Found Deceased CO - Kevin Rudnicki, 20, hiker, Mount Herman, Pike National Forest, 3 Sep 2018

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm back. I've been looking into the Dametz case trying to make some progress on that one, with the hopes that my fresh eyes could see some details I had missed previously. So I decided to do the same with Kevin's case; the month of September brings back that "nostalgia," so I occasionally come back and read through this board. Your messages since we found him are very kind, we really do appreciate them. But low and behold, some details now stand out to me that I think we previously took for granted.

The main thing is where the SAR dogs picked up Kevin's scent: remember that one scent trail led searchers up Limbaugh Canyon, over to Mt. Herman road, then down the road into the Monument Preserve before ending. The other big one led us from the PLS up to Balanced Rock road, then up the road for some distance before turning down into a gully. These two paths led in opposite directions to different parts of the forest, plus on each path, there were other "hits" nearby. Remember, the Limbaugh Canyon path was so convincing that almost all of our searching was directed in the Mt Herman-Limbaugh Canyon area. After finding Kevin along the Balanced Rock path, in a totally different part of the forest, I then wrote off the Limbaugh Canyon scent trail as a false positive; the dogs were just wrong, or that maybe they were following an old scent trail left by Kevin from previous times he hiked or ran that particular route. However, looking back on it, he hadn't been in town for months prior to his disappearance, and given the terrain of this scent trail, there would be no way it lingered around for months with all of the wind, rain and snow the area receives. In other words, the dogs legitimately believed they were following a path Kevin took on 2 September 2018.

I understand dogs being unable to detect scents that are there, but do they really give false positives? Let alone multiple false positives in the same vicinity? Looking back on it, this detail bothers me.


@Trackergd : Do SAR dogs get false positives?


I know its been years and this is now pretty much a dead thread, but let's do a little speculating.

To any locals who may still be on here: have you had any strange experiences in the Mt. Herman/Limbaugh Canyon/Balanced Rock rd area?

Also, was anyone in this general area on 2 September 2018 between 9am and 1pm and notice anything?

I doubt much will come of this, but I thought I might as well ask.
I requested the autopsy report; i highlighted the bones that were found according to that on a generic skeleton diagram. I am surprised I didn't notice just how many were never found, I did not realise this way back when I first got the report. In the case of the ribs here, all I know is that 10 left and 6 right were found, so I just highlighted them in order without regard to which specific ones were found. I found another 1 rib and 1 metatarsal on various searches of the immediate area during the spring of 2019, which I highlighted in purple, again without regard to which specific ones. Some of these strike me as very large bones: perhaps too large to be unable to find. It looks like we are missing both arms almost entirely.


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