CO - Kara Nichols, 19, Colorado Springs, 9 Oct 2012, found deceased 2022 *arrest*

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Again, I think one of the biggest leads in this case was the person early on in this thread who deliberately tried to mislead us.

Yes i remember, wasn't it someone who said that they used to work with Kara and that she had gone to a concert the night she disappeared? I know that person disappeared from the thread as quickly as they appeared....

Where are you Kara? Thinking of you and your family.
Yes, that would be the person! I did call that in over a year ago, and never heard anything back from anyone.

Bumping for Kara. I hope Kara is found this year.
Just been thinking about Kara, and searched for any news. Found an interesting article which gives information i'm sure we haven't heard before about who Kara was sharing a room with. For some reason i always assumed she had a feale room mate.

Colorado Springs lingerie model vanishes on photo shoot trip to Denver

.....Nichols, 19, lived in a small Colorado Springs home with three men she was renting a room from. Two of the men, who were in their mid to late 20s and worked on road construction crews, were on a trip out of town. Tara told the youngest of her roommates that a girlfriend was going to pick her up for the modeling gig.

Minutes later he saw a dark sedan pulling away from the home and assumed that Kara’s ride had arrived.
Wow, there's a lot in there, especially about the roommates, I had never heard about. And something I heard on the local news, about her cell phone pinging north of the Springs, but never saw in print. I still have a hard time believing she would go to Denver without her money. Especially if she was so heavily into heroin. I still think the biggest clue is right here, with whoever it was that gave us that bs story about her going to a concert. Thanks for posting the link!
Wow, there's a lot in there, especially about the roommates, I had never heard about. And something I heard on the local news, about her cell phone pinging north of the Springs, but never saw in print. I still have a hard time believing she would go to Denver without her money. Especially if she was so heavily into heroin. I still think the biggest clue is right here, with whoever it was that gave us that bs story about her going to a concert. Thanks for posting the link!

Might want to call that tip in again, just in case it was overlooked for some reason.

I remember reading about this case in the paper when it happened and always thought it might be sex trafficking related because she's into modeling and she's young.

Now I don't know. There seems to be very little information to go off of. Very sad :(.
Just been thinking about Kara, and searched for any news. Found an interesting article which gives information i'm sure we haven't heard before about who Kara was sharing a room with. For some reason i always assumed she had a feale room mate.

Colorado Springs lingerie model vanishes on photo shoot trip to Denver

.....Nichols, 19, lived in a small Colorado Springs home with three men she was renting a room from. Two of the men, who were in their mid to late 20s and worked on road construction crews, were on a trip out of town. Tara told the youngest of her roommates that a girlfriend was going to pick her up for the modeling gig.

Minutes later he saw a dark sedan pulling away from the home and assumed that Kara’s ride had arrived.

Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting!!!!!
Funny I was just working on an update.

Her parents became more truthful in the beginning of this year.

Kara Nichols' parents, in my opinion, made a number of missteps that really impeded the investigation. Perhaps they thought no one would care if they told the truth or they were embarrassed by it but their tight control over what photos they authorized to be released, for example, and the omission of her lifestyle could have hampered others from coming forward because maybe they thought it was not the same girl they knew.

The new more truthful version is that they knew she was troubled from about 13 years of age when they say she just changed and the mother now suspects mental illness, but it wasn't treated. At 13 an arrest for shoplifting, then after her dog died counseling and medication for depression but she didn't take the meds for long and turned to heroin, which seems to be a pretty steep jump. Then they claim that she was manic. At 16, she ran away with a guy she met online and her parents found her and brought her back home. After high school she got the job adult modeling and they knew about it.

Her parents moved to Chicago and Kara stayed in Colorado. Kara moved to Chicago in 2012 for a bit and was in drug treatment but got kicked out and went back to Colorado and moved in with three men.

She also had financial problems and couldn't make her rent or afford food and reportedly had a falling out with a pimp shortly before her disappearance after she supposedly said she was going off on her own, and they now admit that he was a prostitute for at least two years to support her drug habit.

One of the roommates saw her get in car and thought that was her ride for her job.

They have been making the media rounds and a good interview can be found here:

Thank you for posting that interview, LasVegasWorldNews.
Bumpin’ it for Kara
Missing In America: Kara Nichols

On October 9th, 2012, then-19-year-old Kara Nichols left her home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, headed to a modeling gig in Denver. She hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

Kara has gauged ears, piercings in her upper lip and navel, and often dyes her hair.

If you see Kara, please call 911 immediately. If you have any information, please contact Detective Tammy Gugliotta at (719) 390-5555, Case # 12-12983.For more information, visit


Statement released by Paul and Julia Nichols:

We find it very disturbing to learn about misconduct by Sheriff Maketa and some of his staff, which apparently has been going on for years. We trusted the El Paso County Sheriff's Department to investigate and solve our daughter's missing person case. With the amount of misappropriation of resources, lack of effective supervision, and general malaise, it is no surprise that in the crucial initial weeks after Kara's disappearance, the case was not properly investigated. Tips and leads went unnoticed, no forensic investigation was performed, and phone records made available immediately were not investigated for months.

However, the fact that Deputy Porter has the gall to use our daughter's case as a way to cover his own ineptitude is infuriating. Deputy Porter was initially assigned my daughter's case, and from the start he made assumptions that she was deceased. He obfuscated and avoided taking our calls, and gave us advise such as to not bother posting flyers or talking to the media. After months of excuses, the case was reassigned to a more competent and dedicated officer. But as everyone knows in missing persons cases, the first days and weeks are crucial. Unfortunately, by the time the case was reassigned, many leads had gone cold.

In short, it is heartbreaking to realize that during all this time since our daughter disappeared in October 2012, Sheriff Maketa and some of his personnel were abusing their power and public trust by engaging in moral and fiscal misconduct. Instead, they should have been doing their sworn duty, paid for by the citizens, to serve and protect. A better-run agency might have had the ability to find our daughter, or at least punish whoever might have harmed her."
Grrrr. I called twice and never heard back from anyone. This scandal with the Sheriff is huge in El Paso County. I feel so sorry for the Nichols. Precious time was lost, and that can never be regained. Hopefully, this increases the pressure for the department to do something now. I hope the Nichols sue.
New information about Kara on The Charley Project. When I say new I don't mean an updated summary. New information as in stuff that hasn't been talked about here on Websleuths.

I know this is a long shot and likely unrelated, but I just noticed (or maybe I forgot) that Kara disappeared just a few days after Jessica Ridgeway was abducted and murdered. Just wondering if there's a remote possibility that ARS might have been scouting Model Mayhem, etc. ?

Also, for reference, Amy Ahonen disappeared July 8, 2011.

Just recently, Sandra Mercado was found murdered and dumped at Lookout Mountain.

I think Kara's disappearance is likely related to the circumstances listed above in her charlieproject link, meaning she could have encountered some unsavory characters. jmo

Backpage? Craigslist, etc?

I need to go back, but I would think phone records and internet records from that day, and the days leading up could shed some light on whom she might have been possibly meeting. Could this be part of the "botched" investigation that might have not been thoroughly examined?

I still keep coming back to why, if she was meeting / leaving with someone, that she left her belongings behind.

Which again brings me back to something close to her home.

I hope for poor parents get the answers they need.
You know, the more I think about it, and I've mentioned this before, I just can't get over her belongings being left at the house. This to me has got to be key.

Was a thorough forensic examination done of the residence, luminol, carpet patches, tiles, tub, full shebang?

I wish I could see the case file. I'm not normally good with cold cases, but this one seems like it could break wide open by reinterviewing her roommates, neighbors, apt staff (any work being done around her lace?), checking all communication logs, forensic testing, etc. jmo

Any rsos living really close to her?

Did drugs play a role in this?

Ugh, frustrating case to say the least.
Margarita, I totally agree with you. In spite of the fact that Kara's lifestyle put her in danger, I don't think it necessarily had anything to do with her disappearance. If she indeed had a gig in Denver, she would have needed her purse, phone, etc. I think she met her fate either at the apt. or close to it. It may be that she overdosed, and someone panicked. Since her cell phone pinged north of the Springs the night she disappeared, I feel she's probably somewhere in between the Springs and say, Castle Rock. While we would assume that the police did the basics, they've certainly dropped the ball in other areas. I had no idea corruption was so rampant in their police force.
Margarita, I totally agree with you. In spite of the fact that Kara's lifestyle put her in danger, I don't think it necessarily had anything to do with her disappearance. If she indeed had a gig in Denver, she would have needed her purse, phone, etc. I think she met her fate either at the apt. or close to it. It may be that she overdosed, and someone panicked. Since her cell phone pinged north of the Springs the night she disappeared, I feel she's probably somewhere in between the Springs and say, Castle Rock. While we would assume that the police did the basics, they've certainly dropped the ball in other areas. I had no idea corruption was so rampant in their police force.

Hi Spamelope! :seeya:

I noticed last night in Kayla Mae Croft's thread thread that a warrant was secured to search Model Mayhem:
"Recently, Riordan has made a careful effort to systematically eliminate what he describes as “red herrings” — false leads. His efforts have included using a warrant to search records on a website that connects aspiring models with photographers"); see post by SheWho I wonder if this was done in Kara's case?

Also, see this post re: Model Mayhem (ruled out in Kayla's case):

Also, I wonder if this group, Vancouver-based nonprofit National Women’s Coalition Against Violence and Exploitation, can be of any help in Kara's case?
(see post: )
I also think this is a case in which ID Disappeared or Dateline might be interested in. It has the racy elements of sex, drugs, possible police corruption, etc., which, through the eyes of the producers, might make it more appealing to their viewers. Also, with Kara's parents recent appeals, etc...

I have to run off to work, but making a note to look for the Dateline thread here on WS, in which the producer, a big fan of WS, has listed his contact information for submitting possible cases.

IIRC, she hadn't logged into her Model Mayhem account for a while, and had kind of moved on beyond their TOS. She may have met someone on there initially and then communicated via facebook or email or one of the other sites she was on. But if she were going to do a photo shoot, she would not only need the basics she left behind, she would need a makeup kit, hair styling supplies, changes of clothing etc. I don't think a random photographer/john would bother to redirect us to a rave in Denver. I think they would have just kept their mouth shut.

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