Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #5

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Shanann Watts
SW says in this video, "When I met Chris, I pushed him away. I gave every excuse for him to run. I gave him an out every single day... I tortured him, I rejected him."

I'm so mixed about this. I said the same thing. "Oh, I was a nightmare to date. I put them through the wringer" I really wasn't, I didn't torture anyone, it was just hyperbole. Chris seems so passive so...I don't know.

The thing that actually stood out to me was it was just one very long MLM video. Even that shirt. I hate speaking ill of the dead, my God, I do and I'm so sorry. But I've been on the receiving end of this (haven't we all), those dumb wraps everyone was promoting to make you skinny....

But I just cringed through this whole video. Great, you met your dream husband, bought a house, you have kids, you live in Colorado, weekends are yours to go to concerts. Actually so much to do in Colorado, you just can't decide. All the upcoming trips, etc. I wish all of that means you are a truly happy person and maybe she was. But I don't think so. It's appearances and we all know how deceiving they can be.

Every MLM person I've encountered is exactly like this, with the same story. Before: Miserable. After: Rich, Happy, crazy successful!

Just my take away from this. Thanks for sharing, it was fascinating. And horrifically sad.
I wasn't aware HOA dues can be disputed. We have to pay our dues within a certain period of time. If not, interest starts to accrue and a lien can be placed against our property.
You are correct - your dues can't be disputed, and can result in a lien/foreclosure of your property depending on your state laws. However, there are so many things you can be dinged for. Suppose you painted your front door the approved color but used a different brand of paint that produced more of a shine. This could result in a fine if you do not correct paint job to the satisfaction of the HOA board that acts for the association. (This happened in my community when a neighbor didn't use "flat" paint at the recommendation of his painter. It went to court and the late charges assessed on the unpaid fine were reduced, but Arnie still had to repaint his door). If you can live without an HOA, consider yourself lucky!
Dear Everyone,

Please stop with the mentions of other Facebook pages. You are discussing what is being said on unapproved FB pages as if all that is being said is fact. That's not the case. I mean friend's FB and other family member's FB.
The only Facebook accounts allowed to be discussed or linked to are Shanann's and Chris'. I know Shanann's has a live video so we know that is for certain her page. However, I have not confirmed his Facebook page yet or if he even has one.
If you have found Chris' FB page please send it to me in a private message aka "conversation" and that way I can make sure we are linking to the right one.
Bringing this post forward from the last thread by Herad to respond to:

“Yes. They went together and she is the one who dropped her off at 2 am and the one who called the police the next day. (And Her name is spelled Nickole)“

-this makes me think N might have had a specific reason to be worried. Maybe more than just missing her appt? Did Shanann confide in her about something. Again, I wonder how she knew she missed her appt.

Did N go inside of just drop her off outside, do we know?
I know the area well and it seemed every mom I knew was trying to sell you something...pampered chef, stick on nail polish, spices, easy to cook meal programs, weight loss programs, leggings, essential oils, special kid books, jewelry lines, protein meal replacement shakes, scentsy candles, stella and dot, tastefully simple....I would get SO many invites to these things...we were in the middle of nowhere but it felt like 90% of the moms I knew would gladly sell you something.
Someone asked on the last thread if kindergarten was full day, it was for my daughter about 6-7 years ago. Then it was only some schools, but I believe it's all of them nowadays...which is awesome for those of us struggling, because otherwise you can expect to pay a hefty chunk of change anywhere from 10-27k per year per child for after hours care, nannies etc.
I worked at a private preschool purely for the waived childcare fees, because in no way working as a teacher could I cover 20-27k per year when she was little and making around 30k with a Masters degree as a single parent. I became a programmer in order to cross the six figure line and be able to survive in Colorado. Median income in my neighborhood is at 120k and climbing. It's not cheap here, and getting crazier since Google and Amazon are coming in. I believe that they were under severe stress....if my bank balance goes below 1k I get extremely stressed myself.
Dear Everyone,

Please stop with the mentions of other Facebook pages. You are discussing what is being said on unapproved FB pages as if all that is being said is fact. That's not the case. I mean friend's FB and other family member's FB.
The only Facebook accounts allowed to be discussed or linked to are Shanann's and Chris'. I know Shanann's has a live video so we know that is for certain her page. However, I have not confirmed his Facebook page yet or if he even has one.
If you have found Chris' FB page please send it to me in a private message aka "conversation" and that way I can make sure we are linking to the right one.

I think CW’s Fbook was closed a week before any of this happened. I did post his twitter account last night though. Do you want it?
You are correct - your dues can't be disputed, and can result in a lien/foreclosure of your property depending on your state laws. However, there are so many things you can be dinged for. Suppose you painted your front door the approved color but used a different brand of paint that produced more of a shine. This could result in a fine if you do not correct paint job to the satisfaction of the HOA board that acts for the association. (This happened in my community when a neighbor didn't use "flat" paint at the recommendation of his painter. It went to court and the late charges assessed on the unpaid fine were reduced, but Arnie still had to repaint his door). If you can live without an HOA, consider yourself lucky!

Wow! Glad we're old and in an older neighborhood and only have the dues to worry about! Dictating the color of paint on the front door is a tad ridiculous. If that's what happened to the Watts, I wonder why the neighbors haven't spoken up about it in support.
Someone asked on the last thread if kindergarten was full day, it was for my daughter about 6-7 years ago. Then it was only some schools, but I believe it's all of them nowadays...which is awesome for those of us struggling, because otherwise you can expect to pay a hefty chunk of change anywhere from 10-27k per year per child for after hours care, nannies etc.
I worked at a private preschool purely for the waived childcare fees, because in no way working as a teacher could I cover 20-27k per year when she was little and making around 30k with a Masters degree as a single parent. I became a programmer in order to cross the six figure line and be able to survive in Colorado. Median income in my neighborhood is at 120k and climbing. It's not cheap here, and getting crazier since Google and Amazon are coming in. I believe that they were under severe stress....if my bank balance goes below 1k I get extremely stressed myself.

The public schools I know in that area have both full and half day kindy options.
I'm so mixed about this. I said the same thing. "Oh, I was a nightmare to date. I put them through the wringer" I really wasn't, I didn't torture anyone, it was just hyperbole. Chris seems so passive so...I don't know.

The thing that actually stood out to me was it was just one very long MLM video. Even that shirt. I hate speaking ill of the dead, my God, I do and I'm so sorry. But I've been on the receiving end of this (haven't we all), those dumb wraps everyone was promoting to make you skinny....

But I just cringed through this whole video. Great, you met your dream husband, bought a house, you have kids, you live in Colorado, weekends are yours to go to concerts. Actually so much to do in Colorado, you just can't decide. All the upcoming trips, etc. I wish all of that means you are a truly happy person and maybe she was. But I don't think so. It's appearances and we all know how deceiving they can be.

Every MLM person I've encountered is exactly like this, with the same story. Before: Miserable. After: Rich, Happy, crazy successful!

Just my take away from this. Thanks for sharing, it was fascinating. And horrifically sad.

Every MLM person I've encountered is exactly like this, with the same story. Before: Miserable. After: Rich, Happy, crazy successful!

This is so true.....I literally get embarrassed for the MLM people I know that post their craziness. The people that post like that must not have any real friends to tell them to knock it off.
Bringing this post forward from the last thread by Herad to respond to:

“Yes. They went together and she is the one who dropped her off at 2 am and the one who called the police the next day. (And Her name is spelled Nickole)“

-this makes me think N might have had a specific reason to be worried. Maybe more than just missing her appt? Did Shanann confide in her about something. Again, I wonder how she knew she missed her appt.

Did N go inside of just drop her off outside, do we know?

A close friend said she dropped off Watts at home about 2 a.m. Monday when they got home from a work trip. She saw her go inside.

She said the two friends were supposed to meet later in the day, but Watts didn't answer her phone.

“I called her and texted her several times," Watts' friend said. "I knew she had a doctor's appointment that morning because she’s pregnant. She didn’t show up for it … and I was even more concerned."

Watts' friend said she called police on Monday and walked through the house with officers as they did a welfare check.

Pregnant woman, 2 daughters reported missing in Frederick
Every MLM person I've encountered is exactly like this, with the same story. Before: Miserable. After: Rich, Happy, crazy successful!

This is so true.....I literally get embarrassed for the MLM people I know that post their craziness. The people that post like that must not have any real friends to tell them to knock it off.

I gotta tell you, I've been guilty of being one of those friends. I wasn't close enough, because if I was, I would find the words, no matter how hard it was, to gently let them know they are alienating people.

But this friend/acquaintance got wrapped up in a MLM and her Instagram/Twitter/Facebook was overrun. It was like a cult. The only people who liked all her crap were other people selling it. It was freaky and lasted 6 months.

God only knows how much money she lost. But, pouf, it disappeared and she is back. I feel bad for these people but, yes, just like you, really annoyed.
Wow! Glad we're old and in an older neighborhood and only have the dues to worry about! Dictating the color of paint on the front door is a tad ridiculous. If that's what happened to the Watts, I wonder why the neighbors haven't spoken up about it in support.

We live on and acreage so we don’t have to deal with it, but I have a friend who lives in a new subdivision in MN and their HOA won’t allow company work trucks parked in the street, garage doors can’t be left open for more than 1 hour, planters & flower pots have to be certain colors they even have a list of approved flowers/plants/shrubs that can planted. The rules are never ending.
A close friend said she dropped off Watts at home about 2 a.m. Monday when they got home from a work trip. She saw her go inside.

She said the two friends were supposed to meet later in the day, but Watts didn't answer her phone.

“I called her and texted her several times," Watts' friend said. "I knew she had a doctor's appointment that morning because she’s pregnant. She didn’t show up for it … and I was even more concerned."

Watts' friend said she called police on Monday and walked through the house with officers as they did a welfare check.

Pregnant woman, 2 daughters reported missing in Frederick

Very interesting that the friend didn't try the husband before police, didn't try to call his work. Wouldn't you .. unless you thought he was a monster?
So I've been thinking about this crime all week. (Obviously-a look at my posting history shows I am a little obsessed.) At first I started familiarizing myself with it because it's the topic of our podcast episode tomorrow night and I was trying to make sure that I had all the facts and didn't screw anything up. But in the last 48 hours I've just obsessed.

I am having a hard time with this one. The fact that we are all speculating and coming up with all of these theories (some of them far-fetched, IMO) and speculations is a testament, I think, to our collective confusion. We've spent a ton of time talking about Thrive and possible cheating, and mental illness (on both of their parts) and financial trouble because, I think, we are ALL having trouble wrapping our heads around this crime and we're just trying to come up with something-ANYTHING-that might help us to understand it.

I'll admit it, I don't get it. I realize that SM doesn't portray life as it is, and I think the majority of her posts were marketing material taken straight out of MLM Social Media 101, but it still does a pretty darn good job of painting a picture-fake or not. Usually by this point people are coming out of the woodwork and talking about control issues, domestic violence instances that were kept hushed, "feelings" that people had, etc. The most we're getting is that he was quiet, kind of shy, and didn't show many emotions-none of which would throw up any red flags. The kids appear close to him in the videos and pictures; it's difficult for kids to fake that (I know because I WAS a child in a bad situation). His eyes looked a little "off", but my husband's do as well. I've actually had people write me and ask if my husband is depressed because he never smiles in pictures. Nope, that's just him. He has the male equivalency of resting ***** face.

So what the heck happened here? A sudden fit of rage could, I think, account for one of the murders but three? Man, that's one psychotic break.

And what WAS his endgame anyway? Was he trying to pull a Scott Peterson? Off his family so that he could start anew as the grieving widower? If that was his plan then he was really, REALLY bad at it because most people online had him pegged as the culprit from the moment he gave that interview. He didn't do any job of setting up the house to make it look like a desertion or a kidnapping. Didn't plant any seeds to friends or on social media, didn't get rid of things that might prove that she just took off, didn't mess the house up to look like an intruder-he literally just took the bodies away and then carried on about his merry way. That is not the work of a smooth criminal. In fact, that goes up there with some of the worst planning, or lack of planning I've seen. Is there a Darwin Awards for crime?

What gets me, too, is that the crime was so utterly useless and pointless. Aside from the fact that ALL murders (especially those of children) are always pointless, he caved within a day or two and admitted to killing them. Now he will be in prison for the rest of his life.

I only knew Shanann through my support groups but I feel so sorry for her and the girls. Not only was she murdered but now her personal life will be picked to shreds on social media and in court. Even if I don't "get" the whole Le-vel thing, she WAS trying to live a good life. Doing things with her kids, traveling, working, etc. Many in my support groups just give up on life and resign themselves to a life of pain and suffering.(Sometimes I throw myself a pity party and do the same.) I have a soft spot for those who attempt to keep chugging along and even thriving (no pun intended) despite their health.

I'm angry on her behalf. No matter what led him to do what he did, it was completely senseless. If there was some kind of outside influence, though, (like a chemical reaction to a supplement or something) then I just hope that it will serve as a warning for people in the future. I don't think it will be anything like that, however I think that probably like many criminals before him, he was a boiling pot and his family was just right there when he finally spilled over. It really makes me sad.
A close friend said she dropped off Watts at home about 2 a.m. Monday when they got home from a work trip. She saw her go inside.

She said the two friends were supposed to meet later in the day, but Watts didn't answer her phone.

“I called her and texted her several times," Watts' friend said. "I knew she had a doctor's appointment that morning because she’s pregnant. She didn’t show up for it … and I was even more concerned."

Watts' friend said she called police on Monday and walked through the house with officers as they did a welfare check.

Pregnant woman, 2 daughters reported missing in Frederick

I knew she had a doctor's appointment that morning because she’s pregnant. She didn’t show up for it … and I was even more concerned."

How did she know SW didn’t show up for her doctors appt? HIPPA (patient confidentiality) is a HUGE DEAL and that information wouldn’t be given out, not even to her husband.
Wow! Glad we're old and in an older neighborhood and only have the dues to worry about! Dictating the color of paint on the front door is a tad ridiculous. If that's what happened to the Watts, I wonder why the neighbors haven't spoken up about it in support.
I spoke up for my neighbor and the wrath came down: these association rules were in the bylaws and CCR's when you became an Owner (comply or move)...
A close friend said she dropped off Watts at home about 2 a.m. Monday when they got home from a work trip. She saw her go inside.

She said the two friends were supposed to meet later in the day, but Watts didn't answer her phone.

“I called her and texted her several times," Watts' friend said. "I knew she had a doctor's appointment that morning because she’s pregnant. She didn’t show up for it … and I was even more concerned."

Watts' friend said she called police on Monday and walked through the house with officers as they did a welfare check.

Pregnant woman, 2 daughters reported missing in Frederick
I wonder how the friend and police got inside the house? Our daughter's ex phoned police for a well-check but police only came to the front door. When she didn't answer they left and came back later. Her neighbor told her about it.
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