Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #50

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I need to go back and check if she had a handbag with her in the neighbour’s footage from January 27th and if so how big the bag was ... and if she brought it out when she returned home and the bag appeared lighter...
Also wondering if the gun was mentioned to be present in the home in the AA ?? o_O
Just a couple of thoughts here this morning.

We have only seen video from one neighbour's security system that got "leaked". I'm going to surmise that other video exists that shows other comings and goings which may cause Tee even more trouble to explain. I expect some bombshell revelations from the Prosecution once this trial gets under way.

I also am concerned about Tee creating a circus at trial but had to give my head a shake. I know we worry about Gannon's memory being sullied by this horrible excuse for a human being. I have confidence in the DA and the DA's office that they will hold Tee accountable, not let her make a mockery of the Justice system and will uphold Gannon's memory in a way that we will all be proud of.

I'm just going to sit back and watch Tee get taken apart and enjoy every minute of it. She has no idea the depth of hatred that exists for her and the love for Gannon.

It's going to be a rocky road I am sure, but....Gannon will be the focus and his memory will be protected. Of this, I am sure.

I need to go back and check if she had a handbag with her in the neighbour’s footage from January 27th and if so how big the bag was ... and if she brought it out when she returned home and the bag appeared lighter...
Also wondering if the gun was mentioned to be present in the home in the AA ?? o_O

IIRC she had some sort of bag that looked to be the size of a sporting gear bag.
Just a couple of thoughts here this morning.

We have only seen video from one neighbour's security system that got "leaked". I'm going to surmise that other video exists that shows other comings and goings which may cause Tee even more trouble to explain. I expect some bombshell revelations from the Prosecution once this trial gets under way.

I also am concerned about Tee creating a circus at trial but had to give my head a shake. I know we worry about Gannon's memory being sullied by this horrible excuse for a human being. I have confidence in the DA and the DA's office that they will hold Tee accountable, not let her make a mockery of the Justice system and will uphold Gannon's memory in a way that we will all be proud of.

I'm just going to sit back and watch Tee get taken apart and enjoy every minute of it. She has no idea the depth of hatred that exists for her and the love for Gannon.

It's going to be a rocky road I am sure, but....Gannon will be the focus and his memory will be protected. Of this, I am sure.


I want to "like" this 100 times.

I think, and I hope, the DA has her number in such a profound way, he's going to inform the jury in his opening, exactly what she's going to attempt to do, and to remind them this isn't the Letecia Show, this is about getting justice for the cold blooded murder of an innocent child.

I think he's going to be quite descriptive in his opening and that will set the stage.

Still, I'm hoping her tongue falls off or something before this ever goes to trial, and all her creepy plans to tell more lies and spew more trash, just never takes place.

Also worth remembering, T was already in custody when Gannon's precious body was recovered. I am certain that the discovery of his body in Florida would've given the DA a whole new way to look at the data before them. Which will impact the case as they present it. She's done.

If T wants us to believe Gannon left with her and returned with her that awful day, then we can be about certain one or both parts of that is false.

She presplained to us the duffelbag. She was trading in Gannon's retired gear in favor of new gear. Sure. She explains it so that means there's a better question to ask.

What was IN the bag, T? That you so carefully carried on the far side of your body.... it was somewhere between a hockey stick and a baseball bat.... a rifle?

When did the suitcase leave the house, T?

Was Gannon already severely injured when you left the house?

Knowing his cooperative spirit, T, did you lead him out by that desolate pond and execute an innocent little boy? Did you go behind Petco somewhere to dispose of bedding and clothing and towels?

What day, T, did you drive out to PP? Did you do that a couple days later? Did you retrieve Gannon from the pond area to relocate him to Perry? Is that what the suitcase was for?

How much sleep did you get, T, from Sunday after BK until Tuesday, when you arrived at the airport in your ubercleverrental?

How many cars did you drive and wash during that span of days?

Did you meet someone at Petco? Was somebody supposed to repair some carpet for you but found your story bizarre and bailed?

Who helped you clean? We assume it's what you were doing In such a frenzy it appeared you were all over the house at once.

Was it a race against the clock before little sister got home?

Was Gannon near the pond by then? Or in your car? How'd his blood get there, T? No, not from tools.

Where'd you go between Petco stops, T?

Just how many times did you move him?

I'm waiting for her to confess. In a huff.

Not becsuse it's the right thing to do but becsuse she'll have outdumbed her own self.

Thank you for that
IIRC she had some sort of bag that looked to be the size of a sporting gear bag.
@Ontario Mom
It had been so long since I’d seen it I completely forgot that after little Gannon hops into the back LS exits the truck and went either back to the garage or house. The only times I get out once I’m in the car ready to leave is when I’ve left my mobile phone charging and run back in to get it. In her case though I think LS took hers back inside. MOO
Wasn't there another guy that was in her basement so many different stories from her and none the truth jmoo
Sorry to answer so late but yes, it was Eguardo, a guy she said was doing some type of carpentry work in the area, and QB, the man who was wanted by police, that she said were involved. She placed both of them in the basement at some point in several versions of the story.
If T wants us to believe Gannon left with her and returned with her that awful day, then we can be about certain one or both parts of that is false.

She presplained to us the duffelbag. She was trading in Gannon's retired gear in favor of new gear. Sure. She explains it so that means there's a better question to ask.

SABBM: These are great points. Tee is awfully concerned with people believing that Gannon returned to the house with her that day, to the point where it was one of the specific fake lie detector test questions she herself drafted:

d. Did your stepson return with you to your home? YES

As you point out, this is important, nay essential, to her. Why is this one of her most essential questions?

Clearly it must be because the security camera footage the neighbor received and which we have debated at great length, is sensitive and/or important to her; which means the fact that someone believes Gannon returned to the home must be important to Tee. Why? IMO, clearly it has to be because said footage is part of Tee's alibi; that is to say, Gannon could not have been dead when I returned to the house, because he in fact returned with me.

It seems to me, that either amateur sleuths are laboring under a misapprehension as to what date/time the neighbor's footage existed and represented; or that Tee at the time of the investigation, had no idea what time and date the neighbor's footage represents; and merely knew that there was some type of footage through rumor mill or accusation that she had to debunk, hide, or explain away. "We have you on a recording."
I wonder if trying to make any kind of sense out of her claims, is just a huge waste of time?

Does she have a bio son?
Highly improbable.
I mean, she could, but if she did, would this really be the first time anyone's hearing about him? Likely not. I think we all know that particular mega-rumor would have found it's way here a long time ago. So on that basis, assuming she's completely full of... well, lies and deception, then everything else she says about this non-existent person is just more fairy tale baloney she's dreampt up to make everyone go "huh?!"

Along with the alleged cruise, Eguardo, Quincy, GameStop and the pet one-eyed chicken named Vince. Yeah I know, there's no pet chicken. Or any of the other junk.

Just a lying, murderous witch, trying all the tricks to avoid responsibilty for what she's done.


In full agreement!
Could she have had a son she placed for adoption? Possible, of course. Probable? I think unlikely. And even if she did, what possible connection could that child have to Gannon's murder? Another one of her "throw it out, see what sticks" maneuvers. What a loon.


Equarda is the father but she didn't recognize him until he was in the basement? Then he killed Gannon because she hid their son from him? I wouldn't be surprised at all if she threw that sort of scenario out there. She's definitely got something up her sleeve. IMO, an evil woman and even worse - a desperate one.
Ah let's just go for broke and make it a drinking game...shots anyone?
You’re speaking my language!! I’m in.

I’m sorry, I definitely feel the gravity of this, but she is such a joke and I hope everyone can appreciate a bit of levity on top of how heavy this is. Poor Gannon and all who truly love him!
Letecia Stauch’s letter to judge explains why she wants to represent herself


COLORADO SPRINGS — On Wednesday, the court handling the murder of Gannon Stauch has unsealed a handwritten letter from Letecia Stauch to the judge, asking that she be allowed to represent herself.

Letecia Stauch is accused of killing her 11-year-old stepson Gannon, who she reported missing in late January of 2020. His remains were eventually found in Florida.

Letecia Stauch is charged with:

  • Murder in the First Degree (Child Under Twelve – Position of Trust)
  • First-degree murder
  • Child Abuse Resulting in Death
  • Tampering with a Deceased Human Body
  • Tampering with Physical Evidence
  • Crime of violence (8 counts)
In the letter unsealed by the court, Letecia expressed her concern about her defense attorneys. She said she had concerns about privacy, and their “lack of ability to gather evidence.” Her main points were that communication was broken beyond repair, inconsiderate of evidence, sharing information with family members, and overlooking statute and evidence. She claims she hasn’t seen any evidence in a year.

It seems they got one small point wrong — it was a statue that was overlooked.
'I am innocent': Letecia Stauch claims mental illness in newly released letter - KRDO


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- Letecia Stauch, the southern Colorado woman accused of murdering her 11-year-old stepson Gannon Stauch, is claiming she is "not mentally well" and is being held in jail wrongfully, despite clearing two mental competency evaluations.

In a letter just obtained by KRDO, Stauch wrote to Judge Gregory Werner back in February of 2021 asking to represent herself because she believed her legal team at the time was "in cahoots" with the prosecution.

Stauch said in the letter that she believes the doctor who performed one of her competency evaluations was "clearly an actress and friends with the D.A." She said she was diagnosed with a condition, which is redacted from the letter, back in 2016 and received treatment for it. She also claims a South Carolina school district let her medically resign from her position with the district due to "ongoing reality breaks".

Stauch claims she tried to get her previous legal team to consider her medical records from South Carolina, and that she had to pay a "firm" to get access to those records.
Hmmm... I wonder why the school board would revoke her license if they “allowed her to resign”.

Stepmother accused of killing 11-year-old Gannon Stauch has S.C. teaching certification permanently revoked

The woman accused of killing her stepson had her teacher’s license permanent revoked by the South Carolina State Board of Education.

The SBE considered the
matter pertaining to Letecia Stauch on Feb. 9.

Stauch’s educator certificate was previously suspended by the state board from May 11, 2016 to Nov. 7, 2016 due to unprofessional conduct for breach of contract, the order states.
Can someone remind me when the next court date is? I sure don’t want to miss the circus!
Can someone remind me when the next court date is? I sure don’t want to miss the circus!
Charged filed (5/20/20) & charged (6/5/20) with solicitation to commit escape.
Murder case: Preliminary hearings on 5/20 & 5/21/21.
Case & court info from 3/2/20 to 3/5/21 reference post #263 here:
Found Deceased - CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #50
I don't know how firm the court dates will be now that LS is representing herself. At this time, I believe the proof evident, presumption great hearing on May 20-21 at 9AM.
Every letter is more absurd than the last.

But I am curious about the son. And is she trying to say Gannon used drugs?
I think LS insinuated Gannon used some type of drug early on, like soon after she reported him, if not the night she reported him. IIRC she was talking about him abusing her and very interested in a certain drug. AMOO since I can't go back and look right now.
I really have to wonder. Because according to the affidavit, at 1:21 GS answered his dad’s text from 12:06. (LS shows up on surveillance at the PetCo for the second time at 1:22.) The text sounds to me like something a kid would write, but I suppose it totally could’ve been LS since she’s shown her use of the English language to be less than perfect. Then at 1:43, GS’s phone was used for a google search of “can my parent find my cell phone.if its off.” The odd period placement is typical of LS’s searches. And it’s noted in the affidavit that the search was made before arriving back at the house. Considering the text from AS went unanswered for over an hour, and it’s obvious LS used GS’s phone before arriving home, I still think he didn’t return with her.
My internet has been down for three days. Just came back up. Yea! (I’m so addicted to cyber technology, what did we ever do before?) Squirrels chewed through the fiber lines so it’s been a big task. They’re so cute though when they bounce down my fence. Who knew they were so troublesome?

Anyways, I checked back at a few Letecia notes in my down time. I was wondering the same thing you are.
And another thing I found interesting. The AA lists her aunt - B.A. (idk can we list a witness’ name?) but in this obit, it’s listed like they are sisters. Another sister is also mentioned which she is interesting in of itself. Also... a foster son is named so - who is this? A foster brother to Letecia? Or a foster son to the father? Or...
I think LS insinuated Gannon used some type of drug early on, like soon after she reported him, if not the night she reported him. IIRC she was talking about him abusing her and very interested in a certain drug. AMOO since I can't go back and look right now.

More likely Gannon WITNESSED something. A little drug party? Hmmmm. What was in YOUR purse, T? Did good Gannon threaten to tell and she made sure he couldn't?

And here we are....

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