CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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MAR 8, 2019
Breaking down the case against Patrick Frazee for the murder of Kelsey Berreth
Kelsey Berreth disappeared in 2018 leaving little trace until a December breakthrough. Utilizing that new information, News5’s Sam Kraemer walks through what we now know.


Physical signs of her were lacking, but a digital footprint helped to suggest foul play was evident.

“The key, I think will be in this case, is cell phone analytics,” stated Mark Pfoff, a local digital expert.

On November 25th, Berreth’s cell phone pinged off a tower near Gooding, Idaho. That’s nearly 800 miles from Woodland Park, three days after she was last seen.

Police didn’t release any information to suggest how it got there at a December 10th press conference, cause for concern to Pfoff.

“If somebody makes a trip, you can track them very easily. They’re hitting towers on the way up,” Pfoff continued.

Later on, we would learn that police knew more than they shared publicly all along.
MAR 7, 2019
Search warrants reveal new details in Kelsey Berreth case | East Idaho News


The search warrants reveal that on the day Berreth disappeared, she left a Safeway grocery store in a red Chevrolet Silverado. A red Toyota Tacoma matching Frazee’s vehicle is seen on surveillance video turning north onto Fairview Street in Woodland Park. A minute later, Kelsey Berreth’s vehicle is seen turning north onto the same street.

Fairview Street intersects with Lake Avenue, the road of the townhome where Kelsey Berreth lived.

A few minutes later, the same red Toyota Tacoma is seen on the same surveillance camera heading toward the Ent Credit Union. Frazee made four transactions at the ATM, according to the warrants, and then went to Walmart in Woodland Park. He left the store after making a purchase around 1:13 p.m. Documents do not specify what he purchased at the store.

Ten minutes later, the camera on the home of one of Berreth’s neighbors captured a man. matching the description of Frazee, entering the front door of his fiancé’s townhome. The red Toyota Tacoma was seen on the surveillance camera near Fairview Street around the same time. Investigators note it appeared there was some kind of crate in the back of the truck.

At around 3:36 p.m., the man thought to be Frazee is seen again on the same camera at Berreth’s house.

“It is noted that around this time, Frazee’s phone records indicated that he called his mother and Krystal Lee,” according to a warrant.


On Dec. 6, the manager of the Ent Credit Union in Woodland Park told investigators Frazee and an unidentified man went to the credit union and requested a timeline of transactions from Nov. 22. According to the manager, there was no account history after the Walmart purchase until Nov. 26 at a Conoco gas station.

The manager noted the unknown man said, “Well, you might as well let her know it is about the missing person.” She said as the pair was leaving the credit union, the man said, “Forget us about being here,” according to a search warrant.

The manager of the credit union said the unidentified man was tall and with a medium to heavy build. She described him as having grey hair and possibly facial hair.

According to documents, a UPS driver was seen dropping off a package at Kelsey Berreth’s home on a neighbor’s surveillance camera on Dec. 1. Two days later, an elderly man with white hair and white facial hair was seen picking up the package. The man was later identified as a friend of Frazee who approached detectives at the end of a news conference on Dec. 10.

He told detectives Frazee needed a ride from Woodland Park to his home in Florissant, Colorado. He said to investigators he was Frazee’s “best friend,” and “father figure,” knowing Frazee for decades. He also told investigators Frazee directed him to drive to Lake Avenue.

“Upon arriving, (the friend) further reported he instructed Patrick to remain in the vehicle while he (the friend) went to the front door and retrieved the package,” according to documents.

The friend told the detectives he wanted Frazee to stay in the vehicle so he would not be seen on the neighbor’s surveillance cameras. He said to investigators Frazee was not involved in the disappearance of Berreth but law enforcement should look into a Southwest Airlines pilot who Berreth formally dated.


When Kenney arrived in Idaho on Nov. 25, a text message was sent from Berreth’s cellphone at 5:14 p.m. near Malad Gorge State Park. It is the last recorded location of Berreth’s phone, according to warrants.

At 5:21 p.m., a call from Frazee’s phone was made to Berreth but was not successful. At the time of the call, Frazee’s phone was in Colorado. Seven minutes later, Frazee received a phone call from an Idaho number traced back to a woman whom is not identifying because she has not been charged. The phone call was only 47 seconds and came from a house only 10 miles from the Malad Gorge State Park. Documents say Frazee was in “frequent” contact with the number.

Details of the woman’s relationship with Frazee are not mentioned in documents.

MAR 11, 2019
Patrick Freeze picks up supplies before Kelsey Berreth was bmurdered, was speaking to third woman | Daily Mail Online
  • Patrick Frazee was captured shopping at a WalMart near his fiancee Kelsey Berreth's home after picking up their daughter on Thanksgiving
  • He then returned to Berreth's house, with a neighbor's security camera capturing him entering the resident at 1.30pm and leaving over two hours later
  • Frazee had denied ever returning to Berreth's house after she handed over their child on the day in question
  • He called mistress Krystal Jean Kenney and his mother Sheila on the way out of the house
  • Court documents show that Frazee was also in contact with a third woman from Idaho, who lives 10 miles from where Berreth's phone last pinged
  • That number called Frazee 10 minutes after Berreth's phone last registered on November 25 near Malad Gorge State Park in Idaho

On his way out of the home, Frazee called both his mistress Krystal Jean Kenney and his mother Sheila Frazee, though they were not the only two women the accused killer spoke to over the next few days.

Court documents show that Frazee was also in contact with a third woman from Idaho.

The relationship between Frazee and that woman is unclear, and she is not a suspect and never been identified as a person of interest in the case.

She was however just a few miles away from where Berreth’s phone pinged in Idaho on November 25, and contacted Frazee at the exact time the missing mother’s cellular was registered by a nearby tower.

The woman, 39, has also been employed in the medical field, so there is a chance she may have been a friend of Frazee’s mistress, Kenney.

At 5.14pm on November 25, Berreth’s phone pinged a tower near the off ramp for Malad Gorge State Park.

It is never registered again after that point, and 10 minutes later Frazee is called from the woman’s phone, who lives less than 10 miles away from the park.


Final stop: That number called Frazee 10 minutes after Berreth's phone last registered on November 25 near Malad Gorge State Park in Idaho (file photo of park above)
MAR 8, 2019
New revelations in Dateline's Kelsey Berreth special
New, exclusive interviews aired in Dateline's Kelsey Berreth special show Patrick Frazee tried to manipulate a former girlfriend before he met Kelsey.
MAR 8, 2019
Dateline offers new interviews, insight in Berreth case


Georgia Currie opened up about her daughter, Vanessa, who dated Frazee around 2010.

“I think he has a talent of preying on fragile women,” Currie said.

Vanessa called in to speak with reporter Andrea Canning, describing Frazee’s abuse toward her from the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility, where she’s serving time on drug charges. She called Frazee a “monster”, and said his mental abuse almost forced her to commit suicide.

“If something wasn’t useful to him anymore.. he’d get rid of it,” Vanessa said.


Viewers also heard from Berreth’s family directly for the first time since evidence was released to show probable cause that Frazee murdered Berreth.

JoDee Garretson, Berreth’s cousin, said the pain of not knowing where Berreth’s body is holds a toll on the family.

“I keep trying to envision the scene, like all of it, because I have a need, I feel like, to bear witness for Kelsey,” Garretson said.
MAR 18, 2019
Landfill expert weighs in on search for Woodland Park woman Kelsey Berreth


Retired after 34 years in law enforcement in Texas, Reed assesses landfills for NecroSearch International. The organization is currently looking for the body of Kelsey Berreth, who is believed to have been murdered in her Woodland Park townhome by her fiancé, Patrick Frazee.

Reed developed the technique for searching landfills. “We have a methodical and calculated way to help identify where law enforcement is looking in the cell of the landfill,” he said.


Landfill searches are complicated. “Most people don’t realize that when you talk about a cell that is 20 feet deep, 100 feet wide and 100 feet long — when you start unpacking that you’re taking down about an 80-story building, straight up,” he said.

Reed does the initial assessment of landfill searches. “We come in and say where we project it is in the cell, and say ‘Here’s how much trash you’re going to have to remove to get to it,’” he said. “’And here’s how long it’s going to take, and here’s your cost factor, and here’s the equipment you’re going to need.’”


Reed has a track record. “This one is my 51st search and I’ve been successful on 40,” he said. “I’ve done thousands of assessments and if the probability of finding anything is zero, I say it’s not worth the expense.”

The variables for success include lack of log sheets or if a transfer station is not up-to-date.


Founded in 1988, NecroSearch International is a 501 (3)(9) nonprofit organization. “We’re a combination of scientists and law enforcement,” he said. “The ground tells us where the grave could be — not necessarily how the body decomposed ... .”

While Reed’s expertise is landfills, the 55-member organization includes botanists, archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists, entomologists, in addition to law enforcement. “We have search experience and a drone expert who is also a photographer for National Geographic,” he said.

MAR 23, 2019
‘Forget about us being here’: Accused killer Patrick Frazee grilled bank teller about ATM withdrawals, surveillance video during first days of Kelsey Berreth’s disappearance

Search warrants released earlier this month by the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, related to the murder investigation, reference an interview with a bank teller who reportedly encountered Frazee and an unidentified man on December 5. According to the account presented in the search warrants, Frazee asked for a “timeline” of his bank transactions from November 22, the last day Berreth was seen alive. The teller, from a Woodland Park ENT Bank branch, told investigators that Frazee was seen on ATM surveillance video for six minutes beginning at 12:44 p.m. that day, when he made three deposits and one withdrawal. Frazee reportedly asked the teller if a baby and a baby seat, presumably in Frazee’s truck, were visible in the surveillance video. The teller reportedly told him that the baby and the carrier were captured.


The bank teller, who reported the encounter with Frazee and the unknown man on December 6, told investigators that the man said at one point during the interaction: “Well, you might as well let her know it is about the missing person.” When the two men left, the unidentified male reportedly said, “forget about us being here.”

Search for Berreth’s Body Continues to Hit Wall; New Leads Surface | The Mountain Jackpot News
Weeks ago, an extensive search for Kelsey Berreth’s body began at the Midway trash landfill located south of Colorado Springs.

No body or remains have yet to be found, but new information surrounding the case continues to surface. In addition, Patrick Frazee, suspected of killing Berreth, appeared in court again two weeks ago for yet another hearing during which more restrictions were lifted on law enforcement information pertaining to the case.


One Cripple Creek resident, Clint Cline has been featured in local news articles and on both of the national news programs speaking out in support of Frazee. Cline, who is the president of the Two Mile High Club which is the organization that cares for the donkeys that roam the streets of Cripple Creek, says that he knew Frazee because the murder suspect was the farrier that took care of the town’s beloved jackasses.

During the TV interviews Cline describes Frazee as being a “nice guy” and a “good father.” He said that he had met Berreth and the daughter of the two when Frazee brought them both out to the donkey pins on separate occasions. Cline claims that Berreth had disappeared before and that when she first went missing he thought that she would eventually show back up.

Even after the arrest and after Cline was present at Frazee’s preliminary hearing and heard firsthand all of the brutal details of the case, he still stands by his farrier friend. “I’m not going to speculate. I’m going to wait and see what kind of evidence is presented,” he said on national television. “If the evidence comes out, OK, and I’m going to be shocked and amazed. But if it comes out the other way, there’s a lot of people that are going to have to eat a lot of crow.”

Others who knew Frazee however, say the exact opposite about the first degree murder suspect. On Dateline, an ex-girlfriend of the Florissant rancher told the NBC journalist over a phone call from a state prison that Frazee “is a monster.” She claims that at first the two had a good relationship but then Frazee started cheating on her and playing mind games with her.

During their relationship the ex-girlfriend claims that the murder suspect told her that he knew of several places he could “get rid of a body” where nobody would ever find. She said that as soon as she had heard about the case she instantly thought that her ex-boyfriend had something to do with Berreth’s disappearance.

MAR 29, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Patrick Frazee claims Berreth abused daughter
New documents obtained by prosecutors in the Kelsey Berreth murder case could corroborate accusations by her fiancee and his lover that she harmed their young daughter.

Deputy Teller County District Attorney Elizabeth Reed obtained records from the county Department of Human Services that include statements murder suspect Patrick Frazee made to child welfare workers, according to recently filed court documents.

“The records relate to the charged crimes in this case and include extensive interviews documenting statements made by the defendant and witnesses in this case,” Deputy District Attorney Elizabeth Reed wrote in her motion.


It is unknown whether Frazee spoke with social workers about suspected abuse before Berreth disappeared. But the human services reports could support Lee’s statement about the motive – – to kill Berreth to protect their baby.

Prosecutors shared the human services documents to Frazee’s defense attorneys.
MAR 29, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Patrick Frazee claims Berreth abused daughter
New documents obtained by prosecutors in the Kelsey Berreth murder case could corroborate accusations by her fiancee and his lover that she harmed their young daughter.

Deputy Teller County District Attorney Elizabeth Reed obtained records from the county Department of Human Services that include statements murder suspect Patrick Frazee made to child welfare workers, according to recently filed court documents.

“The records relate to the charged crimes in this case and include extensive interviews documenting statements made by the defendant and witnesses in this case,” Deputy District Attorney Elizabeth Reed wrote in her motion.


It is unknown whether Frazee spoke with social workers about suspected abuse before Berreth disappeared. But the human services reports could support Lee’s statement about the motive – – to kill Berreth to protect their baby.

Prosecutors shared the human services documents to Frazee’s defense attorneys.
MAR 29, 2019
Prosecutors in Frazee case received documents from Department of Human Services
Prosecutors representing that state of Colorado in the case against murder suspect Patrick Frazee recently received documents from the Teller County Department of Human Services.


The document was filed March 20. It states that Deputy District Attorney Elizabeth Reed received documents from the Teller County DHS that include interviews with Frazee and witnesses.


“The People respectfully request disclosure of these records to the Defendant in the above-referenced case, subject to a protective order prohibiting dissemination to any person outside of the Defendant’s legal defense team,” the document states.

The document does not reveal what Frazee might have discussed with the Teller County DHS.
MAR 29, 2019
Prosecutors in Kelsey Berreth case want DHS records kept secret

In a March 20 motion made public this week, prosecutor Beth Reed said the District Attorney’s Office obtained the documents as part of its investigation into Patrick Frazee, 32, who is charged with first-degree murder in the disappearance and presumed death of Kelsey Berreth, 29.

They include “extensive interviews documenting statements made by the defendant and witnesses in this case,” Reed said.


The defense has yet to provide the judge with a response, and it’s unclear when a ruling will be issued. Court records show no evidence that child protective authorities pursued any action against either Frazee or Berreth.

Prosecutors have previously suggested in court that Frazee led a campaign to tar Berreth’s reputation, including claims of child abuse, after she went missing on Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day.

Frazee had taken steps to seek custody of the girl prior to Berreth’s disappearance, investigators said in court, supplying a possible motive for the crime.

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