CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #6

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Friend: Murdered girl's former boyfriend was 'acting weird'

He also faces a charge of sexual assault on a child as a pattern of abuse. That means investigators believe there were at least two occurrences of the abuse.
Montoya appeared in court on Friday morning for a bond hearing and will be back in court on May 25.
He has not been named as a suspect in Kayleah's murder. Investigators say they believe Montoya had a sexual relationship with her.
Court records obtained by 9Wants to Know show investigators think Montoya started having sex with Kayleah in October of last year.
Kayleah's body was discovered in a Greeley drainage ditch on Wednesday morning. Police say her death is not accidental.
She went missing on March 28 when she left her home for a birthday party but never arrived.
"Just the past couple of months, he [Montoya] was acting really weird," Kalyeah's friend, SC, said.
Culver was in a few classes with Montoya. She says he and Kayleah seemed to like each other a lot. Around the time of Kayleah's disappearance, SC says Montoya's personality changed.
"He e-mailed me on MySpace saying he was having a panic attack. And that he didn't want anything to do with me or anybody," Culver said. "He just said there was a lot going on and he had a lot of problems."
It is unclear what sort of problems Montoya was dealing with and if it was connected to Wednesday night's arrest.
"Getting a suspect in custody is always a priority to any investigators trying to solve a case," Robinson said.
"(The family) initially did like Robert. He was friends with McKenzie, Kayleah's older brother," said Michelle Thompson, a close friend of the family.

But when Kayleah's mom, April, found out her daughter was romantically involved with Montoya, Thompson said she ended the relationship.

"She was not accepting of it at all. She was not going to accept her 12-year-old being with an adult boy."... See More,0,7218317.story the boyfriend was arrested hey......

a few things I'd like to comment on...

first of all with regards to the brother saying she had run away again......
what happened was it was on a news site that a man was annoyed that his daughter had been interviewed by the police again.....and the reason she (and others in the class) were being interviewed was that she was in the same class (i think) as/ and the stepbrother had told a few of them that '"kayleah had run away again"

I suppose the police were determining how many people he had told this to.....and if he had said anything else.......maybe

2ndly with regards to mums knowing about 12 yr old girls having sex with their boyfriends....when I was growing up my parents bestfriends had two daughthers one was the same age as me 13...the other 14.....both had "serious" boyfriends...very old in the head girls.....and their mother had them both put on the pill.....

In the videos on youtube the two boys mucking around and falling over each other are very obviously drunk.....

I think it was a bit of a teen hang out place and mum was right in their with them....and yes I have seen cases of this as well...quite a few.....

I am still in 2 minds whether of not mum knew about the relationship.....if they were always at her house I am sure it would have been obvious and the brother definitely would have known.....I am sure they all did.......

I think we are talking about a girl who was "older" than your normal 12 year old....

with regards to the sexual relationship, I dont know if mum knew about that .......but in this day and age!!!

I really beleive she was pregnant and that is why she was killed.....

if she wasnt the police would have straight out denied it....and obviously they would not confirming is not lying.....

Now that it has come out that he was acting strangely, I do really think that it was either at act of rage maybe with her crying about it to him or in fact planned.......

I think the police have had him under very close scrutiny since the beginning and once the body was found they pounced, especially if they were told straight up by the medical officer she was they have to prove it...

I also think they were not sure if it was her on the camera at the mall...hence it never being shown and they have been watching the home and those that live and visit there for a while.......I also am a bit suspicious about the stepbrother.........and his above statement...

all my opinion....thanks
Just a couple comments:
First, Kayleah is 12yo - a 12yo girl has very little knowledge of how the reproductive system works and how to prevent pregnancy. If taking birth control pills, a missed dose or two causes havoc and if relying on prophylactics - they believe what ever their partner tells them and the possibility of pregnancy and catching STD's are not usually part of the conversation. To my knowledge pedophiles/child predators usually don't like to get their victims pregnant. They like to keep the power and control all for themselves. So IF she was pregnant, it must have been a horrible thing for him to hear and for Kayleah, it must have been very scary. moo

This guy is a pedophile - they are clever, manipulative, smooth, and fool the best of us, and yes, at 18 they can be very good at grooming. He was friends with her brother and was in the home. That's access to Kayleah! Mom liked him at first., she was probably the first to be groomed. moo

According to media, this guy already has a history of sexual assault indicating he has the capability of violence toward girls. His SA's in 09, he must have been 17yo, IF with another young girl(s), that gives him a violent history (Juvi records sealed?).

Child predators/pedophiles fool the best of us. Just want to point out we are not dealing with a normal 18yo here. Adults are fooled by these type of smooth, manipulative, power and control freaks. Kayleah was murdered and thrown in a drainage ditch or pipe and wasn't found for 2 months in her own neighborhood. IF this is the work of the l8yo, children all over Greeley are very fortunate to never have come in contact with him. moo mho Very unfortunately Kayleah did. If he is not guilty - Greeley has a violent predator still roaming around. MOO MHO
I was not in the previous thread, so I don't know why it got locked pulled, so I hope I'm not headed there...

Here is a snippet from an article I just read:

Rumors of Kayleah's possible pregnancy have been coming up in the case, but Tymkowych said he can't confirm those stories.

Apparently Robert admitted to sexually assaulting Kayleah. Is it possible that, even though her body was so decomposed there was evidence of a pregnancy and fetal tissue from which a DNA extraction could be made for a match to Robert?

Dear god, I hate posting that. It makes sense, though. Especially since the guy confessed so quickly and his DNA was already on file for a match.
I can't find a page for Montoya, there are just too many Robert Montoya's...has anyone else?

Pretty sure I've found his FB page.

Am I allowed to post it?
I was not in the previous thread, so I don't know why it got locked pulled, so I hope I'm not headed there...

Here is a snippet from an article I just read:

Apparently Robert admitted to sexually assaulting Kayleah. Is it possible that, even though her body was so decomposed there was evidence of a pregnancy and fetal tissue from which a DNA extraction could be made for a match to Robert?

Dear god, I hate posting that. It makes sense, though. Especially since the guy confessed so quickly and his DNA was already on file for a match.

Hey Puffy :)

It's fine to talk about the rumors of Kayleah's possible pregnancy, as well as LE's response that they can't confirm those rumors, because these particular reports of rumors were actually in the press.

I want to know about the possibility of finding evidence of pregnancy in a badly decomposed corpse as well. I think we're going to need to research that one.

One thing I thought of is that hormone you get in your body when you're pregnant that you don't get any other time. Pregnancy is tested for by a blood test where they look for that hormone. I'm wondering if that hormone would remain in any soft tissue on a corpse. They said badly decomposed versus skeletonized, so I'm thinking there was soft tissue. I know from Caylee's case (she had no soft tissue) that there's a lot the soft tissue can tell them that just can't be found if there is none (poor little Caylee's remains were skeletonized).

Also, it's fine to sleuth and link to social sites for RM because he's not a minor (he's 18), and because he was reported yesterday as being named by LE as a POI in Kayleah's homicide case.

These are really sad developments, aren't they? :(
Maybe the proof was a pregnancy and he was trying to get rid of the evidence. :(

If a person has previous sexual assault charges on a child, and then impregnates another child, he may well think of murder of that pregnant child in terms of getting rid of evidence that could garner him further charges of the same sort.

I would like to know if he was on probation from those previous charges, and if he was under any terms from that probation, or any other court orders, to stay away from minors, particularly if those terms spelled out the consequences.

I'd imagine that his attorney from those previous charges would have laid out to him in very clear terms what he may be facing for any similar crimes in the future, both when underage, and after turning 18. I don't imagine they were pleasant conversations.
What's wrong with this picture?

Headline: 18-year-old accused of having sex with Kayleah Wilson

From article: Police have arrested an 18-year-old man for allegedly having a sexual relationship with Kayleah Wilson, the 12-year-old whose body was found in Greeley earlier this week.,0,7218317.story

I thought he was accused of sexual assault and arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting Kayleah...

That reporter's wording diminishes the seriousness and wrongness of what this man did.
What's wrong with this picture?

Headline: 18-year-old accused of having sex with Kayleah Wilson

From article: Police have arrested an 18-year-old man for allegedly having a sexual relationship with Kayleah Wilson, the 12-year-old whose body was found in Greeley earlier this week.,0,7218317.story

I thought he was accused of sexual assault and arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting Kayleah...

That reporter's wording diminishes the seriousness and wrongness of what this man did.

AGREE!!!!! Everything in Kayleah's case has been diminished from the start. Beginning with the term "runaway"!
there is one girl who is both is myspace and facebook friend......she has messages on his myspace page...

I noticed that he had a religious icon on his myspace and also the Hope Centre on his facebook is a religious centre....
Hey Puffy :)

It's fine to talk about the rumors of Kayleah's possible pregnancy, as well as LE's response that they can't confirm those rumors, because these particular reports of rumors were actually in the press.

I want to know about the possibility of finding evidence of pregnancy in a badly decomposed corpse as well. I think we're going to need to research that one.

One thing I thought of is that hormone you get in your body when you're pregnant that you don't get any other time. Pregnancy is tested for by a blood test where they look for that hormone. I'm wondering if that hormone would remain in any soft tissue on a corpse. They said badly decomposed versus skeletonized, so I'm thinking there was soft tissue. I know from Caylee's case (she had no soft tissue) that there's a lot the soft tissue can tell them that just can't be found if there is none (poor little Caylee's remains were skeletonized).

Also, it's fine to sleuth and link to social sites for RM because he's not a minor (he's 18), and because he was reported yesterday as being named by LE as a POI in Kayleah's homicide case.

These are really sad developments, aren't they? :(

Very sad, indeed. :(

I called Western Carolina to clarify this a couple of days ago.
Basically, I understood that DNA can be used to determine both pregnancy and paternity even in badly decomposed bodies; however it can depend upon the degree of decomposition (as well as several other factors, including how far along the pregnancy is in relation to the state of decomp.)

I'm going to look for a print article explaining this. Since we don't have exacts on the state of decomp right now, it's hard to say whether or not pregancy could be determined. That's what I understood anyway.

One thought- if Kayleah was pregnant and forensic DNA testing might take some time to determine both that and paternity... that might change charges against the person who killed her.
Hey Puffy :)

It's fine to talk about the rumors of Kayleah's possible pregnancy, as well as LE's response that they can't confirm those rumors, because these particular reports of rumors were actually in the press.

I want to know about the possibility of finding evidence of pregnancy in a badly decomposed corpse as well. I think we're going to need to research that one.

One thing I thought of is that hormone you get in your body when you're pregnant that you don't get any other time. Pregnancy is tested for by a blood test where they look for that hormone. I'm wondering if that hormone would remain in any soft tissue on a corpse. They said badly decomposed versus skeletonized, so I'm thinking there was soft tissue. I know from Caylee's case (she had no soft tissue) that there's a lot the soft tissue can tell them that just can't be found if there is none (poor little Caylee's remains were skeletonized).

Also, it's fine to sleuth and link to social sites for RM because he's not a minor (he's 18), and because he was reported yesterday as being named by LE as a POI in Kayleah's homicide case.

These are really sad developments, aren't they? :(

I'm diggin for an answer to this question. I think I'm about to provide one!

The uterus, is the next to last organ to decompose--the last being bones. Especially in a first pregnancy that is not far along, the uterus will remain intact even in advanced decomposed bodies...

Still digging... will write more as I find it.
In advanced decomposition, the following tissues will be of tremendous scientific value--

long bones
prostate or uterus
vitreous fluid
psoas muscle
tendons and teeth

microscopic examination of the uterine wall should be able to provide the answer if the body is pregnant. And, since the uterus is the last muscle to decompose, it's very likely that it would contain fetal remnants from which DNA could be extracted.

Now the gross part:

When this child's remains were found, the man who found her commented that she was white and bloated. That doesn't sound like she was terribly decomposed, and actually, when a body is submerged in water, sometimes decomposition slows (depending on a number of variables).

So I think that it's probable that her uterus was intact and that it held fetal contents that could assist in determining the DNA combination.
I'm diggin for an answer to this question. I think I'm about to provide one!

The uterus, is the next to last organ to decompose--the last being bones. Especially in a first pregnancy that is not far along, the uterus will remain intact even in advanced decomposed bodies...

Still digging... will write more as I find it.

Thanks pufnstuf- I was looking for a good article to explain this.
I'm diggin for an answer to this question. I think I'm about to provide one!

The uterus, is the next to last organ to decompose--the last being bones. Especially in a first pregnancy that is not far along, the uterus will remain intact even in advanced decomposed bodies...

Still digging... will write more as I find it.

Hmmmm now I'm remembering similar info from Laci's case. Thanks, Puffy!
there is one girl who is both is myspace and facebook friend......she has messages on his myspace page...

I noticed that he had a religious icon on his myspace and also the Hope Centre on his facebook is a religious centre....

Was there something about the girl that caught your attention, revampz?
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