Found Deceased CO - Maggie Long, 17, suspicious house fire, Bailey, 1 Dec 2017

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And all together in one:



ETA: Just seeing this! :(
““It saddens me greatly to tell you that Maggie was purposely set on fire and burned alive,” McGraw said in January.”

I’m wanting to see arrests in this case so badly!


What are your theories to date?

This news that she was burned alive... says a lot about the perps...what does it say?

One of my first thoughts is Travis Forbes. He was a sexual offender.

And/or perhaps this was very very personal? Sometimes strangers do awful things to strangers too so maybe not.

These guys don’t look very old to me.

Have we researched sexual attacks?

I haven’t followed Maggie’s case very closely.
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$50K reward offered for unsolved 2017 murder of Denver girl who was burned alive in targeted attack | Daily Mail Online

The task force also released the photos above of three vehicles similar to ones seen in the area on the day Long was killed

This is beyond awful.

One of the trucks looks 1970s vintage (though trucks are not my thing). 1970s vintage vehicles have gotten rare and a certain number are in the hands of hobby enthusiasts- even if that particular model is not worth real money.

Does anybody know if the truck was in good condition, and thus implying a hobbyist owner? Or was it in Colorado working ranch type condition?

If the truck looked in good condition, t might be good to show sketches of the suspects at local car shows and at specialty garages catering to car enthusiasts that sell chrome accessories, braided hoses, and custom manifold covers.

Both the shows and the supporting businesses are few in number as hobbyists have gotten older and young men are not interested in turning wrenches while working on a show car. That would make young men either showing cars, hanging around car shows, or "tire kicking" at specialty garages stand out more.
Bringing this forward:

Sketches / Vehicles – Maggie Long Task Force


Also, this article is on the front and top of page at

Third suspect sketch released in case of Maggie Long’s murder

“Authorities said they believe Long was burned alive inside her family’s home in December 2017. McGraw said they have ruled out hundreds of persons of interest, but identified three possible suspects. He said it’s possible that the suspects could have been injured in the fire, and they may have altered their appearances, sold the involved vehicles and moved since the day of the crime.“
And all together in one:



ETA: Just seeing this! :(
““It saddens me greatly to tell you that Maggie was purposely set on fire and burned alive,” McGraw said in January.”

I’m wanting to see arrests in this case so badly!


What are your theories to date?

This news that she was burned alive... says a lot about the perps...what does it say?

One of my first thoughts is Travis Forbes. He was a sexual offender.

And/or perhaps this was very very personal? Sometimes strangers do awful things to strangers too so maybe not.

These guys don’t look very old to me.

Have we researched sexual attacks?

I haven’t followed Maggie’s case very closely.

I have followed Maggie's case closely from the beginning and believe that the Long's home was targeted for a burglary by someone who either knew the Long's or knew someone who knew the family and mentioned that they had lots of guns and valuables in the home. I think this was a well planned out burglary and that the killers had staked out the home previously and did not think anyone from the Long family would be home but Maggie surprised them when she came home unexpectedly to get hot dog buns that she had forgotten. I am thinking Maggie probably either knew or knew of the killers (Bailey and that whole area up there is pretty small) and they knew she would recognize them so they killed her. They may have sexually assaulted her because they had the opportunity but that hasn't been confirmed, I don't think that was the plan though.

I picture it as a similar situation to the murders of the Clutter family where the killers had heard from someone who had worked for the Clutter family that they had lots of cash in the home.
I am about 75% caught up on this horrific case. I still have pages 30-40 to endure. Leading from the initial misdirection by LE (planned or unplanned) to the realization of what this young angel endured.

I keep seeing mention of hot dog buns. Perhaps that documentation is in the section I haven't read through, as of yet.

However, I came upon this description of the 'items', that young Maggie went home to retrieve:

17-Year-Old High School Student Was Purposely Burned Alive, Investigators Say

"On Dec. 1, 2017, Maggie Long was managing the VIP section for a concert at the Platte Canyon High School when she ran home to get more cookies and water for the audience, according to KUSA. She never returned."


Has LE actually verified any of this information? Have they interviewed witnesses that would have provided this information? I mean, each one seems specific. Each one could be 'right', depending on what they were told by Maggie.

So many questions about everything. Has there been any information released on forensic analysis on phones? Social Media? Any type of profile on what would prompt a murder this horrifying?

They went from one perp, to two perps, and now a third perp. Is that it? There won't be a fourth in the near future?

From the article:

"We believe this was a targeted crime and that there were at least three suspects still at large,” McGraw said, according to KUSA."

This family deserves justice. Maggie deserves justice. I realize that's an understatement.
I wasn't sure if anyone has read the article in the previous link. These are the words that Maggie wrote. I cannot get the link to save, so I made a snip of the caption.

These are the words of a truly enlightened young woman. I believe our Maggie really did have an 'old soul' lurking in her mind.

We have lost so many. The talents they possessed are forever gone. What they would have, could have, and really should have, been able to be. I can only slightly imagine these lost possibilities.

These words truly got to me. That is why I believe, IMHO, they should be shared to our world.

From link:

"Prophetic quote by Maggie, after a loss she suffered:"

Maggie Long Words to Live By.PNG

This post was from 17 DEC 2017. The ending for the article notes that the Memorial was held that day. It states:

"Today would have been Maggie's 18th birthday. Rest in peace beautiful soul, the world is a darker place without your light."


Yeah, I needed tissues after reading that article.
And all together in one:


These guys don’t look very old to me.
They also look like "run of the mill" local caucasians. This would seem to greatly reduce the chances of inter family based motives.

I am thinking about three general motives:

1.) Local meth heads hear burglarize the home as it is large and therefore presumed to have valuables. They get surprised, then murder the victim in a lynch mob mentality where the actions of one perpetrator feed and escalate the actions of the others. Obvious relative valuables like weapons are stolen. The figurines are taken because they are exotic and therefore, must be valuable.

Possible indicators: Is the area predominately lower income. If so, would the level of home stand out and get increased attention from dopers looking for the big or “big” score?

2.) The perpetrators have had some kind of contact with family and they know or strongly suspect that an unusually large amount of valuables are usually kept in the home. They target the home for a burglary, but Maggie surprises them. The crime then escalates to a horrific murder as lynch mob mentality grips the perpetrators.

Possible indicators: Was the family involved in any business dealings, or business practices that involved large cash transactions, or the accumulation of valuable inventory items in the home?

3.) The perpetrators have had past contact with the family and specifically targeted the family for violence, with burglary being a secondary motive. Maggie, in particular, is attacked because she was there. Possible sub variants to this motive include the perpetrators arriving at the home because the presumed somebody would be home to attack. They then stumble across Maggie. Or, the perpetrators demanded a short notice meeting. Maggie arrives and attempts to calm them- then gets horribly attacked.

Possible indicators: What business activities did the family participate in? How truly necessary was it for Maggie to return home for those items? Could she have returned home for another reason?
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The Taskforce website has interactive maps of the home, showing the damage in several rooms. They are also asking for people to submit tips, even if they have come forward with them previously.

Not entirely sure if this raised any eyebrows. Did they lose case information here? Why would they want previous tipsters to submit once again? <<Pondering>>

Not entirely sure if this raised any eyebrows. Did they lose case information here? Why would they want previous tipsters to submit once again? <<Pondering>>

Now that the sketch of the third perp has been released, maybe a previous tipster can make a solid identification of him?

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I wasn't sure if anyone has read the article in the previous link. These are the words that Maggie wrote. I cannot get the link to save, so I made a snip of the caption.

These are the words of a truly enlightened young woman. I believe our Maggie really did have an 'old soul' lurking in her mind.

We have lost so many. The talents they possessed are forever gone. What they would have, could have, and really should have, been able to be. I can only slightly imagine these lost possibilities.

These words truly got to me. That is why I believe, IMHO, they should be shared to our world.

From link:

"Prophetic quote by Maggie, after a loss she suffered:"

View attachment 177782

This post was from 17 DEC 2017. The ending for the article notes that the Memorial was held that day. It states:

"Today would have been Maggie's 18th birthday. Rest in peace beautiful soul, the world is a darker place without your light."


Yeah, I needed tissues after reading that article.

Thank you for posting these beautiful and awesome thoughts from Maggie.
View attachment 180131
Just thinking that there may be some similarity in appearance between the suspect on the left and the one in the middle. Maybe brothers or cousins? JMO.
Good observation.

As a side note, the man on the right seems to have softer features. Now that I think about it, he might be a 'hispano' (hispanic group that has very deep roots in northern New Mexico and south east Colorado).
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Hey all! I'm just now joining this thread. I have followed the story since the beginning but from just the news aspect. So I know the story and how the gag order was on then they finally announced she was in the home. And now they are looking for suspects.

There is so many posts there anything in them that someone van update me on that maybe I wouldn't know thst would be helpful? Do we think k the perps live close to that area? Do we think they live in Colorado? If so I may be able to help.
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