GUILTY CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy Hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #2

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I don't know how it will work out, but I can't believe Richard is too happy with his once-dutiful wife, right now, since she's admitted it was a hoax. I hope someone's checking up on them.
I don't know how it will work out, but I can't believe Richard is too happy with his once-dutiful wife, right now, since she's admitted it was a hoax. I hope someone's checking up on them.

I may have not said the same words...bu this is what I meant...
I am not sure if Japanese has anything to do with anything at all. Some women are subject to lesser treatment because of their cultural upbringing and I am not sure if Japanese is one of those cultures? Do you know?

I don't know if she's been battered, I don't know if she's been abused in any way. I'm just curious if her culture or ethnicity can play a role in what happens at the end of this situation.

From my lofty perch--I know that ethnicity, domestic violence and related 'factors' don't matter.

Ask Thomas Jefferson or try to understand his mind.

Far too difficult for us these days--too much education? too much of everything?

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.

Someone has to slap some sense into those who have their heads up their 'arses'.
If she's still living with RH then I'm afraid there might be more bad news coming from this case... I hope not.

I would say so. In fact--I 'know' there is bad news on its way. Long overdue, jmo.
From the article linked before;

Mayumi Heene told sheriff's deputies that she and her husband Richard "knew all along that Falcon was hiding in the residence" in Fort Collins, according to an affidavit used to get a search warrant for the home.

She allegedly told investigators the incident was a hoax meant to make them more marketable to the media.

"Mayumi described that she and Richard Heene devised this hoax approximately two weeks earlier.... She and Richard had instructed their three children to lie to authorities as well as the media regarding this hoax," the affidavit said.

I hope hiring her own attorney and submitting that affidavit means she's ready to stand up to RH and possibly leave him.

While I am thrilled she told the truth and may even testiy against her nutjob husband....I am in no way ready to give this "mother" a free pass!

I won't give her a free pass but, to me, she is a sympathetic character.

UGH! The story just gets better! (I think the "pickle dude" in the earlier link should be paid AND the poster who earlier made some new lyrics should be paid. Not the person who claims they're the real artist of the theme songs... JMO!)

So many have crawled out from under the woodwork in this story. Does anyone think we'll have the truth from anyone?

I disagree, while I agree with most of your post I think the writer should be paid. Anybody who causes more grief for this :loser: is ok in my book. Just say

They're descendants of aliens too? What a bunch of :loser::loser::loser:

I think I heard his real name is Lou Zer.

I would say so. In fact--I 'know' there is bad news on its way. Long overdue, jmo.

What bad news do you think is coming?
From the article linked before;

I hope hiring her own attorney and submitting that affidavit means she's ready to stand up to RH and possibly leave him.

What bad news do you think is coming?

Nancy Grace might be the person to ask.

With my limited knowledge or genuine interest in all things legal--I'd say the right DA could establish a precedent setting case--hope they do. Take down Reality TV--Wife Swap--get some trash out of Colorado and make sure those kids have a chance at a decent life--anyway they can.

Oh the sobbing and wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth.

I will lol-and lol--and lol. Justice. It can still happen in this nation.

Foul filth be gone. I betcha --$.50/cent--all the rap I know.

Taught a long time--part of it in the inner city--saw a Lot--and want something done about it--somewhere. I see a glimmer of hope and you can bet they are not 'Playing' around. FAA--federal, and state/local did the job very well.

I'd buy them a Coors. But they are probably High on life--protect, serve and sometimes things just work out very well for the Good Guys.
What sticks out for me about that 911 call is Mayumi, the foreign English speaker, is explaining everything to the 911 operator. Why did Richard not call?
Statistically (from FBI profiler info - link is in Haleigh Cummings forum under "Statement Analysis" thread) statistically speaking, the perp often delegates the task of initiating the 911 call if he has that option. (Ronald Cummings leaps to my mind.)
I don't know how it will work out, but I can't believe Richard is too happy with his once-dutiful wife, right now, since she's admitted it was a hoax. I hope someone's checking up on them.

I too hope that their situation at home is checked up on. I go back and forth feeling really badly for the family (not so much dad) and then I get annoyed thinking mom had anything to do with the hoax. Part of me wishes that mom is asserting herself by admitting the hoax, but the other part of me don't know if this is another way for them to stay in the news and for her to garner public sympathy... I just don't know what to think about the whole thing! (JMO)
Thanks for all the updates!

Regarding Mayumi-- though I agree that Richard is controlling and verrrry dismissive toward women, Mayumi does have a backbone! She had the wherewithal to leave Japan, relocate to LA, and set out on a career path of her own. IMO, her agenda jibes with Richard's. Ultimately, she is those boys' mother, and if there was ever a reason to defy an authoritative husband, it is in the best interest of her kids. She failed! Massively. I think she should be punished accordingly.

The only chance at deterring those kids' behaviors in the future is to see their parents pay for the deed. And pay BIG, with time, resources, community service, and general upheaval to the Heene lifestyle. They are born and bred rascals-- it's up to the government to set the example.
If I was a juror all I would have to see were the post-incident interviews and that dumb video they took of the balloons take-off to convict them. Richard Heene is quite possibly the worst actor Ive ever seen. He makes Paris Hilton look like Meryl Streep. The first time I saw the father interviewed on TV was before I really even knew anything about the case or that it was a possible hoax. Watching that interview I wondered what the hell was wrong with the guy and why he acted so strangely. He didnt stare into the camera throughout the entire interview, and he was overacting in a way that would make you think his whole family was killed in the balloon. It was over-the-top and he looked like a drama queen.

Once I heard his kid let the cat out of the bag on Larry King it made perfect sense.
Thanks for all the updates!

Regarding Mayumi-- though I agree that Richard is controlling and verrrry dismissive toward women, Mayumi does have a backbone! She had the wherewithal to leave Japan, relocate to LA, and set out on a career path of her own. IMO, her agenda jibes with Richard's. Ultimately, she is those boys' mother, and if there was ever a reason to defy an authoritative husband, it is in the best interest of her kids. She failed! Massively. I think she should be punished accordingly.

The only chance at deterring those kids' behaviors in the future is to see their parents pay for the deed. And pay BIG, with time, resources, community service, and general upheaval to the Heene lifestyle. They are born and bred rascals-- it's up to the government to set the example.

I completely and totally agree for all of the very same reasons.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) -- A mother's confession that she and her husband faked their 6-year-old son's disappearance in a runaway balloon shouldn't have been made public, an attorney for the father said.

"It's further proof of what that sheriff will do to further his own agenda and try to make it unfair to the Heenes," Lane told The Coloradoan in Fort Collins.

He said the Heenes haven't even seen the affidavit, which was used to get a warrant to search their home.

Sheriff Jim Alderden and Larimer County District Attorney Larry Abrahamson said releasing such documents is common if there's not an order to seal a document.

If Mayumi made the affidavit then I'd be willing to bet that at least one of the Heenes has seen the affidavit. Also, I've never heard that releasing an affidavit to the public is illegal and I think the attorney is off base criticizing them for doing so.

The problem HIS attorney has is that it looks like the wife is going to do anything she can to save her own skin. It wouldn't surprise me at all if RH tried to make her take the fall and she fought back, or she knows him well enough that he'd do so to her and she decided to take the first shot.

Heene's attorney is up against the wall. The facts are against him, the public is against him, Heene's wife is against him and his client is a narcissistic looney.

He may have decided to take this case before all of the doo doo hit the oscillating air moving device and now he greatly regrets it.

I'd say the exact same thing if I were the husband's attorney. Still, it's interesting from a legal standpoint because spousal privilege is an important concept.

IIRC, Nancy Grace said, in reference to the HC case, that spousal privilege doesn't cover child abuse. If this is considered child abuse that may not enter into it.

I'd say the exact same thing if I were the husband's attorney. Still, it's interesting from a legal standpoint because spousal privilege is an important concept.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, it works the other way in most places. You can't use it offensively to prevent someone else from testifying against you. You can try to use it defensively to prevent your own testimony from being heard. If you're in the scheme together that's a nicer fit, but if she's willing to show up and turn the tables, he can't stop her.
"Spousal Priveledge-Exceptions

If the charged offense involves a crime against the other spouse or their children, the privilege typically does not apply."

I would think it wouldn't apply here since the charge may be endangering a minor.
Anybody think this family still has a shot at a reality tv show?

The only reality show I want to see them on is their trial being shown on Court TV!!

With so much bad publicity this year involving reality shows, Jon & Kate, the man who killed his wife who had been on the other show, Octo-Mom who thought people would just bow down to her, maybe this is what will turn people away from watching all of this. Imo it's time for a strong wind to come alone and clean all this up.


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