Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #42

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I have read the AA a couple of times, but have to lay back because kid cases just don't do a thing for my general well being. But something keeps talking to me in reference to the blood found in Gannon's room. Am I to believe this "person" beat this child in his own bed where he kept scooting as much as he could, back into the corner, where she finished him off because then she had him trapped? And why do I think she too, used a baseball bat ala Frazee? The bloody board was to get him to the truck. A gun would have been heard. And wasn't she turning in her softball stuff to supposedly get Gannon (what?) hockey equipment?

Moo, Moo
I edited this. I thought the bed was pulled away from the wall when LE entered GS room. Am I reading this correctly that the bed was not in its usually position that morning when LS took the picture and later it was pushed back to its usual position? Can someone please clarify?

Yes. I tried to point this out a day or two ago. the bed was in the "wrong" position that morning .

I think a mess was cleaned up there Sunday night and the bed was left that way so the area could dry overnight.


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Trying to catch up, but I have a 7 year old underfoot who has been banned from screens for a week. God help me and where is that wine?!

Maybe someone has thought of this....Possibly the creepy morning photos were taken to show that the Nintendo Switch was on the bed with Gannon. Maybe he had been banned from it for a day for some reason (supported by Al's text later in the day: "not today"), and he had snuck it into bed to play during the night? Or LS planted it there as evidence of his disobedience?
On the drive she wasn’t just “driving around wondering what to do.” She had a plan. She carried stuff to the truck. There was something square and suitcase-like bouncing in the back of truck. She took only G’s phone. She hid it in Petco TWO hours then went back to get it. She did something VERY nefarious during those two hours. Believe it.

imo oc

Perhaps she had a plan in mind but was interrupted or changed her mind for some reason.
The walls were wiped down. I believe the AA said there were visible blood that was like in the grooves(texture?) on the walls.

Your mention of "grooves" made me picture a Nintendo switch that was lying on the bed beside Gannon when he was murdered. It would have been covered in blood , no doubt.
I had previously thought that T got rid of the Switch to back up her story that he ran away. Now I don't think that was the case.
I think it was thrown into a trash bag along with everything else that was bloody, for disposal. It would have been impossible to clean it, due to blood seeping into the grooves around the buttons.
Yes. I tried to point this out a day or two ago. the bed was in the "wrong" position that morning .

I think a mess was cleaned up there Sunday night and the bed was left that way so the area could dry overnight.
When I studied the AA yesterday and last night, that was the first I had heard of his bed being pulled out.

Her picture at 8:13am shows the bed pulled away from the wall.

The body cam picture at 10pm that same day shows bed still pulled out BUT new pillow, new pillow case and new blanket. AA said the sheets looked the same but that could be cause they were the same ones or they were sheets that were similar to the old ones.
Trying to catch up, but I have a 7 year old underfoot who has been banned from screens for a week. God help me and where is that wine?!

Maybe someone has thought of this....Possibly the creepy morning photos were taken to show that the Nintendo Switch was on the bed with Gannon. Maybe he had been banned from it for a day for some reason (supported by Al's text later in the day: "not today"), and he had snuck it into bed to play during the night? Or LS planted it there as evidence of his disobedience?
This sounds very logical to me. It being planted. I think the video and this picture were where she was trying to convince AS how much pain and yrouble GS causes her.
Your mention of "grooves" made me picture a Nintendo switch that was lying on the bed beside Gannon when he was murdered. It would have been covered in blood , no doubt.
I had previously thought that T got rid of the Switch to back up her story that he ran away. Now I don't think that was the case.
I think it was thrown into a trash bag along with everything else that was bloody, for disposal. It would have been impossible to clean it, due to blood seeping into the grooves around the buttons.
After reading the AA I agree with this. That could the very reason she asked google if Nintendo can find a switch. Find the twitch find the bloody bedding.
Your mention of "grooves" made me picture a Nintendo switch that was lying on the bed beside Gannon when he was murdered. It would have been covered in blood , no doubt.
I had previously thought that T got rid of the Switch to back up her story that he ran away. Now I don't think that was the case.
I think it was thrown into a trash bag along with everything else that was bloody, for disposal. It would have been impossible to clean it, due to blood seeping into the grooves around the buttons.
Very good catch.
I pretty much agree. But I still want to know how often TS took pictures of the kids including selfies. (People have said they thought the hiking selfie was weird to take too.) And we don't know if it was usual to document activities for AS when he was away.

There are people who are (to me) almost "compulsive" about recording everything in life with pictures, people who are otherwise pretty normal. So the picture-taking itself doesn't have to be evil or strange. JMO
No, it doesn't have to be evil or strange, but I find it odd that she just happened to take a picture of him on the day of the murder, in the same spot where she murdered him. It seems like she was taking a picture of the crime scene before the crime took place.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Trying to catch up, but I have a 7 year old underfoot who has been banned from screens for a week. God help me and where is that wine?!

Maybe someone has thought of this....Possibly the creepy morning photos were taken to show that the Nintendo Switch was on the bed with Gannon. Maybe he had been banned from it for a day for some reason (supported by Al's text later in the day: "not today"), and he had snuck it into bed to play during the night? Or LS planted it there as evidence of his disobedience?
I agree. She just called out of work because Gannon was sick, but he had enough energy to play with his game. That possibly infuriated her. By 8:15 HH and GS's sister were out of the house. I think it is during this time that most of the damage was done.

Even though I was on the train that Gannon came back with LS in the afternoon, I really think she dumped his body somewhere before she returned to Petco / returned home now instead. Mostly because I can't believe that she would call the police if Gannon's body was still in her car.
That strikes me as one of the oddest things to do. I know she's an odd duck, but what rhyme or reason would a person have for stuffing tissues in their jeans?
Since she immediately got rid of the tissues as soon as they mentioned a warrant for her DNA, I'm assuming she didn't want to leave any of hers behind.

I think at that point she just wanted to get out of there, so she faked having a heart attack and then left the hospital to avoid investigators.

Wait...I must have missed the part in the AA where it was said they were bringing in 180k a year in their household? Is that real?
I can't confirm whether that was in the AA (I didn't want to read it,) but she did say that in one of her (telephone?) interviews with Leigh Egan of CrimeOnline. She talked about how they were living the American Dream. :rolleyes:
I also have trouble accepting the timeline of her killing him at home. There's just so little time, doesn't explain the not seeing him getting out of the truck, entails so many risks, doesn't explain the lost 2 hours, etc... Many have noted in previous threads that head injuries can produce a lot of blood without actually causing death. Whatever she did to him the night before had to frighten her to the point of believing murder the only way out... It just makes so much more sense to believe she killed him during the two hours unaccounted for and changed the bedding twice.
That’s where I am at right now. I can’t argue with LE findings at all but the timeline doesn’t make sense to me. Now they have the body, they maybe able to determine a lot more. And maybe HH has had time to absorb the enormity of what her mother has done and maybe she can talk with LE and help with the timeline.
Definitely possible - I'm operating on the assumption he brought his phone and she found out while out. She went to the trouble of leaving her phone at home, I was thinking she told him to leave his and when he didn't and she found him using it her plan was disrupted. Which in that scenario, he had his phone sunday night and monday morning. Maybe she left it at Petco as an attempt to still carry out the plan but realized there's too many questions and gave up.

Phone stuff aside, I still don't understand why - if her trip out to kill was interrupted and she went back home - why still kill him? Why not regroup, plan again? According to the AA she killed him between 2:15 and 3:15 - one hour to accomplish a murder with a now on-the-fly plan. I understand why people think the AA is incorrect here, but I believe it so far and it begs the question why still kill him with only an hour to spare and at your home?

To that end, I wonder if AS was one foot out the door or LH wanted the kids back or something made her absolutely need to kill him Monday in order to get her revenge against AS and LH, because by Tuesday (for whatever reason) it'd be too late.

I think she felt forced to kill him that afternoon because the drugs/poisons were wearing off---he was more active and talkative, and was more difficult to handle, and may have been threatening to tell, saying he knew she had poisoned him and she was in big trouble, or something like that?
Your mention of "grooves" made me picture a Nintendo switch that was lying on the bed beside Gannon when he was murdered. It would have been covered in blood , no doubt.
I had previously thought that T got rid of the Switch to back up her story that he ran away. Now I don't think that was the case.
I think it was thrown into a trash bag along with everything else that was bloody, for disposal. It would have been impossible to clean it, due to blood seeping into the grooves around the buttons.
That is a very good point.
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