Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #32

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Thanks for this Pommy. Very informative video.
We switched from cable to satellite and I haven't figured out where all my favorite channels are yet. Lolol
Except for HGTV and food channel (Valerie's Home Cooking :p), I found those right away!
Yes, I wonder how much of the garage door evidence will conflict with his story. He probably wasn't aware the data could be retrieved, so it's bound to show something, especially if had been opened and closed during the time the emotional conversation was to have taken place, and of course the strangling of his children, according to his version of events. I'm beginning to think the prosecution will have a mountain of evidence against him. Jmo
It's odd. I had not noticed before that the only time we see CW react during that hearing is when the judge begins to describe the counts for tampering with the bodies. He closes his eyes and gives some head shakes. Granted, he could be reacting off camera when we are looking at the judge or Shanann's family, but it's the only time we see CW doing something other than sitting very very still. jmo.
Maybe he had that reaction because he feels those actions were justified.
I haven't watched it recently as it is just awful to see the gut-wrenching devastation of Shanann's father, but I remember that too. It may be that someone pointed out to CW how truly horrific and heinous it was to stuff his babies into crude oil tanks and he was starting to realize how the general public is going to see that. In other words, people might think bad of him. Oh goodness, ya think?! :eek:


I think SW's brother could make him see the light in a minute alone with him...
I couldn't care less how he acted regarding grief... if he had shown any we would be blasting that too. OJ showed grief, so did Casey Anthony somewhat.
True, but to some I think it may give some insight as to his ability to deceive. If he had been crying and showing emotion I'm sure we all be trying to figure out whether or not it seemed sincere. Jmo
People grieve and show grief in many different ways. And let's face it, we're not exactly comparing apples to apples here. CW had murdered his wife and unborn son, buried his wife/unborn son and dumped his 2 daughters in oil tanks. jmo
True. And there is always a BUT, right?
BUT, at least IMO some sort of more emotion, even in words would’ve been expressed at the time of the interviews, a little over a day later (too long for shock to still be in play as some may suggest). IMO
Beyond what we’ve all already read or verbalized here whether agree or disagree, IMOO:
1) “yes, I’m a NC fan, but not here to talk about my shirt.... can we get PICTURES of my family up during this video instead? Is there any local company that is willing to help with missing posters?”
2) when the dogs are barking “to obtain a scent” (any scent), at least me I would say excuse me.... follow me if you want.... “Sir/ma’am, are you picking a scent to trail them?” Again, we know they were NOT missing.
BUT, if he wasn’t able to play his “full actor part”, how can anyone believe his version of “confession” that involves SW being a participant in two deaths. Just IMO and where I am swayed, and MOST likely, a jury will be as well after full vetting completed.
Not all directed at you, so please work with me here. Board was closed last night when I went to post this, thoughts so I’m jumping in here where I think is a good spot. :)
P.S. some see nervousness being on camera va. blatant laughing, smiling and laughing.... fine. BUT if were me, I’d probably, as would my husband, moreso show being ticked off at some of the questions, and would try to DRIVE the interview focus onto FINDING family (no photos being shown to media said a lot to me at the time, pre “confession”, whether full or partial confession.
And I do believe that is where others here post what a grieving Father looks like.
These lack of the above is hard to ignore, especially when we only have so many other, more relevant facts. So, at the least, if my Husband actually killed two of my kids, I could t not okay the actor role he played that very next day..... and prior to that (Monday) to LE, NUA and the Thayers, at least that we know of.
Which actions--killing his wife & kids OR putting on the CW fake sorrow show? I hope he gets life with no parole so he can find religion and more boyfriends.
Oops, sorry, I was referring to the moment in the courtroom when he looked down and slightly shook his head, when they mentioned the tampering with the bodies part.
I find it really hard to look at the photos of the babies and the ones where they’re cuddled up asleep with their mommy. I’ve saved many of them but the problem is they’re not with us any more and seeing them laughing and playing or sleeping peacefully is really distressing. I go to bed at ridiculous hours and really want to fall asleep quickly, but I can’t because I can’t stop thinking about what happened to them that night. It’s the stuff of nightmares.

Same here...
And I did not know them personally but my heart aches so much for these two innocent sweet an precious souls and her pregnant mother. Thinking of Shannan and her babies really every day. Thinking of their family and friends. He has caused unbelievable pain to many people. This world can be such an sad place and crimes like that happen every day! If hell really exists we have probably already checked in...
And somewhere deep inside me I'm still hoping that CW is missing them (at least the girls) and is devastated by what he did. I know this might sound stupid and I don't really believe it but I want them to be loved by their dad no matter what he did. For me it seems unimaginable that a father could not love them! But this entire thing with the oil tanks I think this was somehow the case. :(
I haven't watched it recently as it is just awful to see the gut-wrenching devastation of Shanann's father, but I remember that too. It may be that someone pointed out to CW how truly horrific and heinous it was to stuff his babies into crude oil tanks and he was starting to realize how the general public is going to see that. In other words, people might think bad of him. Oh goodness, ya think?! :eek:

That was and continues to be my impression as well. CW could hear Father and Brother not so far away, at his approx 4-5 o’clock behind him. Hence, that deep sigh. THAT is the sigh Or emotion I would’ve expected in the interviews.
For CW, as stated by the Thayers, CW was concerned how CW looked in the interviews.... reality of how he would LOOK for admitting that (advised or not as his confession) started to sink in.
True. And there is always a BUT, right?
BUT, at least IMO some sort of more emotion, even in words would’ve been expressed at the time of the interviews, a little over a day later (too long for shock to still be in play as some may suggest). IMO
Beyond what we’ve all already read or verbalized here whether agree or disagree, IMOO:
1) “yes, I’m a NC fan, but not here to talk about my shirt.... can we get PICTURES of my family up during this video instead? Is there any local company that is willing to help with missing posters?”
2) when the dogs are barking “to obtain a scent” (any scent), at least me I would say excuse me.... follow me if you want.... “Sir/ma’am, are you picking a scent to trail them?” Again, we know they were NOT missing.
BUT, if he wasn’t able to play his “full actor part”, how can anyone believe his version of “confession” that involves SW being a participant in two deaths. Just IMO and where I am swayed, and MOST likely, a jury will be as well after full vetting completed.
Not all directed at you, so please work with me here. Board was closed last night when I went to post this, thoughts so I’m jumping in here where I think is a good spot. :)
P.S. some see nervousness being on camera va. blatant laughing, smiling and laughing.... fine. BUT if were me, I’d probably, as would my husband, moreso show being ticked off at some of the questions, and would try to DRIVE the interview focus onto FINDING family (no photos being shown to media said a lot to me at the time, pre “confession”, whether full or partial confession.
And I do believe that is where others here post what a grieving Father looks like.
These lack of the above is hard to ignore, especially when we only have so many other, more relevant facts. So, at the least, if my Husband actually killed two of my kids, I could t not okay the actor role he played that very next day..... and prior to that (Monday) to LE, NUA and the Thayers, at least that we know of.

Some see things one way, some see them another. It's the nature of the beast when following cases on WS. :)
Oops, sorry, I was referring to the moment in the courtroom when he looked down and slightly shook his head, when they mentioned the tampering with the bodies part.
He was probably feeling some shame, he has been in isolation and now he is realizing that everybody knows
what he really is and also the things we have not found out yet...
True. And there is always a BUT, right?
BUT, at least IMO some sort of more emotion, even in words would’ve been expressed at the time of the interviews, a little over a day later (too long for shock to still be in play as some may suggest). IMO
Beyond what we’ve all already read or verbalized here whether agree or disagree, IMOO:
1) “yes, I’m a NC fan, but not here to talk about my shirt.... can we get PICTURES of my family up during this video instead? Is there any local company that is willing to help with missing posters?”
2) when the dogs are barking “to obtain a scent” (any scent), at least me I would say excuse me.... follow me if you want.... “Sir/ma’am, are you picking a scent to trail them?” Again, we know they were NOT missing.
BUT, if he wasn’t able to play his “full actor part”, how can anyone believe his version of “confession” that involves SW being a participant in two deaths. Just IMO and where I am swayed, and MOST likely, a jury will be as well after full vetting completed.
Not all directed at you, so please work with me here. Board was closed last night when I went to post this, thoughts so I’m jumping in here where I think is a good spot. :)
P.S. some see nervousness being on camera va. blatant laughing, smiling and laughing.... fine. BUT if were me, I’d probably, as would my husband, moreso show being ticked off at some of the questions, and would try to DRIVE the interview focus onto FINDING family (no photos being shown to media said a lot to me at the time, pre “confession”, whether full or partial confession.
And I do believe that is where others here post what a grieving Father looks like.
These lack of the above is hard to ignore, especially when we only have so many other, more relevant facts. So, at the least, if my Husband actually killed two of my kids, I could t not okay the actor role he played that very next day..... and prior to that (Monday) to LE, NUA and the Thayers, at least that we know of.
Right, and how about pleading to the public to call LE if they saw her or the kids, or someone who matched that description, any tip could be valuable, etc. All those things you would expect just weren't there.. Jmo
Did we get an AB update last night? I don't have that channel, and honestly like just the updates.
Yes, this is from @Layla123

AB 9/25/18
1. New details. SW’s mother and brother have spent the last few days in. Colorado to take care of things. Police and Prosecutors may want background on C.W. Will want to do deep debrief with family. Building entire case. Prosecutors Office has been in regular contact with family all along. Prosecutors have been offering family hope for justice.
2. Lauren Arnold (SW’s good friend) and her mother are hanging out with family.
3. Going to try to build a case on a profile of how CW degenerated over last few years.
4. Defense forcing shenanigans on Prosecution demanding Autopsy reports. Dylan Kliebold (Columbine) autopsy took a long time, too.
5. Taking so long sometimes because of scientific details. Oil, may be a problem. Scientists work together. Try to find best methods and solutions. Could have disagreements. Try to find best methods, they want to deliver the best, most thorough report they can.
6. Jon Benets autopsy took 8 months. Kept expanding teams of experts.
7. Guest thinks LE already knows what happened. May be stalling a little.
8. Watts family purchased a high tech home security system. All movement in through system is recorded. Can tell if a door was opened and how long it stayed open. If door was opened and left open at times other than when C.W. said, like at 2 instead of 5:30, it will be recorded. LE can work with security Co. to get that data. Footage lasts about 15 days. Data may last longer. NUA knew code to front door. It is possible C.W. set it, so no one but him could enter. It’s possible to share footage with neighbors who use same system.
9. There is an emergency panel available for that system, with one touch you can call 911. CW didn’t use it.
10. When CW lied and said family was missing, that was a lie. That’s a crime. Could he face mores charges? Casey Anthony lied. Got 4 convictions, 4 years. CW could get charged with Obstruction of Justice, perhaps filing false police report, he lied, and he’ll probably continue to lie. CA was order to pay $217,449.23 for false investigation. Probably hasn’t paid a dime.
10. Lies are a viable part of this case. Kind of a consolation prize if you don’t get conviction.
11. If this is a death penalty case could cost millions of dollars.
12. Looks like CWs defense is going to go all out, they’re going to fight everything tooth and nail.
Viewer Question
1. This case is so much like the Peterson case yet that one was so open and up front with all information from start to finish. What’s so different about this case? Different parties involved. Different personalities in attorneys. Geragos was high profile. Lack of information not surprising, it’s only been 5-6 weeks. Waiting to find out if girls were put in oil tanks when still alive, there will be oil in their lungs.
He was probably feeling some shame, he has been in isolation and now he is realizing that everybody knows
what he really is and also the things we have not found out yet...
True, but then again what he really is may not include having those normal feelings of shame or guilt. I haven't seen any evidence of that yet. Jmo
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