the real perpetrator. I have no idea who LE has questioned and I understand why they wouldn't release that information.

Per the press release on 3/19 they spoke to the two boys the mail lady saw, and confirmed they had no connection to Dylan. Also per the press release they talked to the renter and "he has not been linked" to Dylan's disappearance. I could read the latter's as being they can't find a link between him and Dylan, but that they aren't entirely ready to rule him out. And I assume they have talked to other family members. So that can get us an idea of who they have talked to that we know of, but not the people we may not know of.
BBM - I don't see how the two correlate - that if Dylan could have walked then they know MR is not guilty. One of my ongoing theories has been that Dylan walked (or ran) away from the house that evening either out of anger or fear, MR went after him and wherever he found Dylan is where the crime scene occurred.
I'm with you on that one as a possibility. I have always considered that there might have been some kind of argument resulting in either Dylan walking/running from the house, or both getting into the vehicle(either that night or the next morning-a reason why Mark might have left later than he originally intended in the morning), the argument escalating, and Dylan getting out of the vehicle elsewhere.

The worst of it is that IF Dylan had gotten out of the truck after an argument somewhere else and, for the sake of argument, Mark just let him go and did not make him get back in the truck and feels too guilty to say anything (I am not saying Mark IS like this, but there ARE people like this, so it could be a possibility), and Dylan disappeared from there, everyone is looking in the wrong places.

*This is just conjecture and should not be read as any kind of fact.*
MOO - MR did not pick up Dylan from the airport, go to Walmart, go to McDonald's, toss a football around and watch a movie, left an exhausted child on the couch playing a game or texting after 10 pm and try three different ways to wake the child in the morning receiving a response while also receiving no response, then leave for appts in the morning without seeing a strange hispanic house shopper, thus allowing a RSO to stop by or a LE that looks at *advertiser censored* to stop by, stop at Walmart again, drive home, take a nap, notice a fishing pole missing, go to a friends house talk to the friend that wasn't there, drive to another friends house and miss the mail lady seeing Dylan walking with another child, report Dylan missing to a closed Marshalls office, contact his ex via text message because he didn't want to get yelled at and perhaps she has blocked his number, not get invited to a vigil but decide to appear & speak - late, have an employer with no heart or compassion in which he/she will not allow time off for phone calls or time to search for his child, have the one and only incompetent LDT admin in the entire county, drink to calm his nerves which were shattered because of how his ex & child spoke to him all in order to decline the offer to take a poly, all the while specially trained dogs alerted on indian ruins buried and covered under water for 70 yrs. and have highly skilled LE officers mess an entire investigation up.

Above is MOO
This made my day. Thank you.
To me the biggest difference in the Skelton case and Dylan's is that the father in that case was openly named a POI and is currently in jail for custodial interference, IIRC.
I think aust amateur slueth meant that the disappearances were similar, not that the cases were similar. Correct me if I am wrong. (as in the boys went for a visitation with the father, then just disappeared)
I think aust amateur slueth meant that the disappearances were similar, not that the cases were similar. Correct me if I am wrong. (as in the boys went for a visitation with the father, then just disappeared)

DId the father (in that case) ever say that he left them somewhere and when he returned they were gone?
Quoting myself, :scared:
For all we know, maybe that's what the final text from Dylan said, like "I'm outta here!"

I have wondered about the same scenario. When my son was 14, we found out that a neighborhood girl was sneaking into his room at night. She was 16. So my DH was really angry about the situation and asked her to leave a couple of times. And threatened to call her folks, which upset our DS.

During that tumultuous period of time, our DS was very angry at us because he really was infatuated with her. And we were embarrassing him by asking her to leave his room at midnight whenever we caught her there. We were not ready to become grandparents yet. :eek:

The point of this rambling post is that when he was angry with us, he would say " I'm outta here. Peace out." And he would want to leave at midnight, on foot, to who knows where. My DH equally angry would say " you are staying right here" and DS would reply " Make me. Go ahead, TRY IT." Sometimes he would bolt and since we live in a very quiet, neighborhood, with lots of greenbelts between the houses, we would let him go. [ Thankfully this was years ago and he has matured nicely.]

But what if DH had followed and tried to force him to come home? It might have been very ugly, which is why he resisted the urge. I am not sure that MH could resist that urge, if faced with a similar angry rebellious teen.

In my speculative scenario, they come home, and they are both a little angry. Dylan wanted to go to his friends, but was willing to wait till morning. But maybe MR started drinking and perhaps they argued a bit more. Maybe MR took his cell because he was not listening or paying him any attention. And maybe MR says , ' ya know what, forget going to your friends--you came to see me, your father, and thats what you will do. ' Or something along those lines.

Maybe Dylan was mad about his cell and tried to get it back. They tussled over it so Dylan left angrily, stomping off in the night, planning to walk to his friends by the lake. An angry father followed and tried to force him to return?
I'm with you on that one as a possibility. I have always considered that there might have been some kind of argument resulting in either Dylan walking/running from the house, or both getting into the vehicle(either that night or the next morning-a reason why Mark might have left later than he originally intended in the morning), the argument escalating, and Dylan getting out of the vehicle elsewhere.

The worst of it is that IF Dylan had gotten out of the truck after an argument somewhere else and, for the sake of argument, Mark just let him go and did not make him get back in the truck and feels too guilty to say anything (I am not saying Mark IS like this, but there ARE people like this, so it could be a possibility), and Dylan disappeared from there, everyone is looking in the wrong places.
*This is just conjecture and should not be read as any kind of fact.*

BBM - I could see that happening in the beginning, as in the first day or two, but heck after all this time? I would think that the DP show and all the fall out from that alone would have been enough for someone to break down and say "ok I messed up, we argued, he got out and I drove off. After about ten minutes I went back to get him and he was gone, I freaked out because I couldn't find him and lied."
I mean after the interviews with officers, news, DP, rally's outside the house, dogs searching, ROV's, all that has happened, heck all the gossip that must be going on, wouldn't a person just break down IF the only crime you are guilty of is letting your son get out of the vehicle. Which really would probably be a child endangerment charge.
I have a question. Why are some now referring to Elaine as EH, rather than ER as we all did in the beginning? Did she get her maiden name back? Or did she marry her fiance recently? I'm just wondering, because it's only been in the past few weeks I have seen her referred to as EH, and I wondered how and why it changed. Even as recently as the Dr. Phil show they still referred to her as Elaine Redwine.
Not that it matters, just curious.
It appears she goes by EH on the posts she has made on FMDR. Her maiden name happens to also an H name, and it appears she went back to that name after divorcing Mark? (just a guess)
BBM - I could see that happening in the beginning, as in the first day or two, but heck after all this time? I would think that the DP show and all the fall out from that alone would have been enough for someone to break down and say "ok I messed up, we argued, he got out and I drove off. After about ten minutes I went back to get him and he was gone, I freaked out because I couldn't find him and lied."
I mean after the interviews with officers, news, DP, rally's outside the house, dogs searching, ROV's, all that has happened, heck all the gossip that must be going on, wouldn't a person just break down IF the only crime you are guilty of is letting your son get out of the vehicle. Which really would probably be a child endangerment charge.
I'd like to think so, but it depends on the person. I've known people who would never (and I mean NEVER) admit to that kind of lie, and some of them would have convinced themselves that it wasn't their fault, and it wouldn't matter if they told the truth now anyway.

I am not saying this is true, in any way, shape or form. Just that it is a valid possibility based on my interactions with some extremely self absorbed individuals. (at least one of whom appeared to have convinced themselves that they never hurt their child, when several people personally saw this person beating on their child-and reported it). I don't know Mark from anyone, just what I have seen on TV and read in articles. He looks and acts self absorbed, as in how this is all affecting him, and him alone, yet not concerned with how he can contribute to finding Dylan or support anyone else who is affected as well. MOO.

ETA: I also believe that a self absorbed person simply does not always have the ability to contribute to finding someone or helping anyone else even if they aren't guilty of a crime. Just so everyone knows....
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