CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #13

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Oct 13, 2012
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Why are you so intent on building a case for the defense. I admit that before this case I hadn't posted since September of last year, but when I was active here last, this was considered a victim-friendly forum. Has that changed?

The difference now is we have a defendant who is telling his story about what happened. He has not been found guilty so since he is the only witness and he says Shanann killed their two children then we have to allow discussion on whether this is true or not. If a member wishes to believe Chris Watts is telling the truth then we must respectfully let that person express their opinion as long as it is within TOS.

Please alert if you see a post that violates our terms of service. It is not a violation of our TOS if someone expresses that she/he believes Shanann murdered her children. Until we have a guilty verdict or until Chris Watts changes his story we will allow discussion on this topic.

Hey Everyone,

A bit of clarification.

Please, no more discussion on the viability of Shanann's company or whether her company was or wasn't a pyramid scheme. No more digging up documents or complaints or anything to do with the function of the company. The fact is Shanann's company is not what we are discussing.

If want to discuss if job stress may have contributed to Shanann and Chris' relationship problems please make sure it is in the realm of reality and not the Twilight Zone.

Thank you,
I listened to a short audio clip of the anonymous caller on HLN who spoke about CW's contact with him and the potential homosexual component/identity struggle. From what I observed, this anonymous person appeared to be calm, logical, articulate and detailed in his information. I didn't sense any drama or sensationalism on his part or in his tone. If this is a true representation of what happened between them, it will all come out in time. If true, it would certainly put some of the pieces together with respect to CW's frame of mind at the time of the murders. Perhaps it all came crashing down that Sunday around CW and perhaps CW's mistress became aware of his struggle with sexual identity via reading CW's texts to this anonymous person or even potentially other persons that CW would have connected with on that app. I am not surprised that CW's team has not commented on the anonymous caller. It could be news to them as well.
I'm catching up...
To address the previous sleepwalking theory, this wouldn't hold any water without any history of documented sleepwalking by the defendant. Just sayin'!

Also, the person coming out of the woodwork to claim he's a gay lover is quite an eyebrow raiser! I don't think it'll change anything though.
Why didn't they show the texts on the show then?

Well, it’s the same thing with “Verified Insiders” here. Some sort of proof/ID is presented to the powers that be, and it’s decided whether it’s credible or not. WE don’t get to see it; we have to trust that producers/mods have good enough judgment.

Because they have liability, I generally trust that the producers/mods are working in good faith that they’re presenting the truth to us.

Edited to add: But it’s frustrating to those of us who always want to know more or see it for ourselves!
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This may have been addressed at some point. I have to skip pages and read backwards to keep up, so I won't get fired :).

Regarding finances, have we discussed the possibility that SW had a separate business account? CW may know about it, but didn't offer it up if it wasn't in his name.

Just wondering... I personally have 3 accounts at three different banks because I don't like to put All my eggs in one basket.
I listened to a short audio clip of the anonymous caller on HLN who spoke about CW's contact with him and the potential homosexual component/identity struggle. From what I observed, this anonymous person appeared to be calm, logical, articulate and detailed in his information. I didn't sense any drama or sensationalism on his part or in his tone. If this is a true representation of what happened between them, it will all come out in time. If true, it would certainly put some of the pieces together with respect to CW's frame of mind at the time of the murders. Perhaps it all came crashing down that Sunday around CW and perhaps CW's mistress became aware of his struggle with sexual identity via reading CW's texts to this anonymous person or even potentially other persons that CW would have connected with on that app. I am not surprised that CW's team has not commented on the anonymous caller. It could be news to them as well.

Can you post a link to the audio clip? Thanks!
Well, it’s the same thing with “Verified Insiders” here. Some sort of proof/ID is presented to the powers that be, and it’s decided whether it’s credible or not. WE don’t get to see it; we have to trust that producers/mods have good enough judgment.

Because they have liability, I generally trust that the producers/mods are working in good faith that they’re pretending the truth to us.
There was no reason for this interview to air last night. If the guy is legit, his story would be just as interesting tomorrow or next week, after some checking was done.

This may have been addressed at some point. I have to skip pages and read backwards to keep up, so I won't get fired :).

Regarding finances, have we discussed the possibility that SW had a separate business account? CW may know about it, but didn't offer it up if it wasn't in his name.

Just wondering... I personally have 3 accounts at three different banks because I don't like to put All my eggs in one basket.
I have different accounts too as I also don't want all eggs in one basket.

Also, I had a dear friend in a horrible marriage but had to stay in it as she didn't have access to enough money to leave. I took that as a warning to keep my own account under my own name. I don't think I will ever need it for the reason my friend did, but I also know I'm not stuck.

Just thought I'd toss that out there in case anyone can use that info. Even a small amount in an account with your own name can buy some freedom, if needed.


edited to add: Also, don't take financial advice from some random person on the internet, lol!
I listened to a short audio clip of the anonymous caller on HLN who spoke about CW's contact with him and the potential homosexual component/identity struggle. From what I observed, this anonymous person appeared to be calm, logical, articulate and detailed in his information. I didn't sense any drama or sensationalism on his part or in his tone. If this is a true representation of what happened between them, it will all come out in time. If true, it would certainly put some of the pieces together with respect to CW's frame of mind at the time of the murders. Perhaps it all came crashing down that Sunday around CW and perhaps CW's mistress became aware of his struggle with sexual identity via reading CW's texts to this anonymous person or even potentially other persons that CW would have connected with on that app. I am not surprised that CW's team has not commented on the anonymous caller. It could be news to them as well.

Does anyone know if it has been confirmed that the person CW was/is having an affair with is male or female? I did not recal LE saying that.
This may have been addressed at some point. I have to skip pages and read backwards to keep up, so I won't get fired :).

Regarding finances, have we discussed the possibility that SW had a separate business account? CW may know about it, but didn't offer it up if it wasn't in his name.

Just wondering... I personally have 3 accounts at three different banks because I don't like to put All my eggs in one basket.

Our VI stated that Shanann had an accountant for her business, and I would be willing to bet that her business account was separate from her/their personal bank account(s). JMO

THE HLN interview was almost certainly a Hoax.

The ins & outs and explanations are covered over many pages of the last thread, at the time it aired.

Edit - there's about 10 pages of context on the caller, so c. 200posts.
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