CO - Possible Serial Shooter Has Colorado Drivers on Edge #2

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You know, I ran into the same issue looking through his FB. Links for that weird ICare company only came up in Arabic for me pretty much so it was kinda hard to get anything from them (although, hubby speaks Arabic, could probably ask him). My things is I can't find any connection to it for NS other than him putting it on FB; like a mutual friend who works there or something, or any connection to CO. And it looks like they sell ... beauty products? Which is confusing for me, because why would he work there? Tin foil hat time: the company is some kind of cover for ISIS/ISIL terror funding. A seemingly innocuous business like that one would be as good a place to funnel money as any, I guess. Perhaps a front for ISIS recruiters?

This post up thread may get you little further, not sure how, but to the Colorado link to between the two as they appear. Is there any way to tell when he attached these links?

I don't know what to make of ICare. It does appear to be a real Egyptian manufacturer and exporter of shampoo. The Chinese Alibaba site lists some of its products. I can't find any indication of an office or representative in the US.

The Nathaniel Scheiern facebook profile includes this line: "VP med at ICare International Import & Export Trading". Were you able to place the location of that job, if it really is one, in the LA area?

"ICare International Import & Export Trading Hair & Beauty Supply" is listed in the "People also like" section of the KBC Trading-Processing-Co Holyoke FB page: Apart from a couple of other "People also like" listings, that page has never been posted to. I haven't seen anything else that suggests a link between KBC and NS.
I wonder if the car mentioned in the Nov 2013 story you posted, SQ, that a witness described

“About a week ago she (the witness) saw a man that seemed to be firing a gun over the hood of a gold or brown Honda four-door sedan. By the time we got there that person was gone,”

could be this one parked in his grandparents' driveway in Glendale, CA. It was shown on the CBS video linked at the bottom of this link:

View attachment 77949

Hmmmm that was a good catch! Certainly gives me pause. If it's far away and the person doesn't know cars, could be mistakenly called a Honda (is that a Honda lol). Also, it's old and rickety like that "orange" truck looks too.
Hmmmm that was a good catch! Certainly gives me pause. If it's far away and the person doesn't know cars, could be mistakenly called a Honda (is that a Honda lol). Also, it's old and rickety like that "orange" truck looks too.

Mrscg, the car appears to be a late 1960s or 1970s year model Plymouth Duster..
Hmmmm that was a good catch! Certainly gives me pause. If it's far away and the person doesn't know cars, could be mistakenly called a Honda (is that a Honda lol). Also, it's old and rickety like that "orange" truck looks too.


Maybe mistaken for something like an old Mazda, possibly not having seen the back of the car, as the shooter was said to have been over the hood, old Honda sedans are more squared off in front, with few exceptions, that I can find. It would be easy to eliminate as a possibility, given his grandparent's neighbors seemed very aware types and long time friends with them.

It was one of many of SugarQueen's or Foxfire's catches, not mine.
hmmm, highway shootings, no projectiles found, Jefferson County, November 2013.
NS was arrested in Jefferson County, January 2013, released October 2013. Could it be connected?

I do think that that series of window shatterings might be related. I had mapped three of those incident earlier, but had never seen the article you cite or realized that so many were involved:

"Eleven drivers have had their car windows mysteriously broken by what might be gunfire [on C-470], CBS Denver reported."

I haven't been able to find specifics on more than the three, but each of them seemed intentional. Two occurred on different days, but at the same highway exit. The third was a report, on the same highway, of "a man that seemed to be firing a gun over the hood of a gold or brown Honda four-door sedan."

I had argued in an earlier post that malicious window shatterings of multiple vehicles on the move is pretty rare. I had looked at all of the incidents nationwide since 1/1/13 returned by a Google search of "vehicle window shattered". I noted any that appeared to be of multiple vehicles on the move, whether or not they had been explained. Four of the eight clusters I found were in Colorado and neighboring Kansas. Only one of the four outside of Colorado and Kansas appeared to involved more than three vehicles. Only one of the Kansas and Colorado clusters involved fewer than nine vehicles.
I haven't found any link between ICare and the U.S. I looked at all of NS's fb friends from Egypt , none of them have ICare listed. All of NS's Egyptian friends that list a job or school (in English ) seem to be architects.
I haven't found any link between ICare and the U.S. I looked at all of NS's fb friends from Egypt , none of them have ICare listed. All of NS's Egyptian friends that list a job or school (in English ) seem to be architects.

I think that a man commenting on the the ABC7 News FB page announcement of his being from CO had an architectural background too, but I could be wrong, his comments were from about an hour after the story was posted that morning, something about where the nut may be from, initials, R D, IIRC.
hmmm, highway shootings, no projectiles found, Jefferson County, November 2013.
NS was arrested in Jefferson County, January 2013, released October 2013. Could it be connected?

SugarQueen, sorry about my eight hour delayed response to your comment. Good eye..
The Jefferson Co., CO connection may be very significant, imo. What really caught my eye other than the obvious virtually synonymous headline that we have read since the present Hwy Shooter began targeting victims; 'Mystery of shattered windshields scaring Denver-area drivers', was the lack of projectiles found by police. Deja vu times two.. <see article linked below on frangible ammo>

The only thing missing was a feeble attempt by investigators to persuade the public that the mysterious side winding road debris were causing the epidemic of shattered windows. I also think the coincidences of the lack of projectiles found and Nathaniel Scheiern being released from incarceration only one month before the shooting began, were no coincidences, imo.

I am wondering if the NOCO Shooter Task Force is even aware of the 2013 shootings, the 2014 KC, MO Hwy shooter; Mohammad Whitaker, or the possibility of frangible ammo being used in the shootings?

Mystery of shattered windshields scaring Denver-area drivers
The Jefferson County Sheriff&#8217;s Department says that more cases are still being called in.
Side windows, front windshields and even a sunroof have all been broken.

&#8220;It&#8217;s quite the mystery right now. We have not found any projectiles in any of the vehicles, so we&#8217;re not quite sure what is causing these windows to shatter,&#8221; said sheriff&#8217;s department spokesman Mark Techmeyer.

Investigators have not ruled out gunfire as the cause. One witness reported seeing a suspicious shooter, says CBS Denver.

<'Well, I should hope that investigators didn't rule it out'>

Please listen to this interview. It will explain the media silence and where the idea of Hwy Shootings by Lone Wolves originated, imo.
Audio: Robert Spencer; director of Jihad Watch, of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and author of on KNUS Denver&#8217;s Peter Boyles Show on the Kansas City sniper
APRIL 21, 2014


Frangible Ammo
by Wiley Clapp - Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Modern frangible ammunition is a boon to the shooting schools and police agencies that use reactive steel targets. The target reacts as designed, but the bullet becomes a spoonful of harmless, non-toxic powder.
<snipped & BBM - read more>
Uuuggggghhh!! What the @&::/ is the missing link, and where the $@$&(); do we find it???
Whew, I feel better now.
Uuuggggghhh!! What the @&::/ is the missing link, and where the $@$&(); do we find it???
Whew, I feel better now.

Patience SugarQueen, Patience... Imo, the NOCO Sniper/SK is right where he belongs and the LA, CA ms media is very aggressive, imo..
Since the 2009 DC Sniper case there has been a tremendous change in how information originates and how it is disseminated. Social media drives the news in today's world. We are now living in the communication era..and awareness is the key..

SugarQueen, Glad you feel better now...
PD: 'Random' FoCo shootings not linked to NoCo incidents
9NEWS/Fort Collins Coloradoan
, 2:42 pm mdt
July 11, 2015

PD: 'Random' FoCo shootings not linked to NoCo incidents
Jason Pohl, The Coloradoan
11:41 am, mdt,
July 11, '15


"LCSO, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies and the FBI continue to investigate shootings that have left two men dead, a woman injured and at least one other person shot at. Information about that investigation has been sparse, especially in recent weeks."

The information has been forwarded on to the Larimer County Sheriff's Office as a precaution.

"Fort Collins is the only major law enforcement agency not involved in the task force's probe &#8212; all of the shootings have happened in neighboring jurisdictions."

Don't know about y'all but it seems like the cases we sleuth are getting darker and darker. There is a very dark cloud hovering over CO and CA at this time. But, there must be darkness present for the light to shine through.. The amount of evil permeating from this tangled web of death and mayhem involved in Nathaniel Scheiern's trail of terror could easily send a very strong person into the abyss. I can't imagine the horror his unsuspecting grandparents endured while suffering their horrific fate..
It is imperative that the truth be revealed and that there is justice served in this case for Verna and William Scheiern, and any of his other unknown innocent victims..

Guns N Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door
i have no idea if this means anything but in searching for an ICare connection to CA I found this sight. I believe people who liked one liked the other.
&#1587;&#1600;&#1749;&#1585;&#1749;&#1740; &#1576;&#1600;&#1600;&#1575;&#1606;&#1586;&#1740;&#1606; - Cupertino, California - Business Services ...
Located inside 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California · Open 24 Hours ... ICare International Import & Export Trading ... See more places in Cupertino, California.
i have no idea if this means anything but in searching for an ICare connection to CA I found this sight. I believe people who liked one liked the other.
&#1587;&#1600;&#1749;&#1585;&#1749;&#1740; &#1576;&#1600;&#1600;&#1575;&#1606;&#1586;&#1740;&#1606; - Cupertino, California - Business Services ...
Located inside 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California · Open 24 Hours ... ICare International Import & Export Trading ... See more places in Cupertino, California.

Great find, SQ. It looks like some off-shoot of Persian, and may have something to do with Kurds and put down satire or something like that, but the messaging on it is very odd, and vague, the name of the site translates to "voice of benzine." I think it should be tipped in, as it would be hard to make any sense of it without some real language and context expertise. Then you can see, the "Srae banzen" which could be another acronym for Syria possibly? So you get various plays on the word benzine, either voice of, or other things to do with it. The "dnya falsafa" translates to world philosophy. It doesn't seem ominous at face value, kind of tongue in cheek aspect to it, but thing about it is, is it's only face value and links mostly back to that 'world philosophy' site of late, then others previously. Doesn't seem business like or open for it, either. Not sure what it's branding other than providing a platform for some kind of networking, possibly, but I can't come close to getting it.

"A bullet hole in a [vacant] vehicle's driver side and a shot-up stop sign were found in Fort Collins on Friday, .... 'These incidents do not appear to have any connection to the shootings currently being investigated by the multi-agency task force [said an unidentified police source]'."

They don't, indeed, have much in common with the NOCO shootings or shatterings - which is probably why we're hearing about them at all. The NOCO Task Force have said that it's member agencies won't generally talk about incidents under investigation in connection with the NOCO shootings, including the window shatterings. * (In fact, while putting together my source cites, I noticed that Windsor PD has recently taken down its "Civic Alert" page, which used to address the NOCO shootings investigation.)

So unless the press hears about a window shattering on its own, and gets to it in time, we presumably wouldn't be hearing about it. I wonder if the Task Force might be regretting that policy now that the shootings seem to have stopped (none since the 6/16/15 shattering on I-25 reported by the Westminster PD, which isn't part of the Task Force). What's a Pub. Info. Officer to say, "we interrupt our no comment policy to bring you the following good news: there have been no new actual shootings, and road debris vs. window incidents have dropped from an average of more than three a week during the mid-April thru mid-June period, to none."
"A bullet hole in a [vacant] vehicle's driver side and a shot-up stop sign were found in Fort Collins on Friday, .... 'These incidents do not appear to have any connection to the shootings currently being investigated by the multi-agency task force [said an unidentified police source]'."

They don't, indeed, have much in common with the NOCO shootings or shatterings - which is probably why we're hearing about them at all. The NOCO Task Force have said that it's member agencies won't generally talk about incidents under investigation in connection with the NOCO shootings, including the window shatterings. * (In fact, while putting together my source cites, I noticed that Windsor PD has recently taken down its "Civic Alert" page, which used to address the NOCO shootings investigation.)

So unless the press hears about a window shattering on its own, and gets to it in time, we presumably wouldn't be hearing about it. I wonder if the Task Force might be regretting that policy now that the shootings seem to have stopped (none since the 6/16/15 shattering on I-25 reported by the Westminster PD, which isn't part of the Task Force). What's a Pub. Info. Officer to say, "we interrupt our no comment policy to bring you the following good news: there have been no new actual shootings, and road debris vs. window incidents have dropped from an average of more than three a week during the mid-April thru mid-June period, to none."

Forager, seems the NOCO Shooter/SK Task Force remains in the minimize, down play, nothing here-move along, & de-emphasize the importance of public safety information mode> interpretation; 'has the cat got your tongue mode'..

While reading up on the noco shooter case, I ran across an interesting 06/20/2015 article by Joe Moylan;;
ISIS, other groups look to recruit youth, and Greeley schools, law enforcement are taking the threat seriously

Last fall, two teenage sisters and students at Overland High School in Aurora skipped school one day to join the radical Islamic State in Syria.

They took cash stolen from their parents and passports, boarded a flight destined for Frankfurt, Germany and planned to continue on to Turkey, where they would likely cross the border into Syria.

The girls were intercepted in Frankfurt by Federal Bureau of Investigation special agents and returned to their families in Denver.

Investigators would later learn the girls were influenced, but not completely radicalized, by a sophisticated social media propaganda machine run by ISIS. Federal officials recently estimated ISIS makes about 100 million social media contacts per day.

The incident forced the Greeley and Weld County law enforcement communities to take notice. If two girls from Aurora &#8212; a mere 60 miles away &#8212; could be lured to the Islamic State, then the same thing could happen to children anywhere. As strange as it seems, Greeley and its surrounding county could even be considered a bigger, more fertile target than Aurora. Greeley police and Greeley-Evans District 6 are taking the threat seriously.

Following last fall&#8217;s incident &#8212; as well as another involving Shannon Conley, who converted to Islam and was sentenced to four years in prison for attempting to join ISIS overseas &#8212; the Denver Muslim community reached out to the U.S. Attorney&#8217;s Office for the District of Colorado seeking assistance with the shocking new recruitment phenomenon.

The U.S. Attorney&#8217;s Office responded by creating a committee of representatives from the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the National Counter-terrorism Center, said John Walsh, U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado. The committee first scheduled meetings last fall at Denver area mosques and community centers to hear the public&#8217;s concerns. The local team later expanded into Denver metro school districts, the Colorado Muslim Speakers Bureau and a variety of community organizations.

&#8220;The Muslim community in Denver was shocked by what happened last year,&#8221; Walsh said. &#8220;This didn&#8217;t seem like the kind of thing that could happen in Colorado.&#8221;
<snipped - read more>

Imo, the NOCO shooter/sniper/sk has been leaving investigators a tell tell calling card identifying himself as the shooter <other than ballistics> at the crime scenes; sending them a message..
Family and friends at the funeral on May 22 of John Jacoby, a 47-year-old man who was shot and killed while riding his bicycle down a country road, in Windsor, Colo. Credit Joshua Polson/The Greeley Tribune, via Associated Press

The random shootings of a bicyclist killed on a county road and a woman shot in the neck as she drove home from work have stirred unease across suburban communities in northern Colorado and prompted the local police, county sheriffs and the F.B.I. to form a task force to investigate.

On Thursday, questions about the unsolved shootings deepened after the police reported the death of a 65-year-old man who was found bleeding on a sidewalk just before 11 p.m. on Wednesday in downtown Loveland, Colo., about 15 miles away from the earlier shootings.

In a statement, the police said they were investigating whether his death was tied to the other attacks, which occurred in April and May...

The shootings have rattled some residents. The death of the bicyclist in the town of Windsor was the town&#8217;s first homicide in about eight years, the police said. The shootings have prompted the F.B.I. to offer a $10,000 reward and caused the organizer of a triathlon to cancel the race out of safety concerns.

The attacks remain largely a mystery. The police have said that the first two victims appear to have been randomly targeted, and that they have evidence linking their shootings. But they have not provided any details and have declined to say whether there is any ballistic evidence to connect the shootings.
<snipped - read more>

"Has there been any special events or large NOCO gatherings cancelled lately"?
This Ft. Collins shooting incident concerns me that maybe there was some kind of "order" or "request" to any Isis sympathisers and lone wolves to do these types of things.

It could easily be just some crazy teenagers shooting at cars and signs but I have to wonder if some directive was given out.
The reason I am concerned is even wild teenagers know how serious gun charges from LE are and most teenagers would not go this far of shooting guns at random cars. They know it means serious jail time if caught and most would not do it.
Gangs would but this doesnt sound like a gang because gangs usually target specific people. This seems random which makes it similar to the NOCO shootings.

We need to be on the lookout for anymore of these types of similar random shooting incidents at cars in CO and even in any state in the US. I hope this is not some directive that was given out.
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