CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #11

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There are also states, such as Louisiana, where guns can be carried legally by anyone as long as they are NOT concealed. So, the number is very, very low. Also, you have to consider that the definition of "self-defense" depends on the state where the act occurred.

And, in Texas alone this year, there have been over 2300 deaths in car accidents. Should we all stop driving? No.

Far more crimes are committed with guns obtained by illegal means. I carry my gun with me at all times and I am highly trained and confident in any situation I may encounter.

Many thousands of violent crimes are stopped each year by those who were carrying a legally owned weapon. The media never discusses those cases because their motto is 'if it bleeds it leads' and a lot of the media outlets are liberals who are anti-gun. 97% of the time all is necessary is to draw the weapon where the criminal can see it. Only 2% of the time does the legal gunowner have to fire their weapon.

We lose way way way more children and adults due to vehicle accidents in this country yearly yet no one is asking that all cars be banned..which would save a huge amount of lives each year and also would avert the serious injuries too that often leave adults and children severely handicapped for the rest of their lives.

I am a responsible gunower. I have a concealed permit to carry my gun. I have no criminal record whatsoever. I abide by the law but criminals never will...those who commit the vast amount of firearm homicides in this country obtained their guns through illegal means.

This study was done sometime back but I still think it is relevant and very interesting.

Key findings:

In 74 percent of the missing children homicide cases studied, the child murder victim was female and the average age was 11 years old.

In 44 percent of the cases studied, the victims and killers were strangers,

but in 42 percent of the cases, the victims and killers were friends or acquaintances.

Only about 14 percent of the cases studied involved parents or intimates killing the child.

Almost two-thirds of the killers in these cases have prior arrests for violent crimes, with slightly more than half of those prior crimes committed against children.
The primary motive for the child abduction killer in the cases studied was sexual assault.

In nearly 60 percent of the cases studied, more than two hours passed between the time someone realized the child was missing and the time police were notified.

In 76 percent of the missing children homicide cases studied, the child was dead within three hours of the abduction–and in 88.5 percent of the cases the child was dead within 24 hours.

Weird because it seems to contradict the strong stance most LE has taken with most missing childern being murdered by their parents. I think I have even seen them state the percentage was as high as 90 something percent.
Thanks SoulMagnet
It is definitely a sad & scary time for us families in the area.
MOST of us have been keeping our kids extra close but it is shocking to me that some have fallen back into their normal routines of walking to the bus stops alone.
Wish I had more to add to be helpful, but I'm new to WS and am waiting patiently for news that this is all going to come to a close soon.
I am wondering how Jessica spent her summer? If her mom slept all day, was she playing at the park a lot with friends? Could it be a park worker or rec worker or someone she saw a lot during the summer? Maybe a college kid?

How about a substitute teacher?

I hope every person who had any official contact with her is being looked at.
Weird because it seems to contradict the strong stance most LE has taken with most missing childern being murdered by their parents. I think I have even seen them state the percentage was as high as 90 something percent.

I think this study was based on cases where the motive was sexual assault.

About 400 children are murdered by their bio parents each year.

And I think about 115 children are abducted each year by a stranger.

thanks for reporting your info!!!!

From the previous thread.

Originally Posted by michellemarls
how do i message someone on here? Can a moderater please message me so i can reply. After emailing your LE and also sending a message to westminster pd fb page, which they messaged me back within 5 mins to say my information has been passed on to there tipline, with info i found....i want a moderater to tell me what they think.

My response:
The quickest way to reach a mod is to click on the red triangle that appears on the top right of each post. I clicked on your post asking a mod for assistance. HTH.
Weird because it seems to contradict the strong stance most LE has taken with most missing childern being murdered by their parents. I think I have even seen them state the percentage was as high as 90 something percent.

The statistics about who actually commits the murders aren't concrete, I do not believe. Many times, the children are never found, never confirmed to be deceased, and no one is ever charged with a crime. I take those stats with a grain of salt generally.
I was surprised to see the stat posted on the last thread that the average age of child killers is 27. I thought they would be much older than this. Does anyone know if this stat is just predators and SK or child abuse lumped in as well?
How about a substitute teacher?

I hope every person who had any official contact with her is being looked at.

I believe most school districts do at least a cursory background check on substitute teachers. That is not the case for contract maintenance workers, I have found, however.
JMO of course....

After reading and pondering over all the recent threads, this is a summary of what I think are the basics...

-I think the backpack drop was an attempt to misdirect LE into searching in the wrong area because they needed to get rid of the body and they felt by placing the BP in an obvious spot with her name on the bottle, it would be found quickly and begin searches in the totally wrong area. The BP drop was probably done last because their first goal was getting rid of the body remains.

-I think the perp(s) knew about the previous news about that close house was where a previous murder of a child took place, so he must have been a local person that new about that news when that previous murder of the child took place. This is why he chose to put the BP there. OR, if there was SO living in the area, that could be another reason, but either way, he knew something about the homes where he placed it, so he is local.

-I think the body was dismembered in an attempt to make it more difficult to identify the body and buy more time. I think only certain torso type parts were in that bag, and there is another spot where other remains will be found. The other spot with the rest of the remains will be relatively close to the culvert pipe spot. I think he dropped off the other set(s) of remains really close to the culvert pipe area, but some driving distance away. It would not be in the immediate area, but pretty close driving distance. He wanted to dump quickly all the remains. He probably had 2 or 3 bags of remains, and kept pulling over to dump all of them in different spots. Probably 10 miles max to the other spot(s). Maybe even other culvert pipes going under roads would be a good bet.

-I think the location of the bag was in the culvert pipe, and animals drug it out to the trees in the short distance. Animals like possums, racoons, skunks, and of course coyotes can easily drag the remains to the tree area. The animals get scared of cars being so close to the road, so they will typically drag the remains far enough away so they can feed uninterupted.
I really think the person just quickly pulled over + put the bag in the culvert pipe, and quickly pulled away, not realizing that animals will typically drag it out and tear the bag open. The person had hoped it would stay hidden for a long time. This tells me he is still local person and probably still living in the general area. General meaning anywhere close to abudction area, BP, or body remains.

-This person is relatively young based on all the simple mistakes made so far. I would put the age range about 20-45, but thinking he is probbly 20-35 max.

-The vehicle will either have a trunk or a truck bed because I dont thinik the person would transport the bag with the remains in a backseat. The person did not want the blood dripping on seats. Vehicle had to have a trunk or truck bed or trailer or something that kept the remains from not staining the main vehicle area.

-The person does not want to get caught, and is very worried. He is just a very immature type person who has some sort of serious mental issues. He may have even been treated for mental issues The person knows he has issues, and uses this as an excuse for why he did what he did. I am afraid he will strike agan within the year. It is very important he is caught because he will build up confidence the more time goes by if he is not caught. If he strikes again, he will use a similar approach and basically do similar to what he has done already.

Re: the bolded part....

I really think that culvert pipe was the drop point because I have seen animals do this sort of thing before. I watched a possum drag a dead snake from the yard to the nearby woods and the possum fed on the snake in the woods closeby. It was just the sort of brush pile that an animal would drag the remains to, in order to get away from the passing cars in the culvert pipe.

This tells me the perp(s) quickly pulled over and stuffed the bag in the culvert pipe and then drove on to the next spot to get rid of the 2nd + maybe 3rd bag. I really think the perp had 2 or 3 bags and just quickly disposed of them. LE should check all the culvert pipes in a 10 mile radious.
IMO of cousre.
I have been trying to catch up on this loooonngg thread of comments. I am wondering if the backpack/water bottle was placed to keep LE focused on that area while he was getting rid of her body. I also wonder what time Jessica's neighborhood is scheduled for trash pickup? Could it be a waste management employee that knows the streets very well but doesn't live in the area. I notice that on the map North/East/South involve something but there is nothing coming from the West side. I am wondering if whoever it is lives West of Jessica's home. Just my thoughts.

:welcome: Karmagage! :welcome4:
I was surprised to see the stat posted on the last thread that the average age of child killers is 27. I thought they would be much older than this. Does anyone know if this stat is just predators and SK or child abuse lumped in as well?

The average age when a serial killer claims their first victim is 28.5. It wouldn't surprise me if the average age of a child killer is 27. When I first began studying murderers, I was much younger, and the average age seemed pretty accurate to me because it seemed "so old." Now that I am older, it seems inaccurate because it is hard to imagine a contemporary doing something so horrible.
TxLady2 had a good thought. How did he kidnap her if he was on a bicycle? That would prove rather difficult, especially since it was snowing. He had to have access to a motor vehicle of some sort.

I don't think that he was on foot or bicycle when he disposed of her remains either.

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.

I have to agree. Snowing, with a child (without a helmet I presume) on your bike, that would draw quite a bit of attention!
I believe most school districts do at least a cursory background check on substitute teachers. That is not the case for contract maintenance workers, I have found, however.

BBM I am not a substitute teacher... that being said, I had to have a background check as a PARENT VOLUNTEER at my son's school just to help out the lunch ladies in the cafeteria. I am almost positive that any teacher near students has a background check.

The problem is that this perp may not have a background that waves a flag.:moo:
I found this looking for any possible connection to little Jessica.This happened in Westminster in May? It was an older female.

Also read the comment on this article.About a boy who was attacked 3 weeks before that.


My son 8 years old was attacked at 104th and Westcliff in Westminster 3 Thursdays ago by a mid 30's white male jogging on the Dry Creek Trail about a mile from this. Police have been investigating this too. This is very scarey.

This is interesting to me bc it also happened around a holiday. Im wondering if the july 2010 incident also happened around July 4 holiday.
In regards to Peters profile, we discussed the hail damage in Denver, and how a lot of roofing companies from out of state had been in Denver. It was cold and wet the day before and the day of, so its possible work was canceled.

I also was curious about the body, and it appears there is a division of people who think he wanted it found, and those that think he didn't. Also I wanted clairification on a possible distance from the crime, because of a language barrier, I want Peter to clairify. Here is his responds:

Hi Sean,

interesting thing about those roofing companies from out of state and the weather. Okay, another thing: You may know, I'm no native speaker, so sometimes I mess up sentences a little and things get misunderstanding, soletstry to sort the geographical thing and the backpack out:

If he is a local of the wider area, he lives about the same distance as the backpack was found from the abduction site but in the almost exactly other direction. If he was from out of state, he lives probably in oneof those traveling handymen pensions or a mobile trailer or something like that. I am not sure,how they handle it here, but in Europe, companies have such trailers if they work for weeks away from home.

I think, he didn't care whether the body was found, as long as it didn't happen too fast. That seems to indicate a non-local, but one who can use Google maps. But there is no staging, that would indicate, he activelywanted the body found. Putting that all together and we get a smoke screen to win time. Dismemberment is forensic counter measure. The backpack in the other direction is a decoy to win time and maybe to direct suspicions to another known sex offender. So my guess is, he expected to be out of the area soon and tried to win time. 20 miles driving in all directions is not really unusual in such cases here in the US. This whole thing shows how organized he is and it supports my impression, he had experience, this isn't his first and probably not his second.

But as I said, I would have to look closer at the details to get more about him. For the small group, I work with, cases pileup faster than we can work them.

Would someone please answer this question I have?
Did the mother work 2nd or 3rd shift??

If the answer is' yes', WHO kept that beautiful 10 yr. old while the mother worked the night shift?
I just do not understand why people allow their children to walk to school alone (or play at the park or even outside their home unsupervised) these days. Not knowing cannot be used as an excuse anymore. We all know what can and does happen. Pretending it won't happen to you or your family isn't going to deter someone.

My oldest is 11 and she is allowed to ride her bike from the neighbor on the right's mailbox to the neighbor on the left's mailbox- and only when an adult is outside. Then again there is a 8 year old that rides her bike around the neighborhood, going to several friend's houses, with no supervision till well after dark. I'm not blaming J's mother at all..its not her fault and I'm sure she'll beat herself up over this the rest of her life. Its just that this is the world we live in now- everyone has to be aware.

Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
Footwarrior, Interesting theory.
I would like to ad, she could have first been taken into or behind, one of the buildings, empty offices, Fitness Gym, Athletic Club, houses or garages she passed that morning..
what time did she disappear?
Most places do not open until around 8:00 am., except Athletic Gymns.

We need a list of the various types of buildings she would have passed that morning, that was NOT in viewing distance of her friends...
This monster had to have a 'reason', good excuse for being in that neighborhood at that time of the how did he get there is a question IF he didn't live there....jmo
you would think one of them would have surveillance video.
BBM I am not a substitute teacher... that being said, I had to have a background check as a PARENT VOLUNTEER at my son's school just to help out the lunch ladies in the cafeteria. I am almost positive that any teacher near students has a background check.

The problem is that this perp may not have a background that waves a flag.:moo:

I think this person has to have been charged with some sort of crime against a child before. The reason I say this is because a person doesn't just kill someone and dismember them as their first crime unless it is a forensic counter-measure. He may not have killed before, but does have a background.

I think this is someone who has peripheral contact with children, but nothing obvious.
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