CO CO - Roger Ellison, 17, Cedaredge, 10 Feb 1981 #2

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Very sad read. We should look at the staff members of the school - especially “Mr. Pash”. I know we all wish there was existing CCTV footage.

I wonder where exactly Roger’s locker was located, and on which floor. Was it by an elevator, or a basement, or a closet? Excuse me if this question been answered before.
Roger's locker was in the basement. Remember this was the 80's so there was no elevator. A friend of Roger did say there was a door that led to the back area of the school where there were no windows. That kids would often ditch school and head out that door. It possible someone may have lured him outside.
The other interesting tidbit was that Roy, Roger's brother, said that Roger often complained about being chased by kids and having to hide on the rooftop of the school to get away. So it sounds like there may have been some bullying going on. I've wondered if Roger may have tried to go somewhere and hide and fell or got wedged somewhere within or around the school.
In my opinion, I think Pash is a egotistical eejit who used his students to stroke his ego, but I don't think he had anything to do with Roger's death.
From a newspaper article Feb 8 1998, The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction, CO:
Former Cedaredge High School English teacher Sharon Chinn says the Roger she remembers didn't quite fit in with the other students. Roger's brother agrees.
"He used to tell me stories that the kids would chase him and he would have to hide on rooftops," says Roy, "I don't think he fit in all that well."
Despite his inability to fit in, Roy remembers a little brother who was loved by everyone.
Roger's locker was in the basement. Remember this was the 80's so there was no elevator. A friend of Roger did say there was a door that led to the back area of the school where there were no windows. That kids would often ditch school and head out that door. It possible someone may have lured him outside.
The other interesting tidbit was that Roy, Roger's brother, said that Roger often complained about being chased by kids and having to hide on the rooftop of the school to get away. So it sounds like there may have been some bullying going on. I've wondered if Roger may have tried to go somewhere and hide and fell or got wedged somewhere within or around the school.
In my opinion, I think Pash is a egotistical eejit who used his students to stroke his ego, but I don't think he had anything to do with Roger's death.
Roger's locker was in the basement. Remember this was the 80's so there was no elevator. A friend of Roger did say there was a door that led to the back area of the school where there were no windows. That kids would often ditch school and head out that door. It possible someone may have lured him outside.
The other interesting tidbit was that Roy, Roger's brother, said that Roger often complained about being chased by kids and having to hide on the rooftop of the school to get away. So it sounds like there may have been some bullying going on. I've wondered if Roger may have tried to go somewhere and hide and fell or got wedged somewhere within or around the school.
In my opinion, I think Pash is a egotistical eejit who used his students to stroke his ego, but I don't think he had anything to do with Roger's death.
So the school was gutted a few years ago, and made into the elementary school. From pictures it appears that anyone trying to get on the roof would have a very difficult task. Perhaps the chasing Roy spoke of occurred at the old elementary school.
So the school was gutted a few years ago, and made into the elementary school. From pictures it appears that anyone trying to get on the roof would have a very difficult task. Perhaps the chasing Roy spoke of occurred at the old elementary school.
It would seem that if he had died somehow at the high school, with it being gutted, his remains would have been found. Is the old elementary school still there? After I read that article I've always suspected he isn't far from the school and it didn't involve anyone else. By now someone would have said something, and other than that hunter, no one has said anything. Sad as it sounds, I really think it was a tragic accident.
I don’t believe Roger ran away. I don’t believe he committed suicide. I believe he came to school that Monday morning knowing he had to confront someone about something they had done to him at some time in the month prior to his disappearance. It’s also possible that he was planning to turn this person into the principal. I believe the incident was of a criminal nature. Perhaps even a sexual assault. This in my opinion was the catalyst for his disappearance. I believe the perpetrator was a person in a position of trust, who did not want Roger bringing it to light. So who could this person be? Are there more victims of this perpetrator, who have painful memories buried deep down? Perhaps someone holds a key to the advancement of this case, and does not even realize it.
Excellent, and I certainly hope a new (by decades) outlook may have some additional clues, if not outright answers from long-distanced/possibly silenced officials.

Keep in mind some of these 'investigative' shows are solely wedded to ratings, i.e. filling an entire half/full hour with 'compelling' info rife with convenient film cuts, all out edits, but then sponsored commercials that take up a LOT of time so the 'informational broadcast' is less. After commercial break, they reiterate the points aired before the commercial, thereby whittling time. So in essence, you have a total of 6/7 minutes of info if you've never heard of a case, and nil if you're a follower. But still a good avenue to spread his name.

So, Roger's parents and sister are known to be deceased, alleged other siblings have not come forward, so read that as you may but unlikely they'd come forward now. Regardless, if a town shuts down a permit to video, be it specific locales or the registered municipality in total, it's dead in the water. If this is the case in Cedaredge, why?
Cedaredge is a very small town. Much like any other small town, a revolving door of people. It’s highly unlikely that people who were in positions of authority at that time, would still be around, or even alive for that matter, as it’s been nearly 41 years now. I believe the town as it stands now, would welcome any investigation of any variety.
Just read this from a newspaper article written by Evelyn Ellison, his mother. I think it's the first time I've seen that Roger worked at the Delta City Market.
The Daily Sentinel April 11, 1985, pg 5:
A Mother's Anguish
Editor-I read with great and sympathetic interest the long and detailed account of the kidnapping and murder of Cheryl Bonaventura. What a sad state of affairs our nation has sunk into that our children, be they babies or almost adults, are not safe on the streets, playgrounds, shopping malls or, in my case, a public schoolhouse. I can't help but wonder why the ones who are not located are not given the coverage
that the ones who are found are given. Their destiny is known. Now their family can grieve for their loss and senseless tragedy.
My son, Roger Ellison, an A-student senior in the Cedaredge High School, was last seen standing by his locker in broad daylight, just as classes were taking up on Feb. 10, 1981. Although he was seen inside the schoolhouse that morning, he did not attend any class. However,
his absence was not reported to us, his parents, or the superintendent of the school. Someone must have missed him since Roger never missed a day of school.
He did not drink or take drugs and was well-liked and respected by the school staff and all who knew him. When he did not come home from school that evening on the bus we reported him missing but the authorities were not concerned.
They said, "Oh, he has just run off some place with a girl. He'll be back, don't worry."
We knew without a shadow of a doubt that he did not run off and that something terrible had happened. We had to wait until they decided something was wrong. By then, the clues, if there were any, were gone.
The day of his disappearance he had only enough money in his pocket for school lunch. His savings from his part-time job at Delta's City Market have never been touched. His car and motorcycle were left behind and the clothes he had were on his back. Where could he have gone with no money? No car? No extra clothes? Is he well? Has he met with a horrible death? If so, why, oh why?
Why aren't these missing children given good coverage from time to time? I, myself have almost depleted my savings, following up leads and sending brochures out. Just recently I sent a picture to be put on milk cartons.
My husband died of a heart attack just six months after Roger disappeared. I know it was from the stress and frustration of the loss of our son. God only knows what horrible things go through our minds during the long nights and days of wondering if he is alive or dead, or hungry or cold.
Thank you for listening. Evelyn M. Ellison
This is also my first time hearing that Roger worked at the City Market in Delta Colorado. I always assumed he worked at a grocery store in Cedaredge.
Roger’s Escape
My father was a CIA analyst. He said there were 2 simple techniques when trying to ascertain something.
1) Almost everything is possible, but there are few things that are probable. Eliminate the improbable. How do you do that? Many times it’s based on life experiences. Children/Teenagers tend to think in possibilities, not probabilities because they don’t have enough life experiences.
2) It has to make sense. If it doesn’t make sense, there has to be a reason for that-
a) you haven’t asked the right questions.
b) you don’t have enough information; or
c) someone may be withholding the needed information.
So why would Roger leave? My answer is based upon 2 things- 1) what I know from his single-word response for the 2 words/phrases that were part of the in-class free association exercise; and 2) what the sheriff’s detective told me later. That is all it will be based upon- but that is enough.
Roger was experiencing a situation in his life. I think silver1bs had stated near the beginning of this original website that everything with Roger was fine. I know that wasn’t the case from what I read and what the detective had said. That’s why I questioned if this person was really Roger’s sister. However, not many people were aware of his situation. Another earlier poster (I think went by the id ‘Chief’ or something like that) claimed to be a high school friend, and made 2 very interesting comments (now I’m paraphrasing because I don’t know where the post is anymore to look it up- I should tell you I’m not very computer literate, and I don’t know what threads are or how to find them; I use my computer for emails and storing my Classic Rock music collection)- 1) life is not always what it seems; and 2) he hoped Roger found what he was looking for ( I don’t think he was referring to an object, but a state of mind). A couple of people picked up on it, asked some questions about what it could mean, and then it was forgotten. And the Chief never replied again that I know of, so no further explanation. But it does fit into the scenario I was told by the detective. So, these were important statements. That means there were a few people who were aware to one degree or another of Roger’s situation. But no one stepped up to help him- friends or family. Again, I did not find out until after the fact. Roger never came to me and said- “Mr. Pash, I have a situation in my life, and would like you to help me”. Although I will say that when I had the opportunity, I took a college course later on this subject/situation, so that if I ever came across it again, I would have better knowledge of it and how to approach it. There is the possibility that there was more than one issue that Roger was dealing with. I only know of the one issue, so I will not theorize about other reasons as to why he left, just that he did. Now if others want to speculate as to what he was dealing with, that’s their prerogative, but chances are they will be wrong, and if a few do stumble upon it, they really won’t know it. You simply don’t have the information needed to validate your assessment. But we have to consider what’s possible, and more importantly, what’s probable. That latter becomes more difficult to ascertain.
So what do we know?
- Roger was facing a difficult situation in his life. That much is obvious.
What options did Roger have in dealing with his situation?
1a)- Do nothing, and continue to live with his situation- to put up with it as best he could. But apparently, it became overwhelming and this option was no longer a viable choice.
1b)- To confront those responsible for the situation. But from descriptions of him, Roger seemed more affable than confrontational. And by doing so may have made it a public issue, and that was something that may not have been desirable.
1c)- To seek help/assistance from friends or family members in dealing with the situation. It seems there were friends (how many I don’t know) who were aware of the situation to some degree, but felt they couldn’t, shouldn’t, or wouldn’t help in any way. And I find it hard to believe that close family members wouldn’t step up to help. Part of what the detective uncovered came from family. So silver1bs, are you ready to divulge to the sleuthies what they need to know to figure it all out?
1d)- Or, to remove yourself from the situation. Just simply leave. That way the situation is no longer a part of your life. It doesn’t become public. No explanations are necessary. You have the opportunity to start over, to start fresh. For a 17-year old, that may have seemed the best, and easiest, choice. Is there the possibility that maybe a friend/friends suggested this to him as an option? Possibly. Could a person get false identification papers, and achieve a sense of personal freedom and….safety. Teenagers tend to think nothing bad will happen to them, so they are willing to place themselves in dangerous situations without fully realizing or appreciating the danger. So my thought? Roger decided to simply walk out the door and leave the building without ever looking back. If that was his choice, I understand why. How many teenagers runaway every year (for a variety of reasons) to just get away and never look back. Without knowing the particulars, you have no right to judge him. If you were in his circumstances, you might have very well handled it differently. But you are not Roger, so whatever you would have done is irrelevant, and not a basis for judgment.
Is it possible that someone helped him leave after all? That would make it easier. It is possible, so consider these scenarios:
2a) The ski coach was questioned about Roger’s behavior that prior weekend, and apparently he felt everything was fine. But were Roger’s teammates questioned? Were some of them considered his good friends? What about friendships he may have established with members of competing teams? Since he was at a ski event that prior weekend, might he have told one of them what he was planning, and they agreed to help if he was able to get close to where they lived- “If you can get to (fill in the blank), call me and I’ll come get you”. Definitely possible, but you don’t know the likelihood of that scenario playing out without knowing how strong his friendships were.
2b) School friendships are not limited to friends only in the same grade level. Therefore it’s very likely he had friends who had already graduated. They are older, and are likely to have access to a car. Is it possible he may have called one of them and told them what he was going to do? Asked for their help, and they agreed. Again, possible, but the probability factor is based once again on the level of the friendship.
But as I have thought about this case, one issue has stood out and bothered me. It doesn’t make sense-
2c) The morning he left, his friends said they saw him at the lockers. He said he would be right back. But he never shows up in any of his classes. Wouldn’t that raise a concern for them? Not if he told them he was ditchin’ school that day. Had he ever ditched school before? His friends wouldn’t raise a concern if it would get him caught. So he said he’s going to ditch school and for them to play dumb. Not until later did they realize that he actually ran away, but they don’t say anything because they think it might get them in trouble and screw up their senior year (more likely for them than 2 poachers who fear getting a ticket). Or he said he was running away, and to just pretend they didn’t know. But if he didn’t tell them that, why didn’t they wonder where he was and try to find out. Especially if he hadn’t shown up by lunch. You always have lunch with your friends. Well, maybe he got sick and went home. Wouldn’t you call at lunch or after school, or go over after school to see if he was alright? There were only about 50 seniors each year. There are certain classes that are solely for seniors. So some of his friends would have been in those classes with him. And they knew they had seen him that morning, now Roger is not in class. It just doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t try to find out why. They could go to the office and ask if Roger left sick. Or do they not want to do that so they don’t raise any alarm.
What may have happened to him after leaving? I have no idea. When I left Cedaredge, I was under the impression he had been found (through his social security number) working in a gas station in Kansas. That was the rumor that had spread through the town. Plus the case had been closed. In fact, for the next 15 years or so, I actually used Roger’s circumstances when discussing free association with my classes as an example of how it could help a therapist go in a certain direction of inquiry. But when I found out that he hadn’t been found (a rumor is after all, just a rumor), I stopped using it as an example. But that means about 1500-1800 former students know Roger’s story.
At this point we have reached a fork in the road. One road goes down a dark path- he got abducted by a motorcycle gang or crazy religious zealots, hit by a car while standing on the side of the road and covered up by the driver, tied up by someone with a shotgun, whatever horrible scenario you can come up with. Virtually everyone of you went down that road. And the problem- it’s all conjecture. Pure and simple conjecture. Are you hoping that if this case ever gets resolved, and you were the closest, that you’ll get a trophy or ribbon? Or just bragging rights.
The other road is less dark- he got away. He started a new life, and found peace. But it too can become dark. He moves to a town that he likes, starts his new life, and then, God forbid, has a fatal car accident 15 years later. He has been living there openly with his new identification, so no one would think he’s not who he says he is. No need to finger print him to check out who he is. They’ve known him for 15 years, and so he was buried under that name. How would you ever find that out?
Now I just have a sense that some of you can’t wait to hammer out your latest weird *advertiser censored*, off-the-wall theory. Settle down and think rationally. There are too many variables that you don’t know; you don’t have the real truth nor were you even aware of its existence. Don’t disappoint and fall back into your old patterns.
Mr. Pash, you stated the case had been closed. Who gave you the information that the case was closed? It seams the Sheriffs office would have verified the gas station story before declaring the case closed. Wouldn’t you have wanted complete verification before using Roger’s circumstances in your class? Especially since you were given explicit instructions by the Sheriffs office to not talk about it.
Some time ago,

I found out more information about Mr. Pash,

Several years after Roger's disappearance, he left to teach at another school. It was a 6th Grade Elementary School in California I am pretty sure. The kids according to the article "all loved him." And the article said that one time Mr. Pash brought in his pet alligator and the kids really got a kick out of that. From what I remember, he kept it the classroom.

I know a guy that once had a pet alligator. The person that I know is very opinionated, although very funny, and a real character. Looking to stand out from the crowd, looking to be the center of attention and in control.

It got me thinking of some of the mannerisms of Mr. Pash, whom I think would be a character, would not take criticism well, but at the same time, maybe he always felt compelled to be involved in the lives of his students in an emotional way. I still have uncertainty's about him, and there is that level of distrust or friction that I can't get out of my mind. Even though there is no physical evidence to link him to Rogers' vanishing into thin air, I agree what others have said, there's something about him that seems "off", "out of place."


For the record, a person who identified himself as John Pash and posted on here insisted that the above Mr. Pash was not him. On Roger's case, I believe one of three things and really consider these theories at this time. (January 2, 2022)

1.) Roger was upset about what JP shared with the class concerning the notebook assignment or some other personal thing. Maybe he was gay, could not take how the small town community would react to that and he left to commit suicide in the mountains. He did it in a secluded area. Remains are long gone.

2.) Roger was depressed and wanted to walk away to start a new life.

3.) Roger was kidnapped and killed at gun point. Why would the poacher's who allegedly saw this make up a story? Wasn't there a witness who swore that this was true? I can't remember, but wasn't the witness on his deathbed?

Regardless, I believe that somebody saw him that day and wants to keep quiet after all these years to avoid negative repercussions in the community.

What do you think happened? Has this changed over time?

For the record, a person who identified himself as John Pash and posted on here insisted that the above Mr. Pash was not him. On Roger's case, I believe one of three things and really consider these theories at this time. (January 2, 2022)

1.) Roger was upset about what JP shared with the class concerning the notebook assignment or some other personal thing. Maybe he was gay, could not take how the small town community would react to that and he left to commit suicide in the mountains. He did it in a secluded area. Remains are long gone.

2.) Roger was depressed and wanted to walk away to start a new life.

3.) Roger was kidnapped and killed at gun point. Why would the poacher's who allegedly saw this make up a story? Wasn't there a witness who swore that this was true? I can't remember, but wasn't the witness on his deathbed?

Regardless, I believe that somebody saw him that day and wants to keep quiet after all these years to avoid negative repercussions in the community.

What do you think happened? Has this changed over time?

I presented my thoughts/theory on page 30 of thread two. I think Roger was definitely abducted or lured from that school and probably knew the perpetrator for sure.
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In reading the Poachers story, there is one glaring thing that makes me scratch my head. Given the heavily wooded area of North West Cedaredge, what are the odds that these two poachers could be in the exact same spot, at the exact same time, as someone leading another person into the woods at gun point? Doesn’t seem plausible to me. Maybe the story from the dying poacher, was only partial truth, and they were the ones actually committing the crime. As one of the two poachers was still alive and healthy,perhaps the two agreed on this story, as to not bring an investigation/ charges against him. The dying man knowing the school teacher is a POI gives a description of him to the Sheriff. But that still would leave the question of why and how Roger was involved. Or was this just a red Herring? Perhaps a diversion to draw LE away from another person?
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I had not visited this thread for a while and had not previously heard that Roger's brother said there were kids who would chase him. Everything else I'd ever read about him indicated he was well liked by everyone. I had the impression he was a popular, tall, athletic, good-looking guy (in other words, not the typical target of bullies) but this info from Roger's brother shines a whole new light on things. I wonder who these kids were, how many of them there were, if they were older or younger than Roger, and whether police ever questioned them.
I had not visited this thread for a while and had not previously heard that Roger's brother said there were kids who would chase him. Everything else I'd ever read about him indicated he was well liked by everyone. I had the impression he was a popular, tall, athletic, good-looking guy (in other words, not the typical target of bullies) but this info from Roger's brother shines a whole new light on things. I wonder who these kids were, how many of them there were, if they were older or younger than Roger, and whether police ever questioned them.

This is also the first time I have heard reports of Roger being bullied. That certainly brings a new emotional component to the case.

I had not visited this thread for a while and had not previously heard that Roger's brother said there were kids who would chase him. Everything else I'd ever read about him indicated he was well liked by everyone. I had the impression he was a popular, tall, athletic, good-looking guy (in other words, not the typical target of bullies) but this info from Roger's brother shines a whole new light on things. I wonder who these kids were, how many of them there were, if they were older or younger than Roger, and whether police ever questioned them.
Unfortunately this gives no time frame as to when some form of bullying (chasing) occurred. Was it in Elementary school, Junior High, or High School? The pictures of the old CHS would suggest that getting to a roof top would be quite an undertaking. I don’t believe Roger was having bullying issues in his Senior year of High School. It likely would have occurred in Junior High, but the Junior High and High school were all in the same building.
Roger could easily have walked up the steps, out the south door and been gone with his own plan. It's the most likely scenario.

However, if foul play was involved that day, the stranger scenario is impossible. He was in the school. It's a tiny school. Somebody would have noticed someone out of place. He wasn't the only senior with a locker downstairs. Others were going up and down. If foul play happened to initiate this disappearance, its was someone he knew, that had the ability to ask him to leave and be back before anyone noticed. "Hash Pash", as the kids all called him, is just one person that fits into that category. He would not have had to do anything more than walk with Roger to his garage a minute away, smack him on the head, tie him up and wait until school was out.

There were always rumors of drugs around Pash, not just pot.(which is grown in abundance in our county even back then) Like I mention in my other post. Many people say that cocaine was one of the reasons Pash was able to take the team from last to winning state in a year. I can't confirm any of that. But more than one person has been killed over cocaine.

Lastly, the poachers, they probably saw something. But there is no proof that it was anything to do with Roger. Obviously, they were far enough away the assailant didn't see them. So they may have been mistaken when they identified the person that was tied up. If Pash did kill Roger, he would not have been parading the through the woods with him. He would have never left his house for people to see.That body would have had the teeth pulled and dumped into the septic tank with lye.
I find the septic tank theory quite intriguing. I wonder if LE ever explored that possibility? I know that they did use ground penetrating radar and saw some irregularities under the concrete garage floor, but decided not to dig underneath the concrete. Perhaps there is an old septic tank beneath that concrete. I know from other posts that the garage was added years later by a person that converted the house into a mortuary. If memory serves me correctly, some septic tanks had a readily available access.
Where was there a septic tank? I don't think JP had anything to do with this. The stories involving his connections to drugs were rumors. Today, if those rumors were true, he would be out of a job so fast and if convicted could serve jail time. Can't see JP involved here. Somebody would have had to have seen him leaving with Roger, doing something to him, and than JP returning to school to teach. Too fast of a timeframe IMO.

Somebody saw Roger leaving the school that morning and possibly more. Much more.

It would seem that if he had died somehow at the high school, with it being gutted, his remains would have been found. Is the old elementary school still there? After I read that article I've always suspected he isn't far from the school and it didn't involve anyone else. By now someone would have said something, and other than that hunter, no one has said anything. Sad as it sounds, I really think it was a tragic accident.

By accident, do you mean Roger quickly leaving school grounds and becoming injured by falling? Hit by a car? How close was the school to any hazardous areas?


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