CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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FEB 20, 2019
Kelsey Berreth case: Investigators reveal gruesome, new details in murder (VIDEO)
New charges have been filed against Patrick Frazee, the Colorado man accused of murdering his fiancee, Kelsey Berreth. A judge ruled he will stand trial following a hearing that revealed troubling new details in the case.

FEB 20, 2019
Prosecutors reveal chilling details of fiance's alleged murder

From the article (FEB 19, 2019):

Police interviewed Kenney on Dec. 20 at the Colorado Springs Police Department, where she gave a disjointed 4 1/2-hour timeline of events, said CBI Agent Gregg Slater. She first told investigators that she came to Colorado to talk with Frazee about a horse, and claimed to have no knowledge of Berreth’s disappearance, Slater said.

A few months later, on Feb. 8, Kenney pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and told the court she had learned “Frazee had committed a homicide on approximately Nov. 22, 2018 in Teller County … [and] moved the victim’s cell phone with the intent to impair the phone’s availability in the investigation.”

In court on Tuesday, the CBI agent revealed the full, gruesome story behind the alleged murder based on interviews with Kenney.

Starting in 2006, Frazee and Kenney had a business relationship. But in March 2018, she said she visited him because that relationship had turned intimate.

She said Frazee hadn’t mentioned Berreth or their daughter until five months after the relationship began, Slater said. She also told authorities that Frazee had told her Berreth was a terrible mother, had an alcohol problem and was physically abusive to their daughter. Slater said they found no indication that the child was a victim of abuse.
FEB 20, 2019
Patrick Frazee tried to have his fiancée killed 3 times before fatal beating, investigator says - CNN
His first plan in September involved Kenney poisoning a caramel macchiato drink and giving it to Berreth, but she could not bring herself to do it, investigators said.

The second and third attempts happened in the next month. The first of those involved Kenney assaulting the victim in the parking lot of her condo with a metal pipe. She waited for Berreth, but still couldn't do it, Slater said. The third attempt was to beat Berreth with a baseball bat, and again she refused.

Frazee allegedly took matters into his own hands and killed Berreth with a baseball bat at her home on Thanksgiving Day last year, according to Slater.

The suspect allegedly killed Berreth by wrapping a sweater around her head and bashing her with the bat. He later burned her body in a water trough, according to testimony at a preliminary hearing in Cripple Creek, west of Colorado Springs.

Frazee tried to enlist Kenney to dispose of the body in Idaho but she refused, according to Slater. Instead, he removed the body to a farm in Fremont County, where it was left in a black tote bag in a stack of hay while he went to Thanksgiving dinner, Slater testified.

The suspect later moved the body to a water trough and added gas and wood before setting it ablaze, Slater said. Frazee allegedly scooped up the remains and disposed of them either at a dump or in a river.

FEBRUARY 20, 2019
Woman says Colorado man told her to kill fiancee before fatal beating
Police acknowledged that Kenney did not see Berreth’s body or a baseball bat. They also said Kenney denied knowing Berreth or having a personal relationship with Frazee when investigators first contacted her in mid-December.

Defense attorneys also highlighted a lack of blood or other physical evidence detected in Frazee’s truck and questioned the Berreth family’s access to Kelsey’s townhome following initial police searches. Blood in the bathroom identified as Berreth’s was discovered Dec. 6, days after police turned the property over to her family.

Apart from Kenney’s account, the prosecution’s case relies heavily on data from cell phone towers charting the physical location of phones belonging to Berreth, Frazee and Kenney. Investigators testified that data showed Berreth’s cell phone was always in the same location as Frazee’s phone or Kenney’s phone after Nov. 22.
CBI: Idaho nurse claimed Patrick Frazee fatally beat Kelsey Berreth, burned her body

Watch the entire press conference on the preliminary hearing presented by the district attorney
DA discusses Patrick Frazee's preliminary hearing
The DA discussed today's preliminary hearing for Patrick Frazee, who is accused of killing his fiancee Kelsey Berreth. A judge ruled that there is enough evidence for Frazee to stand trial for the charges against him. He is slated to be arraigned on April 8 at 8:30 a.m.
Published: 5:59 PM MST February 19, 2019
FEB 19, 2019
Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent Gregg Slater told the court that Kenney and Frazee, who knew each other previously, reconnected over the phone in fall 2017 and began a relationship when she came to Colorado from Idaho in March 2018.

Kenney told investigators that Frazee told her Berreth was a bad mother and physically abused the couple's young daughter, Slater said. Kenney told police she was worried about Frazee's daughter and her safety.

But Slater said there is no evidence, whether through police reports or child services reports, that the child was a victim of abuse. She appears to be a "happy, healthy" kid, the prosecution said, and Slater agreed.

Kenney said Frazee told her he needed to get rid of Berreth because he was worried about her harming their daughter. The first time he suggested Kenney kill Berreth, Kenney said Frazee suggested she drug Berreth's coffee after picking up her favorite order from Starbucks.

Kenney said she went to Starbucks, bought a coffee and brought it to Berreth at her house, but didn't put anything in the coffee.

Kenney said Frazee was angry with her for not following through and offered her "a second opportunity to get rid of Kelsey." Frazee instructed Kenney to come to his house, where he gave her a metal pipe and told her to strike Berreth in the back of the head and dump her body in the trash.

Kenney told investigators she went to Berreth's house again but was startled by dog barking and left before leaving the pipe at Frazee's house.

Kenney said she cooperated with Frazee because "she loved Patrick and wanted to please him," and was afraid he would hurt her or her family based on his behavior toward Berreth.

About a week later, Kenney returned to Colorado with a baseball bat, intending to assault Berreth, Slater said. She realized "she couldn't do it" and left before Berreth got home.

Kenney told police Frazee was angry she wouldn't kill Berreth and told her he would have to do it himself.

Kenney said Frazee called her on Nov. 3 to ask her to come out for another "opportunity," but she told investigators she couldn't do it. Frazee called again Nov. 21 asking about her Thanksgiving plans. On Nov. 22 — the last anyone heard from Berreth — Frazee called Kenney and told her she had "a mess to clean up," Slater testified.
FEB 20, 2019
New documents released surrounding Patrick Frazee and Kelsey Berreth
New documents released Wednesday give slightly more details surrounding Patrick Frazee and his alleged killing of Kelsey Berreth.

Krystal Kenney, Frazee's mistress has played a huge role in the case, and now new information reveals her friend had known about Berreth's murder. According to the affidavit, Kenney's friend Meghan Garrison helped Kenney travel between Idaho and Colorado.

Kenney used Garrison's car to travel to Colorado. Garrison later heard about Berreth's disappearance and realized that her gun, that she carries in her car, was in a different condition after Kenney returned.

Also discovered in the affidavit, Kenney was tracked down by law enforcement through her phone records.

To view the redacted affidavit: and Affidavit for Arrest Warrant_1550677282748_35101921_ver1.0.pdf
FEB 19, 2019
Grisly account of murder of Kelsey Berreth provided by Idaho nurse
Cellphone records from the day of Berreth's disappearance showed that Frazee called his mother, Sheila, at 4:24 p.m, Slater said. His phone connected to the tower that services Berreth's house.

At 4:37 p.m., Frazee called Kenney's Idaho number — also in the vicinity of Berreth's home — and received a return call from that number minutes later.

Cmdr. Chris Adams told the court that the day after Berreth went missing, her phone and Frazee's phone were "hitting off" the tower that services Frazee's Florissant home.

Kenney, 32, was seen on surveillance video Nov. 24 at a Conoco in Florissant. Also captured in the video then was Frazee, filling a 5-gallon jug of gasoline.

On Nov. 25, Kenney's and Berreth's phones simultaneously pinged in Grand Junction.

Also that day, Berreth's supervisor got a text from her saying she wouldn't be at work and was going to visit her grandmother, Slater said. Kelsey's mother, Cheryl, told Slater that Kelsey never mentioned the trip.

Cheryl also told Slater that she got a text from Berreth's phone Nov. 24 saying she'd call the next day. That call never came, said Slater.

Sean Frazee, Patrick's brother and a Colorado Springs police officer, dropped by Patrick's house at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 22, Adams said. Patrick was not home, but when Sean arrived "a little later," Patrick was there with his and Berreth's 1-year-old daughter. Nothing was out of the ordinary, Adams said.

Adams added that Patrick and Sean are estranged.
FEB 20, 2019
Kelsey Berreth case timeline: Everything we know so far (Timeline begins 2016)

Nov. 22, 2018
1 – 4 a.m.: Investigators found that there were at least seven contacts made between Frazee and Berreth’s cell phones between these hours, including a four-minute phone call that happened around 1:42 a.m.

9 – 10 a.m.: Cell phone records show Berreth text messaged Frazee at 9:37 a.m. and that the two spoke on the phone for about 3 ½ minutes around 9:40 a.m.

12:27 p.m.: Berreth and her daughter are captured on a surveillance camera at the Safeway in Woodland Park leaving the store. Receipts from the store and her home corroborated she was there at that time.

12:31 and 12:33 p.m.: Frazee calls Berreth's cell phone in a 35-second call, and there is an incoming call from Berreth to Frazee listed as 8 seconds in length in the affidavit. The affidavit says that both of their cell phones connected to the same cell tower in Woodland Park

12:41 p.m.: A text message was exchanged between Berreth and Frazee.

12:54 – 1:17 p.m.: Frazee was captured on surveillance video at the Walmart in Woodland Park carrying a baby carrier with a blanket similar to the one seen in the Safeway footage. Investigators wrote in the affidavit that they believe their 1-year-old daughter was in the carrier at the time.

Frazee said he met with Berreth in an alleyway outside her home in Woodland Park to exchange the child just beforehand, which investigators said they believe did occur. This is the last time that Frazee reportedly saw Berreth alive, and he told investigators that while they exchanged their daughter, he returned some of her belongings, including a handgun, keys and other items – which have so far not been recovered.

1:24 p.m.: A person matching Frazee’s description is captured entering the front door of Berreth’s apartment on a neighbor’s surveillance camera – which investigators said contradicted what Frazee had told them about a timeline on that day.

Afternoon: Investigators believe this is when Frazee allegedly killed Berreth inside her apartment, then took her cell phone when he left. Investigators allege that he blindfolded Berreth and asked her to smell a scented candle, then beat her to death with a baseball bat. They say that Kenney was aware because Frazee told her about it.

Cell tower records show that Frazee’s phone was connected to the tower serving Berreth’s apartment from approximately 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. that day.

3:36 p.m.: That same neighbor’s surveillance camera again captures images of a person that matches Frazee’s description at Berreth’s home. Frazee called his mother, Sheila, and Kenney at this time, according to his phone records. This is the beginning of when Frazee allegedly started carrying out his “scheme,” as the affidavit calls it, of using his and Berreth’s phones to try and “distract law enforcement, distort the actual date of [Berreth’s] appearance, and separate himself as a suspect in a murder investigation.”

Kenney told investigators that Frazee called her and told her to come to Colorado because she “had a mess to clean up.” She told investigators that she understood that meant that Berreth had been killed.

Evening hours: Both Frazee’s and Berreth’s cell phones were connected with cell towers near Cripple Creek, traveling in the same direction and similar distances from the towers. “This would indicate the phones were likely traveling together,” Frazee’s affidavit says. The affidavit says the two cell phones stayed together for the entirety of Nov. 22-24.

Investigators allege that Frazee removed Berreth’s body from her apartment that day and stored it in a black plastic tote at the Nash Ranch atop a haystack.

(cont. at the link)
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Kelsey Berreth case timeline: Everything we know so far

KB TIMELINE beginning 2016.....


Krystal Lee Kenney and Patrick Frazee were involved in a sexual relationship “during at least 2016, and possibly into 2017,” according to Frazee’s arrest affidavit. Lee’s ex-husband told investigators about the relationship. The two had allegedly known each other for more than a decade.

September 2018
Kenney told investigators that Frazee started thinking about killing Berreth “as early as September of 2018,” according to Frazee’s affidavit. It says that Frazee solicited Kenney at least three times to kill Berreth between Sept. 1 and Nov. 22, 2018. Those attempts included Frazee telling Kenney to drug Berreth’s coffee and twice telling her to beat Berreth with a metal pipe, according to the affidavit.

October 2018
A longtime friend and co-worker of Kenney’s who spoke to investigators told them that she knew of Frazee’s solicitation of Kenney for help in killing Berreth in October 2018, which investigators wrote in Frazee’s affidavit shows that Frazee thought about and planned to kill Berreth for months before he actually allegedly did so

See #594 for Nov continued
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FEB 20, 2019
Kenney’s witness role explains plea deal leniency, lawyer says
“We wouldn’t even know where the murder happened in the apartment even, which room or where it happened at all, without her testimony,” said Dan May, district attorney for Colorado’s Fourth Judicial District.

Many people have asked online why Kenney wasn’t facing more charges, based on these actions she admitted to. Under Colorado law, Kenney’s abandoning of those murder plans is actually a defense for attempted murder.

But David McDivitt, who worked as a public defender and is now vice president of McDivitt Law Firm, said she could have faced more charges.

McDivitt said prosecutors could at least have charged Kenney with conspiracy, since she knew about Frazee’s plans dating back to September. Kenney never told police, but her position as a key witness provided her leverage with prosecutors.

“A lot of their crucial evidence is going to be her testimony and what she’s able to show them, where she can take them, other evidence that maybe she can help uncover,” McDivitt said.

As for the plea deal, Kenney agreed to talk with her attorney present on the understanding that she would be given incentive to do so. In exchange for her testimony against Frazee, Kenney pleaded guilty to the evidence tampering charge. She also agreed not to talk to the press about the case.

For those charges, she could face up to 18 months in jail. If the judge finds the crime aggravated, she could face three years in jail. Kenney will be sentenced after Frazee’s case.

Because the judge already accepted the plea deal, she won’t face any more charges, McDivitt said. The only way that deal could be tossed is if Kenney doesn’t uphold her end of the bargain.
FEB 20, 2019
Kenney's witness role explains plea deal leniency, lawyer says

The vast majority of evidence regarding what happened in this case comes from Kenney, who looks to be the prosecution's key witness.

“We wouldn’t even know where the murder happened in the apartment even, which room or where it happened at all, without her testimony,” said Dan May, district attorney for Colorado’s Fourth Judicial District.

FEB 20, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Patrick Frazee, nurse's affair fueled conspiracy
After Lee refused to kill Berreth, Frazee allegeedly took matters into his own hands.

On Thanksgiving Day while at Berreth’s house, Frazee tied a sweater around her eyes as a blindfold and asked her to guess the scents of candles, the affidavit said.

“While she was blindfolded and distracted, he hit her with the bat, causing her death,” the affidavit said.
Lee told investigators that Frazee called her later that day and told her she “had a mess to clean up,” referring to Berreth’s townhome after he had killed her. She drove in Garrison’s car all night on Nov. 23 and arrived at Frazee’s ranch the next day [ Nov. 24]. He had left a key for her next to the property’s front gate, Slater testified.

Lee used the key to enter Berreth’s townhome where she found blood on books, baby toys, oven mitts, stuffed animals and Berreth’s purse, the affidavit says. Blood coated the living room walls, the ceiling, wood floor, and furniture, Slater testified. Lee wore gloves, a hair net, booties and a white hazardous materials suit over her whole body when she cleaned the apartment over the span of four hours.

He asked Lee to search for a tooth because when he hit Berreth in the face with the bat several of her teeth flew out, the affidavit says. Lee told authorities she later found a tooth, root and all and threw it away.

Lee accompanied Frazee to the “Nash Ranch” about a half hour drive time from his ranch to retrieve a black tote bag containing Berreth’s body and the bat he allegedly used to kill his fiance, Slater testified.

Frazee asked Lee to take the body with her to Idaho but she refused, the affidavit said.

They returned to Frazee’s ranch. He put the tote into a 100-gallon metal trough, put wood in the trough, poured gasoline from a five-gallon container on the wood and tote and lit it on fire, the affidavit said.

“Lee never saw the body prior to it being burned, but Frazee said the body was in the black tote. At one point, the tote had melted, and there was a heap that Lee believed to be a human body still in the fire,” the affidavit said.

Frazee gave Lee a bag containing Berreth’s gun, the affidavit says.

“Frazee wanted Berreth’s firearm to appear to be missing in an attempt to lead investigators to believe that Berreth might have committed suicide. Frazee said that because she wouldn’t take the body, she had to take Berreth’s firearm with her and dispose of it,” the affidavit said.

Slater said that after Lee returned to Idaho, she gave the gun to a friend. Investigators retrieved the gun from the man and confirmed it had been purchased and owned by Berreth.
FEB 21, 2019
Landfill search for Kelsey Berreth’s remains starts Tuesday
Authorities are planning to begin the unnerving task of digging through a landfill in the city of Fountain for Kelsey Berreth’s remains next Tuesday, ABC News reports.

The search of the Midway Landfill, which will include other possible evidence in the missing mother’s case, could last several months, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation.

The landfill has been the focus of investigators since at least the middle of January, when officials from Waste Management told ABC News that the Colorado Bureau of Investigation had contacted them "regarding a potential search at Midway Landfill and we are cooperating fully.”

A motions hearing has been scheduled for March 4 and an arraignment was set for April 8 at 8:30 a.m., which will give Frazee’s defense attorneys time to go through the more than 3,300 pages of evidence in the case.
Frazee is expected to enter a plea in the case at his arraignment.
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