CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 # 1

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The point was made that when he was in the theater, it was still dark for a while with the movie still running. That there were strobe lights and audible alarm, then the alarm turned off, and later the lights came on.

Jury questions next.
#1 Did H say anything to you when he was getting cuffed up? I heard nothing that I could understand

#2 What was his general demeanor upon being cuffed? Wided eyed, hot because he was in Kevlar perhaps

#3 Was he resisting? No
did def. say anything to u when cuffed or around that time? i heard nothing.....

what was his gen. demeanor? fairly wide-eyed, looked hot, wasn't aggressive, wasn't screaming

was he resistant being cuffed? no

no follow up by attorneys....

Sgt. Spc. Jonsgaard dismissed from witness stand.
officer is released (thank u officer, bless u *queenie note)
Prosecution calls Aurora Police Officer Annette Brook. Has served for more than 20 years.
was 20 blocks away at 7-11 waiting for restroom when got call, just left...........went towards theater

APD Officer Annette Brook said she always carries a gas mask in her patrol vehicle.

radio said still shots being fired in theater
Since they are talking of guns, here is a picture of his guns (he had 2 glocks iirc)

View attachment 74059

For those not familiar with weapons, I may be able to help people understand the power of these weapons since I am familiar with guns since I have quite a few and enjoy target shooting.

The 40 caliber Glock handgun shown is using the .40 caliber shell and it is a relatively new caliber and was introduced to the market with the S&W cartridge which debuted January 17, 1990. The Glock is just the brand of the handgun and has been around longer than the shell size 40 caliber. Different manufactures make guns that shoot different calibers in all sizes.

The 40 caliber is a powerful round which is not much smaller than a .45 caliber. Most people have heard of the .45 Colt which is the type of gun most often seen in wild west movies. Almost every wild west movie you see has the .45 caliber.

The .40 caliber Glock is not much smaller in power or size. So it is a powerful handgun.

The AR rifle is a semi-automatic rifle that depending on the model you buy can shoot different types of rounds. I cant tell from the picture which round his is but they typically are made to fit the .223 round. Those are common so I suspect his was a .223 round but not sure because they do make them in different calibers.

The .223 round is a very fast bullet that does tremendous damage. It is a rather small diameter bullet but long in length. But it goes so fast at over 2000 feet per second that when it hits something, the damage is incredible.

The Remington 870 shown is a shotgun that shoots a large blast of small pellets. So you dont have to aim it carefully as the pellets spread out and will hit things even if not aimed just right. The pellets scatter around as it is shot and they also will do a lot of damage if most all the pellets hits its target.
APD Officer Annette Brook about arriving at the theater: "It was chaos."

parked on sidewalk, got gasmask, put on running thru parking lot
Please make sure when posting tweets you are posing the entire tweet and attributing the person tweeting, and remember to link.

APD Officer Annette Brook was asked, "Did you see injured people?" Brook answered "Many."

APD Officer Annette Brook said she did not stop to help victims, but ran to the theater because they did not know where the suspect was and officers who didn't have gas masks couldn't get in the theater.
she is now at the theater model pointing out where she entered, etc.
APD Officer Annette Brook describes the lighting and sound: "It was dim, the movie was still playing and alarm was going off... I could smell the gas."
APD Officer Annette Brook: "Then I began to notice the bodies, the live victims, the blood."

began to clear the theater, row by row (secure)
APD Officer Annette Brook: "Then I began to notice the bodies, the live victims, the blood."

began to clear the theater, row by row (secure)
APD Officer Annette Brook said she didn't know what was happening behind the theater while she was inside.

APD Officer Annette Brook: "The only thing I heard over the radio was other officers screaming for ambulances."

Anica Padilla

#TheaterShooting trial: @AuroraPD Officer Annette Brook said "I believe the phrase was 'If it's got a pulse, get them out of here.'"
APD Officer Annette Brook on helping a victim: "We basically just threw him in the back of the car. He never woke up. He did live."


APD Officer Annette Brook said she saw the rifle on the ground but thought it was a police weapon.
I'm trying to figure out who the Judges voice reminds me of....
Juror questions:

# Did you see injured people in the flat part of the theatre ? no

# Were the injured in one area or scattered? They were in the rise section, lower portion of stadium seating. Scattered
I am not familiar with new theatres and how they control the showing of the movie.

I wonder if nobody was up in the control room for that theatre to know what was going on. Because I have always wondered why nobody turned on the lights sooner.

That has always bothered me. My understanding is the movie kept playing and the lights were not turned on until after police had arrived and maybe already even arrested him.

I think it could have saved lives if the lights had been turned on immediately and movie stopped immediately when the shooting started.

So I do wonder about the control room and if there was somebody even monitoring that theatre at the time.

I know hindsight is 20/20 and not trying to blame the theatre. Just thinking that in future they may want to make changes to be sure each theatre is monitored during viewing.
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