CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #11

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Okay, thank you all so much for all your hard work! It helps me follow along all day while I'm working! :)
Okay you take over once discussion of Juror questions get resolved..OK??

I love how we all work together to make sure the tweets are posted!

Next time it's my turn I will get on my laptop to do it. Much easier!

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Larry Ryckman ‏@larryryckman 1m1 minute ago
Judge is giving #theatershooting jurors 20 minutes to review the documents just introduced into evidence relating to Fenton's testimony
The Gold Patrol ® ‏@thegoldpatrol 36s36 seconds ago

Jury looking at Fenton’s notes for 20 min.
Judge asks Ms. Nelson and Ms. Teesh-McGuire to approach while they are waiting for jury to review
Is it true??? No court tomorrow?? Juror has to make a flight to wherever??
Is it true??? No court tomorrow?? Juror has to make a flight to wherever??

Not sure, someone tweeted that but I don't know if it is true. Judge did say that a juror has to make a flight tonight.
I am thinking...Fenton called & spoke to mother holmes after last meeting, was it June 11? I am wondering if his parents called jimmy after that? I would think they might have even want to see him after they found out he quit school. Did they go visit him? I guess they didn't or else they would've seen his stockpile of guns & gear. It doesn't seem far fetched to think the parents would want to see visit after he dropped out. Some parents would think it important. just thinking.
I think it's the lady from the bank who was on the stand this morning?

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Larry Ryckman ‏@larryryckman 36s37 seconds ago
Judge discussing one additional question from #theatershooting justices. Just about to begin posing them to Dr. Fenton
J Q1- Did you or Beta check on any weapons permits?

A- I know I spoke to campus police and it was my understanding part of that check included weapons check

Q2- Did you take notes during session or after he left?

A- Both

Q3- When did you contact Beta team?

A- June 11th, less than an hour than when he left last appt

Q4- When did talk to mom?
A- Also June 11th, later in afternoon

Q5- General practice to schedule 15-20 min sessions?
A- No- 50 mins usually, like with JH
q6- When you didn't understand what JH said, why didn't you ask to qualify?
A- I did, but he rarely explained

Q7- What do social phobia and personality disorder mean to you
A- Social phobia common, people quite nervous about social interactions. Personality disorder is where interaction with world rigid.. Schizoid personality disorder is extreme loner, not interested in interpersonal interactions. Schizotypal similar, but more prominant is odd thoughts, magical thinking, thinking they have magical powers themselves, odd and quirky personality
Q8- Billing statement lists cannabis abuse?
A- This is incorrect, should be OCD

Q9- The email where JH says "Incovenience, Fenton" Signed simply "Holmes", ever refer to himself that way before
A- No
Larry Ryckman ‏@larryryckman 4m4 minutes ago
Why didn't you ask him when you didn't understand? "I did try to get him clarify it but it was rare that he gave me" additional information

Larry Ryckman ‏@larryryckman 5m5 minutes ago
Fenton: She thinks weapons check is part of the campus police check they conducted

Larry Ryckman ‏@larryryckman 6m6 minutes ago
Jury asks: Did you check on any weapon permits by defendant? Fenton: I spoke with a member of campus police. #theatershooting
Pros clarifying diagnosis/billing sheet to show how cannabis abuse looks marked but really it is OCD
Def follow up: Schizotypo personality disorder- odd thoughts, behavior speech, suspiciousiousness also symptoms?
Dr.: Yes
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