Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

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I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people who have lots of visits to the doctor (for themselves or their kids) do so because they are worriers, not because they have MBP or some other clinical disorder. And I imagine that people with hard to diagnose disorders (like lupus) are more likely to wonder if a symptom is significant and less likely to accept “it’s nothing” as a diagnosis. I don’t know much about the girls medical history so this post has nothing to do w/me knowing them, just a general observation from someone who worries.
From the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

People with tree nut allergies often wonder if they must also avoid coconut and nutmeg.

Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut. If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet.

Tree Nut Allergy
Tree Nut Allergy | Food Allergy Research & Education
It’s in this list as well as others I would think not worth the risk
Can you tell us what your thoughts are regarding CW not wearing his wedding ring in interviews?
Same as the lupus bracelet. I think he would have a hard time explaining to the AP why he was suddenly wearing his wedding band. I suspect he removed it whenever he saw her and she was under the impression he split with his wife weeks before. JMO
How do you know what videos she exchanged with friends that weren't public? That is done all the time on FB and FB messenger. Easy to limit your audience to a person or group of friends.

That is exactly how I interacted with SW. Privately. I have no connection to any MLM. Messenger was it for the past 4 years.
I’m at a loss on this too. Why the innuendo? Particularly directed toward her on this. Did C.W. not have any agency? If he didn’t support this scope of care shame on him for not being a man, adult, parent, and spouse and putting a stop to it. (If he did support it then all the comments equally fall on his head.)

Statement of the obvious: He had time to cheat and he did. That right there shows poor character. Unhappy? He alone is responsible for his state of happiness.

More opinions...

He said he wanted to separate. Okay, but CW did not need her permission. Seriously, what exactly was stopping HIM from filing?

He married her knowing that she was outgoing. As far as I know she didn’t make him marry. She did not make him impregnate her. She did not make him cheat. She did not make him unhappy. She did not make him do/not do anything.

Edit: fixed divorce to separate.

Yes. And apparently, she criticized and mocked him for his 'skater boy' clothing style when they first began dating, and he wasn't deterred.

If she was so cold and cruel, why did he stay and have a family with her?

I see them being affectionate in the videos on their trips. I see and hear others describing them as loving and affectionate towards each other.

She couldn't have been that bad if he went ahead and impregnated her for the 3rd time. JMO
Agreed. And IMO they will show a loving mother taking the advice of medical professionals, caring for her children, and making sure that they were healthy and well.

Contrasting that with a father who "dumped" their little bodies in 2 separate oils tanks. JMO

The body disposal is covered under separate charges and isn't evidence CW murdered the children.

The defense is likely to introduce forensic, social media evidence and witness testimony so the jury will have sufficient evidence to conclude whether the DA has proved CW committed three 1st degree murders. I'm doubtful. JMO

This is obviously a very difficult situation being that you know both SW & CW and the girls. It does seem that you are very close to CW . I'm so sorry & you have my condolences . The whole situation is a horror and I can't imagine what his friends and family must be going thru.

I have a few questions , if you don't mind responding.

1. What was Shannan's response when Chris asked for separation? Did you overhear or did he tell you ?

2. You mentioned he cleaned all the time. Is it because he wanted to help out ? Did he feel forced to help out?

3. Did you notice any bickering or arguing between Chris & Shannan during the final week in NC?

I wonder if it would be normal for a full tank to be considered "inactive", thus very seldom being any reason that a worker would have to go there. I saw the term inactive here last week, is why I am asking that. Like would there be a difference in "storage" or inactive. Maybe they mean the same.

Inactive, could be because the material inside is obsolete/damaged. A worker could go there to read meter, simply because is a routine process for Inventory reports. Even obsolete materials need to be accounted for final disposition and inventory status/value. Based on my experience working for a Pharmaceutical Company. Is not easy to remove tanks from the field, not usual to have an active product tank next to an inactive one.
I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people who have lots of visits to the doctor (for themselves or their kids) do so because they are worriers, not because they have MBP or some other clinical disorder. And I imagine that people with hard to diagnose disorders (like lupus) are more likely to wonder if a symptom is significant and less likely to accept “it’s nothing” as a diagnosis. I don’t know much about the girls medical history so this post has nothing to do w/me knowing them, just a general observation from someone who worries.
Thanks! I agree. There are people who go to the doctor for every little symptom and some who should go, but don't. SW seems in between the two. Can I ask if you have seen the questions about CW deleting his FB account and do you have any opinions on that? I know you may not have known SW very well or may not have been very close friends but do you have anything to add about that?
The body disposal is covered under separate charges and isn't evidence CW murdered the children.

The defense is likely to introduce forensic, social media evidence and witness testimony so the jury will have sufficient evidence to conclude whether the DA has proved CW committed three 1st degree murders. I'm doubtful. JMO
The body disposal is absolutely evidence that he murdered his children. In fact, it is incredibly compelling circumstantial evidence of this. “Consciousness of guilt” is evidence of guilt.
Same as the lupus bracelet. I think he would have a hard time explaining to the AP why he was suddenly wearing his wedding band. I suspect he removed it whenever he saw her and she was under the impression he split with his wife weeks before. JMO
Do you think he had to be quite smitten with this AP in order for him not to do the obviously smart thing in having these items on but instead, in front of cameras talking about this missing wife, he makes sure he is not seen with bracelet or ring?
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The body disposal is covered under separate charges and isn't evidence CW murdered the children.

The defense is likely to introduce forensic, social media evidence and witness testimony so the jury will have sufficient evidence to conclude whether the DA has proved CW committed three 1st degree murders. I'm doubtful. JMO

I didn't say that it is evidence that he strangled those little babies.... but it may provide insight regarding how a man who carried one up the stairs to an oil tank and "dumped" her, then went down and gathered the other one up and carried her up the stairs of a separate oil tank, and dumped her.... may have felt about those little girls.

It makes me nauseated truly to type that.

Moo moo moo
I truly don't understand SW's reaction to MIL giving the Drumstick bar. Those have peanuts on top.

For 2 reasons I can think of.

A 3 and 4 yr old cant easily distinguish between different kinds of nuts. So teaching them to avoid ALL nutty looking things is important at that age.

I have seen ice cream cones sold that have cashews or almonds on top. Maybe she was concerned.

Also, There is a distinct possibility that MIL was purposely trying to aggravate SW. And she may have been respond to that, imo.
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