It is her tooth.
The fact that DNA couldn't be extracted doesn't change the fact that it's KB's tooth.
Think of it this way: The fact that KB's body hasn't been found doesn't mean she's not dead.
It simply means people need to use critical thinking skills in looking at all of the evidence to reach that logical conclusion.
The weight of evidence is cumulative in a case.
This is one of the pieces that still has significant weight and value, despite the fact that DNA was not recoverable.
It ain't a nothingburger:
- It's a human tooth.
- It's a female tooth.
- It was recovered from the burn at the franch.
- It was likely broken as a result of blunt force, per testimony by an expert.
- The blood found in KB's townhome supports that this was KB's tooth.
- KK's account of the scene at KB's townhome and the burn at the franch supports that this was KB's tooth.
Not To Worry.
We're good here.
It's her tooth.