CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #39 *ARREST*

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Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
Slater: Krystal said Frazee would call her with questions about medicine for Kaylee, since she’s a nurse. Kenney says Frazee called Kelsey a terrible mother, physically abusive toward Kaylee. She said Frazee cited examples. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
Just jumping off your post because something just came to mind. Granted it may have already been mentioned but I am pagessssss behind. But with KK being a Registered Nurse and PF told her about this so-called possible child abuse, she is a mandatory reporter so did she report any of this? Maybe it doesn't apply since she lives in Idaho and not in Colorado where the alleged abuse was to have taken place? (And no, I do not for a minute believe anything about KB and baby K regarding abuse) But rather am just wondering if KK is supposedly wanting to tell all, then did she follow up on these so-called things that she supposedly had concern about? I doubt it because it's all BS! JMO, MOO.
Not a chance. In fact she may have to change her name and live the rest of her life in hiding.
Someone is going to want to kill her. She would have been better off going to prison. Imo

MsB, I think you might be surprised how easily a person in KKL’s situation can resurrect his life. Within 20 mi of my house, there’s 2 men/1 woman all involved in 3 dif’ murders, but got deals for no or little time. Like KKL, they were known professionals in the community. After court proceedings, all 3 are employed & visible all over town. They show up at school games, church, movies, restaurants, parades & live as tho nothing has changed.
Should there be any public uproar, it would be the non offender getting in trouble, so everyone goes on about their biz. KKL ‘s friends & family will support her, more crimes will happen & people forget, move on, etc.
I see Larry Mahoney (drunk driver that crashed with school bus) at the casino & restaurants north of me. No one pays any attention. He did serve his time, tho.
OMG, I just got home, searched twitter for an article and read. Can anyone please link me to the most comprehensive recap of today's testimony?

All I read was baseball bat; sweater to fake her out; KK actually considered killing her; of her own free will, knowing what happened, KK cleaned up scene; body burned; and, I KNEW IT, KK's been to Frazee's house. Probably chummy with Ma.

I do not believe that she left evidence behind on purpose. SHE'S A FILTHY LIAR. It's just that taht kind of evidence is nearly impossible to clean up and that's why it was discovered. She threw Kelsey's tooth away? Does that sound like someone who "wanted to leave evidence behind"? OMG, I can't stand this. Psychopath Frazee is DONE, thank God, but she needs to be severely punished. She's homicidal, herself, if she considered killing Kelsey.

When we discussed Kelsey being shot and knowing she'd been murdered, I'd hoped that was the method. I can't believe what I read. I'm angrier than ever that that evil, conniving creature from Idaho got such an absurdly easy deal. This an outrage. She tried to help this psychopath and doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as free society.

And, baby K. :( :( :(

We don't know if she was shot. No body but PF knows really, he did have her gun and KK gave it to another one of her High School boyfriends. She was probably afraid of him too. jMO
What thoughts go through your head in the 3-4 hours it takes to clean up something like 6 liters of blood that have come from the furious, ruthless beating of a small woman to death?

How do you feel when you find the teeth in the heater grill?

What do you think when you find “tissue” as clearly would have come from such crushing blows.

How pathetic do you have to be to show the murder the good job you did of cleanup?

As a nurse she is used to seeing and handling blood. When she cleaned the house, she probably thought this was just an ordinary working day.
There was a key moment, a crossroads in her life, on Thanksgiving Day. At that moment, when she realized that he is asking her to come clean up a bloody crime scene, hundreds of miles away, she had a perfect escape.

She had no reason to 'fear' him if she called 911 right then, and told them where the crime scene was, and told them her boyfriend asked her to clean it up for him. GAME OVER...but she went in the opposite direction, way over board. smdh
Not so sure she was 100s miles away.
At the beginning when phone pings are discussed, her phone pinged in Woodland park then at Divide. Which is 1/2 way between KB home and PF home.
I don't understand how someone can walk into a blood spattered crime scene and not be ill? Has this happened to KK before?
Well, you know, she did say that she thought Patrick might have killed before- maybe it was a team effort in the past?

So, does anyone know who owns Nash Ranch? This is really bothering me, to a point where it's pissing me off- who's ranch is that?
So she DID cover them in foil. That always niggled at me as she seemed the type who would cover them before leaving the home that day. And to hear they were uncovered because of blood splatter....:eek::(
If she was killed in a back office WHY was there blood spatter on the tin foil??? Or even in the kitchen for that matter???
I always thought she was beaten to death.

If PF’s account to KK was true (it does appear to be backed up by her sighting of a blindfold), atleast Kelsey didn’t see it coming.

I hope she was knocked unconscious and never had a clue.

I doubt it though.

I'm trying to convince myself that the first swipe of a bat on her head would have knocked her out.

It's terribly sad that they were being playful guessing the candle scents right before he killed her.

How evil can a person get?!
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