CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #5

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this is starting (((to seem to jmoo))) play out like Somer Thompson's case; an early on arrest but a while to prove it. I hope that is the case. I hope the monster isn't out running around Greeley.

Have you noticed how we've suddenly 'turned' our entire focus toward the boyfriend? Have we been 'played' by LE? I don't believe that at all, since they are just trying to solve and win their case. I am a somewhat newer member here, but I wonder if we hinder more than we help? I am asking that with all sincerity. I know that we are all genuine in our desire to help, but I can't help feeling that we can sometimes potentially derail or hinder LE. I believe that we certainly help in some instances, but how do we know which scenario we are helping in and which we are hindering?

I guess the third option is that LE can 'use' us, unbeknownst (date away my age?;)) to us by setting us up. For example, giving us a false scent to pursue that might help drive a certain result to which we are blind?

Sorry, just getting philosophical. Afterall, we all want what is best for the victims and their loved ones.
Have you noticed how we've suddenly 'turned' our entire focus toward the boyfriend? Have we been 'played' by LE? I don't believe that at all, since they are just trying to solve and win their case. I am a somewhat newer member here, but I wonder if we hinder more than we help? I am asking that with all sincerity. I know that we are all genuine in our desire to help, but I can't help feeling that we can sometimes potentially derail or hinder LE. I believe that we certainly help in some instances, but how do we know which scenario we are helping in and which we are hindering?

I guess the third option is that LE can 'use' us, unbeknownst (date away my age?;)) to us by setting us up. For example, giving us a false scent to pursue that might help drive a certain result to which we are blind?

Sorry, just getting philosophical. Afterall, we all want what is best for the victims and their loved ones.
we are sleuthing and it is a process. It is not a part of LE and if they read here (some do) they might get ideas, etc. Thinking 'out loud' happens a lot here and discussions ensue as long as those discussions stay within the terms of service (TOS).

Websleuths advocates crime victims and their families and that is why (((hats off mods))) it is so civil here.

I will leave the rest of explaining to a mod.. as I don't want to overstep their bounds.
person of interest can also equal a person they want to talk to (by definition)

but it IS VERY INTERESTING that they named him as a person of interest in the media. that is usually not dolled out with a 'hey I want to talk to this person' sort of schtick. We must also consider the LE source and wonder his intention when talking to the reporter.
we are sleuthing and it is a process. It is not a part of LE and if they read here (some do) they might get ideas, etc. Thinking 'out loud' happens a lot here and discussions ensue as long as those discussions stay within the terms of service (TOS).

Websleuths advocates crime victims and their families and that is why (((hats off mods))) it is so civil here.

I will leave the rest of explaining to a mod.. as I don't want to overstep their bounds.

Please don't interpret my comments as a criticism of WS in any way. I guess I am just frustrated at times in that I don't know when I am helping or not. ;) I have been VERY impressed with how civil this forum is and how well the mods do their job! Hats off to the mods! :dance:
Please don't interpret my comments as a criticism of WS in any way. I guess I am just frustrated at times in that I don't know when I am helping or not. ;) I have been VERY impressed with how civil this forum is and how well the mods do their job! Hats off to the mods! :dance:
And on that last part I couldn't agree more!! :)
I agree that AW did all she could. As the mother of 3 girls there is nothing more determined that a girl that wants to be with a boy. If you tell them not to see them they just develope more sophisticated ways to sneak around. It is a very hard balancing act not to push the girl even further towards the guy by expressing your dislike of the guy or forbidding her to see him. She probably did forbide her to see him and that just made her do it behind her back, maybe to her end.

I don't know. Kayleah was 12 years old. At 12, she shouldn't even have the opportunity to sneak around and date this boy . . . er, man. I am a single mom of three (13,11 & 5) and I know it's tough. I am not trying to judge, but I don't go on the dating sites like AW and don't bring men into my house and wouldn't be hanging out with the friends of my oldest. I just think maybe her mind wasn't totally with the well-being of her kids. IMO, Kayleah shouldn't have had the opportunity to "date" this man in the first place and IF it was found out and AW DID put the kabosh on it, she certainly shouldn't have been able to continue the "relationship". IF this had happened and AW stopped it, WHY would she let Kayleah trot off to a supposed b-day party alone and without checking? If my daughter had managed to pull off a relationship with a man under my nose, I would definitely be keeping a CLOSE eye on her. I really do hate to judge and if AW has no fault in this, I am sorry. Something just sends my hinky meter up in that area, though.
I just found out about this matter and have a question. Did Kayleah show up for the party or do we think she simply said she was going to the party as an excuse to meet up with the 18 year old? Or, did do we think she told the 18 year old she was going to walk to the party and he knew her route of travel and was waiting for her?

Robert Laurencio Montoya, 18, of Greeley is considered a “person of interest” in the case, Tymkowych said. “ of several persons of interest.” He is being held in the Weld County Jail on charges of the sexual assault on a child and sexual assault on a child as a pattern of abuse.

All court records on the case have been sealed by the Weld District Attorney's Office.

Rumors of Kayleah's possible pregnancy have been coming up in the case, but Tymkowych said he can't confirm those stories.

The girl disappeared March 28 on a Sunday afternoon when she left her south Greeley home to meet a friend for a birthday party. She was never seen again until Wednesday morning, when her body was discovered in the irrigation ditch.

It was so badly decomposed that the exact date of death hasn't been determined. Police will not release the cause of death, except to say it is now being investigated as a murder case.

Tymkowych said police believe Montoya was involved in a sexual relationship with the girl when he was 17 and 18 years old

Ohmygoodness...this makes me ill.

Two of my girls are around Kayleah's age (11 & 13), and I cannot fathom them in a situation like this. I realize different kids mature at different ages and such, but still.

Nauseating. I think I would be physically ill if I were to meet this MAN.
We know she did not go the party...we are pretty sure there was a party, although i am not positive.
Maybe her mom tried too hard to be friends with her kids, it happens all the time...who the boy McKenzie her son, do we know? and also another half-brother to Kayleah? He is the one who is friends with this guy who was arrested?
I just wonder if it was a group of guys...not just him...if he was at all involved in her murder...if so, he may be charged soon so he can't make bail...
I just found out about this matter and have a question. Did Kayleah show up for the party or do we think she simply said she was going to the party as an excuse to meet up with the 18 year old? Or, did do we think she told the 18 year old she was going to walk to the party and he knew her route of travel and was waiting for her?
Right now we don't know if she planned to meet him, met him, or if he was even around when she left home to go to the party. He may not even have been involved in what happened to her. She never got there though. MOO
And another thing! How could anyone refer to him as a "boyfriend"??? No sir! My son is just shy of 18, and I don't care HOW you slice it -- it would be entirely, entirely inappropriate for him to even take an INTEREST in a girl his little sisters' ages! How in the universe did anyone -- the guy, the mom, the girl's friends, the guy's friends -- how could anyone use the word "boyfriend"???

I can't accept that. I acknowledge the line of thinking that you can't force a girl away from a boy, but you can sure force a girl away from a MAN. What if it were a matter of a 30-year-old man who a 12-year-old girl called her "boyfriend"? Would anyone accept that? Never! Seventeen/eighteen is no different in my mind. If she were 16, maybe that would be a little more within the realm of possibility. But 12???

What happened here???
I just found out about this matter and have a question. Did Kayleah show up for the party or do we think she simply said she was going to the party as an excuse to meet up with the 18 year old? Or, did do we think she told the 18 year old she was going to walk to the party and he knew her route of travel and was waiting for her?

Oh shoot Pickie. I just read in an article that she never showed up at the party. I already closed all my windows so I don't have the link. It was either or I'm pretty sure those are the two I had open. One of tonight's articles.

It looks to me from the charges that they know he did the sexual assault thing on the day Kayleah disappeared. So I'm thinking instead of going to the party she met up with him. I just don't know if it was a planned meeting or not. I could go either way on that.

I hope they re-interview the friend she was supposed to meet up with and didn't and nail it down. I think now that Kayleah's body's been found, some of these young people might realize how very serious this is if they didn't earlier, and maybe even get a bit scared, and give more open and honest info.

Not accusing them of lying or deceit or withholding info. Just keeping in mind that her friends are all teens. They don't always realize the seriousness of things, and they do get scared too.
Ohmygoodness...this makes me ill.

Two of my girls are around Kayleah's age (11 & 13), and I cannot fathom them in a situation like this. I realize different kids mature at different ages and such, but still.

Nauseating. I think I would be physically ill if I were to meet this MAN.

It's an awful thought isn't it? :( They're just so young.
Oh shoot Pickie. I just read in an article that she never showed up at the party. I already closed all my windows so I don't have the link. It was either or I'm pretty sure those are the two I had open. One of tonight's articles.

It looks to me from the charges that they know he did the sexual assault thing on the day Kayleah disappeared. So I'm thinking instead of going to the party she met up with him. I just don't know if it was a planned meeting or not. I could go either way on that.

I hope they re-interview the friend she was supposed to meet up with and didn't and nail it down. I think now that Kayleah's body's been found, some of these young people might realize how very serious this is if they didn't earlier, and maybe even get a bit scared, and give more open and honest info.

Not accusing them of lying or deceit or withholding info. Just keeping in mind that her friends are all teens. They don't always realize the seriousness of things, and they do get scared too.

Definitely. I would think if Kayleah did decide to meet up with him instead of go to the party, the friend would know about it. And this may be why she never called the mother (as far as we know) to ask, "Where's Kayleah???"

I know for me at that age, if I were expecting a good friend for a birthday party, I would definitely pursue it if she didn't show up and had already told me she would. BUT...if I were aware she had other plans but was using my party as a cover...naturally I wouldn't call the mom.
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