CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #66

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To be honest, I don't think she's self-aware enough to realise how she looked on the stand. She was just mad she didn't get to sit up there and tell her stories from forty-fifty-sixty years ago uninterrupted, and that the defense, not the court, had denied the tests she wanted done, so she couldn't keep blaming the court for it.

She was far more interested in talking about herself than talking about the defendant, and Gannon and the crime didn't seem to factor at all.


I respectfully disagree. I think she knew she looked bad. I also think she thought she would be hailed as an expert who could regale the jury and the court because that is what the defense led her to believe.

She was totally out of her depth with the amazing prosecution team. As an expert she could have watched this whole trial. It seems she had not and was not prepped to do her homework.

One important thing to note is that she met TS this past weekend for the three hours. I think the defense had hoped to use that interview and all of her findings as a major surprise to have her talk about TS right here, right now with all her altered states and the head injuries. She was played by the defense which is sad because she does look pathetic.

REFRESHER (for Dr. Lewis):​

1. What is “insanity” under Colorado law?​

Defendants are considered insane at the time of the offense if they were either:

  1. so diseased or defective in mind as to be incapable of distinguishing right from wrong; OR
  2. suffering from a condition of the mind caused by mental disease or defect that prevented them from forming a culpable mental state that is an essential element of a crime charged.
Under the first prong, the defendant’s mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong is measured against the societal standard of what is right and wrong. It is not a subjective standard.

And the second prong – where the defendant is so disordered that he/she cannot form criminal intent – applies only to cases where the defendant is facing charges for a “specific intent” crime. Specific intent crimes are offenses where the defendant’s mindset is an element of the crime, such as first-degree murder or assault.

In short, people are legally insane when – at no fault of their own – they are so mentally incapacitated that they cannot tell what is wrong or form criminal intent.

Potential examples of conditions or mental disorders that cause insanity include:

  • Severe neurological disorders,
  • Schizophrenia,
  • Bipolar disorder,
  • Poisoning with fumes or toxic substances, or
  • Any other medical condition that produces serious delusions or a break with reality

Tests for insanity​

Insanity and mental illness often overlap, but they are not the same. A person can be mentally ill without being insane. (Note that Colorado is not a state that allows defendants to plead guilty but mentally ill (GBMI).)

M’Naghten Rule

Colorado’s definition of insanity is adapted from the M’Naghten Rule: Even if the defendant knew the nature and quality of what he/she was doing, he/she is insane if he/she did not know it was wrong. In short, the defendant has total cognitive disability. It is not considered insanity if the defendant knew his behavior was wrong but could not control it (“volitional incapacity”).

Federal Test

The Federal Test for insanity – codified in a statute in 1984 by Congress – also requires total cognitive incapacity: A defendant is insane if clear and convincing evidence shows his/her mental disease or defect prevented him/her from appreciated his/her conduct’s wrongfulness or nature and quality.

Irresistible Impulse Test

Colorado’s definition of insanity also draws upon the Irresistible Impulse test. Under this test, a person is insane if he/she had an uncontrollable impulse, was unable to choose his/her behavior, and could not control his/her actions.

Model Penal Code Test [N/A Colorado]

Other jurisdictions rely on various tests for insanity. For example, the Model Penal Code Test defines insanity as having a mental disease or defect precluding the person from having substantial capacity to recognizes the wrongfulness of the conduct or follow the law. Unlike the M’Naghten Rule, the defendant does not need to totally lack mental capacity to be found insane.

Product Test

And under the Product Test (also called the Durham Test)which is no longer followed – criminality was excused if it was the result of the defendant’s mental disease or defect.

[Dr. Lewis cited the Durham Test in her response to Prosecutor Young about defining Insanity in the State of Colorado].

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It really rubbed me the wrong way how the Doctor said such vile things about LS's first husband and AS. She has never met them, and is taking a pathological liars word about them.
Agree 100%. Dr L thought T had married some “horrible men”. Did she not realize she was talking about Gannon’s father? I think Dr Lewis needs to fully retire, get an unlisted phone number and play with grchildren. MOO.

Lewis' cross-examination, conducted by prosecutor Dave Young, ended the day on Tuesday and was some of the most heated testimony of the trial thus far. During the cross-examination, Young accused Lewis of conducting a sanity examination that was not thorough, of being biased, and that she has a "disregard for court rules."

Lewis, who is over 90 years old and uses a wheelchair, arrived late to court this afternoon, and also did not turn in her sanity report to the court until four days before jury selection.

Lewis was clearly unhappy with Young's line of questioning, and stated numerous times that she stands by the findings of her sanity report and that she doesn't determine sanity for a paycheck.

Lewis' cross-examination will continue on Wednesday morning, where Young told the court he intends to play footage from Stauch's interview with Lewis to the jury.

I respectfully disagree. I think she knew she looked bad. I also think she thought she would be hailed as an expert who could regale the jury and the court because that is what the defense led her to believe.

She was totally out of her depth with the amazing prosecution team. As an expert she could have watched this whole trial. It seems she had not and was not prepped to do her homework.

One important thing to note is that she met TS this past weekend for the three hours. I think the defense had hoped to use that interview and all of her findings as a major surprise to have her talk about TS right here, right now with all her altered states and the head injuries. She was played by the defense which is sad because she does look pathetic.
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. :)

She's been doing this for sixty years. She's worked with a lot of defendants, and a lot of defense attorneys in that time. If she hasn't learnt by now that defendants and defense attorneys can lie and misdirect and mislead by now, then it's not naivety, it's wilful ignorance. I can feel sorry for her as a person for getting blindsided, but she was woefully under-prepared, which is on her, because she had access to everything the state hospital/court witnesses did, she doesn't seem to have written her own report, or at least, did not bother to construct it consistent with her own past standards and the standard required for the state of Colorado, and, frankly, she's been consistently late with everything including herself since the moment she was brought into things. It's disrespectful. And if age is a factor and she can't manage this kind of work any more without falling apart on the stand and producing reports that don't meet the standard for the court, then she should not be providing expert testimony. And if she was knowingly willing to colour outside the lines - the law - in regards to the whole debacle with the Sunday visit (I can't see how she couldn't have known that was shady), then, well. She's no better than they are.

Yes, the prosecution have been very good in this case, but she was not doing well when being questioned by the defense, either. Tollini looked like he was grinding his teeth when we were about an hour in and we still hadn't got to the '80s in her life story. She treated the stand like it was the documentary, take two. I even recognised a bunch of her stories from it. Which is fine if she's been hired for a speaking engagement, where people are turning up to be entertained and maybe learn a little about her, but this was not the venue for that kind of rambling, narcissistic monologue. I think every other expert witness got through with their resume and qualifications in ten minutes, max, and then moved on to the case.

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Gannon Strong!
Watching today’s disastrous expert testimony makes her method or lack of psych evaluations resemble junk science. It's a disservice to the profession.

Do we know why Dr. Lewis was a no show?
I was shocked how the defense got In trouble for moving furniture around. And I think the judge said something like---I don't go into your house and rearrange your furniture.
If I recall correctly, the judge rebuked them for it - gently - because they hadn't asked anyone beforehand, and they could have potentially disconnected or damaged the electrical, sound and recording equipment.

Gannon Strong!
Watching today’s disastrous expert testimony makes her method or lack of psych evaluations resemble junk science. It's a disservice to the profession.

Do we know why Dr. Lewis was a no show?
I suspect it was bad information from the defense about when she'd be required, but who knows. Perhaps she doesn't get up before noon for anybody.

It really rubbed me the wrong way how the Doctor said such vile things about LS's first husband and AS. She has never met them, and is taking a pathological liars word about them.
I found this part so bizarre.

At first I thought she was referring to LS first husband - which still strange, but then I realized it was plural.

As an 'expert' witness in psychology how are you taking a pathological liar's(who murdered her step son) word about the behavior of her ex husband at face value. Not only that, testifying to it while he sits a mere 15 feet in front of you. Seemed like such a slap in the face to the family....and I'm no fan of Al.
I found this part so bizarre.

At first I thought she was referring to LS first husband - which still strange, but then I realized it was plural.

As an 'expert' witness in psychology how are you taking a pathological liar's(who murdered her step son) word about the behavior of her ex husband at face value. Not only that, testifying to it while he sits a mere 15 feet in front of you. Seemed like such a slap in the face to the family....and I'm no fan of Al.
To put the kinds of people she puts up on a pedestal, everyone else around them has to be knocked down lower. It's a very strange, very troubling worldview.

I don’t recall if this was already addressed but (googled knowledge) one of the criteria for claiming that you have ineffective counsel in an appeal is to show that “if it was not for the lawyer’s unprofessional errors or mistakes, the result of the trial or proceeding would have been different.”
Unless the imaging tests are done and show the types of long-standing abnormalities that would support a diagnosis of insanity, I don’t believe that the cancellation of the tests would support that appeal. Instead, ordering the tests would more likely have prejudiced the defense case.


Repost from thread #53

3/9/23 - From my personal recollection of today's hearing:

Old Business:

The report by defense expert Dr. Lewis promised since last December is still outstanding!

Judge Werner spent much time discussing a timeline he drafted of the prior hearings, evaluations, and when the NGRI plea entered and he's baffled at the delays by the defense experts.

DA Allen suggested a conference call by the Court and attorneys to Dr. Lewis because they have no confidence in her word, and respect that the defense is only repeating the promises made to the defense.

Judge Werner cited case law where experts must adhere to the court's order for deadlines imposed by the court for information! Court confirmed the Defense is not waiting on any labs, etc. from the Prosecution, and nobody including the Judge understands Dr. Lewis's disrespect of the Court.

Defense is now requesting an MRI.

The Court notes doctors previously canceled the request/order for an MRI a year ago and now they are requesting an MRI a year later?? The judge questioned why this was not done a year ago and whether MRI is even necessary. For example, if LS had any damage at the time of the incident that is detectable on MRI, it should have been detectable a year ago when MRI was first requested.

DA Allen confirms the State's experts Doctors Torres and Gray will testify towards the end of the trial and does not want the trial delayed.

DA Allen asked for a hard deadline for the eval report by Dr. Lewis on Friday, 4/17.

I'm posting this only because I was shocked to run into another Edguardo (spelled with the d and g) so soon. I did watch the brother's trials back then. I haven't seen the docuseries yet.

"Roy Rosselló’s claims against Edgardo Diaz and Jose Menendez".... see spoiler.

Rosselló says Menudo’s manager, Edgardo Diaz, recruited him to join the group when he was 13. The Menudo member from 1983-86 says Diaz told him that if he wanted to be famous, there were certain things he’d need to do.

“He would rape me three or four times a week,” Rosselló claims. Diaz was accused of mental and sexual abuse in HBO Max’s “Menudo: Forever Young” docuseries released lastJune. Diaz did not respond to interview requests for "Menendez + Menudo." He has denied the allegations.
o_O -- Dr. Lewis wants the Prosecutor to look (where and how) into LS's doctorate because it was an internet course by Coursera (?).

And she doesn't consider LS being married twice to unpleasant, less than unloving human persons a victory!

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