CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #19

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I also don't believe his version. I've never felt the backpack drop was about distraction. If a distraction was desired, I would think an item of Jessica's might have been left across town, or in a random dumpster, or bush, but her folded clothing in her bag left sitting neatly on a sidewalk? No.

But jilly go back to being 17. His reasoning or not reasoning wouldn't be that of an adult. So I can see him placing the bp there , near the neighborhood...maybe for no particular reason.
this is why I say temperament parenting is so important. All babies are completely whole human beings. In utero and birth experiences (not even brain trauma, but separation trauma and traumatic birth etc) form the first imprints on them of themselves and the world. Some tiny humans are totally cool being left alone, sleeping alone, feeding from a bottle, etc. some babies feel like they're literally going to die if they sleep alone, or can't nurse at will. What some people see as no big deal, others experience as trauma. If the parenting doesn't match the child's temperament, imbalance will occur. It will damage both the child and the child's relationship with the parent, and therefore their relationship with society and authority.
At some point, I think each individual decides whether to deal with the imbalance internally or externally. Or else people either do or don't have the capacity to deal with it internally or externally. some people have to act out the pain. some people have to inflict pain on themselves.
so, there's my take. attachment and temperament parenting are essential for a healthy culture/society. it's based in neuroscience and the stress/trauma responses of infants and how their brains become wired in and develop under those hyper active corticosteroid and adrenal influences.
I personally don't care if he was hung upside down by his toes every day of his life. It is no defense for what he has done. A lot of people grow up in very dysfunctional families and don't turn out to be sycophants who murder.

So, it wasn't sexually motivated then. Even more sickening that it appears to be a thrill kill. UGH

But, it is less creepy than if he came from a functional, healthy, peaceful home and suddenly was some out-of-nowhere "bad seed". JMO

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WOW, the above article says Neighbors called Sigg’s behavior odd and unusual. “He was like always really quiet and he kept to himself.”So unusual that around the neighborhood, Sigg’s stare was noticed.
“She was freaked out by a teenager staring at her at the park.” Emily Alexander says Sigg’s stare was so cold that her daughter remembered it days later.
“After Jessica was kidnapped she told me she knew who it was. She was sure she knew who it was and it was this teenager. A few days later he was walking by and she pointed him out and she said ‘That’s the guy!’ That was him.”
Could it be something as simple as a computer game gone too far?

IMO...not a chance....

Many misconceptions on gaming...and I'm no spring avid gaming nephew got me started....:)...

To me, attributing bizarre actions to 'gaming' is like saying listening to the Beatles White Album makes people go out and kill .....a la Charles Manson...

People are who they are....what they do as far as music, social media, and gaming will not really influence the underlying personae...

I have to admit I finally skipped a few pages to post this, so I hope I'm not repeating something that's been said 100 times.

I don't believe he is a sociopath who has no feelings, etc., I think he's just a very dangerous person. Whether he did it because of mental illness, a bad home life, possession by demons or anything else, he still needs to be off the streets. The thing I thought was that he may have confessed out of a false sense of pride - it sounds like he grabbed her, killed her and did unthinkable things to her body, and he may have been upset that everybody was calling him a pervert, child molester, and all of the other things mentioned here and everywhere else. I wonder if, in his sick mind, he somehow things he's more respectable because he's a murderer than he would be if he were also a rapist.

Absolutely agree. Nothing at this point indicates that he is a "collector", into "necrophilia" or anything else that suggests that this was anything but a very sick kid who acted on impulse and tried to cover up his actions.
I'm so glad the perp was caught and no one can or will suspect the mother or family anymore.

Can't argue whether the right perp was really found when they've got a confession, body parts found in the perp's house, and (soon) a full DNA match. I'm relieved the family won't face additional wild speculation of being involved--as if their pain and horror aren't enough.

And ditto the father of JR's friend, who drove his son to school and was imagined as being involved in JR's disappearance. The guilt alone has to be awful, but to be thought of as someone compounds the pain of so many innocent people.

I always hope lessons will be learned that highlight it's important to not start pointing fingers when a crime occurs and facts are not known. Trying to guess the perp or unsub on CSI or one of the crime shows may be fun, but these are real people's lives being altered forever.
I agree, whatever created this montrous darkness in no way mitigates what he has done. That said, i don't think anyone is attempting to "excuse"AS or his crimes. Part of what interests many of us here, after arrest, is what made the perp who he has become. What factors played a role in his becoming someone so heinous? Maybe, just maybe, if we can answer those questions we can halt this before it ends in the death of a lovely young child.

I haven' t seen anyone trying to excuse AS - only members asking why, how, could this have been prevented?

IMO it is not enough to solve crimes. We as a society need to arm ourselves with knowledge with an eye towards prevention.

Agree on all points.

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I'm way behind in reading but just wanted to say that this Justin Joseph guy sure likes to get his name out there. You would think he single handedly solved this case.
From his friend:

He said Sigg was really into Japanese culture like anime, and liked play computer games. The two shared an interest in collecting knives.

In the original post, this entire line was bolded, but maybe the OP only meant to emphasize the knife part.

As far as anime and computer games go, I'm pretty sure that describes a lot of millennials, at least all the ones I know. (Heck, I'm Gen X and most of my peer group was into anime and computer games, although my peer group was decidedly nerdy.)
There are hundreds of children under 18 in locked psychiatric wards right now with the correct diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder.

People suffering from delusions can appear to be very normal UNTIL the subject of their delusion is brought into the conversation. Such delusional people get up every morning, eat their breakfast, take a shower, and finish the rest of their activities of daily living with the delusion occupying their mind. It is incorrect to think that people suffering with delusions are grossly disorganized in every aspect of their lives and incapable of hiding their crimes. Recent top headline crimes show they are capable of accumulating huge arsenals of weapons, driving long distances to participate in their delusions, and secretly grabbing victims on busy streets like in Brooklyn.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

I was sharing my professional opinion on this case based on the fact that I currently work with persons diagnosed on the schizophrenic spectrum and have worked for over fifteen years with criminal offenders -- those are my patient populations and I am very familiar with both of them. You are entitled to your professional opinion and I am entitled to mine.
Well, I can excuse family, no matter how far up the tree.

I don't actually disagree with you. At least not totally. I believe that if caught early enough, at risk kids or kids diagnosed with conduct disorder, but still young, can be treated or criminal conduct prevented through a change in their brain waves. I'm basing that on things I have read by Dr. Robert Hare.

But while you may not be using it as an excuse, per se, I think some kind of do. At least, in the sense that due to whatever diagnoses the perp had, he or she had no choice. Except in extreme cases, I disagree with that.

I also think a lot of people jump to grasp onto a psychiatric or psychological explanation for such evil acts because then they can comfort themselves that none of their kids or loved ones could do such a thing. Or, that if they did, there would be a rational reason. A mental problem of some sort.

I know you said you don't believe in evil (IIRC). The alternative though, is lack of choice because all evil is is extreme, profound immortality. I believe that in 99.9999999999999% of murder cases, choice exists.

That Finnish study on teenagers who murder linked above would suggest the probability that this killer is either personality disordered (sociopathic, narcissistic, borderline, which is not insane, IMO), or not mentally ill at all. Only 7% of the homicidal teenagers they studied were schizophrenic.

I have to defer to experts though, like Pensfan and Rougelatete. Hopefully, they will reach a consensus!!!!!!
Sure, only 7% of the teen murderers were schizophrenic. What percentage of the teen murderers that were described as being "weird, a loner, socially isolated, quiet, kept to himself" were schizophrenic? I'll bet 100%. What percentage of the teen murderers that dismembered a body were schizophrenic? I'll bet its almost 100%.

The reason I suspect Austin may be schizophrenic is because the neighbors described him as having the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. See previous WS page where the negative symptoms are posted.

I have posted this article before, but I thought you would like to read it if you missed it. It is about a neuroscientist who is related to the psychopath Lizzie Borden.
As my BD comes to an end I received the best present today knowing that dear sweet Jessica will have justice, her parents may get a glimmer of Peace knowing her killer is caught. The community can finally start to rest and the children can hopefully start to play once again.


Reading myown post I started to feel bad..My heart goes out to his mom. can you imagine turning your son in for something like this? I hope and pray she is strong enough to realize she did the right thing~go on with her life (what is left).. if she reads here she was correct in what she did.Bless her.

So true. Her heart is broken as well.:(
But jilly go back to being 17. His reasoning or not reasoning wouldn't be that of an adult. So I can see him placing the bp there , near the neighborhood...maybe for no particular reason.


I married at 17yrs. I took care of home, meals etc. watched my sil's kids, I came from the most broken home you can imagine.:floorlaugh:
Something like that would have to be in the 'owner's disclosure'....just like flooding problems, lead paint, liens, right-of-ways, blah, blah'....not to say sellers may always be 100% truthful...but if something is can be null and public as that was...well heck yeah...they'd have to 'disclose'....

It's NOT. I own property in CO and it's not part of their disclosure laws. Read here:

Click on the appropriate links for the PDF to view the disclosures. TIA.
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