Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #7

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I'm glad that Shannan's family got to spend 6 weeks with her & grandchildren. My heart aches for her family. Shannan's father and brother are very open and honest in their love & grief. Their SM posts are bursting with love for Shannan & girls.
CW was so very different from her dad and brother. I wonder if she knew how cold and detached he actually was before those last few hours.
I have been around WS for almost 5 years now and made some great friends. This case has definitely brought a lot of us together as we attempt to collectively wrap our heads around what happened. Yesterday I mentioned that today is the anniversary of my son's death. It is a day that I generally prefer to take off, to spend time at his grave and to unplug with my living kids. Due to an offhand comment I made about CW's mistress, however, I have since been innundated with dozens of messages asking me to share the name. Some of those messages have not been nice-and some people sleuthed ME and contacted me off of WS. It has made an already stressful day even harder.

Look guys. They will release her name soon enough. It always happens. Unfortunately, we will be hearing about these folks ad nauseum for years to come. In fact, I fear that in time CW's name will be more repeated than Shanann's. That happens sometimes-we get more familiar with the criminal than the victim. I hope that doesn't happen here.

WS is awesome because we are victim friendly and we don't post rumors or sleuth family/friends. I do not have any inside info on this case but there are lots of other places out there where things can be found if one wants it badly enough. In time, though, I am sure that everything will make it to MSM. We will probably know more than we want to know. I feel awful for the family and friends who will have to sit back and watch and listen as Shanann is basically victimized again, this time by the defense and media.
I haven’t seen this MSM report via a Charlotte outlet posted here, yet.

This woman met SW, her father, the girls and CW in Myrtle Beach, while waiting in line for a kids bungee jump attraction— and this woman took pictures of the girls and spoke to SW at length. She also described CW’s demeanor.

Just thought it was an interesting tidbit to their story.

NC mother captures slain family on camera during beach trip
Are narcissistic personality disorder people aware that they are different than other people? Do they care? They obviously have to fake empathy , caring for others, etc.

I was married to the kind that could perfectly mimic what he perceived to be the proper reaction to different life events. Or have I confused sociopath in with narcissists?

Anyway. Once you realize you're in too deep with one and begin struggling to get away, it's crazy scary dealing with them because their reactions don't match what they're saying. Monsters. These are the monsters you are warned about. Right under your nose.
They're convinced they're superior to everyone else, so yes, they know they're different. But beyond that, they're not interested in other people, they're entirely self-absorbed.

Narcissus fell in love with his own image, and couldn't drag himself away from gazing at himself in the pool.

Similarly, a narcissistic person is entirely preoccupied with their image: either physically, taking endless selfies, etc; or career-wise, preoccupied with their self-image of being successful; or socially, absorbed in admiring how popular and charming they are.

Unfortunately, I think lots of people today are pretty narcissistic, it's approved in our culture. They're full of themselves, think they're special, and so they tend to be manipulative. They feel very hurt and humiliated if the balloon of their superiority is burst. But they pretty much operate within society's values and rules (tho the society might be a criminal gang, like the mafia).

I think that it is sociopathy, someone who has an anti-social personality, who commits this type of crime. They simple don't believe in the concept of right and wrong, and other people's rights and feelings just don't matter.
I have been around WS for almost 5 years now and made some great friends. This case has definitely brought a lot of us together as we attempt to collectively wrap our heads around what happened. Yesterday I mentioned that today is the anniversary of my son's death. It is a day that I generally prefer to take off, to spend time at his grave and to unplug with my living kids. Due to an offhand comment I made about CW's mistress, however, I have since been innundated with dozens of messages asking me to share the name. Some of those messages have not been nice-and some people sleuthed ME and contacted me off of WS. It has made an already stressful day even harder.

Look guys. They will release her name soon enough. It always happens. Unfortunately, we will be hearing about these folks ad nauseum for years to come. In fact, I fear that in time CW's name will be more repeated than Shanann's. That happens sometimes-we get more familiar with the criminal than the victim. I hope that doesn't happen here.

WS is awesome because we are victim friendly and we don't post rumors or sleuth family/friends. I do not have any inside info on this case but there are lots of other places out there where things can be found if one wants it badly enough. In time, though, I am sure that everything will make it to MSM. We will probably know more than we want to know. I feel awful for the family and friends who will have to sit back and watch and listen as Shanann is basically victimized again, this time by the defense and media.

So sorry you had to deal with that, especially today. I hope you report the people who sleuthed you and found you in real life just because of what you said about his mistress, that is insane.
They're convinced they're superior to everyone else, so yes, they know they're different. But beyond that, they're not interested in other people, they're entirely self-absorbed.

Narcissus fell in love with his own image, and couldn't drag himself away from gazing at himself in the pool.

Similarly, a narcissistic person is entirely preoccupied with their image: either physically, taking endless selfies, etc; or career-wise, preoccupied with their self-image of being successful; or socially, absorbed in admiring how popular and charming they are.

Unfortunately, I think lots of people today are pretty narcissistic, it's approved in our culture. They're full of themselves, think they're special, and so they tend to be manipulative. They feel very hurt and humiliated if the balloon of their superiority is burst. But they pretty much operate within society's values and rules (tho the society might be a criminal gang, like the mafia).

I think that it is sociopathy, someone who has an anti-social personality, who commits this type of crime. They simple don't believe in the concept of right and wrong, and other people's rights and feelings just don't matter.

I think all of us have narcissistic tendencies (in our society, it's hard not to, really)... For instance, I take a lot of selfies. Of course I'm a photographer, and that might have something to do with it, too. But, I digress. However, you can have narcissistic tendencies and still be empathetic. Crossing the threshold into Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a whole different ballgame. That's when all empathy and responsibility goes out the window.
Also, on the topic, since I've known textbook narcissists (and been involved with one romantically)... they don't love themselves. At all. In fact, they're the most self-loathing people I know. That's why each one has been a pathological liar, or played up as though they were better than others. It's all a facade. They don't really believe it, and they're so ashamed of it that they also will do anything if it keeps others from believing it, too. The whole point of hurting others and using them is to give them some semblance of worth that they feel they don't have.
That would explain why he was forced to say we talked about separating when she got home.

Because no husband truely wants to tell the police that 4 hrs after your wife and kids supposedly went missing. Especially since her personal belongings were still at the house.

I think he just used that as an excuse as to why she went missing. What the miserable didn't realize is that Shanann had already told people they were getting separated. Which allowed police to know his statement that she went ballistic after he announced the separation was a huge lie.
They're convinced they're superior to everyone else, so yes, they know they're different. But beyond that, they're not interested in other people, they're entirely self-absorbed.

Narcissus fell in love with his own image, and couldn't drag himself away from gazing at himself in the pool.

Similarly, a narcissistic person is entirely preoccupied with their image: either physically, taking endless selfies, etc; or career-wise, preoccupied with their self-image of being successful; or socially, absorbed in admiring how popular and charming they are.

Unfortunately, I think lots of people today are pretty narcissistic, it's approved in our culture. They're full of themselves, think they're special, and so they tend to be manipulative. They feel very hurt and humiliated if the balloon of their superiority is burst. But they pretty much operate within society's values and rules (tho the society might be a criminal gang, like the mafia).

I think that it is sociopathy, someone who has an anti-social personality, who commits this type of crime. They simple don't believe in the concept of right and wrong, and other people's rights and feelings just don't matter.
Agree. Some will just say that xyz guy is a dog. And some would say narcissist.

I think the terms are similar. But narcissistic people do seem like they are more conniving and convincing.

While the guy you will call a dog; just doesn't care and will openly cheat.
If she’s a coworker- I think she would’ve known he’s married- HOWEVER- perhaps he lied and said “oh it’s over, she’s moving out” and so the five weeks away- it made sense to the GF. Perhaps they spent day and night together and this made it seem real.
Possible. More then likely they would have had to do it at her house. He may have brought her back to his house (to prove SW was gone) in his own vehicle so neighbors would not notice a strange car. I doubt very much he would have openly had her over there parking her car for their neighborhood friends to see. He had to know their friends would tell SW about this and if the murder was premeditated for weeks, his neighbors being able to testify seeing a woman at the house during SW's trip would be evidence against him.
There was a "family annihilator" in England who almost got away with it, by telling police his sister shot everyone in the family and committed suicide. He stated he "barely got away".

I don't see CW as being very smart, or even really thought this out much. If he had, he would have killed SW, then the children, and staged the scene to fit his "hero Daddy" story. He is definitely not in the same league as so many of these smooth psychopaths, like Drew Peterson. Or one I know, who is free, after trying to "save" his wife at Zions National Park, she "fell", and knocked her head on rocks. And she coincidentally had over 5 mil in life insurance. The smart ones are truly scary.
This is my first time posting in this thread although I've been following from the beginning, so I apologize in advance for the long post. I also just now watched his initial television interview for the first time. It has been too horrific of a case to observe in any way other than through writing until now. The interview made me sick.

My first thought is, how did anyone believe him? Even if I knew nothing of the case, even if I knew nothing of deceptive behavioral red flags, it was clear as day that he was completely off, knew far more than he was saying, was incredibly nervous, completely distanced from his family emotionally, and his entire intent in doing the video was to maintain his image as someone who cared about his family. He stammered, interjected "well like" "I mean" into every sentence, shrugged constantly, swayed non stop (which is a way of letting excess energy be released in a controlled way), sucked his lips in, talked about how Bella "was" about to start kindergarten. Idiot. I almost laughed watching it. I didn't, because it's all too awful.

I follow a "human lie detector" blog, run by a woman who works for law enforcement in analyzing whether people are lying or not. She's not a psychic - she doesn't say what they're covering up - but she's spot on at finding red flags. Her analysis of his interview is spot on. (link: Chris Watts Interview: My Thoughts) She ends it with "I personally suspect this man was controlling, angered easily and kept his demons behind closed doors. And something happened, and he snapped." BBM. Which I find interesting as I'm also hesitant to call him a psychopath and call it a day. I don't think he was a regular man who suddenly snapped terribly. But nor do I think he's a psychopath. I think he likely has some sort of personality disorder (how could he not?) and a plethora of issues, and something finally triggered this. I do think he snapped. He's clearly an incredibly tense, boiling over with rage, feeling hard-done-by man. I've met plenty of men who are just like he comes off in the interview. And I wouldn't put it past them to assault someone or something equally heinous. But I wouldn't expect them to murder someone, honestly. It's such a step further. I'm horribly curious as to what made him snap, and what was boiling in the meantime before. To be clear, I in no way think Shanann or the girls made him snap. This was not, in any way, shape, or form, their fault. I mean a circumstance that an ordinary person may respond to with severe distress or rage or even hurting themselves if they are already in a bad place, caused him to respond like this. My disgust for him is unending.
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Much curiosity here about who the girlfriend is. IIRC early on when it was already reported he confessed I remember seeing something that claimed she was a civil engineer who was a coworker. It was on one of the MSM links that people were posting that I clicked on. Not sure if it was a direct link to it or I got it from another link on the same site. But I haven't heard anything else about it. Perhaps they were not supposed to report that and were told by LE not to mention it again??? Not sure but there's no doubt we will know in the very near future. Personally, I could care less who it is. More then likely it was someone he conned into thinking he was getting divorced. She has nothing to do with these murders or LE would have charged her.
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