Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #16

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Hello everyone, long time listener, first time caller. I’m honored to officially become part of the Websleuths community.

I’ve been very hesitant to post by thoughts on Gannons case both out of the potentially sensitive nature of the investigation and the backlash that surely comes with anyone daring to suggest LS/TS/SM is anything less than a suspect in Gannons disappearance.

So let me begin by stating my disgust toward anyone assuming his death and assuming her guilt. This community is better than that. Other than the amount of time passed, there is literally nothing, NOTHING that suggests he is dead. This includes LE statements and actions. I will admit that I felt pessimistic about the direction/outcome of this case until I realized NONE of the FACTS tell us to feel that way. LE, despite what seems like common logic, isn’t even designating it a criminal investigation.

If anyone else felt like there were more questions than answers as the investigation moves forward, replace the assumption that LS harmed him with the assumption he’s alive. There are far fewer circumstances where this makes sense but an interesting thing begins to happen with this assumption...not only are there less questions, there’s hardly any questions at all and things begin to look crystal clear. JMHO.

IMO there are two scenarios we are dealing with and BOTH involve apologies to LS.

We’ve been given a lot of bones to ignore the steak.

Before I get toasted to oblivion from the pitchfork wielding mob against LS, do not forget we are not far removed from Shane Carey being all but convicted in the public eye and did a darn good job at making himself look that way, intended or not. LE is not dumb, they will misdirect intentionally to preserve the integrity of the investigation and they are most likely to do this when they think the victim is alive.

Whether you agree or not, I encourage everyone to at least pretend to have a little hope. 7,000+ investigative hours can’t be discounted just because we haven’t heard what we want to hear. IMO

I get what you are saying that LE is not calling it a criminal investigation. Can you help me understand why you are calling Gannon a victim?

A victim implies a crime, no? Sorry, you cant have it both ways...
My late father was one of those "How much does it cost and Who's going to pay for it" kind of men-- no matter the subject. He could have very well authored the ever-popular-- "follow- the- money" phrase.

In researching another Colorado case, I've just learned that there's a serious budget shortfall in Colorado to where the new Governor only weeks ago notified the heads to close a much-needed Level 3 prison located in El Paso County, effective March 7, 2020 -- for fiscal reasons. This is leaving the State DOC to scramble and find beds elsewhere for 650 male inmates!

That being said, the purpose of this post is to add that there are serious, financial advantages for EPSO to not publically and/or officially designate GS's case anything other than an endangered missing person case.

More important, please note that GS's case upgrade to endangered missing person not only brought the CBI and FBI into the investigation but also FBI's federal dollars. One would have to be blind not to have recognized that it was the FBI Evidence Response Team and their vehicles that have been parked along Colorado 105 and in the driveway leading to the gate of Sierra Pines-- about a half-mile north of the El Paso County line.

The federal partner, crossing county lines to lead the search for GS, is exactly what his case needs until this child is recovered (when FBI services terminate).

I can't end this post without a shout-out to the prosecutor's office led by one of the finest DA's in the region, Dan May. There should be no doubt that the EPSO has been receiving the finest guidance and support from his office. And if and when the time comes, we should trust that this prosecutor's office will leave no stone unturned to get justice for GS.

Incredibly helpful and insightful. Thank you. :cool:

I was here for a few years before I finally registered.
Let me just say, as a "veteran" member, I can not tell you how much I appreciate this.
New members that get a feel for the atmosphere here, and familiarize themselves with the rules, before they start posting, really show a huge respect for our "home" here, and the mods, and Tricia.

I'm pretty sure I can speak for most here anyway, when I say your respect and consideration for how it works here is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for this. These are high accolades as far as I am concerned.
I truly value the intelligence, care and consideration that has been poured into this site. It is unparalleled in that regard.
I have the utmost respect for the veterans here. I know I have toed the line with respect to the TOS but greatly appreciate the underlying need and value that they have.
What I love about this place is that it is ALWAYS about the victims and ensuring they get the justice they deserve.
CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020*MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE*

busy busy and seriously - anyone else thinking something’s gonna hit??? We’ve had very little disruption on GS’s thread ... timing - not a coincidence -IMO

I think our boy is gonna be found

I don't know what to think. LE is playing an absolute blinder.
Sittin' back and fastening my seatbelt and watchin' the pretty lights is about all I am about to fathom..
The tweet is from over an hour ago but I didn't see this video the first time I scrolled through. She's definitely bringing a camera into the house. The investigator must be kneeling too because the knees of her uniform are dirty, unless that's the design of her pants

Catherine Silver on Twitter
I apologize if my wording rubbed you and others the wrong way and was simply using the “apology” reference to bolster my point about the potential for her to be unfairly convicted in the public sphere and probably should have been left out as it seems to have distracted from the point I’m trying to make.

Especially since I personally wouldn’t be making an apology because I think, and very strongly, that he is alive, that there are many different layers to a complex situation and that the main players went outside the bounds of the law despite their, mostly, good intentions.

Not up to date on the past 10 pages, but could not let this one go by.

Some very interesting stuff here.

Wondering who the 'main players' are, who 'went outside the bounds of the law'???

Wondering even more, how one would KNOW this.

Wondering even MORE, about the different 'layers' of this 'complex situation'.

This is the only picture I can find of the night shots from RD on MSM. Does anyone have anything clearer?

One thing I noted from these images is they are from the time period of approximately 9:30pm-12:00 am Sunday night. This would be the time when school age children are sleeping (sister in bed). This would also be the approximate time GS may have gotten into some trouble at home and he might have been recorded near a garage or gate to runaway from someone. Jmo but it would make me cry if I saw my child very frightened and running from their caregiver.


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What would they be taking pictures of in the house at this point? Wouldn’t that have already been done?
I had the same thought.
I suppose it's possible something they've discovered in either a search or the overall investigation gave them pause for questions about something in the house, therefore, photographic CS evidence.
Even though I know how much evidence is gathered in a case, I'm always kind of in awe, at how much work it takes to put it all together for an understandable probable cause affidavit.

It help avoids the whole rush to judgment accusation. It keeps the suspect disarmed to some degree. It makes it easier to use evidence gathered in an interview from a suspect who wasn’t Mirandized. It helps them avoid defamation lawsuits. This article about the term POI is super helpful in explaining why they typically avoid calling someone a suspect these days:

In a trap: What it means to be a 'person of interest' | In the Dark | APM Reports
Does it help at all with not tainting a future jury pool as well? Or is that negated once they’re announced as the POI?

I was here for a few years before I finally registered.
Let me just say, as a "veteran" member, I can not tell you how much I appreciate this.
New members that get a feel for the atmosphere here, and familiarize themselves with the rules, before they start posting, really show a huge respect for our "home" here, and the mods, and Tricia.

I'm pretty sure I can speak for most here anyway, when I say your respect and consideration for how it works here is greatly appreciated.
ITA - And I did this as well - even though I was an admin of another site - I watched and learned for literally years - before I made an account at’s respect
Hello everyone, long time listener, first time caller. I’m honored to officially become part of the Websleuths community.

I’ve been very hesitant to post by thoughts on Gannons case both out of the potentially sensitive nature of the investigation and the backlash that surely comes with anyone daring to suggest LS/TS/SM is anything less than a suspect in Gannons disappearance.

So let me begin by stating my disgust toward anyone assuming his death and assuming her guilt. This community is better than that. Other than the amount of time passed, there is literally nothing, NOTHING that suggests he is dead. This includes LE statements and actions. I will admit that I felt pessimistic about the direction/outcome of this case until I realized NONE of the FACTS tell us to feel that way. LE, despite what seems like common logic, isn’t even designating it a criminal investigation.

If anyone else felt like there were more questions than answers as the investigation moves forward, replace the assumption that LS harmed him with the assumption he’s alive. There are far fewer circumstances where this makes sense but an interesting thing begins to happen with this assumption...not only are there less questions, there’s hardly any questions at all and things begin to look crystal clear. JMHO.

IMO there are two scenarios we are dealing with and BOTH involve apologies to LS.

We’ve been given a lot of bones to ignore the steak.

Before I get toasted to oblivion from the pitchfork wielding mob against LS, do not forget we are not far removed from Shane Carey being all but convicted in the public eye and did a darn good job at making himself look that way, intended or not. LE is not dumb, they will misdirect intentionally to preserve the integrity of the investigation and they are most likely to do this when they think the victim is alive.

Whether you agree or not, I encourage everyone to at least pretend to have a little hope. 7,000+ investigative hours can’t be discounted just because we haven’t heard what we want to hear. IMO

Seeing the reality of a situation

That people live in their own and different reality is more than evident from the posts written on this board. Where some see hope for hopes sake, for comfort and retaining positivity, others see something completely different. Where some use hope as a coping mechanism others toss it aside and focus on details that appear real even if they are painful and don't provide the outcome they may have previously hoped for. To tell one to pretend to return to hope and leave their reality behind is like asking someone to become color blind in a technicolor world. To be disgusted by those whose hope has waned is a choice and doesn't change the reality of another. There is no need in my reality to storm the castle with pitchforks and torches since my belief only allows for Live and Let Live. To understand that this is a discussion board with differing opinions is a given. We come here to express our thoughts and views and not to be told how to think and feel. In my world, every day that Gannon doesn't come home takes away the likelihood that he will.
What would they be taking pictures of in the house at this point? Wouldn’t that have already been done?

Pre-luminol and now, perhaps, post-DNA. If they need spatter/smear photos, they may need closer photos than what the first photos show.

There are many times that DNA is found somewhere unexpected and no close-up picture was taken, just leads to a poorer presentation at trial. Really good still photography always beats a frame grab, but the original videographer has just one job - which is to preserve a visual archive of the scene at the beginning.

I've been thinking about the gate. The gate probably wasn't much of a focus until LS mentioned it. Maybe they hadn't even swabbed it yet. Maybe that led to specific examination and findings in the backyard. Maybe the backyard didn't get its photos taken up close yet.

Just spit-balling.
One might almost suppose that she might be running on no sleep, as well. Adrenalin eventually crashes.

I figure they luminol'ed everything on the second trip to the house, and again after the bloody tool remark by LS. Typically, its best to really photograph/video the crime scene before putting chemicals all over. Luminol doesn't tell whether something is human blood, a swab test and a simple reactive test is used.

If it turns out that test shows human blood, then blood spatter analysis begins, along with DNA testing. The garage may have been an early focus if LS is telling the truth, but eventually, I'm guessing there was lots of luminol and. probably RSID testing If no RSID testing, I'd get someone out there to do that.

Then the various teams meet, submit their info, and the lead investigators put it all up on a nifty map of the premises. Even if the only goal is to check out whether LS was truthful about the garage blood, this exercise will tell a story. If the story points to any sort of abuse or criminal behavior, then there can be probable cause to bring a person in for questioning, with their lawyer, because charges are looming. If the person cannot explain what the evidence shows (or refuses to), that's duly noted.

I don't think they are interested in using all of this as an LS lie detector though, as it's obvious she has done some lying. I'm guessing that the story told by the already-collected evidence (by now including fast track DNA, almost certainly) is a story that warrants the collection of more evidence or perhaps close up pictures of the crime scene.

Consider that in the EARONS case, if the VCSO's CSI's had not collected more than enough samples of DeAngelo's DNA and kept it closely guarded in their freezer, the tests that were run years later would not have been possible. In this case, would likely be blood evidence. There's almost always something new in the forensic story that investigators didn't truly expect, when all that evidence is looked at through a DNA lens.

OTOH, perhaps they found something up north in the previous days and that warranted a trip to the house.

I can think of a few other things they could be looking for, that may not have crossed their minds early on but, after review by a team of people, now warrants a closer look at certain parts of the property.
May I ask, what is an RSID test? thank you so much.

Well, well….

And what two scenarios might those be, pray tell?

Like my math teachers used to say, you're going to need to show your work here.

From where I'm sitting, there are no known facts that support this assertion.

If there is any sort of rational basis for your bolded statement, please share it with the group.


My husband the Math teacher ( who looks like a H3LL's Angel from Texas) is laughing so hard he's crying over here. Thanks Gordian- the steam has stopped pouring out of my ears.
My heart is still breaking for his Mama. I have faith LE is pulling out all the stops. We may get a Life with 157 years this time.

@gitana1 Is there a Death Penalty decision anywhere for a successful prosecution without a body? There are just so many places he could be
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