Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #30

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I don’t know much about teacher certification. In my position as special investigator for licensing and disciplinary actions for physicians - we went deep into backgrounds before issuing licenses. A complete CV was required with a timeline beginning with high school graduation up until date of application. All activities, residences, employment and education had to be documented showing the complete life progression with absolutely no gaps in time that couldn’t be accounted for. Even if they were on vacation, sabbatical or unemployed. Any gap of time that was unaccounted for would kick the application out for investigation. It’s a very intensive process. Many interns and residents were not expecting this type of requirement. It would take some several months up to a year to complete the licensure application process.

I'd be surprised if it was quite that extensive for teacher licensure although I know some other background checks for licensure (like Psyc) can be very extensive in some states.

That said, I don't think it's quite as easy to slide by Ed licensure boards in two states as some here seem to think. It's not so easy to use a fake name on a college transcript, for example, especially if there is also borrowing for student loans. And fingerprints are required for licensure in SC and CO (but may not be in some states.)

As I've said before, TS appears to have only one criminal conviction as an adult. Lots of charges in the past but only one conviction. And that was for unauthorized use of a vehicle at the misdemeanor level. (Reduced from felony.) So getting licensure as a teacher in SC and in CO, both of which can be verified, doesn't surprise me.
it will be very interesting to see if Tee follows her attorney's advice or chooses to ignore it. i think this woman doesn't comprehend that she is totally and utterly out of her depth, she is buying her own coolaid.
the NPD's i have known were all very prone to re writing their narrative when ever it suited and the truth existed only in the moment, if they decided to change their minds they would declare they never thought otherwise. Their reality shifted constantly and they lived it as though it was the absolute truth... in all honesty i think the person they deceive the most is themselves.
"Advisement hearings" in Colorado criminal court cases
An advisement hearing is usually your first court appearance in the Colorado criminal court process. This is where the judge may:

  • advise the accused of what crimes he or she is suspected of committing,
  • advise the accused of the charges the district attorney (DA) plans to prosecute,
  • ask if the accused has an attorney, and
  • set bond for the accused.
Advisement hearings may vary by county. A suspect may appear for one or two advisement hearings, and an advisement hearing may be combined with a bond hearing.

An “advisement hearing” and “arraignment” are not the same thing. The advisement hearing is to tell the suspect about the investigation or possible charges. The arraignment is when the suspect enters a plea.
For those just checking in TS was released from Salina jail at 2:54 a.m.
Central time, 1:54 Mountain time.
Ashley Franco on Twitter

Wow, she can't have been able to sleep much. Maybe they are wearing her down.

Also, 5'7" for height?... That doesn't seem correct to me. Not important really, just something I noticed.
agree 100% with you on her movements.
especially the hire car, she had something very important to do and had to resort to chancing the money trail to it. seemed a chance she had to take rather than being seen and tracked in her own vechicle for sure.


Was the truck 100% accounted for at all times? Just wondering if she could have been having it detailed and rented the car while that was happening. Or as someone else mentioned, she planned to flee but thought better of it
She's in the Saline Co jail about 20 minutes to the north of me as I type this. When I woke up and found this out it was really disconcerting, but then I realized the officers driving her obviously needed to get a good night's sleep and where better to house her than in a jail. Saline County posts their booking information so I wonder if we'll see her photo later today.

That would have completely made sense had they not booked her in at 3:30PM yesterday afternoon! They’re only about 5 hours away from the final destination. Something else is up. You don’t stop for the night at 3pm
For those just checking in TS was released from Salina jail at 2:54 a.m.
Central time, 1:54 Mountain time.
Ashley Franco on Twitter

Thanks for the update. So bizarre. I wonder if it was a stall technique so they were not rolling into El Paso county at prime time hours for protestors? If she was released at 2am, she’d be arriving here (cOS) around 6am. That hour is less likely to include a line of people waiting for her at the jail. IMHO
I just found this picture on SM hope it's ok to post, Gannon showing so much love for his mother...

That would have completely made sense had they not booked her in at 3:30PM yesterday afternoon! They’re only about 5 hours away from the final destination. Something else is up. You don’t stop for the night at 3pm
I don't think it means anything of importance. Maybe they were tired after driving 17 hours or so. They may have had to pick up another prisoner or maybe her attorney met her there to prepare for the hearing today. I'm not sure if a lawyer would normally drive to another state to consult with a client but since the document was written up last night it's possible. Imo
Very interesting observation. (OFF TOPIC!!!) My fiance and I were stalked by a woman who apparently thought that because she fell in love with him as a friend and finally got the guts up to tell him and he told her no, and gently rejected her that she could stalk him and facebook slander him. She stalked us for 4 months straight in escalating ways. She has multiple facebook accounts as well.

What's interesting is that I knew something was off because she was fired after 16 years as a teacher in MA. for "driving a teenaged boy home from school." (My fiancee actually believed her but I said, no way) Anyway, she also does a name scramble like that. Her name is Anne XXXXX but sometimes she changes it up and goes by Ann E XXXXX and sometimes by Annie XXXXX I told him I felt like this was deliberate, now I can see why.

Great insight!

Someone needs to write this down in a profiler handout. A lot of crazy women use multiple facebook accounts. Look at Maggie Boswell who is really just a younger version of Tee. I think that if it had been popular at the time, Casey Anthony would have done the same since she had made up a few friends and had continued their stories for years. Those made up friends existed long before Calee went missing. Its probably more common than we notice, but it's a weird phenomenon
Boards flying out of a truck that happen to have blood on them is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Or that they dump boards from AS woodworking hobby. I dont think anyone does that. Tiny scraps you just toss in the trash. Looking at their garage, it wasn't immaculate or anything where you might expect all spare wood to be disposed of immediately. Then to also say that people dump wood on the side of the road? No they don't. Maybe my state is different, but we have large trash pick up once a month and thats when people throw out miscellaneous wood. There is no need here to load up a truck, drive 40 min away, and dump scrap lumber. Not for a hobbyist. And dumping is illegal. That would be an incredibly stupid thing for middle class adults with curbside trash pick up to risk getting busted for.

In all my years of woodworking, (20+) I have never everrrr put scrap wood in the back of a truck to bring somewhere to dispose of. Ever! We make a pile in the back yard and use it for small bonfires, to roast marshmellows or hot dogs with the kids. I make small and large items and I've never had so much scrap that I've needed to bring it to the road for the city to pick up. Thats def a T-lie, T-splain. I don't think she hurt him with the board, BUT I could be wrong. I think his blood may have leaked/dripped on it and she knew she had to dispose of it. MOO, IMO, ETC.
I think you are applying the logic of a woman on trial for murdering a man. There is nothing attractive about a woman that murdered a child. In fact, if she puts on too much flare, it will work against her.

She gets no sympathy points from me.

I assume the OP is thinking of Casey Anthony
Wow, she can't have been able to sleep much. Maybe they are wearing her down.

Also, 5'7" for height?... That doesn't seem correct to me. Not important really, just something I noticed.
Can you imagine traveling with her? Bathroom breaks, feeding her lunch along the way. It was probably quite the fiasco, LE was probably worn out from her, everyone needed a break! With her behind bars in Kansas, I hope LE got some much needed rest!
It's 955; mileage out was 5 miles, miles in was 960, miles driven was 955--but again, the accuracy of some of this is up for debate and there have been several potential explanations bounced around the groups.

Still could be a typo because I’m sure the “miles driven” is auto calculated.
I have always believed the tape of them leaving is wrong. Does the murder charge without a body sway anyone more towards the tape being wrong?

I feel stronger on this point because if the argument is that LE has enough evidence he has passed away, that most likely came from the home. I feel like you can't have it both ways. If he died at home and there was substantial evidence which I think there is due to a large volume of blood, then there was substantial evidence he passed away at home.

If LE believes the video and states he was alive and then was murdered somewhere on the long errand period of 10-2, then there needs to be substantial evidence in a different place and I dont think there is. You can't say we are sure he's dead and TS killed him, with only the evidence at home. The evidence wouldnt be sufficient to have killed him if he was able to walk and leave the home. You can't say well he looked wobbly or whatever the neighbor said so the blood in the home was enough to kill him, but it didnt. It killed him later, but we have no body either.

I might not be explaining myself clearly bc Im a bit tired. Theres also the board issue. Where are the boards being loaded? I would assume if we saw video of the correct day that TS would load the boards into the truck when it was pulled up into the garage. She's not going to drag boards out to the street and then back in and get Gannon.

I realize I can't explain why the video is put out there when its inaccurate (per my theory), but even with the video of them leaving I can't wrap my mind around Gannon being injured Sunday so severely that the volume of blood was found, then risking going out with a very injured child in broad daylight for up to 4 hours. We also know she had to have removed the boards from the house by the point that she called the police just bc we know she got rid of them and I doubt she kept them knowing she had to call the police later

Anyone have any ideas on this?

It is not just the volume of blood. It is what the blood contains. It could contain brain fluid. In another case all LE found was part of a baseball bat with blood and brain matter on it. Forensic scientists are very good a painting a picture of a victim's final moments and cause of death without a body.

T is going down.
I don't think it means anything of importance. Maybe they were tired after driving 17 hours or so. They may have had to pick up another prisoner or maybe her attorney met her there to prepare for the hearing today. I'm not sure if a lawyer would normally drive to another state to consult with a client but since the document was written up last night it's possible. Imo

After learning she was released at 2am to continue the journey, I believe it was just to kill a few hours as to avoid the media and protesters. When I said something else is up, I meant something other than stopping for bedtime. Whatever the case, I’m glad she’s released probably already inside her new home (at least for a few month) of the El Paso county Jail. Then we hope next stop is State Prison for life + 156
"Advisement hearings" in Colorado criminal court cases
An advisement hearing is usually your first court appearance in the Colorado criminal court process. This is where the judge may:

  • advise the accused of what crimes he or she is suspected of committing,
  • advise the accused of the charges the district attorney (DA) plans to prosecute,
  • ask if the accused has an attorney, and
  • set bond for the accused.
Advisement hearings may vary by county. A suspect may appear for one or two advisement hearings, and an advisement hearing may be combined with a bond hearing.

An “advisement hearing” and “arraignment” are not the same thing. The advisement hearing is to tell the suspect about the investigation or possible charges. The arraignment is when the suspect enters a plea.
We will find out the details of the case. Prosecution will need to detail all charges and vocalize the proof they have to back up all charges. So we will likely find out a lot of info.
I don't think it means anything of importance. Maybe they were tired after driving 17 hours or so. They may have had to pick up another prisoner or maybe her attorney met her there to prepare for the hearing today. I'm not sure if a lawyer would normally drive to another state to consult with a client but since the document was written up last night it's possible. Imo

After learning she was released at 2am to continue the journey, I believe it was just to kill a few hours as to avoid the media and protesters. When I said something else is up, I meant something other than stopping for bedtime. Whatever the case, I’m glad she’s released probably already inside her new home (at least for a few month) of the El Paso county Jail. Then we hope next stop is State Prison for life + 156
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