Very interesting observation. (OFF TOPIC!!!) My fiance and I were stalked by a woman who apparently thought that because she fell in love with him as a friend and finally got the guts up to tell him and he told her no, and gently rejected her that she could stalk him and facebook slander him. She stalked us for 4 months straight in escalating ways. She has multiple facebook accounts as well.
What's interesting is that I knew something was off because she was fired after 16 years as a teacher in MA. for "driving a teenaged boy home from school." (My fiancee actually believed her but I said, no way) Anyway, she also does a name scramble like that. Her name is Anne XXXXX but sometimes she changes it up and goes by Ann E XXXXX and sometimes by Annie XXXXX I told him I felt like this was deliberate, now I can see why.
Great insight!