CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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You're welcome! Look forward to hearing your thoughts after it airs there.

About not wanting to get up - I think it was "teenager sleep in" type not wanting to get up, and not liking getting up early in the morning. About the ex-gf, I found it odd that almost everything she said seemed like she'd picked up the key points of MR's main stories and made sure to corroborate them, but didn't say a lot beyond that. Could be editing or it could be what she was asked to do, I just found it odd. Here's specifically what she said:

K (ex-gf):
"I traveled to Mark's home, spent a week with him and Dylan. And um everything that he said is exactly what happened. Mark, uh, Dylan [I think she just accidentally switched names] slept on the couch, um, he would never get up, you know, he would walk around and he'd get up in the morning - Mark would - and smoke a cigaratte, and have a cup of coffee and he'd be like 'Dylan, dilly boy let's go, get up, get up.' We'd do this for like an hour, hour and a half, two hours, he just wouldn't get up.

And the same thing is like his work, he would have to go into town to do his payroll or drop off papers, because he travels, so that's why he's not home to be with his kids. I mean he travels, he works out of town, when he comes home he would get Dylan. But I don't believe for a minute that he killed his kid or... <interrupted by Dr. Phil>"

Thank you for transcribing that part for me. I know all kids are different, but it's never taken more than 10 minutes to get my stepson up and going (normally it's right away, even on weekends). Two hours of trying to get him up? I would be worried something was wrong. I'm curious if ER ever had the same experiences?
The first time my husband pulled a belt on ANYONE, much less his own child, would be the last day that that man had my respect.

Yikes, I am so very thankful for my wonderful and gentle husband of 22 years.
Can we all agree today that there is NO way MR is represented by any lawyer who passed the bar exam ?
Pray tell me; if you have a child that likes to sleep in, why would you not have him sleep in his bedroom? I mean the living area (kitchen and living room from the 9news video) is joined and small.

And I thought Mark said when Dylan stayed with him, it was just him and Dylan. When was this, over Labor Day? <snipped for space>

About the sleeping in and the bedroom thing, I can think of a number of possible legitimate reasons. Maybe MR thought it would ultimately be easier to wake Dylan up if he was on the couch and there was noise going on? (although it doesn't sound like it worked if that was the plan). Maybe more comfortable, maybe so Dylan can watch TV at night before falling asleep? All IMO on possibilities... personally I agree with you the bedroom would make more sense.

Good question on the timing! I wondered that too. They apparently only dated for 6 months and she said that she went to MR's house and stayed with him and Dylan for a week. I didn't think Dylan's labor day trip was that long, but maybe it was? Or maybe this is another week long trip earlier last year sometime? Wish they'd given some kind of time frame about when this was. If his last visit was Labor Day and the ex-gf was with them the whole time, was Thanksgiving Dylan's first visit to his Dad's that was going to be mostly just the two of them all week? I can see that causing tension/anxiety to be higher for both Dylan and MR.
I'm just finishing watching the second Dr Phil show and MY blood is boiling. I have to process the show mentally before I can even say anything.

Has the home of this "friend" of his that says Dylan just laid on the couch, been searched? I feel that if she sympathizes with him that its possible she is hiding him.
Can we all agree today that there is NO way MR is represented by any lawyer who passed the bar exam ?

Well, there's that possibility. The other possibility is that he's going against his attorney's advice....some types think NO one can tell them what to do and that they are smarter than anyone or can manipulate people so well that the rules that apply to other people do not apply to them.
I'm just finishing watching the second Dr Phil show and MY blood is boiling. I have to process the show mentally before I can even say anything.

Has the home of this "friend" of his that says Dylan just laid on the couch, been searched? I feel that if she sympathizes with him that its possible she is hiding him.

Ya, like she's still pissed that the kid won't get off the couch in the morning.
I found it quite baffling MR did not mention ANYTHING that he was personally doing to help find his son.
<snipped for space>

I saw no sign of that on today's show.
All he did was talk about himself.
(forgive me if he did on yesterday's show; I could not watch it.)
I am speechless.

When DP read this from MR's statement was when I became speechless... it's hard to talk with your jaw on the floor: "I still feel like I'm the only one working to try and find Dylan." :what:
Right now I'm watching Dr. Phil hollering at MR. One thing he always takes offense to is anyone who tells him one thing to his face and then complains about what happened on the show behind his back.

MR is the only person who has refused to take a polygraph in a missing child case in Jack's entire career of 35 years. Says something to me.

I will drop dead if it turns out MR had nothing to do with his son being missing, but somehow I don't think I'll have to drop dead. And yes, they need to look at the ex-GF's property with the cadaver dogs. This entire thing just makes me sick.
Gotta feed the family.. And absorb what I have been watching.. Wow.. BBL
Well, there's that possibility. The other possibility is that he's going against his attorney's advice....some types think NO one can tell them what to do and that they are smarter than anyone or can manipulate people so well that the rules that apply to other people do not apply to them.

Scott Peterson.....
Oh good gravy, to summarize the entire episode in two sentences:

It's the polygraphers fault, CR's fault, ER's fault, and 1/2 bottle of Jim Beam's fault that MR was unable to take the polygraph.

But he's totally willing to take the polygraph and help find his son in any way he can. :waitasec:

Someone hand me the :needdrink:
I have not followed this case, so I know very little about anyone involved. I did watch much of the Dr. Phil shows yesterday and today.

Right up front, let me say that this father does not come across as a likeable man or a loving father.

However, does it not bother anyone else that Dr. Phil so obviously set out to make him look bad? I mean, if Dr. Phil wanted to offer a lie detector test to the father... couldn't he have done that before the first show aired? In a calm manner, in a fair way, without all the drama? Before encouraging all the animosity between exes on stage, and asking questions in a way that was sure to upset him, etc.? The way this was presented was all about RATINGS! and that is just WRONG.

But instead of offering a lie detector test ahead of time, in the interest of actually finding the truth, Dr. Phil went for the drama! It is so much more exciting to the TV audience to watch Dr. Phil antagonize this man, get him so riled that he isn't thinking straight and then pounce on him with the lie detector test... by that time, the father clearly felt that Dr. Phil was out to 'get' him, so I am not surprised that he didn't trust anyone enough by that stage to take a lie detector test offered by Dr. Phil!

I get that this man is not likeable, and that his answers as shown on TV fall short... I get that he may even be guilty/involved in his son's disappearance... but I do not trust that what was presented on the Dr. Phil show was a fair and full accounting by any means. I think it was very irresponsible of Dr. Phil to manipulate this family and influence public opinion in that way, on national TV. All just MOO... as an unbiased viewer, with no previous knowledge of this case.
I posted this on the other thread, but thought I'd post here too.... from the beginning, I've stayed avidly neutral. I did not feel there was enough evidence to say for sure MR was responsible. Though it seemed unlikely that someone swooped in and abducted Dylan undetected and without a trace, crazier things have happened.

The last week or so I've been rewatching videos where MR was speaking, and my opinion has reversed 180%. Really listening to him, the things he says and even doesn't say, I believe he knows exactly what happened to Dylan.

I am so sad. I cried for Dylan today.'re a little late!!! I'm currently fishing grass out of my hair and splinters out of my rear! :banghead:

Bottom line...I am so sorry for Dylan and all of his family and loved ones. I pray they find you soon young man. :candle:

That's me lying next to you. Wish I had known the pillows were coming... I'd have hung on a couple of hours longer. LOL

In all seriousness, I hung on unto that fence for a lot longer than I wanted to. But after today, the decision to let go wasn't a hard one at all. The truth about that man was completely revealed. He can come up with all the excuses he wants, blame anyone and everyone... But he revealed his real self today, and it is not a pretty picture. JMO, as always.
Yesterday, you people slammed the mail carrier. Today, you are slamming the ex-girlfriend.

Both stated what they witnessed. No need to tear them to shreds.

The xgf, IMO, Was rude and had nothing to offer other than to go after ER. She had no right to and I am glad that DP said so. She had nothing to offer other than she thinks he was a nice guy.. Bully for her..

The exwife however, also thinks he could be involved because he kept her kids longer than he was supposed to also.
Yesterday, you people slammed the mail carrier. Today, you are slamming the ex-girlfriend.

Both stated what they witnessed. No need to tear them to shreds.

We did not slam the postman . All we pointed out was the fact that they was wrong and it was not Dylan and it was silly to go on national tv and make false claims when LE have already discounted all sightings from that day .
I was not at all surprised. I believed this is exactly what he is all along.. IMO I'll reiterate that there is no strategy that will bring about changing who/what this person is and that LE WILL HAVE TO CONTINUE to work around this fact. good old fashioned police work will be what solves this case.jmo.
I do not see comments tearing the x girlfriend or the mail lady to shreds . Yesterday it was pointed out by TWO MODS from WS that police have repeatedly said that all sightings including the mail lady's sightings were unfruitful, unrelated, ruled out , dismissed or otherwise did not lead anywhere. That was pointed out 3 or 4 times yesterday , the same big post showing how many times LE mentioned all the various sightings and how none of them appeared to be related to Dylan's disappearance. So according to MR they are valid but according to LE they are not valid. So the mail lady wasn't ripped to shreds, but her story has been presented to police and not gone anywhere. According to police, MR is the last sighting. He and the mail lady are the only ones who dispute that !
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