Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #22

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Forgive if you've answered the questions that I had. I hgaven't been able to
find your reply.
Here they are.
Could you tell us if you know:

1. Did Chris have girlfriends in high school and/or college?

2. Why didn't Chris accept the NASCAR scholarship and go their mechanics training program?

3. What was CW's relationship like with his parents and sister?

4. Prior to the nut/drumstick ice cream incident at CW's mom's house, what was SW's relationship like with CW's parents?

5. What was CW's relationship like with SW's family?

6. SW's family knew about SW and CW's plans to separate. Do you know
what that plan was? Would SW and the girls be moving back to NC alone w/o CW?
Would CW move back to NC too? Or would they all stay in CO?

7. Was it CW's idea to have the 3rd baby?

8. Did Chris have 2 pickup trucks --- a company fleet truck for work and one that was his own personal one?

Thank you!
He didn’t have many girlfriends.
He went to NASCAR tech
Relationships with his/her family... I don’t want to discuss.
#6 I don’t know
#7 it depended on who you asked
#8 I don’t know how many
It was a really weird time in our lives. That was one of many things on a long line of creepiness.

Re: the idea of CW smothering the girls and then placing SW's hands on their necks

If he did this then COD would show suffocation, not strangulation, due to the broken capillaries around the nose and the bruising around mouth and nose. While it is a similar COD in that breathing is cut off in both, the physical signs afterwards are different.
True, but what I am wondering is if this can still be detected if the bodies had been effected by the oil or due to decomposition, etc. Does anyone know what ( scientifically) effects the oil may have on the bodies? I can't remember how long it was but I know it wasn't very long.
It’s very reminiscent of Jodi Arias and her trashing Travis’ character as a way to defend her actions....that she had previously lied about with version after version of what “really” happened.

On that note, and I'm not saying it's exactly the same here, but it would be hard to discuss JA's actions, motives, reasoning, mental state, and guilt without addressing the victim's behavior as well. From what I could see (not JA's delusions), TA did treat her quite poorly. He didn't deserve to be murdered, and the girl was obviously a serious mess pre-TA. She was a bomb ready to go off. It was a bad mix. I'm not saying SW was a bad person. Obviously I didn't know her. (And so far she comes off as pretty normal, type a, and really optimistic with a sarcastic steak.) But I can see how looking at her actions in the relationship make sense to try to understand and explain this tragedy. And maybe it explains nothing. So far, everything points to CW IMO as the sole murderer here. But I'm glad to read different viewpoints, insights, similar stories, etc. It brings up ideas I haven't thought of. I can't get past him dumping his babies in oil tanks. If something explains that in the future, I'll listen with open ears. And even if SW was a heinous witch (not saying she was), but IF she was, she didn't deserve to be murdered.

Allllllll MOO

carry on discussing!
True, but what I am wondering is if this can still be detected if the bodies had been effected by the oil or due to decomposition, etc. Does anyone know what ( scientifically) effects the oil may have on the bodies? I can't remember how long it was but I know it wasn't very long.
I haven't yet seen on this board whether or not the girls were in plastic bags, or naked, or in clothes when put in the crude (which IMO could affect decomposition). Also have not seen the COD for them. Other than what CW is claiming which would put the TOD for all 3 somewhere after Shan'nan arrived from the plane ride and before he dumped them in the morning, and COD according to him to be strangling of SW and one of the kids, with the other one just showing up blue on the BW montor. Did CW claim that child on the monitor was strangled? We've heard, IIRC, that the cadaver dogs hit on some sign of death in the house (someone correct me on that if I am wrong), but IIRC not that anyone has released information on when anyone specifically died. For all we know, (aside from CW's account) only one person died in the house, enough for the dogs to notice. IMO
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True, but what I am wondering is if this can still be detected if the bodies had been effected by the oil or due to decomposition, etc. Does anyone know what ( scientifically) effects the oil may have on the bodies? I can't remember how long it was but I know it wasn't very long.

They were in there around 3 days.
Is NA the friend that went to the house to check on SW?

Inthedetails just anwered , Thanks ITD and Jennifer17!!!
NA is who, what , where??? What does NA stand for? Is it a person's initials??? TIA.
NA is SWs friend who called the police when she could not contact her and saw that her bag, car and the carseats were in the garage. She said that she called CW but he fobbed her off, so she told him that she was calling the police and then he raced to the house.
True, but what I am wondering is if this can still be detected if the bodies had been effected by the oil or due to decomposition, etc. Does anyone know what ( scientifically) effects the oil may have on the bodies? I can't remember how long it was but I know it wasn't very long.
I did brief research on this earlier and got shot down in flames so didnt pursue it. It depends on the grade of crude. There are two trains of thought. 1. that the crude slows down decomposition because of the lack of bacteria in the crude to break down the body and 2, the more corrsive grade of crude oil may cause damage to the body.
Well, if all the defence has is that she was bossy or a hypochondriac, it will backfire on them. I do not think that they will go that route. Gossip is not evidence.
It’s interesting to me to brainstorm what the defense will in fact use to put forth as a defense of CW’s claims. They’re going to use something beyond bossy and hypochondriac for sure.
Under the circumstances - five counts of first degree murder, no lesser includeds charged, glib lying and smiling in interviews after the horrors that occurred in that house, etc., which do you think is the more reasonable reaction?

My interest in this is past the emotional reaction stage, it is a horrific tragedy no matter what version of events you believe. I want to understand the dynamic behind this relationship that quite possibly laid the groundwork for this.

I agree, SW has loads of people who spoke highly of her which portrayed her as the as the everyday mom and wife living next door. Her extensive SM presence gives people an uncharacteristically in depth glimpse into her daily life.

However, if you take away the noise spread on here, everything uncovered about CW paints him in the same light. Just an average guy working a middle class job with a wife and two beautiful daughters. Nothing in his history points to this; no long list of people saying 'he is a psycho', no reports of a violent past, no lengthy criminal history...nothing. Those same SM videos show him interacting with his daughters and wife in a manner that further portrays a normal everyday dad and spouse.

That is what intrigues me. Something happened that is abnormal and I would like to understand it. I understand there was an affair, but around 1/3rd of married partners cheat at some point and killings over it certainly aren't commonplace, much less wiping out a family. I think there is a bigger picture here and while it certainly won't excuse or condone what happened it might make it so its no longer a mystery.
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