CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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I've known four people who were diagnosed with schizophrenia - a very serious mental illness. It doesn't take people very long to realize there is something wrong, because of their behavior and the things they talk about.

I also, unfortunately, have known someone who is a psychopath. Some call it sociopath and there is a lot of disagreement over the terms, but it is agreed that both fall into the cluster B spectrum of personality disorders, specifically anti-social personality disorder.

Except for his parents and some other family members who know his full history, no one, and I mean no one had the slightest clue there was anything at all wrong with him. He is good-looking, charming, articulate, soft-spoken and comes off as an easy-going, really nice guy. Everyone trusted him. He carried on his act for several years. After he did his "thing", and left everyone mortified, he then tried to act like he was the one who was a victim.

Skip forward and he's living a new life, in a different state, with a new job and new wife, who only knows what he wants her to know. My guess is, he's also got a new personality to go along with his new life. His family will never tell his new wife about his past, because they've had to deal with the damage he's caused numerous times, over many years, and they prefer to have him be someone else's problem and just hope for the best. His previous victims won't tell the new wife, either, because they are terrified of him. They have seen what he is capable of doing and they watched his mask come off.

He's never had so much as a speeding ticket.

Crazy - no. Disordered - yes. They do not just snap. They prey on nice, normal and trusting people and when they are tired of their current situation, they do their "thing", which is always beyond hideous. It's also confusing because it makes no sense.

Did you see the video of CW playing with that hit him in the face toy with CeCe. (I think it was CeCe) He seemed to really enjoy being with his children. That little girl adored her Daddy, you could see it in her face and hear it in her laughter. I can’t believe it was all fake!
Did you see the video of CW playing with that hit him in the face toy with CeCe. (I think it was CeCe) He seemed to really enjoy being with his children. That little girl adored her Daddy, you could see it in her face and hear it in her laughter. I can’t believe it was all fake!

The fact that he tossed his little girls bodies into crude oil storage tanks tells me everything I need to know about how he really felt about them. JMO
The fact that he tossed his little girls bodies into crude oil storage tanks tells me everything I need to know about how he really felt about them. JMO
Can’t both be possible? In a crazy way that I have no idea what the psychological condition would be? Maybe, there is some truth to the steroids theory, or something like that.
Did you see the video of CW playing with that hit him in the face toy with CeCe. (I think it was CeCe) He seemed to really enjoy being with his children. That little girl adored her Daddy, you could see it in her face and hear it in her laughter. I can’t believe it was all fake!
It wasn't fake until he wanted something more.
Can’t both be possible? In a crazy way that I have no idea what the psychological condition would be? Maybe, there is some truth to the steroids theory, or something like that.

I've wondered this too. Was it genuine (to him), and then something changed?

Narcissists believe that they love people. But they really only "love" people when they are getting something out of it for themselves.

When, for whatever reason, it's not working for them anymore, they find it very easy to detach and discard those they previously claimed to love.

So for awhile, the "happy family" was somewhat genuine, in a warped kind of way.

It's why people in a relationship with a narcissist are so blindsided when the relationship suddenly ends, and the narcissist is so easily able to move on without so much as a glance back.
Can’t both be possible? In a crazy way that I have no idea what the psychological condition would be? Maybe, there is some truth to the steroids theory, or something like that.

If he is what I believe he is based on his actions, people are only objects to him. There is no ability to love another, as we understand love to be. There is also no empathy for others.
Can’t both be possible? In a crazy way that I have no idea what the psychological condition would be? Maybe, there is some truth to the steroids theory, or something like that.
Steroid can induce rage in susceptible individuals, it does not make them desecrate their children's bodies. It does not help them plan murder. It is raw and instant rage.
I've wondered this too. Was it genuine (to him), and then something changed?

Narcissists believe that they love people. But they really only "love" people when they are getting something out of it for themselves.

When, for whatever reason, it's not working for them anymore, they find it very easy to detach and discard those they previously claimed to love.

So for awhile, the "happy family" was somewhat genuine, in a warped kind of way.

It's why people in a relationship with a narcissist are so blindsided when the relationship suddenly ends, and the narcissist is so easily able to move on without so much as a glance back.

People with anti-social personality disorder are extremely narcissistic. ETA: Anti-social personality disordered people are more likely to kill than those with NPD. Both disorders are in the Cluster B spectrum and there are some similarities but there are differences as well.
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Did you see the video of CW playing with that hit him in the face toy with CeCe. (I think it was CeCe) He seemed to really enjoy being with his children. That little girl adored her Daddy, you could see it in her face and hear it in her laughter. I can’t believe it was all fake!
What if CW is incapable of loving anyone? His beautiful little girls made him feel good about himself, they loved him unconditionally and he betrayed them. It's hard to comprehend such a person exists yet they live among us, there's a hidden resentment towards their mate, maybe, physical intimacy has gone due to health reasons or SW suspecting an affair. This can be seen as the ultimate betrayal in his eyes, he had 6 weeks of total freedom and he's got a mistress, once again he feels alive and desirable! If my psycho babble is remotely true, he saw his children as objects and expendable. Harsh but this site is littered with cases about these 'men' and 'women'. :( JMO
I'm heartened by the weakness of the arguments of those playing devil's advocate on these threads. These seem incredible, to the point of outlandishness- no one can seriously suggest that the look in a person's eyes is evidence of murderous intent/ability, surely? My personal favorite was the sleepwalking suggestion. To me, it looks like the eventual trial will be short and sweet. Looks like a duck, quacks like one too. I have not read a single post that has made me even wonder if there is more to this case.
What if CW is incapable of loving anyone? His beautiful little girls made him feel good about himself, they loved him unconditionally and he betrayed them. It's hard to comprehend such a person exists yet they live among us, there's a hidden resentment towards their mate, maybe, physical intimacy has gone due to health reasons or SW suspecting an affair. This can be seen as the ultimate betrayal in his eyes, he had 6 weeks of total freedom and he's got a mistress, once again he feels alive and desirable! If my psycho babble is remotely true, he saw his children as objects and expendable. Harsh but this site is littered with cases about these 'men' and 'women'. :( JMO
In the videos I watched, and I didn’t watch all of them, SW was the effervescent one, exuding positivity and enthusiasm, as opposed to C.W. who stayed in the background, went through all the motions, and said all the right things, but he certainly didn’t appear to be overflowing with joy. It’s like he was doing everything a good and supportive partner should do, but his heart wasn’t in it. Maybe he hated his life, he gave it the good old college try, and he just wasn’t happy. He wanted out. But to strangle his beautiful little girls, and then Shanann, I don’t think I’ll ever understand how anyone could do that. Maybe, I don’t want to go there.
In the videos I watched, and I didn’t watch all of them, SW was the effervescent one, exuding positivity and enthusiasm, as opposed to C.W. who stayed in the background, went through all the motions, and said all the right things, but he certainly didn’t appear to be overflowing with joy. It’s like he was doing everything a good and supportive partner should do, but his heart wasn’t in it. Maybe he hated his life, he gave it the good old college try, and he just wasn’t happy. He wanted out. But to strangle his beautiful little girls, and then Shanann, I don’t think I’ll ever understand how anyone could do that. Maybe, I don’t want to go there.
Killing them is awful but the outrage to me is the dumping of them in a filthy dirty environment.
I just cannot get over that, and if his supporters on this thread can, it says something about them.
Killing them is awful but the outrage to me is the dumping of them in a filthy dirty environment.
I just cannot get over that, and if his supporters on this thread can, it says something about them.
I figure once you strangle 3 people, you either kill yourself or detach. He detached. I can see how he wanted to live, and not in jail, so he had to come up with the best plan he could think of where they never would be found. They were dead, their lives were over, all he cared about was not getting caught.
Does dadvocate mean a dad whose an advocate or like in a devils advocate - trying to figure out the other side. I ask this respectfully. I presumed the former, but then thought the latter could be possible. D-advocate. Again not trying to be rude, it just might clear up why some people keep assuming you know the family etc. thanks!
Or defense advocate?
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