Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #5

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CW's accusation that SW strangled the children is eerily reminiscent of the Jason /Christy Sheats case a couple of years ago in Houston.....In that case the husband asked for a separation/divorce on his birthday, that same day Christy gets her gun and chases her husband and daughers from the home , shooting the daughters in the front yard and street in front of the home.....She even said she wanted her husband to pay and to hurt him(what could hurt him more than something like this)....I wonder if CW got his idea from the Sheats murders?
I remember that case .. Mothers kill too.. When defense requested DNA samples from
kids , I told my friend that I’m suspecting they want to prove that either her or someone else killed the kids .
Not necessarily. Shoot, I have people who are on my Facebook friends list because of shared interests who have no idea how many kids I have. And I post pics of my kids!

If he didn't talk about her at work, how would the coworker know? Or better yet, maybe he lied and said he was separated and filed for divorce to coworkers. It's hard to say. At this point whether she knew or not is all speculation. It'll all come out eventually.

He probably told her she left him. She was gone for 6 weeks. Hell, he could have had her over to the house.
Affair....maybe she didn't know he was married with kids. When I had been married 13 years with 2 children, I went to his company Christmas party. He was a supervidor. We we're from that town. Lived there. Yet people we're in shock that he was married! I blew his Cover. Later found out he removed his wedding g ring daily, never talked about me, marriage or family. Many girls came out of the woodwork. Of course it ended in divorce. Some guys can do a double life. Co worker could be new. Young reminds me of Heather Elvis being fooled by sydney guy. True narssasists
Okay, so, I'm torn. She apparently loved him more than he did her. That's clear from her Facebook posts and his affair. Unless she knew he was pulling away so she was overloading him with attention.

I don't think, though, that he would have brought up divorce and stuff up at 2:00 AM just as she got home...then again, he hadn't really seen her in weeks. Maybe he did bring it up because when would he get another chance?

But with the perfect husband, perfect life facade, in Shanann's mind, her life and business would crumble if a divorce were to happen. (Not in reality - but people really get caught up in these pyramid schemes.) So could she have snapped? Could the pregnancy mixed with the Thrive make her snap? Or could Chris have misinterpreted what he saw on the camera? Maybe the kid choked on something and he just made assumptions?

I just am really confused because this whole thing doesn't make sense. I just don't think Chris planned this whole thing out. If he gets up at 4 to go to work, he would have just been sleeping when she got there.
This poor woman. She probably kept the adoration up and saying how amazing he was on SM because she knew something was very wrong. The girlfriend/ homewrecker better be counting her blessings! She could have been next!
I also wouldn’t be surprised if he made up his affair to play into his lie. The lady is probably going to be just as surprised as we are she’s involved.

The affidavit states "a two day investigation revealed Chris was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker which he denied in previous interviews" - so it didn't come from him.. he tried to deny it. I wonder how they found out.
HLN now reporting in his confession, he said Shanann was strangling the girls. He saw it on the monitor, went in and killed her. Instead of reporting it to the police, he just buried them all.

What an evil narcissist, trying to blame his murdered wife. SMH.

He has been living under a rock if he thinks he was going to get away with this. That defense is ridiculous.
I won't be able to follow this case as I did others due to adult responsibilities I didn't have as a graduate student but I hope with every cell in my being that he's found guilty of every single charge and spends the rest of his life HAUNTED by the faces of the little girls he so cruelly robbed of their lives. And to blame their mother! Worse than JA and CA, Scott all of them.

Ugh I'm going to bed.

ETA: Not saying anyone who follow this case don't have responsibiltiies or anything like that by the way. Its just because of the time difference and the fact that i can't stay up all night like before.
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So in approximately 27 minutes he caught his wife killing the kids, killed his wife, stripped the bed (and if the girls were in bed then wny did he strip the master?), came up with the idea to cover the crimes, cleaned up for work, and loaded their dead bodies into his truck?

Sure, Jan. And meet my boyfriend, George Glass. He has some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
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