CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #60

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I'm so happy former FBI Johnny Grusing will return on Friday! We learned so much from him on cases here including the behavior of defendants Mark Redwine and Barry Morphew and how their stories changed to fit the evidence.

Similar to these defendants, LS can't help herself. LS was almost giddy when she believed she had an edge-- similar to her confidence about the polygraph she was going to pass -- until her scheme failed and the fake polygraph exam she attempted to purchase did not come through. Losers are, well, losers. JMO
Annnnnd never knowing her cell phone was tapped.
Can someone give me their take on why she moved Gannon's bed(s) and what the blood splatter showed about where LS might have been standing?
Are you referring to the bed not being against the wall in the photos she took the morning of the day she murdered him? We see him later that day walking to the truck and we know the police say the murder actually took place in the afternoon. So if the blood and the clean-up all took place after the attack, then the bed is not pulled out in connection with that.

That begs the question of why it's not against the wall. Why did she pull it out? There's much speculation about that. Some believe it indicates a prior attack, one that might be connected to the candle incident.

My personal opinion is that she moved the bed out in order to adjust Gannon and the blankets for the photo. She needed to hide his burns, and make it look like he's sleeping peacefully. With the desk/table on the other side, I think she rushed around, moving the bed out without even thinking about it, so she could go up and adjust the covers, maybe put his hand up where it is. She then went to the bottom of the bed to take the photo, focused on him, and missing the fact that the bed is no longer up against the wall.

At that point in time, I don't think it being pulled out would have occurred to her as any kind of issue. Her plan was to take him out in the truck and let him die from the drug overdose she'd given him, and then dump his body somewhere. I don't think her plan was to kill him in his bedroom. Hence, she wasn't thinking of where the bed was when she took the photo: just focused on showing him alive and well in the morning.

Sometimes the explanation is as simple as that.
youtube = IHtlVtHuEzc
IckedMel Day 7, Wed April 12, 2023, Letecia Stauch speaking to Det. Bethel 4:19 hours interview at EPCSO

"... My biggest concern was the upholstry for the couch. ..."

2:54 20
"...and I realized that Gannon actually he had like marks like on his arm and they were actually like peeling at that point
and I didn't, I didn't, I swear I did NOT realize that they had, I don't know if like, they start like, cuz burns are sitting there, and they started peeling like overnight or whatever. ..."

"...So then I was freaked out cuz I didn't know that his arms were like that. So I'm like crying. And this is where I have to start telling you, like you know, like very ...(pause)... I was scared. My thought process was ...(pause)... Albert is going to kill me like because I made a mistake as a parent (crying). He really got a little more burned than he should have. I was freaking out. And Gannon's like "It's okay,". And there's blood on his arm and as it was peeling. (crying ends) I didn't call the hospital and just ask. I don't know enough about burns. I I, should have called the hospital. I made a mistake. I swear to you all I didn't know they were that bad. I didn't know. I feel horrible. Here I am, I know it's not about me. But as a person, I feel horrible that I didn't call Albert to say they're like this. ..."

It's just my opinion JMO, but this is NOT the word salad associated with mental defect. Wikipedia has an example under clanging speech. LS is just a liar searching for what to say to keep her obfuscating statement going. We know this is all lies from her, attempts to evade.
I think this version of events in terms of Sunday night with the candle and burns and blood- is probably the closest thing to the truth of any story she's told. Obviously there's hints of truth to every made of story/version/excuse/lie she's told but reading that, makes me think that's more honest than the rest..if that makes sense
I don't think there's any evidence AS wanted to immediately adopt HH. I'm not sure where/why OP inferred this.

IMO, LS's reluctance about adoption was most likely financial since her minor daughter would be receiving social security death benefits from her deceased father (as opposed to child support).

By all accounts, it appears AS treated HH as his daughter and supported her -- HH's Jetta vehicle was financed by AS. MOO
I was thinking about this while traveling today. Why, why would she keep stalling AS on the adoption? Thats really something she could rub in Laden's face, yet she doesn't.

It only comes down to the ss death benefit HH was receiving.

Edit: LS as the mother, would also have received a small ss death benefit. That ended when she got married.

Alrho divorced my mother received one along with us daughters.
I was thinking about this while traveling today. Why, why would she keep stalling AS on the adoption? Thats really something she could rub in Laden's face, yet she doesn't.

It only comes down to the ss death benefit HH was receiving.

Edit: LS as the mother, would also have received a small ss death benefit. That ended when she got married.

Alrho divorced my mother received one along with us daughters.
I'm not so sure LS, at the time in her early 30's, would have received SS when her divorced spouse died. I'm not sure why as "a mother" she'd get money. The $255 one-time death benefit wouldn't go to a divorced spouse who is not living in the same household as the dead ex. (Maybe HH could have gotten that.)
But there's no evidence, and I mean none, that LS had anything to do with her ex's death in Ohio. At that time she was in SC in a presumably hot and heavy relationship with AS & they married less than 4 months later. She had divorced her ex a few years before that.

Adoption wouldn't have stopped HH's SS benefits either. She had already qualified for those and AS adopting her would have made no difference in that regard. I've posted a link a few times.
I find it curious..... If LS would have never said anything about burns on GS no one would be the wiser.

Autopsy couldn't reveal there had been any burns.
Presplaining again, to AS, to HH, by putting up the video, to LE... She was trying to get out ahead of the evidence, the way she has this entire case.

If I were a juror, Letecia’s behavior in the courtroom would make me think she is completely sane. Everyone who knows her has testified that they have never seen any behavior that indicates she is insane. IMO, if she wants to convince the jury that she was insane when she killed Gannon, she should act completely normal, cry at appropriate times, etc. If I saw her acting like a normal person should during the trial, I’d be more inclined to believe she had a one-in-a-billion attack of insanity and killed Gannon, since no one has ever seen insanity in her before. It’s too obvious - trying to act insane (or extremely odd at the least) in front of the jury, with her just assuming no one has deductive reasoning skills.
(BBM) This has been my exact thought as well.
good afternoon sir will you please introduce yourself to our jury and then spell your name for the record

my name is Jonathan grusing last name is g-r-u-s-h-i-n-g

Mr Grushing what do you do currently for work I am director of Safety and Security for
Douglas County School District how long have you been doing that not quite two years
what did you do before that I was a special agent with the FBI in Denver how long had you been with the FBI almost 25
years what kind of training and education did you have that allowed you to do that job
I got an undergraduate degree in management Texas Tech University got a master's degree there as well in business I worked in Dallas for four years while
I was basically fighting time to try to get into the FBI
what kind of experience or positions I should say or roles did you play with the FBI
so I was a special agent the entire 25 years for my first two years I worked
terrorism matters and for my last 23 I was primarily violent crime matters
kind of cases did you work on as far as violent crime investigations
up until 2006 I primarily worked kidnappings fugitives
bank robbers some federal jurisdiction crimes like if there was a homicide in the prison it was mainly that until 2006 and STOPPED AT timestamp 4:38

Apology for not making any spelling corrections. Left transcript "as is."

4:45:50 how did you get involved in the investigation of Gannon Stout's disappearance
I had been assisting the Colorado Springs FBI resident agency it's a
smaller satellite down here from I was stationed up in Denver on
numerous cases if they involved missing adults missing children just to come in
and assist them with whatever help I could give them from the profiling unit and
the supervisor John Cronin had asked me to come assist with the Gannon Stout case what was your role in the
investigation I didn't come in until about a little over two weeks later and
the investigators both FBI and El Paso sheriffs just asked me to listen to
uh one of leticia's phone calls to I believe it was Al and see if I can assist because they had
no idea where Gannon was and to see what we could do as far as where do we go from here
because they believed that she was misdirecting the authorities and wasn't assisting in the investigation
so after listening to the phone call um I spoke with Al the dad and with the
investigative team and said I do believe if we don't accuse Leticia of killing
Gannon that she would continue to talk with us and maybe give us Clues to what happened to him
so did that become a strategy for you as you proceeded to help out with this
investigation to not accuse her directly yes why did you believe that if you avoided
making an accusation that she would continue to speak she had already shown a propensity to
change her story to fit the facts of the case and I had seen that in Prior offenders
as well and I figured that if we could just keep uh just a second
thought yes you may
foreign so um
Mr gruesing so we were talking about that pathway of violence and how you
used your experience to guide your strategy with this particular
um case what about
um this jury has heard a bunch of phone calls already heard testimony that you were involved with
um both the planning and carrying out of these consensually recorded phone calls
um was it also part of your strategy to get her to just keep talking because she
would give information sort of on the margins yes she was the last person to be with
Gannon and she was our best source of information but we had we being the FBI had
different teams looking at computers uh phones cars her travel but our best
source to find out what happened to Gannon was to maintain communication with Leticia and that was my goal was
just to have Al keep talking with her so we could find out what happened to him
on all of these uh recorded consensual phone calls that involve Mr stouk and
the defendant um is it fairly consistent that the defendants would show more concern for
herself than helping find Ganon or whatever might even have happened again yes it was
was the defendant at the center of her own Universe in that regard she was
did you have um prior to the phone calls had you ever had any interaction with her before no
um during the phone calls did you have any chance to see her no did you eventually have a chance to see her I
did what was that it was once an arrest warrant was
drafted and we we being an investigative team with El Paso County Sheriff's Office and FBI
on March 2nd arrested her and I spoke with her in South Carolina
um the person that you went there to arrest and then um interview is she here in the courtroom she is you identify her
please by pointing to where she's sitting describing what she's wearing she's sitting at that table wearing a
red shirt between the two defense attorneys correct all right this time I'd ask that the record reflects he’s
identified the defendant the record whistle was left go ahead um Mr grushing was it also consistent
that um this defendant would mislead the investigation yes that's correct give us
um what you mean by that well in her conversations with Al she
was pretending to be in Colorado Springs when we knew she was in South Carolina
her stories changed and it really affected the law enforcement response for her to say again and walked away to
a friend's house versus being abducted or something that would cause a greater
and more intense law enforcement response initially and then as I'm sure
the jury's aware the stories kept changing how does um that Dynamic where the last
person to see an 11 year old child alive is giving these sometimes very wildly
Divergent on statements as to what happened how does that affect the investigation
well it makes it difficult but the someone like Leticia can't help but
giving out facts in the case while she's making up these stories the stories are to avoid punishment for
or possibly being responsible for what happened and being found guilty and in my experience that is what both
in my experience as an interviewer with the FBI and what I learned from working with the behavior analysis unit that’s
what we as human beings do as we fabricate and we misdirect to
avoid punishment um was it consistent in this case that
different times during these recorded phone calls that she would try to shift
blame to other people yes did that include Al stouk
it did did it include uh Landon Hyatt gain his mother it did did it include
Landon's ex-husband Mike yes were there other people that she would try to shift blame to that were known entities known
people that were real yes
That LS might kill again and that you think LH was in grave danger is horrifying and hadn't occurred to me, but I can't argue completely against it. She seems to have no self-discipline to know when to stop something (Gannon or the post-Gannon lies). The only thing that I might wonder about is whether another murder would be pre-planned, because I'm not sure that the initial step with Gannon was. So for another murder, it would probably be another impulse out of control and then spiral from there. JMO.

I agree, @Kingsley. LS appears to react in a manner she perceives as punishing her offenders as opposed to mature adult, sound reasoning. From the testimony, we learned LS and AS would argue, LS would direct HH to pack her bags, and off they'd go-- LS in a huff. More recently, HH testified about leaving Colorado with LS and getting as far as Kansas before LS/AS reconciled and they returned home.

I've long believed the week with the visiting mother-in-law, and AS leaving town with his mom for the Denver airport-- a day early--coupled with the carpet incident, was enough fuel to set LS off. Again, LS was feeling neglected and put upon, feeling like the unappreciated babysitter, and did not need much to ignite the fuse that was already primed.

Except for LS's search history, something not admitted in evidence for public knowledge was the phone and text history of and between LS and AS-- preceding Gannon's murder. I personally found that odd -- usually a treasure trove here about a possible triggering event.

Nonetheless, the rage LS shows towards LH for coming to Colorado (travel caused by LS's actions), her turf, seems over the top! And not parading LS before LH more insult for the injustice collector. MOO
FBI recorded phone call on February 16 2020

Apology for not making any spelling corrections. Left transcript "as is."

so I just got off phone with your girl Nicole and then I talked to the uh investigative reporter
um you know what I found out all right I found out what currency is
so okay we're making progress um they his his family at the house
believes he's been in Mexico for over two years and hasn't been back yeah no that's not true
how do you know oh okay okay
I did I listened to you
really no I listen to you I listen to your pick your contact of Nicole I
listened to her the person she sent okay who was the investigative reporter that
you were referencing so all that was true so thank you for telling the truth on that okay the part that's not true is
Quincy Baron he's been in Mexico for two years Quincy Brown is not involved in this
Mexico Mexico that's what his family
said not yeah that's what his family said oh yeah okay the family said Mexico yeah
because they've been looking for him too believe it or not go figure so why didn't this why why the
misinformation why why are you telling me not true okay the news people said this was misinformation that's why
they're not running your story okay yeah you did you gave him Quincy Brown
you gave him misinformation you gave him a story okay
yeah Nicole's a news person you know that you've been you called her and did an interview with her or or statement or
whatever so yeah you did give her misinformation that's what they called it that's what they called it Tisha
called him back and cussed them out don't talk to me like this you gave them misinformation
okay that's what id said and somebody's got his took his ID from two years ago and is now
so that's what I'm doing trying to figure it out okay and you're not working with me here you said you want
to be an involved parent
you I'm just blown away because you say you want to be an involved parent you sent me a picture of this dude okay
where'd you get the picture from Nicole cold
okay so Nicole sent you the picture you've also got messages from this dude
okay he never says who he is somebody yeah that they Coke I got it I
got it but it never said hey this is Quincy send me my money send me back everybody
okay but you said you said that he wasn't in Mexico now you're saying he’s
in Mexico they said he was there for two years okay I said people can go back and forth
through Mexico oh that's the you see an indicator to you yeah but you know what but you get check
it out though check it out though he's been wanted for over two years if he came back and forth across the border in
the past month they would have stopped him because he's a wanted man okay and you said and you just said it’s
perfect that Gavin's in Mexico that's one of the worst places on the world right now
for who what's wrong with my son's missing and you keep lying to me okay that's what’s
wrong t-shirt that's what's wrong okay fine give me my son back tell the truth
give me my son backs where's he at dude he has him you know
he had to answer not one of my questions do that well guess what I don't want you
to call me back because you're not doing nothing but lying to me and sending me in a different direction than what you know is the truth
thank you yep all right
5:02:30 all right so Mr grusing um just a couple of preliminary things um there was a word of Nicole in this

5:03:54 you know the next one to jump into people's exhibit number 55 on another one of these recorded phone calls
admitted previously under Mr Stout's testimony this is 18 minutes and 42 seconds long and uh it's occurred on
February 16 2020 at 2 34 pm and you said 18 minutes yes sir a little
over 18 minutes Mr gruesome you can go ahead and step down and sit in the background this is
played are you still playing it from there February 16th are you still playing it from there Mr
Allen yes sir okay
this is about that turn on yeah
do what what I'm uh just trying to help get to the
bottom of this teacher like you said in the message like I'm just trying to do this for Ganon
yeah but this whole time for three weeks you've been just like all these people so you know what I'm beat us up too I
want speculation full of lies full of craziness I'm be crazy as hell
just like this so you're starting that now you're starting that now is what you’re
telling me no
no no no no no then I've been sitting there playing into your game and all the listening and
things no I'm just trying to like like I said
I'm just trying to get to the truth to get again and I mean you you you no you
think I'm stupid you wanted to get to Gannon yeah can be a crazy *advertiser censored*
you take that for a second you think I'm not smart oh I've invested a lot because oh my god
I've worked at the ground he walked on okay but that being said why would you
give me Nicole's number okay no well
that's fine that's fine we're we're miles away from that so but first
miles away miles away from the truth first of all because this Quincy guy has been gone for two years the news said
that not me okay all right the news said that they also got a confirmation from
the sheriff okay that this guy was not involved period it's misinformation
okay well but but between me and you why can't we just move past Quincy okay because you're not trying to move
forward in your life with your wife and your family and as long as you talk to
me like that act like that I'm gonna be the same damn what okay but but hear me
out hear me out me like *advertiser censored* okay all right do you think I'm supposed to come be your hero okay
listen I am trying to get past that point because Quincy being involved in this you don’t
have anywhere in a hotel yeah but you had me believe
in Quincy until the news and the El Paso told me it wasn't true
you don't care
okay so you've been telling me stories this whole time is that what you're telling me you've been lying to me intentionally
so too bad but you got it no you're I think you're freaking out because you know I
don't even have to tell you you know that Quincy being not legit anymore is not good for you and it's not good for
example all right so listen I want to start over with this okay I want to start over
and I no I got you I got you and I want you
okay but listen when we started this in when I started talking to you when I started talking to you on the phone the
most honest you've been to me in this whole freaking process is when you asked me and you showed me that you care to
love for me you asked me you said Albert do you love me and then I answered I said yes right
no but no no listen to me I said yes okay
I said yes and you what you said okay but you said if this was an accident were you stand by me and I said yes I
said I will stand by you if this was an accident Minnie
did you start turning and telling them that I lied I just want to know because it doesn't work
this is why I don't never trusted through the whole two weeks
I didn't get on the phone it takes nobody about this and I know you're surprised by that you can be okay
the only person I've been talking about is the fact that Quincy brown with this whatever Nicole fiaro told me okay that
the El Paso County Sheriff Soldier you said call I did exactly what you said I trusted in you I got in touch with them
so you don't even want to talk about Gannon you're not talking about Gannon you're talking about you okay
it is no it is about you that's not true get it because you’re
you're somewhere you're you're healthy and talking to me ganon's not that's why
it's about Gannon okay all right like I said I want your honesty the most honest
you've been understand any of it it tells you that your baby mama has
something to do with it you're not gonna believe me but he did okay then let's prove it give me the proof
I don't care you could accuse me I want you like you've done for five years okay I don't have nothing to hide
you won't even tell me anything you have to have the decency to tell me anything about nothing you start kicking me off
kicking out the curves not really actually no because these are
children right yeah yep absolutely and you have information that you're not telling me and you have you have the
chance to show that you're better than her okay if she's involved in this if
she's involved in it let's take her down if she's you go make a statement that you are standing by your watches and
then see what you did okay if you sit right here do that okay
if you sit right here no no absolutely not I'm not putting you down at all you told me the
closest we've been to the truth I'm gonna keep saying this is when you ask me if I loved you and I said yes okay
and then you said if this is an accident and then you said Stand By Me okay so
that I think that's the closest to the truth we've been that if something happened it was an accident
and that's the most
Listen Hold on hold on I'm going to tell you the truth right now I'm not worried about Ganon right now okay I'm worried
about you I'm worried about standing by you the only way you're gonna don't tell me you wanna don't I'm not telling you
what the what you want to hear the only way to move forward with this is that it was an accident which I think is the truth and that you freaked out and I
told you that over and over and over again accidents happen people freak out with accidents they will understand that
okay but the fact but the fact that you you sent me on a three-day Chase of Quincy Brown which is misinformation and
not true okay that's not good for you what is good for you is that we can make
it through this going down the road of an accident no I'm telling you the truth
you saved his life from a fire
I couldn't figure out where the hell the fire was coming from
you for it again would not be alive
no I I showed you that from day one that you you know that you did what you had to do there but but how did you save his
life okay was what was it from the accident that of the candle that Gannon did or what that's what
doubt had I just laid back down because I'd already cut the dirt alarm off
already cut the alarm off yeah but you're a good person you're a good mom that's that's what good people do okay
so that no that's never been in question okay the fact that you're a good person that's that just comes natural
okay the fact that what happened subsequent to that what happened after that was was
just for like made the accident it compounded it 10 times 10 times 10 times
and now it's got way out of hand but that's the only way we get out of this is to to figure out what the
accident was and go from there
I can't hear you
okay all right be all right thanks that's really great right
Albert yeah I'm here I'll do every single day
I post up every single day and told you I want to tell you that I'm this bad
person and something bad I want to tell you all that I do
why because this is what you think you have cracked
me to everyone I have not prove it I have not trashed you to know one I have not put anything out in the public
intentionally so we could get to the bottom of this me and you okay and here we are trying to get to the bottom of it
my family's not even here I'm all alone again I told you that my family just wants to find their nephew their
grandson their cousin okay that's what they want how about Lena their brother
hey just losing her mind because her brother's missing you think I don't want to see Raina I
didn't say celena I said Lane is freaking out because again it's missing what are you talking about
no I said I do want to see Elena I didn't say you didn't want to see her why where did that come from
I said laying as I said Grandma's my mom's worried about her grandson okay my
siblings are worried about their nephew their children are worried about their cousin and then I said Lane is worried
about her brother and you said you want to see Lena everybody wants to see Gannon everybody
okay everybody wants to see Gannon and if it was a and I'm trying to get you to understand that if this was just an
accident and it got out of hand and you panicked or or whoever panicked okay
that's something we can make it through okay you can make it through that
no it's fine by Gannon panics no no I'm not blaming you I said it was
an accident accidents really have no one to blame if an accident happens
I already told you that replace the bed together sleep over
okay we were just acting crazy okay I told you the NFL
that's where the blood came from don't be thinking there's some fun thing to kick everybody
but that's not even nothing happened to you again and deadly
hurtful anything like that in the home I'm sick of it
for me I was Doctor then I was talking about okay so there was an accident with
Gannon okay that's that's what I'm trying to say so what what next what I mean that's what I
okay okay
whatever you're gonna say you're gonna be like oh my you know whatever
you're not gonna let me just tell you and be genuine you just be like baby how can you like
even do this because I'm dealing with it hard and comforting soda you're not gonna do that
you think I'm not it's not killing me do you think that for a second no I I
know it's killing you I know how you are when you know you because you're a good mom and you're a good person and when
things don't go perfect I know how you are Albert hey you love me yes
I'm making no promises are you gonna make this right stand by your wife I told you that the other day I will stand
by you yes and I said are you gonna make this
one yeah we're gonna make this whole situation right we're talking about with our family
absolutely that's what this is all about is our family I said that from day one and every day this is about our family
okay you just shot because he was supposed I don't know what if
somebody was supposed to be sending him for online on Amazon I don't know what promises speak with me
any kind of promises that people raid about coming in March I don't know about any of that I just know he was upset
thinking hey for the double get in those promises he was up there about the whole camera
thing and he kept saying to me that he messes up everything
send it to me and I get there that's why I didn't let Shannon go to school
trouble with himself he felt really bad with himself he was very upset
so we go on our same trip we've been on everything about the bike we did all
that all that through we built up we
did all that okay
didn't end up and I realized that I did think somebody was tall enough because
we're gone I thought somebody was about phone that's the whole time anyway so I realized
that I didn't have phones for directions so I turned around
come back up Detective go back into Petco again you know still
playing the glitch he said whatever so back this up for a second if you think we're taking on some videos Spider-Man
whatever he had busted his nose in his mouth did you think I want to send him
his own like that honestly thank you I mean obviously not
okay and then I was just that feeling so sorry he didn't have that
it was there they were a little bit bubbly but but I was able to jump on it and put it out
so then we go back to Petco and I said again hey we are gonna have
to hurry up get back and get Lena
Albert when I got back Dana was not in the car at all
that he wasn't in the car for when you left Petco
they're horrible because I feel like one of those people that didn't realize that they put their baby in the car
do you realize how freaked out people want to know why
my GPS went everywhere today because I tried looking
I don't know I I told you this from the beginning I don't know
I don't know
you think I don't I have to feel like whatever I said something about but I
didn't even pay attention
he's always just so quiet I wasn't even thinking
and then I go in the Panthers but he's surely he's gonna be old
really because he was talking about a friend with a car it doesn't have his car the story maybe he thinks he feels
horrible yeah he's gonna call this person or do whatever and he'll be back home
that's it and you think I don't have to live with this everything
hello I'm here I'm just listening listening I'll give you what you want
and you're just listening well what do you want me to do you want me to pick holes in it I promise you I’d
listen you asked me to listen I promise it oh so now they're following it that’s
not yeah I mean I can if you want me to do you want to do that
all right listen listen listen listen listen listen listen I'm done okay because we we started off talking about
an accident okay now basically we got another Quincy round so what's this guy's name okay when you come up with
that when you come up with the next person's name you call me back all right
oh God introducing if you would resume your
seat in the witness stand to remind you sir that you're still under oath
one of the benefits of doing it this way is you get your steps in while you're still uh testifying appreciate that
the uh the whispering that we hear in the background um is that you and Al just conversing
and you're giving him tips on how to go forward yeah one of us on the team okay the uh accident suggestion do you
remember that at the very beginning of this where Al suggests was there some accident kind of thing I do what was the
um strategy behind um suggesting an accident uh by now we as a team had
been able to shoot down the Eduardo story and now the Quincy Brown story uh
because we would put him in Mexico Leticia knew that that story wasn't going to uh be able to move forward
without and as you can see her she wants a relationship without and uh
we decided to do both the accident scenario and remind Leticia that she's a
good person and a good parent and see if she would give us something
else as far as a clue we could move forward with is that essentially building an escape hatch for her to take
that gives her some potentially some um less exposure yes
did she take advantage of that she did okay in what way well she described again more injuries
to Gannon about I believe it was busting a lip and I couldn't hear if it was a nose or something else that happened in
the house and then that's why she would call him out of school she also
continued to blame him though as a victim of saying he was scared he wasn't acting rightly and you
know a lot of a lot of those sorts of UH responsibilities landed on Gannon and
then she calls him out of school but uh now she has him being abducted it
sounds like from the Petco from and now we don't have a new suspect to Chase is
this um a new development in her evolution of stories that now a uh an abduction
kidnapping has occurred outside of the home at Petco I should say yes because there
had been the previous one of Quincy Brown up north northern El Paso County correct correct all right uh you know at
5:25:51 this time I would like to jump into the next phone call previously admitted during lstock's testimony

Are you referring to the bed not being against the wall in the photos she took the morning of the day she murdered him? We see him later that day walking to the truck and we know the police say the murder actually took place in the afternoon. So if the blood and the clean-up all took place after the attack, then the bed is not pulled out in connection with that.

That begs the question of why it's not against the wall. Why did she pull it out? There's much speculation about that. Some believe it indicates a prior attack, one that might be connected to the candle incident.

My personal opinion is that she moved the bed out in order to adjust Gannon and the blankets for the photo. She needed to hide his burns, and make it look like he's sleeping peacefully. With the desk/table on the other side, I think she rushed around, moving the bed out without even thinking about it, so she could go up and adjust the covers, maybe put his hand up where it is. She then went to the bottom of the bed to take the photo, focused on him, and missing the fact that the bed is no longer up against the wall.

At that point in time, I don't think it being pulled out would have occurred to her as any kind of issue. Her plan was to take him out in the truck and let him die from the drug overdose she'd given him, and then dump his body somewhere. I don't think her plan was to kill him in his bedroom. Hence, she wasn't thinking of where the bed was when she took the photo: just focused on showing him alive and well in the morning.

Sometimes the explanation is as simple as that.
Except ,why did she need a photo at all? We keep getting sucked in , All we need a a factual recount of the day. That is it.
I don't think there's any evidence AS wanted to immediately adopt HH. I'm not sure where/why OP inferred this.

IMO, LS's reluctance about adoption was most likely financial since her minor daughter would be receiving social security death benefits from her deceased father (as opposed to child support).

By all accounts, it appears AS treated HH as his daughter and supported her -- HH's Jetta vehicle was financed by AS. MOO
At this point, I don’t know if I am the OP for sharing that quote or not. But if I am, I only posted it cos the emotion in Al’s voice struck me, and it was new information to me - I thought it might be to others as well.

I wasn’t trying to infer anything. Frankly, I have no clue what went on in that house, I doubt any of us ever will, and I’m really only concerned with the matters of what happened to Gannon.

I didn’t mean to infer anything at all, I have no opinion on Al wishing to adopt HH or not. I just thought it was interesting to share.

As always, just here for Gannon
At this point, I don’t know if I am the OP for sharing that quote or not. But if I am, I only posted it cos the emotion in Al’s voice struck me, and it was new information to me - I thought it might be to others as well.

I wasn’t trying to infer anything. Frankly, I have no clue what went on in that house, I doubt any of us ever will, and I’m really only concerned with the matters of what happened to Gannon.

I didn’t mean to infer anything at all, I have no opinion on Al wishing to adopt HH or not. I just thought it was interesting to share.

As always, just here for Gannon
It was stated in court he did. Not trying to make a hero of him or anything ,but it is court record he felt that way.
I hope Al and Harley come to terms with all of this and can find a way to heal. I am not sure Al can be a healthy parent for her at this point,but maybe they can move forward in a productive way and not blame one another. IDK . it IS wicked hard to think of how they move forward.
When HH testified, didn't she say her bio dad died of OD? (maybe a suspicious death?)

It was reported he died in Ohio -- far from LS. I don't think it was suspicious because his death was investigated/autopsied by the Butler County coroner. I recall learning from a YT host (reading from MSM) the death was investigated by the Butler County Sheriff and the County Coroner after he died in Evandale, OH when he was working on a drywall job at GE for his NC employer. I think it was accidental OD -- fentanyl and hydrocodone. MOO

I'm not so sure LS, at the time in her early 30's, would have received SS when her divorced spouse died. I'm not sure why as "a mother" she'd get money. The $255 one-time death benefit wouldn't go to a divorced spouse who is not living in the same household as the dead ex. (Maybe HH could have gotten that.)
But there's no evidence, and I mean none, that LS had anything to do with her ex's death in Ohio. At that time she was in SC in a presumably hot and heavy relationship with AS & they married less than 4 months later. She had divorced her ex a few years before that.

Adoption wouldn't have stopped HH's SS benefits either. She had already qualified for those and AS adopting her would have made no difference in that regard. I've posted a link a few times.
1. I'm not so sure LS, at the time in her early 30's, would have received SS when her divorced spouse died.
In my previous post I stated my Mother altho divorced did receive for a time ss death benefits along with us girls. Moo was based off my life facts.

2. But there's no evidence, and I mean none, that LS had anything to do with her ex's death in Ohio.
Yep, just like there is no evidence that she didn't. Her disposition speaks for itself. (It is my own opinion that I was contemplating, and shared my opinion. )

3. less than 4 months later.
It took our family almost six months before we started receiving our death benefits.

4. Adoption wouldn't have stopped HH's SS benefits either. She had already qualified for those and AS adopting her would have made no difference in that regard.
In your link it says: "As long as children were already entitled, adoption does not terminate their survivor benefits." And I agree. However, it took my family 6 months for the ball to start rolling.
We don't know "when" HH's benefits started. If they hadn't started in the less than 4 months when Leticia got married HH may not have qualified for "already entitled."

All in all it is neither here nor there because I was discussing something I was pondering. Also: I wouldn't put it past her to od him for death benefits. Not by what we know of her real disposition.

Yes, it was reported he died in Ohio, far from LS. Maybe it didn't happen. All I was doing was discussing my pondering.
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